Releases: ChurchApps/FreeShow
🎨 UI tweaks:
- Improved action popup
- Styles max lines popup
- Updated connection settings
- Moved media online/screen tabs to top
- Active outputs/styles highlighted with checkmark
🔧 Tweaks:
- Audio updates
- Stage outputs can now be transparent
- Set video type as background/foreground
- Media working better in focus mode
- Creating a new overlay/template will auto open editor after renaming
- Updated languages
- Small tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Planning Center fix
- OpenSong import fixes
- Fixed align top/bottom not working for scriptures
- Fixed an issue causing duplicated outputs sometimes
- Fixed scripture color not always using template color if verse numbers was active
- Fixed a freeze when shift key was held while right clicking a slide
- Fixed a freeze when closing the new action popup
NOTE: If you have used a style resolution that is not 1920x1080 you might need to update your slides/templates in this version, as items will now be auto positioned/scaled to fit based on a percentage value.
✨ New features:
- Rotate item circle
- Item border radius slider
- Items auto fit to different sized outputs
🔧 Tweaks:
- Output style "resolution" changed to "aspect ratio"
- Manage metadata keys
- New project button in empty folders
- Arrow right key in project should play media
- Scripture options on two columns when width is large
- Add actions to multiple slides at the same time
- Added "show_name_next" dynamic value
- Updated languages
- UI tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed audio playlist crossfade not working
- Fixed output style lines not always showing the correct index with multiple outputs
- Fixed an old bug where projects dissapeared if parent folder did not exist anymore
- Fixed dropping between items not working
- Fixed RemoteShow not loading output on first load
- Fixed a freeze sometimes with slide items
- Minor fixes
✨ New features:
- Action tag navigation
- Template selector popup
- Metadata display option popup
🔧 Tweaks:
- New code signing on Windows
- Multiple actions working better when dropped on slide
- Easier to assign shortcuts to groups in settings
- Sorting order should work better with numbers
- Audio playlist settings moved to the playlist
- Added a shortcut to toggle Focus mode
- Updated languages
- UI tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed scriptures not showing up in output
- Fixed audio gaining value not disabled if turned off
- Fixed playing video preview not looping properly
- Fixed blurred background fit not working with custom filters
- Fixed calendar action trigger edit sometimes looping forever
- Fixed overlay/template items reversed with each style change
- Fixed long RemoteShow loading time if background does not exist
- Fixed audio mute when video plays not working with multiple outputs
- Fixed videos becomming black sometimes in media drawer after hovering
- Fixed macOS textbox moving if opening context menu at the same time
- Fixed context menu items duplicated if toggled fast
- Fixed local Bible not opening sometimes when an API Bible failed to load
- Fixed not being able to set media fit before any other value in default style
- Fixed duplicating a show possibly getting the same name as an existing show
- Fixed a freeze when playing PDF
- Fixed a freeze in the overlays tab
- Fixed a freeze if show changed by action while show "Media" tools were opened
- Fixed a freeze sometimes when editing an overlay with many items
- Fixed a freeze in scripture drawer tab
- Minor fixes
Known issue in this version: Presenting scriptures directly does not work, but it works if you present by selecting the verses and create a show.
✨ New features:
- Media blur fill
- Added Finnish language
🔧 Tweaks:
- Option to lock output window position
- More important item style tools moved to top
- Select slides to apply templates to individual slides
- Output will no longer refresh text if there are no changes
- Function keys will work now even if an input is focused
- Output lines will match line progress percentage
- Click a slide multiple times to change the line if custom lines
- Template text color will be used unless slide item text has more than one color
- All items applied from template should be removed if they have been added from another template
- Template background/actions working better with slide/group templates
- Media/audio folders with no relevant media elements are hidden from drawer
- Chords should stay in between of text regardless of size
- Updated languages
- Minor UI tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed a cloud sync issue
- Fixed action tags not saving
- Fixed clock auto size clipping
- Fixed preview fullscreen clipping
- Fixed backup not working if unvalid JSON files
- Fixed animate value not set until changed
- Fixed non text items removed when a new template was applied
- Fixed dynamic values not always working in overlays
- Fixed selected line bar not matching correct output
- Fixed style lines number not working if set to 0
- Fixed slide drag & drop not working properly when hovering over multiple shows
- Fixed slide actions not starting from RemoteShow
- Fixed a freeze related to the font dropdown in theme settings
- Fixed a freeze issue when applying template
- Fixed a freeze with a bad formatted show
- Small fixes
✨ New features:
- Planning Center integration
🔧 Tweaks:
- More translations in the Bible API
- Move stage items with arrow keys
- Slide recording start action auto added
- Slide recording duration time globally enabled by default
- Media folder size is no longer affected by style resolution
- Updated languages
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed interval memory leaks causing performance issues!
