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How‐to: Install AccUnit

Josef Pötzl edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 5 revisions

Install Access Add-In

  1. Download the Access add-in AccUnitLoader and the VBS install script from access-add-in folder or from last release into the same folder.
  2. Start AccUnitLoader_Install.vbs and follow the instructions of the script
  3. Open Access and install the Access add-in with the Add-In Manager (Ribbon: Database Tools -> Add-Ins -> Add-In Manager)
  4. Open the add-in and extract AccUnit dll files (button "Export dll files from add-in")
  5. (optional but recommended) Set reference to AccUnit.tlb
  6. Insert AccUnit factory module in your application

Video: Installation steps

Install Excel Add-In

  1. Download the Excel add-in AccUnitLoader and the VBS install script from excel-add-in folder or from last release into the same folder.
  2. Start AccUnitLoader_Install.vbs and follow the instructions of the script
  3. Open Excel and install the Access add-in with the Add-In Manager (Ribbon: Developer -> Excel Add-Ins -> Install add-in file from %appdata%\Microsoft\Add-Ins or File -> Options -> Add-ins -> Excel Add-ins)
  4. Select new ribbon tab AccUnit and open Configuration
  5. (optional) select target folder for AccUnit dll files
  6. Extract AccUnit dll files (button "Export dll files to directory")
  7. (optional but recommended) Set reference to AccUnit.tlb
  8. Insert AccUnit factory module in your application


  • The folder %appdata%\Microsoft\AddIns must be set as a trusted location
  • Start AccUnit TestSuite from immediate window requires .NET Framework 3.5
  • AccUnit VBE Add-In requires .NET Framework 4.8