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KEEN Template to automate iOS Application Test with Appium, XCUITest, WebDriverAgent, Selenium, Cucumber, TestNG, Junit Test and Apache Maven.

It handles almost all the headache in starting new automated testing project with java as the client library. You just have to start coding, then run your test framework from either Intellij IDEA or command prompt or terminal.

By the help of maven-cucumber-reporting, result of the tests will be generated automatically with the awesome bootstrap-based html.



This iOSXCUITest template use Cucumber framework with Gherkin to get the advantages of .feature files.

  • If you are not familiar with Gherkin, please refer for language concepts and its syntax.
  • Check your Java JDK, by run java -version in command prompt(Windows) or terminal(macOS). If you could see the version of java, then it has been installed, otherwise, please install it based on your operating system.Make Sure you have set JAVA_HOME to jdk folder and jdk\bin to PATH.
  • For macOS, please install XCODE from AppStore first, then install homebrew by opening terminal and run ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL". Once the installation finished, run brew install node
  • Make sure that you have maven installed by run mvn -v in terminal(macOS). If you could see the version of maven, then it has been installed, otherwise, please install it based on your operating system. (refer here)
  • IDE requirement is Intellij Idea; either the Ultimate or the Community one would be fine.

XCUITest Configuration for iOS 9.3.x or Later

(Credit to for the awesome tutorial of appium with XCUITest configuration)

Because apple has disable UIAutomator for 9.3.x or later, the alternate way to test iOS with higher platform version is to use XCUITest with WebDriverAgent.

  • Open your terminal, and run
    • sudo npm install -g appium to install appium (If you are not sure whether you have appium server installed or not, run appium -v, if you could see appium version, then it has been installed. Make sure that your appium version is later that 1.6, otherwise, run sudo npm install -g appium@1.6.5. You can change @1.6.5 to the lattest version as desired)
    • brew install ideviceinstaller
    • brew install carthage
    • npm install -g ios-deploy
    • npm install -g deviceconsole
    • sudo gem install xcpretty
    • brew install libimobiledevice --HEAD
    • sudo npm install -g appium-doctor
  • Configure WebDriverAgent
    • in the terminal :
      • run cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules and run sudo chmod -R 777 . Appium-xcuit-driver/* to give access to all folder inside
      • run cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/
      • run sudo mkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle
      • run sudo sh ./Scripts/ -d
      • run open .
    • On the opening Finder that pop up after running open .
    • You will see WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj, right click and open it with XCode
    • From now on, it requires interfaces to follow. Follow this youtube tutorial from Tech Tock Tech at minute of 19:52 onward. After the integration app is built successfully. You are good to go.

Getting Started

Let's get our hand dirty.

  • If you are new to Intellij IDEA and you haven't got Git installed on your machine, please kindly download it from the official git website here. After git installation, you are good to go.
  • Launch Intellij IDEA,
    • if you are on Welcome Screen, choose check out from version control and in the dropdown, choose Git.
    • if you are not, on Intellij Menu Bar, choose File then New and click Project On Version Control and finally choose Git from the dropdown.
  • On Clone Repository Window,

Template Exploration

There should be five packages under src\test\java directory. Each of them play a vital role.

  • BaseUtil class under Base package is written to declare MobileDriver<IOSElement>
  • Features package is to wrap all feature files which are used to describe Behavorial Driven Developement concepts
  • POM package is created to wrap all POM's classes that define the elements and the methods performing in a page.
  • TestRunner is written to specify test type (junit or testng) and to specify the output directory
  • Steps packages can have only one Hook class to initialize and terminate WebDriver but it has endless number of step classes based on the steps specifying in .feature files

The target directory which contains test result will be created once you have run the tests.


Most of the configurations are specified in the template itself via comments. But Do not forget to

  • Copy your .app file into src\test\Res with a clear and shorter name.
  • Configure the variables in src\test\java\Steps\ (See examples and suggestios in the itself)

After this configuration, you now can define your .feature files as many as desired, and define the steps in src\test\java\Steps in many classes as prefered.

Automate TestCases

Before you begin, open terminal and run appium. Then, you have to start a simulator or a real device connection.(If you do not have simulator open, go to finder and then use cmd + shift ** g to navigate to /Applications/ and finally, open In src\test\java\Runner\, the default set up is good to go already. Right Click and choose Run TestRunner. By doing this, the test result will be generated automatically by cucumber-testng.

To get maven-cucumber-reporting, you have to run the test from terminal.

  • if you do not have maven on your system, please kindly install it.
  • Launch terminal, navigate to the project you are working on.
  • Run mvn clean to clean the previous test target folder
  • Run mvn verify to automate the test

The result will be generated in target/kit-keen-iOSXCUITest-html/cucumber-html-reports.Nota Bene: the kit-keen-iOSXCUITest-html might be changed if you changed the folder name in the configuartion.