Table of Contents
These few functions will be different ways that you can take advantage of the CapsLock button
This function is meant to serve as an indicator for stages of your scripts Using the following function will make the capslock light blink on and off the number of times the variable $num indicates The blinking will be in intervals of X amount of seconds as indicated by the $pause variable Use the following syntax: (blinks 3 times pausing for a second between each)
Caps-Indicator -pause 250 -blinks 3
function Caps-Indicator {
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
[Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]
$o=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
for($i = 1; $i -le $blinks * 2; $i++) {
$o.SendKeys("{CAPSLOCK}");Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $pause
This function will make sure capslock is turned back off if one of your other scripts leaves it one
function Caps-Off {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$caps = [System.Windows.Forms.Control]::IsKeyLocked('CapsLock')
#If true, toggle CapsLock key, to ensure that the script doesn't fail
if ($caps -eq $true){
$key = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
Listed below are payloads that have used one of these functions: