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% How to prove large software projects correct % Gabriella Gonzalez % Big Tech Day - June 12, 2015


We would like to prove large software projects correct:

... without a proof assistant

... without a type-checker

... without a computer!


We will approach complex proofs using the Unix philosophy:

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

  • Everything is a String Monoid


  • Brief introduction to Haskell

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

  • Everything is a String Monoid

  • Conclusion


I will be using the Haskell programming language for all examples, because:

  • Haskell is the most widely used purely functional language
  • I want the examples to fit on the slides

I will teach the language as I go along

Equational reasoning

Traditional formal methods:

  • Define a formal language for expressing properties about your program
  • Create a specification for your program in this formal language
  • Verify that your program meets this specification

Equational reasoning:

  • The programming language is your formal language
  • You define equations directly within the programming language
  • You specify desired behavior in terms of equations

Equational reasoning example

We specify the behavior of (&&) in terms of two equations:

False && x = False  -- Equation #1
True  && x = x      -- Equation #2

Then we can use the above two equations to prove properties about (&&):

y && True = y

-- Case #1: y = True
True && True = True    -- (2)

-- Case #2: y = False
False && True = False  -- (1)

-- QED

These equations are "executable"!

>>> True && False

Purely functional programming

"Purely functional" languages support equational reasoning:

  • Haskell
  • Purescript
  • Elm
  • Idris

These languages lower the barrier to formal reasoning. You learn two languages for the price of one: a programming language and a formal language.


Haskell programs are just equations

For example, you specify what to run by equating main with a subroutine

-- example.hs

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"
$ ghc -O2 example.hs
$ ./example
Hello, world!
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()


Haskell functions are defined using equations:

exclaim x = x ++ "!"

main = putStrLn (exclaim "Hello, world")
$ ./example
Hello, world!


exclaim x = x ++ "!"

Equality means that everywhere we see exclaim x we can replace it with x ++ "!":

putStrLn (exclaim "Hello, world")

-- exclaim x = x ++ "!"
= putStrLn ("Hello, world" ++ "!")

Vice versa, anywhere we see x ++ "!", we can replace it with exclaim x:

putStrLn ("Goodbye, world" ++ "!")

-- "Goodbye, world" ++ "!" = exclaim "Goodbye, world"
= print (exclaim "Goodbye, world")

Bidirectional substitution is safe because evaluation is benign in Haskell; evaluation does not trigger side effects.

Functions versus subroutines

  • Functions have arguments, but no side effects
even :: Int -> Bool          -- A function from `Int` to `Bool`
  • Subroutines have side effects, but no arguments
getLine :: IO String         -- A subroutine that returns a `String`

What about putStrLn?

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()  -- A function from `String` to a subroutine

putStrLn is a pure function whose result is a subroutine

Evaluating putStrLn does not trigger the subroutine's side effects!

The only way to run a side effect is to equate the side effect with main.

Side effects

x = putStrLn "Goodbye, world!"

main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"
$ ./example
Hello, world!

Even if we force evaluation of x, nothing changes:

main = x `seq` putStrLn "Hello, world!"

So how do we execute more than one side effect?


Haskell design patterns are "algebraic"

Informally, "algebraic" means that when you combine things you end up back where you started.

(>>) :: IO () -> IO () -> IO ()

-- (x >> y) >> z = x >> (y >> z)
main = putStrLn "Hello, world!" >> putStrLn "Goodbye, world!"
$ ./example
Hello, world!
Goodbye, world!

We don't instrument main to accept lists of subroutines. Instead, we combine smaller subroutines into a larger subroutine.

do notation

main = do
    putStrLn "Hello, world!"
    putStrLn "Goodbye, world!"

