This is a proof of concept for hot code reloading remote Erlang nodes in development. This is not a tool for deploying hot code upgrades to production environments. The primary use case for me, the author of this POC, is to get development reload capabilities on remote Nerves devices akin to how Dart's hot code reload works.
- reloading entire applications
- reloading individual modules
- automatically bootstraps nodes, syncing the local "primary" node's application tree over to the remote node.
- no runtime dependency on the remote node
- no dependencies for the "host" node other than Elixir.
- considering using Erlang too allow for hot code loading of Elixir applications onto pure Erlang nodes. I was thoughtful of this, but haven't confirmed if it works.
My end goal is to have support for Visual Studio Code's Debug Adapter Protocol. The road to this will include a few steps that i've yet to ponder as of writing this.
- Bundling this otp application an extension
- use Bakeware
- see how vscode-elixir-ls
- just run a mix task on the machine?
- Connecting to remote devices via VS-Code's "ssh" thing?
- this is a stretch goal. i have no idea what this even means.
- Pretty sure DAP needs an HTTP (ish?) server. Loading cowboy into this app is simple, but would complicate things for sure.
are respected, but I still need to verify this works as expected.priv
dir is not synced correctly. it works on same arch/libc machines, but the cross compilation problem exits.- I think this is a simple fix, but I have a concern regarding
-mode embedded
. There is a TODO in the code. priv
is important for native C code. One problem I see with this is cross compilation. I think Nerves will work out of the box because of how we hijacked the C compiler, but using the Reactor to reload c code on remote erlang nodes using different libc will have issues. Bakeware shares the same issue.
- Check if Phoenix views recompile. Specifically with
. Current hot code reloads have issues with this because the templates are compiled into the module, and when you reload the file, the path is different. I've not spent a lot of time investigating this, but I think it's an easy fix. - Node discovery. I don't want to tackle this problem directly, but an "adapter" patern could be implemented.
- example: Nerves devices broadcast using
, so an adapter could be created to automatically detect them - example: libcluster does some black magic to detect devices, so an adapter could be created.
- example: Nerves devices broadcast using
- No reason for this to be
specific.- I knew this from the start, I just like the name
Nerves Reactor
so much that I forgot about it.
- I knew this from the start, I just like the name
- Hasn't this been done before?
- Similar concept: erl_boot_server
- My first idea was to use this, but it only works for bootstraping fresh nodes. This means that for Nerves, we'd have to start a second instance of beam, or implement some other way of hijacking the current beam process.
Right now every feature is implemented/tested manually.
NOTE: whatever project you are adding this application too does not need to be the same as the remote end. see below.
To get started, start your "remote" node in distributed mode. This will be the node we deploy hot code reloads to. in a "real" project, this can be for example, a server deployed on a different machine, a Nerves device, a Docker container, a Bakeware app, etc.
epmd -deamon
iex --name remote@hostname.local --cookie democookie
or if you have an already running application:
:os.cmd('epmd -daemon')
{:ok, _} = Node.start(:"remote@hostname.local")
true = Node.set_cookie(:democookie)
NOTE: this works with Erlang as well. I'm using Elixir because I'm more famaliar.
Next, start up your "development" environment. A simple way to test it out, is to start the application in this repository:
iex --name reactor@hostname.local --cookie democookie -S mix
or you can add
{:nerves_reactor, path: "/path/to/this/repo"}
to your mix deps of an existing project.
However you get it, once you have a console:
true = Node.connect(:"remote@hostname.local")
This will only need to be once per node connection. Now you can start modifying any module on your local node, and reload it on the remote node. As a simple test, simply paste a module into your local console:
defmodule Test do
def hello, do: :world
# reload the module you just created on the remote node
iex> NervesReactor.reload_module(:"remote@hostname.local", Test)
{:module, Test}
iex>"remote@hostname.local", Test, :hello, [])
Next you can update that module locally by pasting it into the console:
defmodule Test do
def hello, do: :nou
# reload the module you just created on the remote node
iex> NervesReactor.reload_module(:"remote@hostname.local", Test)
{:module, Test}
iex>"remote@hostname.local", Test, :hello, [])
This is just a simple example of course, but it's the building blocks of being able to do so much more once the tooling is complete.