Anonymity into your browser everywhere from any device
Crowdfunding campaign launched on Kickstarter the 19th of June for 40 days, you're welcome to contribute
[iAnonym kickstarter campaign] (
Extended browserification of /~, using Tor or a Tor like network, one unique javascript code for all platforms.
9th February 2013 : first successfull complete communication from the browser with the OP js inside the browser, see the results [First loading - in black the OR,in white the OP inside the browser with web console messages] (
It's already fast while no optimization efforts have been made.
- mix node.js's Buffers and Typed Arrays --> OK, see /~
- URL parser --> OK
- HTTP parser --> OK
- Secure script to control the page --> OK
- self signed certificates generation (OP) --> OK
- certificates verification (OP) --> OK
- implement TLS protocol (OP, inside websockets, both client and server side) --> OK, see Ayms/abstract-tls
- retrieve the certificate used for the first TLS connection between the page and the OP (Evil1 attack) --> OK, see Interception Detector
- implement Tor protocol and websocket Tor protocol extension (OP, inside websockets) --> OK
- Webcrypto like features (hash, encrypt, decrypt, rsa, aes, dh, etc) --> OK, cryptoJS, jsbn and polycrypt (conversion fonctions) + RELAY_INFO
- websocket protocol --> OK, see /~
- websocket Tor protocol extension --> OK (RELAY_WS, RELAY_ASSOCIATE, RELAY_INFO, CREATE_FAST_WS, CREATED_FAST_WS - see see /~
Related :
- [The W3C Webcrypto Working Group] ( [and status] (
- [DomCrypt (Webcrypto compatible) in Mozilla] (
- [ArrayBuffer / Typed Arrays] ( [and implementation status] (
- TextEncoder / TextDecoder [and implementation] (
- TC39 ECMAScript and SES concepts + [Object.observe] (
- [Forge (TLS implementation)] (/~
- [The Stanford Javascript Crypto library] (
- [cryptoJS] (
- [jsbn] (
- [PolyCrypt] (
- [The W3C WebApps Working Group] (
Secondary interest :
- [The W3C Web Applications Security Working Group] ( [and Content Security policy] (
- [The W3C WebRTC Working Group] (
####This section is deprecated since now everything is working inside the browser, we keep it for historical reasons.
See /~
You can try it Live (soon) :
- set the socks proxy V5 interface of your browser to IP port xxx (to come) (on Firefox : Options/Advanced/Network/Parameters/Manual configuration of proxy), clear the cache/history, close your browser and reopen it
- enter url (fake domain)
- this will load the press public site (a huge public site, therefore a good test site), you can use the web console (or network analyzer) to check that all requests from the browser are toward domain, the local resources urls ( are not encrypted (but can not be seen when TLS will be implemented), the outside resources urls are encrypted and look like
See Details section for url encoding.
- some requests can still appear to be on the domain, this is because for now urls contained in css files are not filtered.
The test configuration is :
[Browser] | <--socks--------------------------> |
| | [node-Tor_OR] <-----> [Tor Network] <-----> [Site]
[node-Tor_OP] | <--websocket RELAY_WS/ASSOCIATE---> |
See Ayms/node-Tor for RELAY_WS/ASSOCIATE