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Optimize watching for spending txs (#1699)
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Since we almost always know which transactions will spend the utxos that we are watching, we can optimize the watcher to look for those instead of starting from scratch.
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pm47 authored Feb 24, 2021
1 parent fa759f1 commit c1bf9bd
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Expand Up @@ -72,11 +72,13 @@ object WatchConfirmed {
* @param outputIndex index of the outpoint to watch.
* @param publicKeyScript electrum requires us to specify a public key script; the script of the outpoint must be provided.
* @param event channel event related to the outpoint.
* @param hints txids of potential spending transactions; most of the time we know the txs, and it allows for optimizations.
* This argument can safely be ignored by watcher implementations.
final case class WatchSpent(replyTo: ActorRef, txId: ByteVector32, outputIndex: Int, publicKeyScript: ByteVector, event: BitcoinEvent) extends Watch
final case class WatchSpent(replyTo: ActorRef, txId: ByteVector32, outputIndex: Int, publicKeyScript: ByteVector, event: BitcoinEvent, hints: Set[ByteVector32]) extends Watch
object WatchSpent {
// if we have the entire transaction, we can get the publicKeyScript from the relevant output
def apply(replyTo: ActorRef, tx: Transaction, outputIndex: Int, event: BitcoinEvent): WatchSpent = WatchSpent(replyTo, tx.txid, outputIndex, tx.txOut(outputIndex).publicKeyScript, event)
def apply(replyTo: ActorRef, tx: Transaction, outputIndex: Int, event: BitcoinEvent, hints: Set[ByteVector32]): WatchSpent = WatchSpent(replyTo, tx.txid, outputIndex, tx.txOut(outputIndex).publicKeyScript, event, hints)

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Expand Up @@ -140,27 +140,40 @@ class ZmqWatcher(chainHash: ByteVector32, blockCount: AtomicLong, client: Extend

case WatchSpent(_, txid, outputIndex, _, _) =>
case WatchSpent(_, txid, outputIndex, _, _, hints) =>
// first let's see if the parent tx was published or not
client.getTxConfirmations(txid).collect {
case Some(_) =>
// parent tx was published, we need to make sure this particular output has not been spent
client.isTransactionOutputSpendable(txid, outputIndex, includeMempool = true).collect {
case false =>"$txid:$outputIndex has already been spent, looking for the spending tx in the mempool")
client.getMempool().map { mempoolTxs =>
mempoolTxs.filter(tx => tx.txIn.exists(i => i.outPoint.txid == txid && i.outPoint.index == outputIndex)) match {
case Nil =>
log.warning(s"$txid:$outputIndex has already been spent, spending tx not in the mempool, looking in the blockchain...")
client.lookForSpendingTx(None, txid, outputIndex).map { tx =>
log.warning(s"found the spending tx of $txid:$outputIndex in the blockchain: txid=${tx.txid}")
self ! NewTransaction(tx)
// the output has been spent, let's find the spending tx
// if we know some potential spending txs, we try to fetch them directly
Future.sequence( => client.getTransaction(txid).map(Some(_)).recover { case _ => None }))
.flatten // filter out errors
.find(tx => tx.txIn.exists(i => i.outPoint.txid == txid && i.outPoint.index == outputIndex)) match {
case Some(spendingTx) =>
// there can be only one spending tx for an utxo"$txid:$outputIndex has already been spent by a tx provided in hints: txid=${spendingTx.txid}")
self ! NewTransaction(spendingTx)
case None =>
// no luck, we have to do it the hard way..."$txid:$outputIndex has already been spent, looking for the spending tx in the mempool")
client.getMempool().map { mempoolTxs =>
mempoolTxs.filter(tx => tx.txIn.exists(i => i.outPoint.txid == txid && i.outPoint.index == outputIndex)) match {
case Nil =>
log.warning(s"$txid:$outputIndex has already been spent, spending tx not in the mempool, looking in the blockchain...")
client.lookForSpendingTx(None, txid, outputIndex).map { tx =>
log.warning(s"found the spending tx of $txid:$outputIndex in the blockchain: txid=${tx.txid}")
self ! NewTransaction(tx)
case txs =>"found ${txs.size} txs spending $txid:$outputIndex in the mempool: txids=${",")}")
txs.foreach(tx => self ! NewTransaction(tx))
case txs =>"found ${txs.size} txs spending $txid:$outputIndex in the mempool: txids=${",")}")
txs.foreach(tx => self ! NewTransaction(tx))
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ElectrumWatcher(blockCount: AtomicLong, client: ActorRef) extends Actor wi

case watch: Watch if watches.contains(watch) => ()

