Example project for the EBAZ4205 in combination with KG4205 board. This project is based on EBAZ4205_base_wo_crystal
- Created with Vivado 2019.2
- tested with petalinux 2019.2
Currently only VGA output is implemented. Camera is TBD.
- generate bitstream file
- export hardware with bitstream included: File->Export->Export Hardware
cd petalinux
#optional: update hw description
petalinux-config --get-hw-description=../
#build the linux:
petalinux-package --boot --format BIN --fsbl ./images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf --fpga ../EBAZ4205_with_KG4205.runs/impl_1/Zynq_proc_wrapper.bit --u-boot --force
The VGA output is tested with 640x480. Current design includes a Testpattern generator and a video framebuffer read block.
With these commands, data is generated by the test pattern generator. To activate the output set these register values:
#activate timing controller:
devmem 0x43c10000 32 5
#set image size in the tpg:
devmem 0x43c00010 32 480
devmem 0x43c00018 32 640
#set color bar pattern in the tpg:
devmem 0x43c00020 32 0x9
#enable the tpg:
devmem 0x43c00000 32 0x81 #control register = ap_start | auto_start
These commands set the registers so the output will display the framebuffer configured in the linux.
#Timing controller:
devmem 0x43c10000 32 5
devmem 0x43c10004 32
#test pattern generator:
devmem 0x43c00000 32 #status
# 0x4
#set size:
devmem 0x43c00010 32 480
devmem 0x43c00018 32 640
devmem 0x43c00020 32 0x0 #tpg pattern = input
devmem 0x43c00098 32 1 #enable slave input
#framebuffer read:
devmem 0x43c20010 32 640 #width
devmem 0x43c20018 32 480 #height
devmem 0x43c20020 32 2560 #stide (4*640)
devmem 0x43c20028 32 10 #memory data format = RGBX
devmem 0x43c20030 32 0xf800000 #address as set in the devce tree
devmem 0x43c20000 32 0x81 # enable dma
devmem 0x43c00000 32 0x81 # enable tpg #control register = ap_start | auto_start