This page covers the different uploader settings and events that can be configured.
To see some of these settings in action, check out the sample app provided in the
project repository.
Below are all the upload settings that can be configured.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
Required |
bucket |
String |
The name of your S3 bucket |
your-bucket-name |
Yes |
region |
String |
The region where your bucket is located |
your-region |
Yes |
acl |
String |
The Access Control List policy. The following values can be used:
<li>public-read (default)</li>
<td>No, but you'll probably want to change it anyways.</td>
<td>What the name of the file to be on S3. This can include subfolders and should
be unique. Note: certain characters are not allowed and could cause signature
errors. You'll probably want to sanitize any special characters from the
file name.</td>
<td>No, but you'll probably want to specify how your uploaded file is named.</td>
<td>The content type of the file you're uploading</td>
<td>Defaults to the file object's type</td>
<td>Number (bytes)</td>
The size of each chunk. AWS requires a chunk size of at least 5MB, but this uploader
requires you to specify a chunk size of at least 6MB to be safe. Anything higher is
<td>If set to true, the upload will be performed using an AES256 encryption.</td>
<td>The maximum number of times a failed AJAX request will retry</td>
<td>The number of milliseconds to wait until the next retry is attempted. Note that this number is multiplied by the number of attempts to prevent spamming retries during connectivity issues.</td>
<td>Number (bytes)</td>
<td>The maximum size of the file. AWS currently does not support uploading files larger than 5 terabytes.</td>
<td>The root path to your signature backend.</td>
<td>[empty string]</td>
<td>The path where init headers can be retrieved.</td>
<td>The path where chunk headers can be retrieved.</td>
<td>The path where list headers can be retrieved.</td>
<td>The path where complete headers can be retrieved.</td>
<td>Provides an optional override of the host name for uploading to AWS.</td>
If set to true, the uploader will perform actions against S3 using https.
Otherwise, it defaults to http. Note: this option is not needed if manually
configuring the host.
<td>Tells the uploader that the provided host is for a CloudFront distribution. This has some special internal meaning for how the uploader manages some of the requests.</td>
<td>If set to true, the uploader will log its current processing out to the console.</td>
<td>An object of keys and values representing any custom headers that need to be sent
to your signature backend. Note: these do not get sent to AWS.</td>
The maximum number of concurrent XHR requests for a given upload. Increasing this
number may result in faster uploads, however browsers tend to have their own concurrent
XHR limitation built in. This means anything greater than that number will not have
any effect on upload performance. This number must fall within the range of 1-5.
<td>If true, web workers will be used when encrypting request payloads. This can
greatly improve page responsiveness. If false, workers won't be used and the
performance may take a slight hit.</td>
<td>The relative location where the external worker file is located.</td>
<td>Only if useWebWorkers is set to true.</td>
<td>The relative location where the Basic S3 Uploader file is located.</td>
<td>Only if useWebWorkers is set to true.</td>
Below are a list of upload events that you can hook into. These can be used to
add custom logic around upload progress (such as generating a progress bar) or
when an upload finishes/fails/retries.
For convenience, each of these methods you provide will have access to the entire
uploader through "this".
var uploadSettings = {
onReady: function() {
// 'this' is the BasicS3Uploader instance
console.log("uploader is ready!", this);
Note: none of these events are required and will default to a noop function
if not provided.
Name |
Description |
Method signature |
onReady |
Fires when the uploader has been initialized and ready to start uploading. |
function() |
onStart |
Fires when the upload has started. |
function() |
onProgress |
Fires every time upload progress has been made. Passes in the current
bytes that have been uploaded and the total amount of bytes (file size). |
function(bytesLoaded, totalBytes) |
onChunkUploaded |
Fires when a single chunk has finished uploading. Passes in the chunk number
that uploaded and the total number of chunks. |
function(chunkNumber, totalChunks) |
onComplete |
Fires when the entire upload (including all chunks) has finished. |
function(fileLocationOnS3) |
onError |
Fires whenever an AJAX error or uploader error occurs. Passes in an error
code (for custom error messages) and a default error description. |
function(errorCode, description) |
onRetry |
Fires whenever an AJAX request is being retried. Passes in the number of
attempts and some data about the specific request. |
function(attempts, data) |
onCancel |
Fires whenever the upload has been manually canceled. |
function() |
onLog |
Fires whenever the uploader logs debug info. This only runs when logging is enabled. |
function(message, object) |