case watch@WatchSpent(_, txid, outputIndex, publicKeyScript, _) =>
case watch@WatchSpent(_, txid, outputIndex, publicKeyScript, _, _) =>
val scriptHash = computeScriptHash(publicKeyScript)"added watch-spent on output=$txid:$outputIndex scriptHash=$scriptHash")
client ! ElectrumClient.ScriptHashSubscription(scriptHash, self)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class ElectrumWatcher(blockCount: AtomicLong, client: ActorRef) extends Actor wi
case ElectrumClient.GetTransactionResponse(tx, Some(item: ElectrumClient.TransactionHistoryItem)) =>
// this is for WatchSpent/WatchSpentBasic
val watchSpentTriggered = => watches.collect {
case WatchSpent(channel, txid, pos, _, event) if txid == outPoint.txid && pos == outPoint.index.toInt =>
case WatchSpent(channel, txid, pos, _, event, _) if txid == outPoint.txid && pos == outPoint.index.toInt =>"output $txid:$pos spent by transaction ${tx.txid}")
channel ! WatchEventSpent(event, tx)
// NB: WatchSpent are permanent because we need to detect multiple spending of the funding tx
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32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/channel/Channel.scala
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Expand Up @@ -222,9 +222,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
case None =>
// in all other cases we need to be ready for any type of closing
// TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, data.commitments.commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
blockchain ! WatchLost(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, nodeParams.minDepthBlocks, BITCOIN_FUNDING_LOST)
Expand All @@ -246,9 +244,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId

case normal: DATA_NORMAL =>
// TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, data.commitments.commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
blockchain ! WatchLost(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, nodeParams.minDepthBlocks, BITCOIN_FUNDING_LOST)
context.system.eventStream.publish(ShortChannelIdAssigned(self, normal.channelId, normal.channelUpdate.shortChannelId, None))

// we rebuild a new channel_update with values from the configuration because they may have changed while eclair was down
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,9 +276,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
goto(OFFLINE) using normal.copy(channelUpdate = channelUpdate1)

// TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, data.commitments.commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
blockchain ! WatchLost(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, nodeParams.minDepthBlocks, BITCOIN_FUNDING_LOST)
// we make sure that the funding tx has been published
blockchain ! GetTxWithMeta(funding.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid)
if (funding.waitingSinceBlock > 1500000) {
Expand All @@ -293,9 +287,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId

case _ =>
// TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, data.commitments.commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
blockchain ! WatchLost(self, data.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, nodeParams.minDepthBlocks, BITCOIN_FUNDING_LOST)
goto(OFFLINE) using data

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,7 +474,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
// NB: we don't send a ChannelSignatureSent for the first commit"waiting for them to publish the funding tx for channelId=$channelId fundingTxid=${commitInput.outPoint.txid}")
val fundingMinDepth = Helpers.minDepthForFunding(nodeParams, fundingAmount)
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, commitInput.outPoint.txid, commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT) // TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
blockchain ! WatchConfirmed(self, commitInput.outPoint.txid, commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, fundingMinDepth, BITCOIN_FUNDING_DEPTHOK)
goto(WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED) using DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED(commitments, None, initialRelayFees_opt, nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, None, Right(fundingSigned)) storing() sending fundingSigned
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,7 +513,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
val now = System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds.toSeconds
context.system.eventStream.publish(ChannelSignatureReceived(self, commitments))"publishing funding tx for channelId=$channelId fundingTxid=${commitInput.outPoint.txid}")
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, commitInput.outPoint.txid, commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT) // TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
blockchain ! WatchConfirmed(self, commitInput.outPoint.txid, commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, nodeParams.minDepthBlocks, BITCOIN_FUNDING_DEPTHOK)"committing txid=${fundingTx.txid}")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1339,7 +1331,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
val revokedCommitPublished1 = { rev =>
val (rev1, tx_opt) = Closing.claimRevokedHtlcTxOutputs(keyManager, d.commitments, rev, tx, nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeEstimator)
tx_opt.foreach(claimTx => blockchain ! PublishAsap(claimTx))
tx_opt.foreach(claimTx => blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, tx, claimTx.txIn.filter(_.outPoint.txid == tx.txid).head.outPoint.index.toInt, BITCOIN_OUTPUT_SPENT))
tx_opt.foreach(claimTx => blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, tx, claimTx.txIn.filter(_.outPoint.txid == tx.txid).head.outPoint.index.toInt, BITCOIN_OUTPUT_SPENT, hints = Set(claimTx.txid)))
stay using d.copy(revokedCommitPublished = revokedCommitPublished1) storing()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1944,6 +1936,14 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId

def watchFundingTx(commitments: Commitments, additionalKnownSpendingTxs: Set[ByteVector32] = Set.empty): Unit = {
// TODO: should we wait for an acknowledgment from the watcher?
val knownSpendingTxs = Set(commitments.localCommit.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx.txid, commitments.remoteCommit.txid) ++ ++ additionalKnownSpendingTxs
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, commitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, commitments.commitInput.txOut.publicKeyScript, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, knownSpendingTxs)
// TODO: implement this? (not needed if we use a reasonable min_depth)
//blockchain ! WatchLost(self, commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, nodeParams.minDepthBlocks, BITCOIN_FUNDING_LOST)

* When we are funder, we use this function to detect when our funding tx has been double-spent (by another transaction
* that we made for some reason). If the funding tx has been double spent we can forget about the channel.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
def watchSpentIfNeeded(parentTx: Transaction, txs: Iterable[Transaction], irrevocablySpent: Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]): Unit = {
val (skip, process) = txs.partition(Closing.inputsAlreadySpent(_, irrevocablySpent))
process.foreach(tx => blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, parentTx, tx.txIn.filter(_.outPoint.txid == parentTx.txid).head.outPoint.index.toInt, BITCOIN_OUTPUT_SPENT))
process.foreach(tx => blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, parentTx, tx.txIn.filter(_.outPoint.txid == parentTx.txid).head.outPoint.index.toInt, BITCOIN_OUTPUT_SPENT, hints = Set(tx.txid)))
skip.foreach(tx =>"no need to watch txid=${tx.txid}, it has already been confirmed"))

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ class ZmqWatcherSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with AnyFunSuiteLike with Bitcoind
val outputIndex = 42
val utxo = OutPoint(txid.reverse, outputIndex)

val w1 = WatchSpent(null, txid, outputIndex, randomBytes32, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
val w2 = WatchSpent(null, txid, outputIndex, randomBytes32, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
val w1 = WatchSpent(null, txid, outputIndex, randomBytes32, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set.empty)
val w2 = WatchSpent(null, txid, outputIndex, randomBytes32, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set.empty)
val w3 = WatchSpentBasic(null, txid, outputIndex, randomBytes32, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
val w4 = WatchSpentBasic(null, randomBytes32, 5, randomBytes32, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
val w5 = WatchConfirmed(null, txid, randomBytes32, 3, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class ZmqWatcherSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with AnyFunSuiteLike with Bitcoind

val listener = TestProbe()
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpentBasic(listener.ref, tx, outputIndex, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(listener.ref, tx, outputIndex, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(listener.ref, tx, outputIndex, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set.empty))
listener.expectNoMsg(1 second)
probe.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("sendrawtransaction", tx1.toString()))
Expand All @@ -156,11 +156,20 @@ class ZmqWatcherSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with AnyFunSuiteLike with Bitcoind
listener.expectNoMsg(1 second)
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpentBasic(listener.ref, tx1, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(listener.ref, tx1, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(listener.ref, tx1, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set.empty))

// We use hints and see if we can find tx2
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(listener.ref, tx1, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set(tx2.txid)))
listener.expectMsg(WatchEventSpent(BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, tx2))

// We should still find tx2 if the provided hint is wrong
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(listener.ref, tx1, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set(randomBytes32)))
listener.expectMsg(WatchEventSpent(BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, tx2))


Expand All @@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ class ZmqWatcherSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with AnyFunSuiteLike with Bitcoind
val tx2 = createSpendP2WPKH(tx1, priv, priv.publicKey, 10000 sat, 1, 0)

// setup watches before we publish transactions
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(probe.ref, tx1, outputIndex, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(probe.ref, tx1, outputIndex, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set.empty))
probe.send(watcher, WatchConfirmed(probe.ref, tx1, 3, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +251,7 @@ class ZmqWatcherSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with AnyFunSuiteLike with Bitcoind
// tx3 has both relative and absolute delays
val tx3 = createSpendP2WPKH(tx2, priv, priv.publicKey, 10000 sat, sequence = 1, lockTime = blockCount.get + 5)
probe.send(watcher, WatchConfirmed(probe.ref, tx2, 1, BITCOIN_FUNDING_DEPTHOK))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(probe.ref, tx2, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT))
probe.send(watcher, WatchSpent(probe.ref, tx2, 0, BITCOIN_FUNDING_SPENT, hints = Set.empty))
probe.send(watcher, PublishAsap(tx3))
assert(probe.expectMsgType[WatchEventConfirmed].tx === tx2)
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