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Backtesting using Docker

Rafal W edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 3 revisions


You need to download and install:

To test your installation, run the following command in the terminal:

docker run hello-world


Each backtesting is achieved by running docker command followed by the container name (ea31337/ea-tester).

For example:

docker run ea31337/ea-tester run_backtest -e TestEnvelopes -v

After running above command, the results should be printed on the terminal screen.

Backtesting EA31337

docker run ea31337/ea-tester:EURUSD-2019-DS run_backtest -v -e /~

Here is the visual demo:


Backtesting specific version

  1. Go to release page and copy the link to .ex4 file which you'd like to test, then follow above method by altering the command.


Container homepage: ea31337/ea-tester.


  • For help, run: docker ea31337/ea-tester help
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