... desugars to:

main = putStrLn "Hello, world!" >> putStrLn "Goodbye, world!"

do notation

main = do
    str <- getLine
    putStrLn str

... desugars to:

main = getLine >>= (\str -> putStrLn str)

-- same as:
main = getLine >>= putStrLn
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
getLine  :: IO String
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

getLine >>= putStrLn :: IO ()

The empty program

What if we have nothing to run?

return :: a -> IO a
main = return ()


  • Brief introduction to Haskell

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

  • Everything is a String Monoid

  • Conclusion

A simple program

Let's begin with a simple Haskell program:

main = do
    putStrLn "!"
    putStrLn "!"
    putStrLn "!"

This obviously prints "!" three times:

$ ./example

Don't repeat yourself

We can use the replicateM_ utility from Haskell's standard library to run a command multiple times:

-- Simplified a little from the original definition
replicateM_ :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
replicateM_ 0 io = return ()
replicateM_ n io = io >> replicateM_ (n - 1) io

Now we can write:

import Control.Monad (replicateM_)

main = replicateM_ 3 (putStrLn "!")

... and the program behaves the same:

$ ./example

... but is this really equal to the previous program?

The specification

We wish to prove that:

replicateM_ 3 (putStrLn "!") = putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!"

We could prove this using the two equations that define replicateM_:

replicateM_ 0 io = return ()                     -- Equation #1
replicateM_ n io = io >> replicateM_ (n - 1) io  -- Equation #2
replicateM_ 3 (putStrLn "!")
= putStrLn "!" >> replicateM_ 2 (putStrLn "!")                                 -- (2)
= putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> replicateM_ 1 (putStrLn "!")                 -- (2)
= putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> replicateM_ 0 (putStrLn "!") -- (2)
= putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> return ()                    -- (1)
-- (io :: IO ()) >> return () = io
= putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!" >> putStrLn "!"

However, this won't scale to larger programs

Proof agility

For example, try proving that:

replicateM_ 5 (replicateM_ 4 io) = replicateM_ 10 io >> replicateM_ 10 io

Intuitively, you "know" it's true, but why?

Higher-level equations

We can make our "intuition" precise by using four equations:

replicateM_  0      io = return ()

replicateM_ (x + y) io = replicateM_ x io >> replicateM_ y io

replicateM_  1      io = io

replicateM_ (x * y) io = replicateM_ x (replicateM_ y io)

We can write the latter two equations in a more point-free form:

replicateM_  1      = id
replicateM_ (x * y) = replicateM_ x . replicateM_ y

id :: a -> a
id x = x

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
(f . g) x = f (g x)

Reasoning algebraically

replicateM_ 5 (replicateM_ 4 io)

= replicateM_ (5 * 4) io

= replicateM_ 20 io

= replicateM_ (10 + 10) io

= replicateM_ 10 io >> replicateM_ 10 io

We reduced a complex manipulation to a simpler manipulation

Reasoning algebraically

replicateM_ 3 io

-- 3 = 1 + 1 + 1
= replicateM_ (1 + 1 + 1) io

-- replicateM_ (x + y) io = replicateM_ x io >> replicateM_ y io
= replicateM_ 1 io >> replicateM_ 1 io >> replicateM_ 1 io

-- replicateM_ 1 io = io
= io >> io >> io


  • Brief introduction to Haskell

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

  • Everything is a String Monoid

  • Conclusion

The pattern

Assume we have a "simple" associative operator named (+₁) with identity 0₁:

(x +₁ y) +₁ z = x +₁ (y +₁ z)

x  +0= x

0+₁ x  = x

... and a "complex" associative operator named (+₂) with identity 0₂:

(x +₂ y) +₂ z = x +₂ (y +₂ z)

x  +0= x

0+₂ x  = x

... and a function that bridges between the two operators and their identities::

map (x +₁ y) = (map x) +₂ (map y)

map 0= 0

We can use f to bridge between complex code using (+₂)/0₂ and simpler code using (+₁)/0₁


map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f  []    = []
map f (x:xs) = (f x):(map f xs)
>>> map (+ 1) [1,2,3]


map = map

(+₁) = (.)
 0= id

(+₂) = (.)
 0= id
map (f . g) = map f . map g
map  id     = id


map = map f

(+₁) = (++)
 0=  []

