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A generator for synthetic, multivariate & heterogeneous datasteams with probabilistically repeating patterns.


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SDG: Synthetic datastream generator

Example synthetic datastream


The SDG is a modular and highly configurable synthetic data stream generator implemented in the programming language R. It has the following characteristics:

  • It is open source.
  • It continuously generates an arbitrary number of parallel numeric and symbolic (i.e., string) data streams.
  • The numeric streams are made up of repeating subsequences (motifs) which are connected via random inter-motif sequences.
  • The functional forms of both motif as well as inter-motif sequences are customizable.
  • The symbolic streams contain randomly emitted string labels from a predefined vocabulary.
  • The order in which subsequences and labels appear is determined by a probability distribution which is conditioned on the combined history of previously emitted labels/motifs from all dimensions.
  • The complexity and ambiguity (i.e., the entropy) of said probability distribution is customizable by a set of meaningful parameters.
  • The data elements of each stream are emitted in an asynchronous manner (i.e., with random delay fluctuations) and annotated with a timestamp of the time the element became available (in a real world scenario, data streams from different sensors are not necessarily synchronized).
  • The numeric data elements are also annotated with a ground truth label containing information on whether they belong to a motif or to a random inter-motif sequence.

More detailed information about SDG's structure and inner workings can be found in ./doc/doc.pdf.


  • Installed R (, we tested SDG with R version 3.4.4.
  • SDG should, in theory, run under all common operating systems. We tested SDG under Windows 7 (64 bit), Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS (both 64 bit).
  • In case you want to use the Shell scripts mentioned in the next section, you require a Unix-Shell like Bash. Linux systems typically come with a pre-installed Shell. On Windows, you might want to try an environment like Cygwin (this might work, but we did not test it).

Installation & example run

Note: . represents this repository's root directory.

  1. Clone this repository to your local hard drive via:
    • Either: Console command:
          git clone --recurse-submodules /~ &&
              cd SDG &&
              git fetch --tags && 
              git merge FETCH_HEAD &&
              cd ..
    • Or: Download the Shell script ./ from here, make it executable via chmod u+x ./ and execute it. The script clones this repository into the directory from which it is executed.
  2. Fetching later updates:
    • Either: Console command:
          git fetch && git fetch --tags && git merge FETCH_HEAD &&
              git submodule update --init --recursive &&
              git submodule update --recursive
    • Or: Execute the Shell script ./
  3. Example run:

The latter starts the execution of an example script that iteratively generates synthetic data until enough data elements have been accumulated in order to plot them over the whole predefined x-axis range (100 seconds) on all dimensions. The resulting plot is then stored in ./examples/visualization_01/images/datastream.svg. This might take a few minutes and the current progress is printed to the console (the numbers in the right columns). We highly recommend to study the code in ./examples/visualization_01/execute.R which, along with the configuration files in ./examples/visualization_01/ and ./examples/visualization_01/config/, serves as a usage template.


  • SDG is implemented in a way that all required but missing 3rd party packages are automatically downloaded, compiled (if required) and installed via:
install.packages(pkgs = <package_name>, 
                 dependencies = TRUE, 
                 repos = "")

This might take some time, especially during the first SDG execution.

  • ./ contains a list of used 3rd party packages and links to their respective CRAN pages.
  • After installation, SDG loads all required packages. Both steps (missing package installation and required package loading) are performed right at the beginning of SDG's execution.
  • Depending on your OS, installation of additional libraries might be necessary. Under Ubuntu 16.04, for example, we encountered a number of errors during the package installation process. We got rid of those by typing and executing the following command in the console: sudo apt-get install libv8-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev. If and what additional libraries are required, might vary from OS to OS - the corresponding error message (and, of course, the respective package's CRAN page) should contain more information. After you have installed all required libraries, simply re-execute the ./examples/visualization_01/execute.R script.


Release versions correspond to commits to the master branch with a commit tag <version>-RELEASE. Checkout this version via git checkout <version>-RELEASE.

The current release version is: 1.0.0.


For each file in this repository: If not explicitly licensed otherwise, the file and its contents are provided under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. For more details (including the usage of 3rd party packages and their respective licenses), see ./

Copyright (c) 2018 Grzegorz Stepien