For new Ubuntu installations, you can install Docker during the installation of the server.
When you start an Ubuntu installation (the manual way) via the ISO, it’ll look like the below.
On the last screen, once you get passed all of the configuration data, you’ll see an option to install software. Once of those options is Docker.
If you want to install Docker on an existing server, you’ll need to run the installation via the Aptitude package manager..
Notice the below screenshot - by default, Docker is not installed.
You can install Docker by running the following command:
apt install -y
Run the following to confirm that Docker was installed properly.
You’ll see an output similar to the screenshot below.
If you have a fresh installation of CentOS, Docker will not be installed by default. Per the screenshot below, when you try to run docker
, it won’t work.
To install Docker, run the following:
yum install docker
Now when you run docker
, you’ll see an output similar to the screenshot below.
For any other Linux distros, the installation process will look the same outside of the package manager that you’re using. For example, Ubuntu used the Aptitude package manager whereas CentOS uses the Yum package manager.
For installing containers and Docker on Windows Server, you have a few options.
The first option below, under Roles and Features via Server Manager, you can install the Containers tool which allows you to run Windows Containers on the server.
To install Docker, run the following commands
Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
Restart your server once complete.