Move Data from PVCs between StorageClasses, or rename them.
brew tap beryju/tap
brew install korb
Download the binary of the latest release from /~
Move data between Kubernetes PVCs on different Storage Classes.
korb [pvc [pvc]] [flags]
--container-image string Image to use for moving jobs (default "")
--force Ignore warning which would normally halt the tool during validation.
-h, --help help for korb
--kube-config string (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/Users/jens/.kube/config")
--new-pvc-access-mode strings Access mode(s) for the new PVC. If empty, the access mode of the source will be used. Accepts formats like used in Kubernetes Manifests (ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, ...)
--new-pvc-name string Name for the new PVC. If empty, same name will be reused.
--new-pvc-namespace string Namespace for the new PVCs to be created in. If empty, the namespace from your kubeconfig file will be used.
--new-pvc-size string Size for the new PVC. If empty, the size of the source will be used. Accepts formats like used in Kubernetes Manifests (Gi, Ti, ...)
--new-pvc-storage-class string Storage class to use for the new PVC. If empty, the storage class of the source will be used.
--skip-pvc-bind-wait Skip waiting for PVC to be bound.
--source-namespace string Namespace where the old PVCs reside. If empty, the namespace from your kubeconfig file will be used.
--strategy string Strategy to use, by default will try to auto-select
--timeout string Overwrite auto-generated timeout (by default 60s for Pod to start, copy timeout is based on PVC size)
--tolerate-any-node Allow job to tolerating any node node taints.
To see existing strategies and what they do, please check out the comments in source code of the strategy.
~ ./korb --new-pvc-storage-class ontap-ssd redis-data-redis-master-0
DEBU[0000] Created client from kubeconfig component=migrator kubeconfig=/home/jens/.kube/config
DEBU[0000] Got current namespace component=migrator namespace=prod-beryju-org
DEBU[0000] Got Source PVC component=migrator name=redis-data-redis-master-0 uid=e4b5476f-b965-4e81-bfee-d7cbbf4f6317
DEBU[0000] No new Name given, using old name component=migrator
DEBU[0000] Compatible Strategies: component=migrator
DEBU[0000] Copy the PVC to the new Storage class and with new size and a new name, delete the old PVC, and copy it back to the old name. component=migrator
DEBU[0000] Only one compatible strategy, running component=migrator
DEBU[0000] Set timeout from PVC size component=strategy strategy=copy-twice-name timeout=8m0s
WARN[0000] This strategy assumes you've stopped all pods accessing this data. component=strategy strategy=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0000] creating temporary PVC component=strategy stage=1 strategy=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0002] starting mover job component=strategy stage=2 strategy=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0004] Pod not in correct state yet component=mover-job phase=Pending
DEBU[0006] Pod not in correct state yet component=mover-job phase=Pending
[mover logs]: sending incremental file list
[mover logs]: ./
[mover logs]: appendonly.aof
0 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=1/3)
[mover logs]: dump.rdb
175 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=0/3)
DEBU[0022] Cleaning up successful job component=mover-job
DEBU[0022] deleting original PVC component=strategy stage=3 strategy=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0024] creating final destination PVC component=strategy stage=4 strategy=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0024] starting mover job to final PVC component=strategy stage=5 strategy=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0026] Pod not in correct state yet component=mover-job phase=Pending
DEBU[0028] Pod not in correct state yet component=mover-job phase=Pending
[mover logs]: sending incremental file list
[mover logs]: ./
[mover logs]: appendonly.aof
0 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=1/3)
[mover logs]: dump.rdb
175 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=0/3)
DEBU[0048] Cleaning up successful job component=mover-job
DEBU[0048] deleting temporary PVC component=strategy stage=6 strategy=copy-twice-name
INFO[0050] And we're done component=strategy strategy=copy-twice-name
INFO[0050] Cleaning up... component=strategy strategy=copy-twice-name
~ ./korb overseerr-config --strategy export
DEBU[0000] Created client from kubeconfig component=migrator kubeconfig=/Users/jens/.kube/config
DEBU[0000] Got current namespace component=migrator namespace=overseerr
DEBU[0000] Got Source PVC component=migrator name=overseerr-config uid=8e94240d-3c36-4fb1-baf0-5da1f6c44210
DEBU[0000] No new Name given, using old name component=migrator
INFO[0000] Strategy not compatible component=migrator error="Expected import file 'overseerr-config.tar' does not exist"
DEBU[0000] Compatible Strategies: component=migrator
DEBU[0000] Copy the PVC to the new Storage class and with new size and a new name, delete the old PVC, and copy it back to the old name. component=migrator identifier=copy-twice-name
DEBU[0000] Export PVC content into a tar archive. component=migrator identifier=export
DEBU[0000] User selected strategy component=migrator identifier=export
WARN[0000] This strategy assumes you've stopped all pods accessing this data. component=strategy strategy=export
DEBU[0000] starting mover job component=strategy strategy=export
DEBU[0000] Pod not in correct state yet component=mover-job phase=Pending
DEBU[0036] mover pod running, starting copy component=strategy strategy=export
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
⠧ downloading (110 kB, 43.824 kB/s) /source/db/db.sqlite3-shm
⠴ downloading (4.0 MB, 1.521 MB/s) /source/logs/
⠦ downloading (4.2 MB, 1.521 MB/s) /source/logs/.machinelogs-2022-07-04.json.gz
⠦ downloading (4.4 MB, 1.521 MB/s) /source/settings.json
INFO[0039] Finished copying component=strategy strategy=export
INFO[0039] Export at 'overseerr-config.tar' component=strategy strategy=export
INFO[0039] Cleaning up... component=strategy strategy=export