The goal of this project was to take an old version of the ToDoList application developed in Symfony and improve it in terms of features, code quality, and performance. The focus was on adding new functionalities, enhancing the user interface, and implementing unit and functional tests, along with achieving comprehensive code coverage.
Users can create, modify and delete their tasks.The application provides a user-friendly interface to manage the content easily.
Only admins can create, modify and delete users. The appliation provides a user-friendly interface to manage the content easily.
- Clone the repository
git clone /~
cd OpenClassrooms_Project_8_To_Do_List
- Install Dependencies
composer install
Set up your environment variables configuring it according to your environment.
Configure the database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- Load fixtures
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- Start the Symfony server
symfony server:start
Unit and functional tests were implemented to ensure the application's proper functioning. Additionally, code coverage was conducted to ensure that the entire codebase is thoroughly tested.
php bin/phpunit