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Installing QNX Development Tools

jacobterkuc edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 5 revisions

Please note that this guide assumes that you have already created a myQNX account and been issued a license by CUInSpace executives.

Downloading QNX Software Center

To download the QNX Software Center, visit QNX's downloads page. From here, click "QNX Software Center" and select the build for your operating system (Windows or Linux).

If you're using Mac, the Mac version of the Software Centre is found in the Archived Items folder on the QNX download page. Look for the qnx-setup-#.#-#######-osx.pkg file, and ^ + Right Click the Open button to run the installer. The most recent version of the Software Centre available is 1.7, but the developer tools 7.1 was available to install.

Installation notes are provided for the different operating systems. Under the build description, click the link that says "See Installation/Release notes". At the bottom of the page that's opened, click "QNX Software Center 2.0: Installation Notes". You may follow the instructions for your operating system under the heading "Installing the QNX Software Center".

Pick the default installation location.

Once installation is complete, the software center should launch and prompt you for your myQNX credentials. Login to continue.

Installing QNX Tools

You will need some development tools in order to develop for QNX. Whenever prompted, select the update policy of liberal.

QNX Software Development Platform

Click "Add Installation" and select the drop-down which reads "QNX Software Development Platform 7.1", then select the option which also reads "QNX Software Development Platform 7.1".

Click through "Next" until you're given the "Finish" option and wait for the installation to finish. Keep all the defaults so that the installation is located in the qnx710 directory within your home directory.

You will be shown a long list of update notes, which you can close.

Board Support Files

At the bottom of the QNX Software Center home page, you will see a drop-down menu called "Active Installation". Ensure that qnx710 is selected.

Click on "Manage Installation" and navigate to the "Available" tab. In this tab, select the following drop-down options:

  1. QNX Software Development Platform
  2. Board Support Packages
  3. QNX SDP 7.1 BSP for Raspberry Pi BCM2711 R-PI4

Follow the installation prompts as before, using the liberal update policy and default installation locations.

Wireless Driver

This installation is optional, and only required for developers who wish to build QNX boot images for the Raspberry Pis. Unless you want to change the boot image, you do not need to install this.

At the bottom of the QNX Software Center home page, you will see a drop-down menu called "Active Installation". Ensure that qnx710 is selected.

Click on "Manage Installation" and navigate to the "Available" tab. In this tab, select the following drop-down options:

  1. QNX Software Development Platform
  2. Device Drivers
  3. QNX SDP 7.1 Wireless driver for the Broadcom BCM4339 (wpa-2.9)

Follow the installation prompts as before, using the liberal update policy and default installation locations.

Other Tools

Some other tools will be useful to have on your system for developing with QNX.

Python Serial Tools

For interacting with the QNX Korn shell over serial, we will need a serial interface. PuTTY does not allow us to type over some TTL cables, which is why the Python serial tools are recommended. They also run in the terminal alongside other development tools, which is convenient.

Linux Installation

Run pip install pyserial to install the module. You may need to use pip3.

If you are on an Arch-based system, you will need to run pacman -S python-pyserial to install this globally without incurring the "externally managed environment" error.

You can then use the tool to list connected serial devices using python3 -m You can connect to a serial device using python3 -m <port> 115200. This may require sudo.

Windows Installation

Run pip install pyserial to install the module.

You can then use the tool to list connected serial devices using python3 -m You can connect to a serial device using python3 -m <port> 115200.

Text Editors and IDE's

There are a lot of great options for text editors and IDE's. Here are some good options if you don't know where to start:

You can get a free education license to all the Jetbrains tools. Check out this page for more information.