meegpipe includes the following third-party software (in no particular order):
AMICA is an ICA algorithm developed by Jason Palmer.
These are three BSS algorithms whose implementations have been kindly provided by Petr Tichasvky.
The implementation of the JADE ICA algorithm by the algorithm's author Jean-Francois Cardoso.
The implementation of the FastICA algorithm by FastICA's author Aapo Hyvarinen.
The version of FMRIB plug-in bundled with meegpipe includes some minor modifications by Johan Van Der Meer.
meegpipe includes some demo code for the 1D Adaptive Scale Selection filters developed by Alessandro Foi and others at Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
- Jan Simon's DataHash
- Juerg Schwizer's plot2svg.
- Andrea Bliss' rotateticklabel.
- Rob Campbell's ShadedErrorBar.
- D. Kroon's ICP_finite.
runica is the implementation of the Infomax ICA algorithm that is included with EEGLAB.
meegpipe ships with a subset of Fieldtrip. This subset includes the BEMCP toolbox by C. Phillips, which is part of the standard Fieldtrip distribution.