title: 9 Years of JavaScript output: index.html theme: theme controls: false logo: theme/logo.png
-- presenter
-- presenter
-- presenter
-- sponsors
Last Month: React in the real-world
- What is React?
- What it is not
- What is Flux?
- What it is not
- What is this JSX stuff?
- Some of the basics of React + Flux
- How to create basic React + Flux app with Feathers
- The pros/cons of React
- Some React ProTips™ and best practices
-- sponsors
The major surprise in our data was that development factors are not nearly as meaningful in predicting success as design and management factors.
After filling out the checklist in hindsight for all of our previous projects, we calculated influence factors and recorded the correlation to project success for each category.
We defined success as on time and budget
- Development .20 ~ .28
- code reviews
- documentation
- Design .44 ~ .45
- user testing
- design documentation
- Management .45 ~ .48
- vision, goals and strategy
- release < 6 months
User Testing w/ FuncUnit
Functional testing library built on top of jQuery and runs on QUnit, Jasmine or Mocha:
- Write functional tests in your testing library of choice
- Use jQuery syntax to emulate user input
Testing a TodoMVC app
test('TodoMVC app', function() {
F('#new-todo').click().type('Do some nerdy stuff\r');
F('#todo-list li').size(1, 'Got one Todo');
F('#todo-list li:first label')
.html('Do some nerdy stuff', 'Todo has correct text');
'Todo count text is correct');
Testee runs your Mocha, QUnit or Jasmine unit tests from the command line using any browser.
- Runs on all browsers (supporting SocketIO)
- Remote URL testing
- Many output formats
- CI integration
- BrowserStack support
- GruntJS Task
- Code coverage
- Use source control management system (SCM) for builds
- Run reports, tests, deploy or other tools on each SCM change
- Popular open source CI servers:
- Hosted CI services
- Full stack real-time applications with Feathers 1.1 and jQuery/Angular/React and Android/iOS
- HTML5 speech API and neural network natural language processing
- And everything together