VC Roles, TTS & more!
This is a bot that will make your server and voice channels much more interactive, with the ability to give a user a role when they join a voice channel, remove it when they leave the channel, sending TTS messages into voice channels for those times when you can't speak, creating and managing voice channels and more! This is the bot you need to make your servers more interactive, and to help bring a community together.
VC Roles is open source here, and we welcome any pull requests!
Please note however that this code is intended for educational purposes only, and we will not provide support for self-hosting the bot.
Make sure you have python installed as well as the uv package manager.
- Create a virtual environment
uv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
orsource .venv/bin/activate
- Install the project dependencies
uv pip install -r requirements.txt