From 3c2453118751561e45e3b829b833d29e72141c3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Romain Lafourcade Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 21:21:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add ftplugin/astro.vim and autoload/astro.vim --- autoload/astro.vim | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ftplugin/astro.vim | 112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 188 insertions(+) create mode 100644 autoload/astro.vim create mode 100644 ftplugin/astro.vim diff --git a/autoload/astro.vim b/autoload/astro.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f032d --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/astro.vim @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +function! astro#IdentifyScope(start, end) abort + let pos_start = searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end, 'bnW') + let pos_end = searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end, 'nW') + + return pos_start != [0, 0] + \ && pos_end != [0, 0] + \ && pos_start[0] != getpos('.')[1] +endfunction + +function! astro#AstroComments() abort + if astro#IdentifyScope('^---\n\s*\S', '^---\n\n') + \ || astro#IdentifyScope('^\s*') + " ECMAScript comments + setlocal comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,:// + setlocal commentstring=//%s + + elseif astro#IdentifyScope('^\s*') + " CSS comments + setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/ + setlocal commentstring=/*%s*/ + + else + " HTML comments + setlocal comments=s: + setlocal commentstring= + endif +endfunction + +" +function! astro#CollectPathsFromConfig() abort + let config_json = findfile('tsconfig.json', '.;') + if empty(config_json) + let config_json = findfile('jsconfig.json', '.;') + if empty(config_json) + return + endif + endif + + let paths_from_config = config_json + \ ->readfile() + \ ->join() + \ ->json_decode() + \ ->get('compilerOptions', {}) + \ ->get('paths', {}) + + if !empty(paths_from_config) + let b:astro_paths = paths_from_config + \ ->map({key, val -> [ + \ key->glob2regpat(), + \ val[0]->substitute('\/\*$', '', '') + \ ]}) + \ ->values() + endif + + let b:undo_ftplugin ..= " | unlet! b:astro_paths" +endfunction + +function! astro#AstroInclude(filename) abort + let decorated_filename = a:filename + \ ->substitute("^", "@", "") + + let found_path = b: + \ ->get("astro_paths", []) + \ ->indexof({ key, val -> decorated_filename =~ val[0]}) + + if found_path != -1 + let alias = b:astro_paths[found_path][0] + let path = b:astro_paths[found_path][1] + \ ->substitute('\(\/\)*$', '/', '') + + return decorated_filename + \ ->substitute(alias, path, '') + endif + + return a:filename +endfunction diff --git a/ftplugin/astro.vim b/ftplugin/astro.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a473552 --- /dev/null +++ b/ftplugin/astro.vim @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +" Vim filetype plugin file +" Language: Astro +" Maintainer: Romain Lafourcade +" Last Change: 2022 Dec 5 + +if exists("b:did_ftplugin") + finish +endif +let b:did_ftplugin = 1 + +let s:cpo_save = &cpo +set cpo-=C + +let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal" + \ .. " formatoptions<" + \ .. " path<" + \ .. " suffixesadd<" + \ .. " matchpairs<" + \ .. " comments<" + \ .. " commentstring<" + \ .. " iskeyword<" + \ .. " define<" + \ .. " include<" + \ .. " includeexpr<" + +" Create self-resetting autocommand group +augroup Astro + autocmd! +augroup END + +" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines, +" and insert the comment leader when hitting or using "o". +setlocal formatoptions-=t +setlocal formatoptions+=croql + +" Remove irrelevant part of 'path'. +setlocal path-=/usr/include + +" Seed 'path' with default directories for :find, gf, etc. +setlocal path+=src/** +setlocal path+=public/** + +" Help Vim find extension-less filenames +let &l:suffixesadd = + \ ".astro" + \ .. ",.js,.jsx,.es,.es6,.cjs,.mjs,.jsm" + \ .. ",.json" + \ .. ",.scss,.sass,.css" + \ .. ",.svelte" + \ .. ",.ts,.tsx,.d.ts" + \ .. ",.vue" + +" From $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/html.vim +setlocal matchpairs+=<:> + +" Matchit configuration +if exists("loaded_matchit") + let b:match_ignorecase = 0 + + " From $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/javascript.vim + let b:match_words = + \ '\:\,' + \ .. '<\@<=\([^ \t>/]\+\)\%(\s\+[^>]*\%([^/]>\|$\)\|>\|$\):<\@<=/\1>,' + \ .. '<\@<=\%([^ \t>/]\+\)\%(\s\+[^/>]*\|$\):/>' + + " From $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/html.vim + let b:match_words ..= + \ ',' + \ .. '<:>,' + \ .. '<\@<=[ou]l\>[^>]*\%(>\|$\):<\@<=li\>:<\@<=/[ou]l>,' + \ .. '<\@<=dl\>[^>]*\%(>\|$\):<\@<=d[td]\>:<\@<=/dl>,' + \ .. '<\@<=\([^/!][^ \t>]*\)[^>]*\%(>\|$\):<\@<=/\1>' + + let b:undo_ftplugin ..= " | unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words" +endif + +" Change what constitutes a word, mainly useful for CSS/SASS +setlocal iskeyword+=- +setlocal iskeyword+=$ +setlocal iskeyword+=% + +" Define paths/aliases for module resolution +call astro#CollectPathsFromConfig() + +" Find ESM imports +setlocal include=^\\s*\\(import\\\|import\\s\\+[^\/]\\+from\\)\\s\\+['\"] + +" Process aliases if file can't be found +setlocal includeexpr=astro#AstroInclude(v:fname) + +" Set 'define' to a comprehensive value +" From $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/javascript.vim and +" $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/sass.vim +let &l:define = + \ '\(^\s*(*async\s\+function\|(*function\)' + \ .. '\|^\s*\(\*\|static\|async\|get\|set\|\i\+\.\)' + \ .. '\|^\s*\(\ze\i\+\)\(([^)]*).*{$\|\s*[:=,]\)' + \ .. '\|^\s*\(export\s\+\|export\s\+default\s\+\)*\(var\|let\|const\|function\|class\)' + \ .. '\|\' + \ .. '\|^\C\v\s*%(\@function|\@mixin|\=)|^\s*%(\$[[:alnum:]-]+:|[%.][:alnum:]-]+\s*%(\{|$))@=' + +" HTML comments by default +setlocal comments=s: +setlocal commentstring= + +" Set &comments and &commentstring according to current scope +autocmd Astro CursorMoved call astro#AstroComments() + +let &cpo = s:cpo_save +unlet s:cpo_save + +" vim: textwidth=78 tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab