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Releases: DiaLight/Flame

Step to Multiplayer Tweaks and Fixes

02 Feb 00:18
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weanetr was decompiled, but without DirectPlay
all weanetr usages in dk2 was decompiled and weanetr.dll was removed from flame.exe import table

added option to be original DKII-DX compatible -original_compatible

[Quuz] added Data\editor and Data\Sound folders with files fixes by Quuz

fixed interface selection when connecting to a local network with multiple interfaces installed on a PC
added optional -myip <ipv4> option to force select network interface

compile app in gui mode by default

mouse dx actions allocation moved to dk2 memory space
resume all threads after traces was collected in bug hunter
added instructions in readme on how to report bugs


30 Oct 01:00
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fixed bugs:

[Elden] crash on entity spawn limit in HeroParty

[Quuz] ability to drop creature anywhere by grabbing it with a CTA flag

More details on the fixes in Keeper Klan Discord server

quick fix:
[Elden] MPD hero gates is not working (decompilation mistake)

quick fix: (broken for multiplayer)
[Slook] sometimes we couldn't drop units from the evil hand (bad CTA drop fix)

quick fix:
[Elden] If you throwing a creatures now it can crash
The entire CTA fix(drop_thing_from_hand_fix) has been reworked

quick fix:
[Quuz] You can drop an imp through the fog of war

quick fix:
[Quuz] If you use possession on a sleeping creature you will be invisible. No one will attack you

quick fix:
[Rothinsky] As soon as the enemy dungeon heart is destroyed the game freezes

Comfy gaming update

15 Oct 20:02
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fixed bugs:
[BlueFire4101] Wooden Bridges not burning on lava properly

[Biervampir] You can scroll in the main menu, to zoom out of your dungeon

[aabluedragon] The host port number seems to be limited up to 4 digits in the game menu.

[L0nger] seems like low fps on flame

[DiaLight] added -windowed option to run the game in windowed mode (
Warning! In windowed mode, some GOG patches are disabled)

[Elden,Impboy] 100 rooms bug crash

[Elden] increased max room limit from 96 to 255

[YourMaster] properly remove whole room near room limit

[YourMaster] bundle campaign fixes

[SexyJesus] increased zoom limits

[SexyJesus] fixed mouse sensitivity in possession

[Biervampir] Chat in multiplayer can crash the game

[DiaLight] fixed crash in windowed mode on intel graphics

bug hunter: Fixed single-frame traces
bug hunter: try search codeview guid for libs with no version info
bug hunter: calc sha1 for libs with no version info and no codeview
CrashInfo: Fixed potential hangs when creating CrashInfo
Crashinfo: dump only game related threads

More details on the fixes in Keeper Klan Discord server

Bug hunter update

28 Sep 14:44
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fixed bugs:
[DiaLight] mouse control rewritten from dinput to user32 messages

[DiaLight] made wasdeq control keys by default. QE - rotation, zoom - mouse

[YourMaster] backstabbing bug (a.k.a. North/South bug)

[Longer] workshop bug in which crafting first item determines work cost for all the future items

[YourMaster] in 1.7 the AI does not drop his creatures to attack

[BlueFire4101] creatures don't consistently setup Lair properly

When an exception occurs that was not handled by try/catch blocks and it will definitely crash the game, information about the error appears in the game folder in Flame-CrashInfo-<date>.txt

Pressing F12 during the game will collect stack traces of all threads and save them in Flame-StackInfo-<date>.txt. The collection can be done no more than once per second while holding the key

More details on the fixes in Keeper Klan Discord server