DINOcheat is a Tampermonkey script for the Dino Chrome game, giving access to a super menu full of features:
- Adjust speed
- Be Immortal
- Walking on air
- Choose the number of points for the score
- Activate an automatic Bot to overcome obstacles
- Add 1000 to score
- Be invisible
- Pause the game
With a choice of theme for the dino (change the environment and the dino):
- Colorful
- Mario
- Trump
- Joker
- Batman
- Night
- Squid Game
- Santa
- Wednesday
- Naruto
- Godzilla
- Classic
DINOcheat was created on February 9, 2024.
You can install the script at https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/486972-dinocheat-hack-cheat-dino-google-chrome-bot-rapide-score-imortel
Don't hesitate to leave a comment, or make suggestions for improvement via:
📧 dr3wx.andrew@gmail.com
or on GreasyFork.