(+₂) = (++)
 0=  []
map f (xs ++ ys) = (map f xs) ++ (map f ys)
map f  []        = []


map x = replicatem_ x io

(+₁) = (+)
 0=  0

(+₂) = (>>)
 0= return ()
replicatem_ (x + y) io = replicatem_ x io >> replicatem_ y io
replicateM_  0      io = return ()


map = replicateM_

(+₁) = (*)
 0=  1

(+₂) = (.)
 0= id
replicateM_ (x * y) = replicateM_ x . replicateM_ y
replicateM_  1      = id

This pattern is everywhere

length :: [a] -> Int
length (xs ++ ys) = (length xs) + (length ys)
length  []        = 0

-- Assuming: x, y >= 0
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate (x + y) a = replicate x a ++ replicate y a
replicate  0      a = []

not :: Bool -> Bool
not (x && y) = (not x) || (not y)
not  True    = False

exp :: Double -> Double
exp (x + y) = (exp x) * (exp y)
exp  0      = 1

null :: [a] -> Bool
null (xs ++ ys) = (null xs) && (null ys)
null  []        = True

putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr (str1 ++ str2) = putStr str1 >> putStr str2
putStr  ""            = return ()

Chaining proofs

-- Assuming: x, y > 0

not (null (replicate x a)) || not (null (replicate y a))

= not (null (replicate x a) && null (replicate y a))

= not (null (replicate x a ++ replicate y a))

= not (null (replicate (x + y) a))


  • Brief introduction to Haskell

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

  • Everything is a String Monoid

  • Conclusion


class Monoid m where
    mempty  :: m
    mappend :: m -> m -> m

(<>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<>) = mappend

-- (x <> y) <> z = x <> (y <> z)
-- x <> mempty = x
-- mempty <> x = x
instance Monoid [a] where
    mempty  = []
    mappend = (++)
>>> [1,2] <> [3,4]
>>> mempty :: [Int]

The unit Monoid

instance Monoid () where
    mempty = ()

    mappend () () = ()
>>> () <> ()
>>> mempty :: ()

The pair Monoid

instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b) where
    mempty = (mempty, mempty)

    mappend (xL, yL) (xR, yR) = (mappend xL xR, mappend yL, yR)
>>> ([1,2],[5,6]) <> ([3,4],[7,8])
>>> mempty :: ([Int], [Int])

The function Monoid

instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where
    mempty = \_ -> mempty

    mappend f g = \x -> mappend (f x) (g x)
>>> (id <> reverse) [1,2,3,4]
>>> mempty (True, "story") :: [Int]

The IO Monoid

instance Monoid b => Monoid (IO b) where
    mempty = return mempty

    mappend io1 io2 = do
        r1 <- io1
        r2 <- io2
        return (mappend r1 r2)
readLn :: Read a => IO a
>>> readLn :: IO [Int]
>>> readLn <> readLn :: IO [Int]
>>> mempty :: IO [Int]

Combining Monoids

The type of putStrLn is a Monoid

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

Here is how the compiler deduces that this is a Monoid:

  • () is a Monoid
instance Monoid () where ...
  • If () is a Monoid, then IO () is a Monoid
instance Monoid b => Monoid (IO b) where ...
  • If IO () is a Monoid, then String -> IO () is a Monoid
instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b)

Let's try this out:

>>> (putStrLn <> putStrLn) "Print me twice"
Print me twice
Print me twice

Chaining monoids

These are all Monoids:

  • Nested subroutines:
IO (IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ())))))
  • Functions of multiple arguments:
Name ->  Age ->  Address -> [People]

Name -> (Age -> (Address -> [People]))
  • Deeply nested tuples:
(([Int], [Int]), ([Int], [Int]))
  • All of the above:
IO (Config -> [IO ([Textures], [Models])])

Induction on Monoids

There's no limit to how many layers we can chain.

