All data in the property graph are persisted to Key-Column-Value (KCV) stores and External Indexes. Key-Column-Value (KCV) stores are an extension of key-value stores (associative dictionaries): in KCV stores, each key maps to a row containing entries. Basically, each entry consists of an offset and a value. By the design of Titan's backend, any KCV storage backend can be used after the necessary interface code is implemented. Plain Key-Value storage backends can also be used, although one must implement an adapter then (this is done for BerkeleyDB). Titan persists to four KCV stores that work as follows:
. In this table, all relations (vertex properties and edges) are stored in a vertex centric manner. This table contains a row for each vertex with a column-value entry for each relation this vertex participates in. Used for local graph queries (a.k.a. vertex centric queries). For types in which a vertex can have multiple relations of the type, a super-column exists in the row in which all relations of the type are stored in sorted order according to a primary key (if defined).vertexindex
, the builtin indexes for vertex and edge properties, respectively. Used for global graph queries. These two indexes answer only very simple queries (exact match with one key); more complicated queries are handled by external indexes (Lucene or ElasticSearch). For completeness, the structure of Titan's ownvertexindex
is: for each value of an indexed "root" property of a vertex in the graph, a row is created in the KCV storevertexindex
, and for each property key a column-value pair exists in this row containing all vertex IDs that have this value as a property key. Vertices having a property value multiple times with the same property key are listed multiple times. The structure of Titan'sedgeindex
is similar, but then the properties are of edges instead of vertices.- An ID store,
. Actually this KCV store is used as a simple Key-Value store. This table contains, for each sub-partition, a pointer to the next ID block to be used to assign IDs. IDs always increase, IDs of removed vertices are not reused. Partitions correspond to the nodes in a Cassandra/HBase cluster. For each partition, three subpartitions exist: vertices, relations and relationTypes.
The external indexes work as document stores: each vertex or edge is represented as a document consisting of all (key, value) attributes persisted to this index regarding this element.
Each relation is stored by calculating an offset (a byte buffer, where the sequence of bytes is interpreted as the offset / address within the row) and telling the KCV storage backend to store the serialized version of this relation at that offset within a row. To prevent collisions in the offsets, Titan assigns the offsets sparsely. The underlying backend also stores the rows in a sparse way which should be linear in the size of the entries. Entries stored in the rows are always grouped by their type.
The following two functions are used to calculate offsets / addresses for the builtin index stores. For types where each value occurs only once, the offset corresponds to the type ID; for other types, the offset corresponds to (type ID, property ID).
public class IndexSerializer {
/* ... */
private static final StaticBuffer getUniqueIndexColumn(TitanKey type) {
return VariableLong.positiveByteBuffer(type.getID());
private static final StaticBuffer getIndexColumn(TitanKey type, long propertyID) {
return VariableLong.positiveByteBuffer(new long[]{type.getID(), propertyID});
For relations to be stored in the edge store, serialization happens in the EdgeSerializer
The procedure to calculate offsets / addresses is essentially the same,
except that now there is the additional constraint that for certain types, relations must be ordered according to a primary key.
Currently, after the type ID, the byte sequence which forms the serialization of the primary key for a relation determines the offset within the row.
Titan contains special serializer classes for some data types (for example, LongSerializer
) for some datatypes to ensure that the generated byte sequences are compatible with the order on the datatype.
For example
However, this has been implemented only for some datatypes, such as Integer
and Long
, but not yet for String
for example.
Conclusion: integer datatypes work well as primary key, but others don't.