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Completely rewrote the bundling logic to fix APIDevTools/swagger-pars…
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JamesMessinger committed Jan 4, 2016
1 parent 030f604 commit 32510a3
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,112 additions and 701 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .eslintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@

"accessor-pairs": 2, // require corresponding getters for any setters
"block-scoped-var": 2, // treat var statements as if they were block scoped (off by default)
"complexity": [2, 8], // specify the maximum cyclomatic complexity allowed in a program (off by default)
"complexity": [1, 8], // specify the maximum cyclomatic complexity allowed in a program (off by default)
"consistent-return": 0, // require return statements to either always or never specify values
"curly": 2, // specify curly brace conventions for all control statements
"default-case": 0, // require default case in switch statements (off by default)
Expand Down
15 changes: 0 additions & 15 deletions .jscsrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,19 +70,4 @@
"disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements": true,
"disallowSpaceBeforeComma": true,
"disallowSpaceBeforeSemicolon": true,

"jsDoc": {
"checkAnnotations": true,
"checkParamNames": true,
"requireParamTypes": true,
"checkRedundantParams": true,
"checkReturnTypes": true,
"checkRedundantReturns": true,
"requireReturnTypes": true,
"checkTypes": true,
"checkRedundantAccess": "enforceLeadingUnderscore",
"leadingUnderscoreAccess": true,
"requireHyphenBeforeDescription": true,
"requireNewlineAfterDescription": true
972 changes: 545 additions & 427 deletions dist/ref-parser.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions dist/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

207 changes: 105 additions & 102 deletions dist/ref-parser.min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions dist/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

271 changes: 135 additions & 136 deletions lib/bundle.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,171 +22,170 @@ module.exports = bundle;
* @param {$RefParserOptions} options
function bundle(parser, options) {
util.debug('Bundling $ref pointers in %s', parser._basePath);
util.debug('Bundling $ref pointers in %s', parser.$refs._basePath);

remap(parser.$refs, options);
dereference(parser._basePath, parser.$refs, options);
// Build an inventory of all $ref pointers in the JSON Schema
var inventory = [];
crawl(parser.schema, parser.$refs._basePath + '#', '#', inventory, parser.$refs, options);

* Optimizes the {@link $Ref#referencedAt} list for each {@link $Ref} to contain as few entries
* as possible (ideally, one).
* @example:
* {
* first: { $ref: somefile.json#/some/part },
* second: { $ref: somefile.json#/another/part },
* third: { $ref: somefile.json },
* fourth: { $ref: somefile.json#/some/part/sub/part }
* }
* In this example, there are four references to the same file, but since the third reference points
* to the ENTIRE file, that's the only one we care about. The other three can just be remapped to point
* inside the third one.
* On the other hand, if the third reference DIDN'T exist, then the first and second would both be
* significant, since they point to different parts of the file. The fourth reference is not significant,
* since it can still be remapped to point inside the first one.
* @param {$Refs} $refs
function optimize($refs) {
Object.keys($refs._$refs).forEach(function(key) {
var $ref = $refs._$refs[key];

// Find the first reference to this $ref
var first = $ref.referencedAt.filter(function(at) { return at.firstReference; })[0];

// Do any of the references point to the entire file?
var entireFile = $ref.referencedAt.filter(function(at) { return at.hash === '#'; });
if (entireFile.length === 1) {
// We found a single reference to the entire file. Done!
$ref.referencedAt = entireFile;
else if (entireFile.length > 1) {
// We found more than one reference to the entire file. Pick the first one.
if (entireFile.indexOf(first) >= 0) {
$ref.referencedAt = [first];
else {
$ref.referencedAt = entireFile.slice(0, 1);
else {
// There are noo references to the entire file, so optimize the list of reference points
// by eliminating any duplicate/redundant ones (e.g. "fourth" in the example above)
console.log('========================= %s BEFORE =======================', $ref.path, JSON.stringify($ref.referencedAt, null, 2));
[first].concat($ref.referencedAt).forEach(function(at) {
dedupe(at, $ref.referencedAt);
console.log('========================= %s AFTER =======================', $ref.path, JSON.stringify($ref.referencedAt, null, 2));

* Removes redundant entries from the {@link $Ref#referencedAt} list.
* @param {object} original - The {@link $Ref#referencedAt} entry to keep
* @param {object[]} dupes - The {@link $Ref#referencedAt} list to dedupe
function dedupe(original, dupes) {
for (var i = dupes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var dupe = dupes[i];
if (dupe !== original && dupe.hash.indexOf(original.hash) === 0) {
dupes.splice(i, 1);
// Remap all $ref pointers

* Re-maps all $ref pointers in the schema, so that they are relative to the root of the schema.
* Recursively crawls the given value, and inventories all JSON references.
* @param {*} obj - The value to crawl. If it's not an object or array, it will be ignored.
* @param {string} path - The full path of `obj`, possibly with a JSON Pointer in the hash
* @param {string} pathFromRoot - The path of `obj` from the schema root
* @param {object[]} inventory - An array of already-inventoried $ref pointers
* @param {$Refs} $refs
* @param {$RefParserOptions} options
function remap($refs, options) {
var remapped = [];

