If you are looking for general documentation on how to use the management libraries, please visit here
The AzureResourceManager
class is the simplest entry point for creating and interacting with Azure resources.
AzureProfile profile = new AzureProfile(AzureEnvironment.AZURE);
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder()
AzureResourceManager azure = AzureResourceManager
.authenticate(credential, profile)
To learn more about authentication in the Azure Management Libraries for Java, see /~https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/resourcemanager/docs/AUTH.md.
You can create a virtual machine instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
System.out.println("Creating a Linux VM");
VirtualMachine linuxVM = azure.virtualMachines().define("myLinuxVM")
System.out.println("Created a Linux VM: " + linuxVM.id());
You can update a virtual machine instance by using an update() … apply()
method chain.
.withNewDataDisk(20, lun, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE)
You can create a virtual machine scale set instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
VirtualMachineScaleSet virtualMachineScaleSet = azure.virtualMachineScaleSets().define(vmssName)
.withExistingPrimaryNetworkSubnet(network, "Front-end")
.withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerBackends(backendPoolName1, backendPoolName2)
.withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerInboundNatPools(natPool50XXto22, natPool60XXto23)
.withNewDataDisk(100, 1, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE)
.withNewDataDisk(100, 2, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE, StorageAccountTypes.STANDARD_LRS)
You can create a virtual network by using a define() … create()
method chain.
Network network = azure.networks().define("mynetwork")
.withSubnet("subnet1", "")
.withSubnet("subnet2", "")
You can create a network security group instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
NetworkSecurityGroup frontEndNSG = azure.networkSecurityGroups().define(frontEndNSGName)
.withDescription("Allow SSH")
.withDescription("Allow HTTP")
You can create a application gateway instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
ApplicationGateway applicationGateway = azure.applicationGateways().define("myFirstAppGateway")
// Request routing rule for HTTP from public 80 to public 8080
You can create a Web App instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
WebApp webApp = azure.webApps()
You can create a Cosmos DB account by using a define() … create()
method chain.
CosmosAccount cosmosDBAccount = azure.cosmosDBAccounts().define(cosmosDBName)
You can create a SQL server instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
SqlServer sqlServer = azure.sqlServers().define(sqlServerName)
.withNewFirewallRule("", "")
Then, you can create a SQL database instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
SqlDatabase database = azure.sqlServers().databases().define("myNewDatabase")