If you host several Wordpress websites, there's a great deal of possibility that one of them might be compromised and become a SPAM sender. SPAM is usually rejected by the recipients so queue gets longer and longer. The script checks the length of Postfix queue and performs appropriate actions depending on the queue length.
It'll help you protecting your server from becoming SPAM sender and getting blacklisted in consequence.
There are two levels defined:
warning - if mail queue is longer than warning value, the script prints warning to stdout since the script should be called from cron, the output is sent to root
shutdown - if queue is longer than specified
parameter, Postfix is shut downand SMS message is sent
- Install required packages:
apt-get install python3-plumbum
- Clone repository and edit config file:
git clone /~https://github.com/1connect/mailq-monitor.git
cd mailq-monitor
cp example.config.ini config.ini
- Add the following line to crontab (using
crontab -e
* * * * * /root/mailq-monitor/mailq_check.py
To check SMS configuration, you can run:
./mailq_check.py --test-sms