This project was made by some students from the Fontys Hogeschool ICT on behalf of Laméco.
A live preview can be found on our deployed heroku app.
Make sure you have Node.js installed. If you are unsure if node is installed, run $ node -v
within terminal/command prompt.
Clone this repository to your local machine and move to the new folder.
$ git clone /~
$ cd LamecoDashboard
Install all needed node modules for both frontend and backend.
$ npm run install-all
For the application to be able to function as normal, it needs to run both the frontend and backend.
$ npm run dev
This starts the backend on port 5000 and the frontend on port 3000 concurrently.
The API documentation for the API used within the application can be found in our Postman collection.
- Max Altena - GitHub
- Dylano Hartman - GitHub
- Mark Hendriks - GitHub
- Mike Hendriks - GitHub
- Bart van de Klundert - GitHub
See the whole list of contributors who participated in this project.