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443 lines (330 loc) · 15.5 KB

File metadata and controls

443 lines (330 loc) · 15.5 KB


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Object-oriented wrapper/manipulator for parse_url with the following features:

  • Read URI parts as objects (Scheme, Host, Path, Query), each with their own set of features.
  • Manipulate URI parts or build URI's using a fluent builder API.
  • Sign and verify URI's and make them temporary and/or single-use.
  • Mailto object to help with reading/manipulating mailto: URIs.
  • URI Template (RFC 6570) support.
  • PSR-13 Link implementation/bridge.
  • Twig Extension.

This library is meant as a wrapper for PHP's parse_url function only and does not conform to any URI-related PSR or RFC. If you need this, league/uri would be a better choice.


composer require zenstruck/uri

Parsing/Reading URIs

use Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri;

// wrap a uri (this URI will be used for many of the samples below)
$uri = ParsedUri::wrap('');

// can wrap an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
$uri = ParsedUri::wrap($request);

// URIs are stringable
(string) $uri;

// check if absolute
$uri->isAbsolute(); // true
ParsedUri::wrap('/some/path/only')->isAbsolute(); // false

$uri->scheme()->toString(); // "https"
$uri->scheme()->equals('https'); // true
$uri->scheme()->in(['https', 'http']); // true

// scheme segments - ie some kind of dsn (delimiter defaults to "+")
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark+smtp://id')->scheme()->segments(); // ["postmark", "smtp"]
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark+smtp://id')->scheme()->segment(0); // "postmark"
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark+smtp://id')->scheme()->segment(1); // "smtp"
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark+smtp://id')->scheme()->segment(2); // null
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark+smtp://id')->scheme()->segment(2, 'default'); // "default"
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark+smtp://id')->scheme()->contains('postmark'); // true

// customize the delimiter
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark-smtp://id')->scheme()->segments('-'); // ["postmark", "smtp"]
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark-smtp://id')->scheme()->segment(0, delimiter: '-'); // ["postmark", "smtp"]
ParsedUri::wrap('postmark-smtp://id')->scheme()->contains('postmark', delimiter: '-'); // true

$uri->host()->toString(); //
$uri->host()->segments(); // ["example", "com"]
$uri->host()->segment(0); // "example"
$uri->host()->tld(); // "com"

$uri->username(); // "username"
$uri->password(); // "password"

ParsedUri::wrap('')->username(); // (urldecoded)
ParsedUri::wrap('')->password(); // pass#word (urldecoded)

$uri->port(); // (null)
ParsedUri::wrap('')->port(); // 21

// guess port from scheme
ParsedUri::wrap('')->guessPort(); // 80
ParsedUri::wrap('')->guessPort(); // 555 (returns explicitly set port if available)

$uri->path()->toString(); // "/some/dir/file.html"
$uri->path()->segments(); // ["some", "dir", "file.html"]
$uri->path()->segment(0); // ["some"]
$uri->path()->trim(); // "some/dir/file.html"
$uri->path()->ltrim(); // "some/dir/file.html"
$uri->path()->dirname(); // "/some/dir"
$uri->path()->filename(); // "file"
$uri->path()->basename(); // "file.html"
$uri->path()->extension(); // "html"

// path helper methods
ParsedUri::wrap('/some/dir/')->path()->rtrim(); // "/some/dir"
ParsedUri::wrap('/some/dir')->path()->isAbsolute(); // true
ParsedUri::wrap('some/dir')->path()->isAbsolute(); // false
ParsedUri::wrap('/some/dir/..')->path()->absolute(); // "/some"
ParsedUri::wrap('/..')->path()->absolute(); // (throws \RuntimeException - path outside of root)
ParsedUri::wrap('/some/dir')->path()->prepend('pre/fix'); // "/pre/fix/some/dir"
ParsedUri::wrap('/some/dir')->path()->append('suf/fix'); // "/some/dir/suf/fix"
ParsedUri::wrap('/foo%20bar/baz')->path()->toString(); // "/foo bar/baz" (urldecoded)

$uri->query()->toString(); // "q=abc&flag=1"
$uri->query()->all(); // ["q" => "abc", "flag => "1"]
$uri->query()->has('q'); // true
$uri->query()->has('missing'); // false

$uri->query()->get('q'); // "abc"
$uri->query()->get('missing'); // (null)
$uri->query()->get('missing', 'default'); // "default"
$uri->query()->get('missing', new \Exception()); // (throws passed \Exception)