// Crawl the schema and determine the re-mapped values for all $ref pointers.
// NOTE: We don't actually APPLY the re-mappings yet, since that can affect other re-mappings
Object.keys($refs._$refs).forEach(function(key) {
var $ref = $refs._$refs[key];
crawl($ref.value, $ref.path + '#', $refs, remapped, options);
function crawl(obj, path, pathFromRoot, inventory, $refs, options) {
if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);

// Now APPLY all of the re-mappings
for (var i = 0; i < remapped.length; i++) {
var mapping = remapped[i];
mapping.old$Ref.$ref =$Ref.$ref;
// Most people will expect references to be bundled into the the "definitions" property,
// so we always crawl that property first, if it exists.
var defs = keys.indexOf('definitions');
if (defs > 0) {
keys.splice(0, 0, keys.splice(defs, 1)[0]);

* Recursively crawls the given value, and re-maps any JSON references.
* @param {*} obj - The value to crawl. If it's not an object or array, it will be ignored.
* @param {string} path - The path to use for resolving relative JSON references
* @param {$Refs} $refs - The resolved JSON references
* @param {object[]} remapped - An array of the re-mapped JSON references
* @param {$RefParserOptions} options
function crawl(obj, path, $refs, remapped, options) {
if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
keys.forEach(function(key) {
var keyPath = Pointer.join(path, key);
var keyPathFromRoot = Pointer.join(pathFromRoot, key);
var value = obj[key];

if ($$Ref(value)) {
// We found a $ref, so resolve it
util.debug('Re-mapping $ref pointer "%s" at %s', value.$ref, keyPath);
var $refPath = url.resolve(path, value.$ref);
var pointer = $refs._resolve($refPath, options);

// Find the path from the root of the JSON schema
var hash = util.path.getHash(value.$ref);
var referencedAt = pointer.$ref.referencedAt.filter(function(at) {
return hash.indexOf(at.hash) === 0;

'referencedAt.pathFromRoot =', referencedAt.pathFromRoot,
'\nreferencedAt.hash =', referencedAt.hash,
'\nhash =', hash,
'\npointer.path.hash =', util.path.getHash(pointer.path)

// Re-map the value
var new$RefPath = referencedAt.pathFromRoot + util.path.getHash(pointer.path).substr(1);
util.debug(' new value: %s', new$RefPath);
old$Ref: value,
new$Ref: {$ref: new$RefPath} // Note: DON'T name this property `new` (/~
// Skip this $ref if we've already inventoried it
if (!inventory.some(function(i) { return i.parent === obj && i.key === key; })) {
inventory$Ref(obj, key, path, keyPathFromRoot, inventory, $refs, options);
else {
crawl(value, keyPath, $refs, remapped, options);
crawl(value, keyPath, keyPathFromRoot, inventory, $refs, options);

* Dereferences each external $ref pointer exactly ONCE.
* Inventories the given JSON Reference (i.e. records detailed information about it so we can
* optimize all $refs in the schema), and then crawls the resolved value.
* @param {string} basePath
* @param {object} $refParent - The object that contains a JSON Reference as one of its keys
* @param {string} $refKey - The key in `$refParent` that is a JSON Reference
* @param {string} path - The full path of the JSON Reference at `$refKey`, possibly with a JSON Pointer in the hash
* @param {string} pathFromRoot - The path of the JSON Reference at `$refKey`, from the schema root
* @param {object[]} inventory - An array of already-inventoried $ref pointers
* @param {$Refs} $refs
* @param {$RefParserOptions} options
function dereference(basePath, $refs, options) {
basePath = util.path.stripHash(basePath);
function inventory$Ref($refParent, $refKey, path, pathFromRoot, inventory, $refs, options) {
var $ref = $refParent[$refKey];
var $refPath = url.resolve(path, $ref.$ref);
var pointer = $refs._resolve($refPath, options);
var depth = Pointer.parse(pathFromRoot).length;
var file = util.path.stripHash(pointer.path);
var hash = util.path.getHash(pointer.path);
var external = file !== $refs._basePath;
var extended = Object.keys($ref).length > 1;

$ref: $ref, // The JSON Reference (e.g. {$ref: string})
parent: $refParent, // The object that contains this $ref pointer
key: $refKey, // The key in `parent` that is the $ref pointer
pathFromRoot: pathFromRoot, // The path to the $ref pointer, from the JSON Schema root
depth: depth, // How far from the JSON Schema root is this $ref pointer?
file: file, // The file that the $ref pointer resolves to
hash: hash, // The hash within `file` that the $ref pointer resolves to
value: pointer.value, // The resolved value of the $ref pointer
circular: pointer.circular, // Is this $ref pointer DIRECTLY circular? (i.e. it references itself)
extended: extended, // Does this $ref extend its resolved value? (i.e. it has extra properties, in addition to "$ref")
external: external // Does this $ref pointer point to a file other than the main JSON Schema file?

