- 基于Raft一致性协议的分布式存储系统,参考阿里巴巴SOFAJRaft并使用Java从零实现。
- Distributed storage system based on Raft consistency protocol, referencing Alibaba SOFAJRaft and implemented from scratch using Java
- Alibaba SOFAJRaft
- Basic requirement
- JDK 1.8+
- IntelliJ idea
- maven
- Clone project
git clone /~https://github.com/CoderiGenius/RocksRaft.git
- Import in to idea as maven project
- Config and start the example of 3 nodes scenario.
- Config the three yml files in src/main/resources
- Start the main function with files listed below
- src/main/java/Start.java
- src/main/java/Start2.java
- src/main/java/Start3.java
- Wait until the nodes come up.
- Run the src/main/java/ClientExample.java
- You should be able to see the log of appendEnties and the procedures of applying to statemachine.
- Log example:
WARN:appendEntriesRequest CHECK:index 0 dataIsEmpty:false
WARN:checkBallotBoxToApply applied:Voting currentIndex:0 length:1 stableLogIndex:0
INFO:Ballot box invokes apply at index 0 length 1 with grant list [PeerId{endpoint=localhost:12220, checksum=0}, PeerId{endpoint=localhost:12230, checksum=0}]
INFO:doCommitted at 1 iterImpl:IteratorImpl [fsm=core.CustomStateMachine@22d116d, logManager=core.LogManagerImplNew@61295f0, currentIndex=1, committedIndex=1, currEntry=entity.LogEntry@ceafe80, applyingIndex=1, error=null,isGood=true] isGood:true
INFO:Apply to fsm at 1
INFO:Log 1 has been applied to stateMachine
INFO:Receive follower raft-3 applied firstIndex :0 lastIndex:0
INFO:Receive follower raft-1 applied firstIndex :0 lastIndex:0