a workshop by jiachen & julain
- To educate on the world of bots
- Everyone to walk away with a functioning bot
- To inspire everyone to go on and create bots to solve real world problems
Time: 50 minutes Audience: poly/uni students (majority) Programming proficiency: low to mid Size: ?
need to firm this up
Language: Python Deployment: Heroku over git
- Laptop
- Internet Access
- Git*
- Heroku account*
- Telegram App & acct
if not present can be installed during workshop
Introduction (5 minutes) introduce ourselves / background / who we are
Introduction to bots (15 minutes)
- what are bots (5 mins)
- intro to telegram bots (5 minutes)
- how telegram bot works (behind the scenes/technical) (5 minutes)
- Installing requirements (10 mins)
- git
- heroku
need to time this
- Create Bot Part 1(10 mins)
- talk to bot father
- git clone repo
- add token
- git push heroku master
- Create Bot Part 2 (5 mins)
- overwrite handle message method (gives functionality to the bot)
give small prize for most creative implmented bot? haha
- Q&A (10 minutes)
ask anything. Q&A will be impt
Total: 55 mins
- github repo
- src code
- program flow
- ppt