This is a set of environments that support FMU based deep reinforcement learning (DRL) environment. The FMU can be generated from Dymola, jModelica and EnergyPlus. The environments are divided into smaller environment following object-oriented syntax to support flexible customization. Note now only Python 3 is supported, and only jModelica FMU is tested.
Folder Structure:
: This folder contain source files for building jModelica in Python 3 from scratch, and examples for how to use.jmodelica_drl
: This folder contain source files for building jModelica-based deep reinforcment learning environment from scratch, and examples for how to use.
Supported OS:
This environment supports all three major OS but with limitations:
Window OS
: Nvidia GPU cannot be called due toMac OS
: Mac usually doesn't have Nvidia GPULinux
: works perfectly when Nvidia GPU is available
This documentation assumes the reader has necessary knowledge about how to use Docker.
jModelica is supported in both Python 2 and Python 3, and the source file for building a docker on a local machine is located in ./jmodelica
If the user doesn't want to install everything from scratch
, one can directly pull the image I uploaded in the dockerhub by:
docker pull yangyangfu/jmodelica_py3
The name can be changed freely by using docker tag
command after pulling to the local.
If the user wants to build for fun
, we highly recommend the Python 3 version, and use it as an example here. To install jModelica in Python 3, direct to the subdirectory by
cd ./jmodelica/Python3
Then call script to build the docker image locally by the following command, which executes the build
command in the makefile
, and run the docker building process.
make build
If the reader wants a different name, please refer to makefile
, and directly change the name before the build process.
If the build is successful, the docker image will be named yangyangfu/jmodelica_py3
by checking:
docker image ls
This would list all the images in the local computer. For how to test examples using jModelica, please refer to 3.2.
jModelica serves as a numerical environment, and the DRL algorithms need to be additionally installed.
If the user doesn't want to install everything from scratch
, one can directly pull the image I uploaded in the dockerhub by:
docker pull yangyangfu/jmodelica_drl_cpu -> for CPU-only version
docker pull yangyangfu/jmodelica_drl_gpu -> for GPU version
If the user wants to build for fun
, direct to the right folder by:
cd ./jmodelica-drl/Python3
Build the docker image according to the availability of Nvidia GPU in your local computer OS by:
make build_cpu
make build_gpu
A successful build would create a corressonding docker image in your local computer:
for CPU buildjmodelica_drl_gpu
for GPU build
Customized cuda version can be defined in /jmodelica-drl/Python3/Dockerfile_GPU
Here the docker environment is assumed to be executable on your local computer.
open a terminal and navigate to your work directory, such as
compile a Modelica file in
into FMU using jModelica docker by running
bash -> for MacOS or Linux
compile_fmu.bat -> for windows OS
A successful compilation would generate a *.fmu
file in the current folder.
- simulate the generated fmu using pyFMI by typing:
bash -> for MacOS or Linux
simulate_fmu.bat -> for windows OS
Here we provide an example using pytorch-based DRL algorithms to control a cart-pole environment modelel in Modelica FMU.
The opengym environment is implemented in .jmodelica-drl/Python3/gym-tutorial
The scripts that run the DRL experiment using DDQN are located at .jmodelica-drl/Python3/test
To run the experiment, type:
bash -> for MacOS or Linux
test_cart_pole_ddqn.bat -> for Windows OS
If you find this framework is a help to your research, please consider to cite:
Yangyang Fu, Shichao Xu, Qi Zhu, and Zheng O’Neill. 2021. Containerized
Framework for Building Control Performance Comparisons:
Model Predictive Control vs Deep Reinforcement Learning
Control. In Proceedings of The 8th ACM International Conference
on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation
(BuildSys), Nov 17-18, 2021, Coimbra, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY,
USA, 5 pages.