Object.keys($refs._$refs).forEach(function(key) {
var $ref = $refs._$refs[key];
// Recursively crawl the resolved value
crawl(pointer.value, pointer.path, pathFromRoot, inventory, $refs, options);

if ($ref.referencedAt.length > 0) {
$refs.set(basePath + $ref.referencedAt[0].pathFromRoot, $ref.value, options);
* Re-maps every $ref pointer, so that they're all relative to the root of the JSON Schema.
* Each referenced value is dereferenced EXACTLY ONCE. All subsequent references to the same
* value are re-mapped to point to the first reference.
* @example:
* {
* first: { $ref: somefile.json#/some/part },
* second: { $ref: somefile.json#/another/part },
* third: { $ref: somefile.json },
* fourth: { $ref: somefile.json#/some/part/sub/part }
* }
* In this example, there are four references to the same file, but since the third reference points
* to the ENTIRE file, that's the only one we need to dereference. The other three can just be
* remapped to point inside the third one.
* On the other hand, if the third reference DIDN'T exist, then the first and second would both need
* to be dereferenced, since they point to different parts of the file. The fourth reference does NOT
* need to be dereferenced, because it can be remapped to point inside the first one.
* @param {object[]} inventory
function remap(inventory) {
// Group & sort all the $ref pointers, so they're in the order that we need to dereference/remap them
inventory.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.file !== b.file) {
return a.file < b.file ? -1 : +1; // Group all the $refs that point to the same file
else if (a.hash !== b.hash) {
return a.hash < b.hash ? -1 : +1; // Group all the $refs that point to the same part of the file
else if (a.circular !== b.circular) {
return a.circular ? -1 : +1; // If the $ref points to itself, then sort it higher than other $refs that point to this $ref
else if (a.extended !== b.extended) {
return a.extended ? +1 : -1; // If the $ref extends the resolved value, then sort it lower than other $refs that don't extend the value
else if (a.depth !== b.depth) {
return a.depth - b.depth; // Sort $refs by how close they are to the JSON Schema root
else {
// If all else is equal, use the $ref that's in the "definitions" property
return b.pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf('/definitions') - a.pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf('/definitions');

var file, hash, pathFromRoot;
inventory.forEach(function(i) {
util.debug('Re-mapping $ref pointer "%s" at %s', i.$ref.$ref, i.pathFromRoot);

if (!i.external) {
// This $ref already resolves to the main JSON Schema file
i.$ref.$ref = i.hash;
else if (i.file !== file || i.hash.indexOf(hash) !== 0) {

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tlusk Jan 5, 2016

Using indexOf to compare the hash doesn't seem to work when the hashes start with the same string. Here's an example:

  $ref: "./process.yaml#/process"
  $ref: "./process.yaml#/process-guid-segment"
  $ref: "./process.yaml#/process-guid-segment-event"
  $ref: "./process.yaml#/process-guid-segment-preview"
  $ref: "./process.yaml#/process-guid-segment-report"

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JamesMessinger Jan 5, 2016

Author Member

Ah, good point. I'll fix that and create a test for it.

// We've moved to a new file or new hash
file = i.file;
hash = i.hash;
pathFromRoot = i.pathFromRoot;

// This is the first $ref to point to this value, so dereference the value.
// Any other $refs that point to the same value will point to this $ref instead
i.$ref = i.parent[i.key] = util.dereference(i.$ref, i.value);

if (i.circular) {
// This $ref points to itself
i.$ref.$ref = i.pathFromRoot;
else {
// This $ref points to the same value as the prevous $ref
i.$ref.$ref = Pointer.join(pathFromRoot, Pointer.parse(i.hash));

util.debug(' new value: %s', (i.$ref && i.$ref.$ref) ? i.$ref.$ref : '[object Object]');
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,11 @@
<script src="specs/external/external.bundled.js"></script>
<script src="specs/external/external.spec.js"></script>

<script src="specs/external-partial/external-partial.parsed.js"></script>
<script src="specs/external-partial/external-partial.dereferenced.js"></script>
<script src="specs/external-partial/external-partial.bundled.js"></script>
<script src="specs/external-partial/external-partial.spec.js"></script>

<script src="specs/circular/circular.parsed.js"></script>
<script src="specs/circular/circular.dereferenced.js"></script>
<script src="specs/circular/circular.spec.js"></script>
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions tests/specs/external-partial/definitions/definitions.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"required string": {
"$ref": "required-string.yaml"
"string": {
"$ref": "#/required%20string/type"
"name": {
"$ref": "../definitions/name.yaml"
"age": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0
"gender": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["male", "female"]
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions tests/specs/external-partial/definitions/name.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: name
type: object
- first
- last
$ref: ../definitions/definitions.json#/required string
$ref: ./required-string.yaml
$ref: "definitions.json#/name/properties/first/type"
$ref: "definitions.json#/name/properties/first/minLength"
$ref: "../definitions/definitions.json#/name/properties/last"
minLength: 3
type: string
$ref: "definitions.json#/name/properties/prefix"
maxLength: 3
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/specs/external-partial/definitions/required-string.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title: required string
type: string
minLength: 1

0 comments on commit 32510a3

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