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SVsim: a tool that generates synthetic Structural Variant calls as benchmarks to test/evaluate SV calling pipelines.

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Written by Greg Faust (
Ira Hall Lab, University of Virginia

Current version: 0.1.1

SVsim is written in Python 2.6+, and requires pysam. It has been tested on both Linux and OSX. It has not been tested with Python versions 3.0 or higher.


A Structural Variant (SV) is any genomic insertion, deletion, duplication, inversion or translocation of 50 bases or more in length.

SVsim is a tool to simulate Structural Variant calls in order to generate sythetic benchmark data useful to test/evaluate SV calling pipelines. For example, it has been used to generate test datasets for both YAHA and LUMPY.


SVsim is a self contained Python source file and requires no special installation beyond python and pysam. However, we strongy suggest that you have bedtools and samtools installed. In addition, it is common to use wgsim to simulate sequencing reads from the fasta file that SVsim produces.

SVsim can be downloaded from the releases tab, or can be manually downloaded from the command line as follows:

git clone git://
cp SVsim/SVsim /usr/local/bin/


SVsim requires input of a reference genome as an indexed fasta file (for example using samtools faidx). The Structural Variants to create are specified in an input file using a simple declarative language described below. Output includes a fasta file in which the created SVs are embedded, a bedpe file that specify the breakpoint coordinates in the input genome, and a event file that gives additional information about the SV events that were created.

Here is the call format:

SVsim -i commands.sim -r genome.fasta -o output.file.root [options]

which will output the following files:


In what follows, we will use the following terms:

  • Source Region: The genomic region from which an inserted DNA sequence is taken.
  • Target Location: The genomic point at which an SV is created. It falls between two bases.
  • Original Offset: Location coordinates relative to the original genome.
  • Mutated Offset: Location coordinates relative to the mutated genome.
  • SRO, ERO: Starting and Ending (original) reference offset, respectively.

Simulation Language:

Commands to create SVs at random target locations:
These commands allow for the specification of a range of event lengths for the SV of choice in a similar fashion as loop indices specification except that the endLength will also be used. That is, the loop condition will have the effect of this pseudocode:

len = startLength
while (len <= endLength)
  create specified event type of length len.
  len = len + increment

If endLength is not specified, it defaults to the value of startLength (i.e. one event will be created).
If increment is not specified, it defaults to 1.
The total number of events created will also be effected by the value of the repeat option. (See below).

DEL startLength [endLength] [increment] - Create DELetion(s) as described above.
DUP startLength [endLength] [increment] - Create tandem DUPlication(s) as described above.
INV startLength [endLength] [increment] - Create in-place INVersion(s) as described above.
INR startLength [endLength] [increment] - Create INsertions from a Random source region.  Each instance has a new source.

Two additional commands to create Insertions at random target locations:

INS seqName SRO ERO strand [contigSuffix] - INSert source region specified by original offsets at random target location.
                                            strand is {+|-}
                                            contigSuffix is appended to contig name (e.g. "Alu" or whatever)
INC baseSequence [contigName]             - INsert Constant base sequence at random target location.
                                            contigName will specify name of sequence.  Defaults to "LITERAL".

Commands to create SVs at specified original offset locations:
These commands all end in "L" for "Location". They specify the location, in original offsets, at which to create the SV of the specified type. In WGM the original offsets are backed mapped into mutated offsets to locate potential regions to act upon. In addition, there can be multiple locations in the mutated genomes for the specified target location due to prior insertions or tandem duplications. In such cases, the --select option controls how the mutated offsets are selected from among the possible offsets (See below). For both the above reasons, the length of the resultant SV may not be related to (endOffset - startOffset). If there is NO location in the mutated genome for a specified original offset due to a previous deletion, then the command will fail, and no SV will be created. Also, it makes no sense to do these events multiple times, so they ignore the repeat option.

DELL seqName SRO ERO - DELete the region between the Locations selected for the offsets.
DUPL seqName SRO ERO - DUPlicate the region between the Locations selected for the offsets.
INVL seqName SRO ERO - INVert the region between the Locations selected for the offsets.
INCL seqName SRO ERO baseSequence [contigName] - INSert Constant base sequence at the Location selected for the offsets.

Major Modes:
SVsim operates in two major modes that largely control what is output in the fasta file, but there are also mode specific options that further control how SVs are simulated. The default mode is called contig mode. In this mode, the fasta file will contain only small regions of the genome surrounding the target location or breakpoints of the SVs. The other major moade is called Whole Genome Mode (WGM). In this mode, the entire mutated genome is output to the fasta file. In contig mode, each simulated SV will be independent of each other, while in WGM the simulated SVs will not be independent if they fall near each other in the mutated genome. The -W option specifies that WGM will be used.

Defaults are shown in brackets [].

This parameter controls whether the program is in Whole Genome Mode or Contig Mode.
    -W                Turn on Whole Genome Mode.

These parameters are required in both Whole Genome and Contig modes.:
    -i FILE           input file of SV event commands or 'stdin'
    -r FILE           indexed reference fasta file
    -o FILEROOT       root for output fasta and bedpe files

These parameters apply only in Whole Genome Mode::
    -d                Every event will be in a Distinct region.
    --select={F|C|I}  'L' commands endpoint selection strategy. [F=First], C=Close, I=Independent
                      First: independently find the first place in the mutated genome where each original offset occurs.
                      Close: randomly choose a mutated offset for the original offset that has the fewest mutated offsets,
                             then pick the mutated offset for the other original offset that is closest to the first.
                      Independent: randomly choose from among the mutated offsets independently for each original offset.

These parameters apply only in Contig Mode:
    -c INT            max length of SV events before output only breakpoints [500]
    -l                INC/INR/INS/INV events output only left breakpoint and bedpe entry.
    -p INT            padding to add to each end of SV and CGR contigs [500]

These parameters apply to the operation of the program as a whole.:
    -n INT            number of repeat events to create for each line of input [1]
    -s INT            random number generator seed [0X7FFFFFFF]


SVsim: a tool that generates synthetic Structural Variant calls as benchmarks to test/evaluate SV calling pipelines.






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