For example, this is a valid monoid:

-- +-- Generate files
-- |
-- |   +-- Package them
-- |   |
-- |   |   +-- Upload 
-- |   |   |
-- |   |   |   +-- Deploy
-- |   |   |   |
-- |   |   |   |   +-- Log
-- |   |   |   |   |
-- v   v   v   v   v
   IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ()))))

-- join :: IO (IO a) -> IO a

deploy :: IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ())))) -> IO ()
deploy = join . join . join . join

Staged deploy

import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>))

instance Monoid b => Monoid (IO b) where
    mempty          = return mempty
    mappend io1 io2 = do
        r1 <- io1
        r2 <- io2
        return (mappend r1 r2)

deploy :: IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ())))) -> IO ()
deploy = join . join . join . join

job :: Int -> IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ()))))
job n = do
    putStrLn ("Generating job #" <> show n)
    return (do
        putStrLn ("Packaging job #" <> show n)
        return (do
            putStrLn ("Uploading job #" <> show n)
            return (do
                putStrLn ("Deploying job #" <> show n)
                return (do
                    putStrLn ("Logging job #" <> show n)
                    return () ) ) ) )

Interleaved deploy

Combining commands interleaves their phases:

>>> deploy (job 1 <> job 2 <> job 3)
Generating job #1
Generating job #2
Generating job #3
Packaging job #1
Packaging job #2
Packaging job #3
Uploading job #1
Uploading job #2
Uploading job #3
Deploying job #1
Deploying job #2
Deploying job #3
Logging job #1
Logging job #2
Logging job #3

The empty job does nothing:

>>> deploy mempty
>>> -- Nothing happens

The power of induction

We wrote a staged deploy system:

... in two lines of code (the type signature was optional):

import Control.Monad (join)

deploy = join . join . join . join

... that is well-behaved:

(job1 <> job2) <> job3 = job1 <> (job2 <> job3)

job <> mempty = job

mempty <> job = job

... and we can easily prove correctness by just doing induction on the type:

IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ()))))

Terminal plugins

The type of a plugin will be:

-- +-- Acquire resources
-- |
-- |                  +-- Free resources
-- |   Char handler   |
-- v   vvvvvvvvvvvvv  v
   IO (Char -> IO (), IO ())

sinkTo :: IO (Char -> IO (), IO ()) -> IO ()
sinkTo open = bracket open snd (\(handle, _) -> do
    hSetEcho False
    let loop = do
            eof <- isEOF
            unless eof (do
                char <- getChar
                handle char
                loop )
    loop )

Example plugins

console :: IO (Char -> IO (), IO ())
console = return (putChar, mempty)

file :: FilePath -> IO (Char -> IO (), IO ())
file path = do
    handle <- openFile path WriteMode
    return (hPutChar handle, hClose handle)

counter :: IO (Char -> IO (), IO ())
counter = do
    counter <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
    let handle char = do
            n <- readIORef counter
            print n
            writeIORef counter (n + 1)
    return (handle, mempty)

main = sinkTo (console <> file "test.txt" <> file "test2.txt")
--   = sinkTo (counter <> file "test.txt" <> file "test2.txt")


  • Brief introduction to Haskell

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

  • Everything is a String Monoid

  • Conclusion

Prove one thing and prove it well

We build complex systems by connecting together small, provably correct pieces:

  • IO
  • (a -> b)
  • (a, b)
  • [a]

These are analogous to Unix utilities like:

  • wc
  • head
  • grep
  • cat

Compose smaller proofs to build larger proofs

We build larger components by connecting smaller components:

  • IO (IO (IO (IO (IO ()))))
  • IO (Char -> IO (), IO ())

Composition of components preserves correctness

"Everything is a Monoid"

We use Monoid as a reusable and general interface for serendipitous composition of proofs

Each proof takes a Monoid instance as its input and produces a Monoid instance as its output:

instance Monoid b => Monoid (IO b) where


We can use the Unix philosophy to scale proofs to complex software:

  • Prove one thing and prove it well

  • Compose smaller components to build larger components

  • Everything is a String Monoid

My blog:

Twitter: @GabriellaG439