$uri->query()->getBool('flag'); // true
$uri->query()->getBool('missing'); // false
$uri->query()->getBool('missing', true); // true
$uri->query()->getBool('missing', new \Exception()); // (throws passed \Exception)

$uri->query()->getInt('flag'); // 1
$uri->query()->getInt('missing'); // 0
$uri->query()->getInt('missing', 5); // 5
$uri->query()->getInt('missing', new \Exception()); // (throws passed \Exception)

$uri->fragment(); // "test"

ParsedUri::wrap('')->fragment(); // (null)
ParsedUri::wrap('')->fragment(); // "frag ment" (urldecoded)

Manipulating URIs

Note: Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri is an immutable object so any manipulations results in a new instance.

use Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri;

// URI used for the following examples
$uri = ParsedUri::wrap('');

$uri->withScheme('http')->toString(); // ""
$uri->withoutScheme()->toString(); // "//"

$uri->withHost('localhost')->toString(); // "https://user:pass@localhost/path?q=abc&flag=1#test"
$uri->withoutHost()->toString(); // "https:/path?q=abc&flag=1#test" (removes username/password/port as well)

$uri->withUsername('')->toString(); // "" (urlencoded)
$uri->withoutUsername()->toString(); // "" (removes password as well)

$uri->withPassword('pass#word')->toString(); // "" (urlencoded)
$uri->withoutPassword()->toString(); // ""

$uri->withPort(555)->toString(); // ""
ParsedUri::new('')->withoutPort()->toString(); // ""

$uri->withPath('/replace')->toString(); // ""
$uri->withoutPath()->toString(); // ""
$uri->prependPath('/prefix')->toString(); // ""
$uri->appendPath('/suffix')->toString(); // ""

$uri->withQuery(['foo' => 'bar'])->toString(); // ""
$uri->withQueryParam('foo', 'bar')->toString(); // ""
$uri->withoutQuery()->toString(); // ""
$uri->withoutQueryParams('q', 'missing')->toString(); // ""
$uri->withOnlyQueryParams('q', 'missing')->toString(); // ""

$uri->withFragment('frag ment')->toString(); // "" (urlencoded)
$uri->withoutFragment()->toString(); // ""

// URI Builder
    // ...
    ->toString() // ""

Signed URIs

Note: symfony/http-kernel is required to sign and verify URIs composer require symfony/http-kernel.

You can sign a URI:

$uri = Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::wrap('');

(string) $uri->sign('a secret'); // ""

Temporary URIs

Make an expiring signed URI:

$uri = Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::wrap('');

(string) $uri->sign('a secret')->expires(new \DateTime('tomorrow')); // ""

// # of seconds
(string) $uri->sign('a secret')->expires(3600); // ""

// date string
(string) $uri->sign('a secret')->expires('+30 minutes'); // ""

Single-Use URIs

These URIs are generated with a token that should change once the URI has been used.

Note: It is up to you to determine this token and depends on the context. This value MUST change after the token is successfully used, else it will still be valid.

$uri = Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::wrap('');

(string) $uri->sign('a secret')->singleUse('some-token'); // ""

Note: The URL is first hashed with this token, then hashed again with secret to ensure it hasn't been tampered with.

Signed URI Builder

Calling Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::sign() returns a Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Builder object that can be used to create single-use and temporary URIs.

$uri = Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::wrap('');

$builder = $uri->sign('a secret'); // Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Builder

// create a single-use, temporary uri
$builder = $uri->sign('a secret')
    ->expires('+30 minutes')

(string) $builder; // ""

Note: Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Builder is immutable objects so any manipulations results in a new instance.


To verify a signed URI, create an instance of Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri and call isVerified() to get true/false or verify() to throw specific exceptions:

use Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri;
use Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Exception\InvalidSignature;
use Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Exception\ExpiredUri;
use Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Exception\VerificationFailed;

$signedUri = ParsedUri::wrap('');

$signedUri->isVerified('a secret'); // true/false

try {
    $signedUri->verify('a secret');
} catch (VerificationFailed $e) {
    $e::REASON; // ie "Invalid signature."
    $e->uri(); // \Zenstruck\Uri

// catch specific exceptions
try {
    $signedUri->verify('a secret');
} catch (InvalidSignature $e) {
    $e::REASON; // "Invalid signature."
    $e->uri(); // \Zenstruck\Uri
} catch (ExpiredUri $e) {
    $e::REASON; // "URI has expired."
    $e->uri(); // \Zenstruck\Uri
    $e->expiredAt(); // \DateTimeImmutable

