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RaidMON is a tool for monitoring the health of RAID arrays on macOS. It periodically checks the status of all RAID sets and sends an email notification if any of them are degraded or failed.

I've build this in a Day to monitor my own RAID setup since raideye is not supported on newer macOS versions. Follow the instructions below to set it up on your own system.

📋 Features

  • Email notifications

    • Receive alerts when a RAID set is degraded or failed.
    • Customize email templates.
  • Auto-start on boot

    • Run the installer script to set auto-start on boot.
  • Customizable settings

    • Configure the monitoring interval and email settings.


📦 Setup (from release)

  1. Download the latest release

    • Get the latest version from the Releases page.
  2. Extract the contents
    ```bash tar -xzf moss_raidmon.tar.gz cd moss_raidmon ```

  3. Configure notifications

    • Edit config/config.yml to add your mail server details and the recipient email.
  4. Enable auto-start

    • Run the setup script:
      ```bash ./ ```
  5. Done! MOSS RaidMON is now set up and ready to monitor your drives.

🚀 Setup (from source)

  1. Clone the repository
    ```bash git clone cd ```

  2. Install dependencies
    ```bash go mod vendor ```

  3. Build the project
    ```bash make release ```

  4. Prepare the release folder

    • The release folder will contain the compiled binary, configuration files, and additional assets.
    • Customize the configuration file (config/config.yml) with your mail server settings and the email where notifications should be sent.
  5. Enable auto-start

    • Use the provided script to install the service:
      ```bash ./ ```
  6. Done! MOSS RaidMON will now run in the background and notify you of failing drives.

ℹ️ Notes

  • This tool is macOS-only and requires Go for building from source.
  • Logs and errors can be checked in ~/Library/Logs/moss_raidmon.log.