Breakout Game written in Rust for the ESP32 with an OLED display, using the Embassy framework.
- ESP32 (WROOM Dev Kit 1)
- SSD1306 OLED I2C 128x64 Display
- Joystick Module
- Jumper wires and breadboard
ESP32 Pin | Component |
GPIO 23 | SDA pin of OLED |
GPIO 18 | SCL pin of OLED |
3.3V | VCC pin of OLED |
GND | GND pin of OLED |
3.3V | 5V pin of Joystick |
GPIO 32 | SW pin of Joystick |
GPIO 13 | VRX pin of Joystick (unused) |
GPIO 14 | VRY pin of Joystick |
Note: I used only the VRY input for the player's movement and won't be tracking VRX.
You can refer to the following tutorials in the "impl Rust on ESP32" book to learn how to use the joystick and OLED with the ESP32.