This respository contains the code for paper ACE: Anti-Editing Concept Erasure in Text-to-Image Models.
You can create virtual environment use following command.
git clone /~
cd ACE
conda env create -f environment.yaml
First prepare images about test concept, which will be used to calculate the relevance between the testing concept and the erased concept.
Here, you can also omit entering "is_SD3", change the image size to 512, use SD v1.4 to generate images, in order to speed up the image generation process.
#! /bin/bash
export CSV="IP_character"
export ADD_NAME=""
export OUTPUT_DIR="evaluation-outputs/$CSV$ADD_NAME"
export MODEL_NAME="SD3"
accelerate launch --config_file config.yaml src/ \
--model_name "${MODEL_NAME}" \
--prompts_path "data/concept_csv/${CSV}.csv" \
--save_path="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
--image_size 1024 \
--ddim_steps 30 \
--num_samples 3 \
Running the following command will generate a file storing the relevance scores between the erased concept and the testing concept.
#! /bin/bash
export CSV="IP_character"
export PRE=""
export ADD_NAME=""
export MODEL="SD3"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python src/eval/evaluation/ \
--csv_path="data/concept_csv/$CSV.csv" \
--save_folder="evaluation-outputs/$CSV_FOLDER/$MODEL" \
--output_path="evaluation-outputs/$CSV_FOLDER/$MODEL" \
--num_samples=3 \
--csv_name="$CSV" \
--add_name=$ADD_NAME \
--method "concept_relation" \
--image_concept_path "data/concept_text/IP_character_concept_10.txt"
Input the file path corresponding to the erased concept obtained in the preparation stage into the "sc_clip_path" parameter. Here, using Elsa as an example, train the concept erasing lora.
#! /bin/bash
export CONCEPT="Mickey Mouse"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python src/ \
--prompt "$CONCEPT" \
--surrogate '' \
--train_method 'full' \
--devices '0,0' \
--iterations 1500 \
--change_step_rate 1 \
--lr 0.001 \
--negative_guidance 3 \
--surrogate_guidance 3 \
--ddim_steps 30 \
--anchor_prompt_path "data/concept_text/IP_character_concept.txt" \
--anchor_batch_size 2 \
--pl_weight 0.8 \
--null_weight 0.99 \
--sc_clip_path "evaluation-outputs/cartoon_eval_test/SD3/evaluation_results_clip_${CONCEPT}_image_None.json" \
--is_train_null \
--with_prior_preservation \
The command for test of generating is:
#! /bin/bash
export CSV="cartoon_eval_format"
export ADD_NAME="_512"
export OUTPUT_DIR="evaluation-outputs/$CSV$ADD_NAME"
export MODEL_NAME="ACE_lora_Mickey Mouse-sc_-ng_3.0-iter_1500-lr_0.001-lora-prior_2_tr_null_True_nc_False_no_cer_sur_True_tensor_False_nw_0.99_pl_0.8_sg_new_3.0_is_sc_clip_True"
accelerate launch --config_file config.yaml src/ \
--model_name "${MODEL_NAME}" \
--prompts_path "data/concept_csv/$CSV.csv" \
--generate_concept_path "data/concept_text/IP_character_concept_10.txt"\
--save_path="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
--image_size 512 \
--ddim_steps 30 \
--num_samples 1 \
--multipliers 1 \
--lora_rank 4 \
--is_lora \
--lora_name "ACE_lora_Mickey Mouse-sc_-ng_3.0-iter_1500-lr_0.001-lora-prior_2_tr_null_True_nc_False_no_cer_sur_True_tensor_False_nw_0.99_pl_0.8_sg_new_3.0_is_sc_clip_True"
The command for test of IP editing is:
#! /bin/bash
export CSV="IP_character"
export ADD_NAME="_512"
export OUTPUT_DIR="evaluation-outputs/$CSV$ADD_NAME"
export MODEL_NAME="ACE_lora_Mickey Mouse-sc_-ng_3.0-iter_1500-lr_0.001-lora-prior_2_tr_null_True_nc_False_no_cer_sur_True_tensor_False_nw_0.99_pl_0.8_sg_new_3.0_is_sc_clip_True"
accelerate launch --config_file config.yaml src/ \
--model_name="${MODEL_NAME}" \
--prompts_path "data/concept_csv/$CSV.csv" \
--save_path=$OUTPUT_DIR \
--num_inversion_steps 30 \
--num_samples 1 \
--skip 0.1 \
--edit_guidance_scale 10 \
--image_size 512 \
--data_path "evaluation-outputs/${CSV}/SD3" \
--multipliers 1.0 \
--inversion_guidance_scale 1.5 \
--lora_rank 4 \
--is_SD_v1_4 \
--use_mask \
--edit_prompt_path "data/edit_concept/edit_concept_input.csv" \
--generate_concept_path "data/concept_text/IP_character_concept_10.txt" \
--is_specific \
--is_lora \
--lora_name "${MODEL_NAME}" \
Checkpoints are coming soon.
In this code we refer to the following codebase: Diffusers and SPM. Great thanks to them!