# Smart-Traffic-Lights Traffic congestion is main problem of modern transportation. There is many sides of this problem such as, driver faults, insufficient road designs, inadequate control systems etc. Among all these problems our subject is traffic lights and their reflection on congestion.In our researches, different timings on traffic light creates discrete congestion. With this observed difference, we can build a new structure to provide a new approach on traffic congestion. In this project we will compare predefined manual traffic lights with aligned smart traffic lights to test our proposed solution. Our approach is about calculating cars on the road and optimizing the lights on behalf the calculated data. For processing the data , we can use weight based priority algorithms with road superiority restrictions.As for the real life implementation, we can use road side units(RSU) to calculate car number on a road via their connections to RSU and after the data collected we can distribute it to algorithm to decide traffic lights cycles. With this system, we will be able to change the duration of red and green lights according to current congestion in the road. So, the light duration of red and green lights will change dynamically through the day. With this approach we can ease the congestion problem created by traffic lights also we can arrange the road flow for the high priority vehicles like ambulance and we can increase develop the economy of that country in the long-run. ## Adnan ÇIĞTEKİN ## Berkay KOÇAK ![Credits](Credits.png)