Single-Use Verification

For validating single-use URIs, you need to pass a token to the verify methods:

use Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Exception\InvalidSignature;
use Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Exception\ExpiredUri;
use Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Exception\UriAlreadyUsed;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri $uri */

$uri->isVerified('a secret', 'some token'); // true/false

// catch specific exceptions
try {
    $uri->verify('a secret', 'some token');
} catch (InvalidSignature $e) {
    $e::REASON; // "Invalid signature."
    $e->uri(); // \Zenstruck\Uri
} catch (ExpiredUri $e) {
    $e::REASON; // "URI has expired."
    $e->uri(); // \Zenstruck\Uri
    $e->expiredAt(); // \DateTimeImmutable
} catch (UriAlreadyUsed $e) {
    $e::REASON; // "URI has already been used."
    $e->uri(); // \Zenstruck\Uri


Zenstruck\Uri\Signed\Builder::create() and Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::verify() both return a Zenstruck\Uri\SignedUri object that implements Zenstruck\Uri and has some helpful methods.

Note: Zenstruck\Uri\SignedUri is always considered verified and cannot be manipulated.

$uri = Zenstruck\Uri\ParsedUri::wrap('');

// create from the builder
$signedUri = $uri->sign('a secret')
    ->singleUse('a token')
; // Zenstruck\Uri\SignedUri

// create from verify
$signedUri = $uri->verify('a secret'); // Zenstruck\Uri\SignedUri

$signedUri->isSingleUse(); // true
$signedUri->isTemporary(); // true
$signedUri->expiresAt(); // \DateTimeImmutable

// implements Zenstruck\Uri
$signedUri->query(); // Zenstruck\Uri\Query


A PSR-13 Link implementation is provided with:

  • Zenstruck\Uri\Link\UriLink (implements both Psr\Link\LinkInterface and Zenstruck\Uri).
  • Zenstruck\Uri\Link\UriLinkProvider (implements Psr\Link\LinkProviderInterface and provides Zenstruck\Uri\Link\UriLink's).


Note: rize/uri-template is required to use TemplateUri - composer require rize/uri-template.

Zenstruck\Uri\TemplateUri allows creating/manipulating RFC 6570 uri templates and implements Zenstruck\Uri.

use Zenstruck\Uri\TemplateUri;

// Expand
$uri = TemplateUri::expand('/repos/{owner}/{repo}', ['owner' => 'kbond', 'repo' => 'foundry']);

(string) $uri; // "/repos/kbond/foundry"
$uri->template(); // "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"
$uri->parameters()->all(); // ['owner' => 'kbond', 'repo' => 'foundry']

// Extract
$uri = TemplateUri::extract('/repos/{owner}/{repo}', '/repos/kbond/foundry');

(string) $uri; // "/repos/kbond/foundry"
$uri->template(); // "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"
$uri->parameters()->all(); // ['owner' => 'kbond', 'repo' => 'foundry']


Note: Zenstruck\Uri\Mailto is an immutable object so any manipulations results in a new instance.

use Zenstruck\Uri\Mailto;

// Build
$mailto = Mailto::wrap('')
    ->addTo('', 'Jane')
    ->withSubject('my subject')
    ->withBody('some body')
    ->toString() // ""

// Parse/Read
$mailto = Mailto::new('');

$mailto->to(); // ["", "Jane <>"]
$mailto->cc(); // [""]
$mailto->bcc(); // [""]
$mailto->subject(); // "my subject"
$mailto->body(); // "my body"

Twig Extension

A twig extension providing uri, mailto filters and functions is included.

Manual activation

/* @var \Twig\Environment $twig */

$twig->addExtension(new \Zenstruck\Uri\Bridge\Twig\UriExtension());

Symfony full-stack activation

# config/packages/zenstruck_uri.yaml

Zenstruck\Uri\Bridge\Twig\UriExtension: ~

# If not using auto-configuration:
    tag: twig.extension


{# Filters: #}
{{ ''|uri.withPath('some/path').withQueryParam('q', 'term') }} {# #}
{{ ''|mailto.withSubject('my subject') }} {# #}

{# Functions: #}
{{ uri().withScheme('https').withHost('') }} {# #}
{{ mailto().withTo('').withSubject('my subject') }} {# #}