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AAFC DINA user module implementation.

The user module is used to simplify access to some information stored in Keycloak and additional information like user preferences.

To Run

The easiest way to run the user module is to use the dina-local-deployment.


Any regular DINA token can be used to authenticate with the DINA User service. Internally, it uses the "user-svc" Keycloak resource to login to a dedicated service account which can perform user management tasks. User-, group- and role-based restrictions are implemented in the User Service code to ensure that only authorized changes can be made.

For the service account to work, it needs the clientId (user-svc) as well as the client secret. In dev, the secret is a fixed value defined in the keycloak-starter-realm json file and reflected in the KEYCLOAK_USER_SVC_SECRET environment variable. In production, the secret should be changed in the Keycloak deployment (Clients -> user-svc -> Credentials -> Regenerate Secret) and the environment variable updated to match.