Allow rtsp or ax protocol URLs to be opened with VLC or WMPlayer.exe on Windows, for example...
Start > Run > rtsp://<camera_ip> ... to open with VLC
HTML "a href" link on a webpage such as axrtsp://<camera_ip> ... to open with Windows Media Player
This method of rtsp/axrtsp URL opening VLC/Windows Media Player is desirable if you want a full-screen IP camera view to launch automatically on Windows. One use-case is when you are already viewing an IP camera in webcamOnTop ( see: /~ ) but then want a link or button so the same camera view opens full-screen.
Useful with home or business automation, for example...
Doorbell push: IFTTT > webhook > axrtsp:// > opens wmplayer.exe /fullscreen
Package delivery: Sighthound video detects person on porch > webhook > axrtsp:// > opens wmplayer.exe /fullscreen
Secure area: Sighthound video detects object passing virtual line > webhook > launch web
Using Windows Media Player, a so-called 'Ax protocol' needs to be used. It is required to have Axis Media Control ( AMC from: ) installed.
Note: This 'Ax protocol' can't play a Panasonic network camera RTSP / H.264 URL even when properly formatted, the video feed is simply blank
Download and open the appropriate .reg file (available in this repository) to import it.
rtsp://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.3gp (don't bother with this:
rtsp://<camera_ip>/MediaInput/h264 (for Panasonic network cameras)
http://<camera_ip>/cgi-bin/camera (for Panasonic network cameras)
axrtpm://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MJPEG, MPEG-4 and H.264 multicast RTP streams
axrtpu://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MJPEG, MPEG-4 and H.264 unicast RTP streams
axrtsp://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MJPEG, MPEG-4 and H.264 unicast RTP over RTSP
axrtsphttp://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MJPEG, MPEG-4 and H.264 unicast RTSP streams over HTTP
axrtsphttps://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MJPEG, MPEG-4 and H.264 unicast RTSP streams tunneled via HTTPS
axmpeghttp://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MPEG-2 unicast streams
axsdp://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and H.264 multicast streams without RTSP
rtsp://<camera_ip>/axis-media/media.amp = H.264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) / MPEG AAC Audio (mp4a) Real Time Streaming Protocol
Note: MJPEG uses considerable amounts of bandwidth compared to other options
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