GUI Tool for control, queue and automate video enhancing process, provided by FFMPEG video encoder, Real-ESRGAN image upscaler and RIFE/DAIN video frame interpolators.
Usage: java -jar ./interuptool_v0.09.jar [options]...
-h print this help end exit
-v prints to 'console out' current file information
-vv same as -v, additionaly prints to 'out' execution commands per stage
-vvv same as -vv, additionally prints to 'out' all child processes output
Temp files handling:
-nodel any one of this 4 arguments will turn OFF
-nodelete temporarily created files deletion, such as
-temp extracted audio and image frames, both
-tempfiles extracted from video and after all stages
- Dark Theme
- Animated images upscaling (gif/apng/webp)