With this lib you can upload/download theoretically infinite content on Telegram Servers.
This works by uploading/downloading files like a normal bot would, so we have the same limitations that Bots have, For example the maximum size of files we can download is 20mb, so we just need to splice them before uploading to get around this limitation
you just need to create a bot on BotFather,
and get the Token like 1234567890:AAHqadAckv5dMLS47rKsTYD2u_zISsiIBrU
Then you need to start the bot by sending him a message
And you need to know your Telegram ID so the bot knows in which chat Upload the files.
you can get your account ID by sending a message to chatIDrobot. You will get something like this 1470338630
$ java -jar TelegramStorage.jar upload /Path/To/File
output: file.ext.zip uploaded as id: BQACAgEAAxkDAAP_YTeBrJ5Z9D1OXWw1ZyZBV_C-Zg0AAgsCAALMV8BFkYmTAniEJ3IgBA
Note: ID will be longer for bigger files
$ java -jar TelegramStorage.jar Download *IDHERE* | OPTIONAL | /Path/To/Ouput/Dir/
import com.alles.telegramstoragelib.TelegramStorage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
TelegramStorage Storage = new TelegramStorage("1226512047","1470338630:AAHqadAzxn5dMPV47rKsTYD2u_zORmzIBrU");
String FileID = Storage.Upload(new File("/home/alles/Downloads/mumei.jpg"));
boolean success = Storage.Download(FileID,"/home/alles/");
System.out.Println("File Downloaded Successfully!");
System.out.Println("File Downloaded Failed!");
- github.pengrad.java.telegram.bot.api
- net.lingala.zip4j
- commons.io