- Mac right click issue fixed in prior pre-release
- Fixed output style max lines not getting the output with the lowest lines
- Fixed overlays not always toggling properly with multiple outputs
- Importing existing show with changed name no longer creates a duplicate
- Split in two ALT+Enter correct index
- Fixed imported project media with same file name not working
- Fixed media project export issue
- Fixed template not adding textbox to empty slide
- Fixed template dynamic values repeated on all empty lines
- Fixed audio ended event only triggering when manually cleared
- Fixed project templates not synced
- Fixed slide media thumbnail not always captured
- Fixed a freeze caused by empty items
✨ New features:
- Planning Center integration
🔧 Tweaks:
- Bible API update (might break some API Bibles)
- Clock/event timers will now also trigger timer ended event
- Removed unnecessary clock/event timer sliders
- Minor tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Right click should work again on macOS (reverted the Electron version)
- Fixed media fit not always working
- Fixed a freeze issue when playing a slide without text
🔧 Tweaks:
- Weekly auto backup enabled by default
- Arrow keys changing project more as expected
- Toggle action state with context menu
- Toggle to invert scripture items order
- RemoteShow clear button stays visible until all layers are cleared
- Stage slide items no longer refreshing when just line has changed
- Updated Electron version
- Updated languages
- Minor tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed screen bounds broken when selected in popup
- Fixed output not reopening when manually closed
- Previous slide will go to correct line if multiple
- Stage output freeze might be fixed
Changelog from previous version (1.3.4):
🔧 Tweaks:
- Better item snapping when resizing
- Auto detect Bible import format
- Lower third templates
- Add multiple of certain actions
- Audio clears instantly if paused
- Added support for more special characters to .pro import
- Adding a new slide should always place editor at correct index
- "Clear style background if slide active" also triggers if a background is active
- Context menu quick fade transition
- Updated translations
- Minor enhancements
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed unable to open on some Linux versions
- Fixed global group not added to end
- Fixed an issue with Zefania Bible import
- Fixed metadata template item transitions not working
- Fixed freezes when undoing certain actions
- More minor bugfixes
And more features/fixes from the prior pre-releases, including transparent slide preview & local video caption support!
🔧 Tweaks:
- Better item snapping when resizing
- Auto detect Bible import format
- Lower third templates
- Add multiple of certain actions
- Audio clears instantly if paused
- Added support for more special characters to .pro import
- Adding a new slide should always place editor at correct index
- "Clear style background if slide active" also triggers if a background is active
- Context menu quick fade transition
- Updated translations
- Minor enhancements
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed unable to open on some Linux versions
- Fixed global group not added to end
- Fixed an issue with Zefania Bible import
- Fixed metadata template item transitions not working
- Fixed freezes when undoing certain actions
- More minor bugfixes
And more features/fixes from the prior pre-releases, including transparent slide preview & local video caption support!
✨ New features:
- Option to enable transparent slide preview
- Media/filter edit value sliders
🔧 Tweaks:
- Transparent overlay/template preview
- Auto format VTT files with extra spaces
- Block specific artists in web search
- Active media filter visible with icon
- Background output color order working better
- Media fit will now override any output style media fit
- Resolution is now only set on output level with a style
- Show search navigate through results with arrow up/down
- Background "ghosts" will now always show up to slide 40
- Output screen previews properly centered in popup
- Increased OutputShow resolution
- Right click action to edit/delete
- Duplicate timers
- Updated languages
- Various UI tweaks
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Scripture API special HTML tags removed
- Transposed stage chords will remain per show
- Fixed OSC not receiving remote signals
- Fixed no response with REST commands
- Fixed text align not working in StageShow
- Fixed subtitles not getting properly disabled
- Fixed Beblia chapters with just one verse not importing
- Fixed every overlay re-rendering when a new one is presented
- Fixed Bible abbreviation not always added when creating a collection
- Fixed error when a file in the project did not exist
- Fixed PDF export margin
- Fixed a freeze in stage tab
- Fixed freeze sometimes with media backgrounds
✨ New features:
- Action data emitters
- Video subtitles
- Action tags
🔧 Tweaks:
- More actions
- Timer minutes
- Custom clock formats
- Media fit preview icons
- Overlay display duration
- Letras source in lyrics search
- Click existing slide note to edit
- Change 24 hour clock on first startup
- Trigger actions per individual section
- Set specific timer for action activation
- Added auto font size to RemoteShow
- Online videos saved in synced settings
- Change metronome specific audio output
- Spacing between textboxes on stage display
- Remote next will open next show in project
- Text uses color from template if same as template text
- Changing templates with text content will keep item position based on text content
- Updated languages
🐞 Bugfixes:
- Fixed empty lines collapsing when changing style
- Fixed incorrect order when importing PowerPoint slides
- Fixed preview hidden if only one output
- Fixed stage slide notes auto size not updating properly
- Fixed timer end event triggered always until cleared
- Fixed overlays getting stuck in output if played rapidly
- Fixed app not loading when section action was deleted
- Fixed random slide action not playing correct background
- Fixed metronome playing multiple times if tempo changed while active
- Fixed background momentarily showing when changing output style with slide action
- Fixed some OpenSong songs not importing
- Fixed Songbeamer import issue
- Fixed freeze in projects sometimes
- Fixed freeze when a style set on action was deleted