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SquidVM V0.6.0-alpha

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@NickRMD NickRMD released this 17 Dec 08:15


What's Changed

Full Changelog: V0.5.2-alpha...V0.6.0-alpha

New flagging system

The VM now accepts flags (with the use of clap)
You can find all flags using ./squid-vm(.exe) --help

It also changes the way you input files, now you can just pass the path without the file extension. Like ./squid-vm(.exe) -b testbinary.
Instead of having to type .sqdbin at the end, you still can, but you won't need to.

Same will be done for .sar, look bellow for more.

SquidVM Runtime (SVRT)

Instead of seeing all those "fancy lines" you can now download just the tiny executable that just does what it have to do.

SquidVM Development Kit (SVDK)

Now the development kit is a separate binary file. All done at compile time for better speeds!

Why still no heap?

I'm still working of a possible solution to implement a heap in the VM.
I'll probably use an AtomicPtr to do it all, make the VM thread safe and don't require an Arc<Mutex>> slower thingy.

Stronger than before!

If version 0.7.0-alpha gets a heap, version 0.8.0-alpha or 0.9.0-alpha will have a way of doing multi-threading in it.

Squid ARchive (SAR)

Some version in the future will include a SAR (Squid ARchive) file reader, so you can keep all your binaries in the same file or even encrypted, check the zip crate.

Where's the docs?

Are available here.