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ukr: require('./top/ukr.json'), + umb: require('./top/umb.json'), + ura: require('./top/ura.json'), + urd: require('./top/urd.json'), + urd_2: require('./top/urd_2.json'), + uzn_cyrl: require('./top/uzn_cyrl.json'), + uzn_latn: require('./top/uzn_latn.json'), + vai: require('./top/vai.json'), + vec: require('./top/vec.json'), + ven: require('./top/ven.json'), + vep: require('./top/vep.json'), + vie: require('./top/vie.json'), + vmw: require('./top/vmw.json'), + war: require('./top/war.json'), + wln: require('./top/wln.json'), + wol: require('./top/wol.json'), + wwa: require('./top/wwa.json'), + xho: require('./top/xho.json'), + xsm: require('./top/xsm.json'), + yad: require('./top/yad.json'), + yao: require('./top/yao.json'), + yap: require('./top/yap.json'), + ydd: require('./top/ydd.json'), + ykg: require('./top/ykg.json'), + yor: require('./top/yor.json'), + yua: require('./top/yua.json'), + zam: require('./top/zam.json'), + zdj: require('./top/zdj.json'), + zgh: require('./top/zgh.json'), + zro: require('./top/zro.json'), + ztu: require('./top/ztu.json'), + zul: require('./top/zul.json') +} diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index af2b19b..7f98f95 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -'use strict'; +'use strict' -exports.all = all; -exports.min = min; -exports.top = top; +exports.all = all +exports.min = min +exports.top = top function all() { - return require('./data/all.js'); + return require('./data/all.js') } function top() { - return require('./data/top.js'); + return require('./data/top.js') } function min() { - return require('./data/min.js'); + return require('./data/min.js') } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 120a191..91df302 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ "devDependencies": { "mdast-zone": "^3.0.0", "nyc": "^11.0.0", + "prettier": "^1.12.1", "remark-cli": "^5.0.0", "remark-preset-wooorm": "^4.0.0", "tape": "^4.6.3", @@ -38,17 +39,22 @@ "xo": "^0.20.0" }, "scripts": { - "build-md": "remark . -qfo", - "build-data": "node script/build-data", - "build-support": "node script/build-support", - "build": "npm run build-md && npm run build-data && npm run build-support", - "lint": "xo", + "generate": "node script/build-data && node script/build-support", + "format": "remark . -qfo && prettier --write '**/*.js' && xo --fix", "test-api": "node test", "test-coverage": "nyc --reporter lcov tape test.js", - "test": "npm run build && npm run lint && npm run test-coverage" + "test": "npm run format && npm run test-coverage" + }, + "prettier": { + "tabWidth": 2, + "useTabs": false, + "singleQuote": true, + "bracketSpacing": false, + "semi": false, + "trailingComma": "none" }, "xo": { - "space": true, + "prettier": true, "esnext": false, "rules": { "guard-for-in": "off", diff --git a/script/build-data.js b/script/build-data.js index eb7eb4b..a6bb0a9 100755 --- a/script/build-data.js +++ b/script/build-data.js @@ -1,177 +1,193 @@ -'use strict'; +'use strict' -var fs = require('fs'); -var udhr = require('udhr'); -var trigramUtils = require('trigram-utils'); +var fs = require('fs') +var udhr = require('udhr') +var trigramUtils = require('trigram-utils') -var writeFile = fs.writeFileSync; +var writeFile = fs.writeFileSync -var json = udhr.json(); -var information = udhr.information(); +var json = udhr.json() +var information = udhr.information() /* Variables to keep track of some information. */ -var highestTrigramCount = 0; -var highestTrigram; -var highestTrigramLanguage; +var highestTrigramCount = 0 +var highestTrigram +var highestTrigramLanguage /* Automated index files. */ -var allIndex = createIndexFile('all'); -var minIndex = createIndexFile('min'); -var topIndex = createIndexFile('top'); +var allIndex = createIndexFile('all') +var minIndex = createIndexFile('min') +var topIndex = createIndexFile('top') /* Create data. */ -Object.keys(json).filter(filter).forEach(function (code) { - var plain = all(json[code], 'para').join(''); - var trigrams = trigramUtils.asTuples(plain); - var topTrigrams = trigrams.slice(-300); - var trigram = topTrigrams[topTrigrams.length - 1]; - var language = information[code].name; - var totalTopTrigramOccurrences; - - totalTopTrigramOccurrences = topTrigrams.reduce(function (a, b) { - return a + b[1]; - }, 0); - - console.log( - 'Writing trigram file for: ' + language + '\n' + - '- Code: "' + code + '";\n' + - '- Highest trigram: "' + trigram[0] + '";\n' + - '- Highest trigram count: ' + trigram[1] + ';\n' + - '- Total trigrams: ' + trigrams.length + ';\n' + - '- Top trigrams count: ' + totalTopTrigramOccurrences + ';\n' + - '- String length: ' + plain.length + ';' - ); - - if (trigram[1] > highestTrigramCount) { - highestTrigramCount = trigram[1]; - highestTrigram = trigram[0]; - highestTrigramLanguage = language; - } - - allIndex.add(code); +Object.keys(json) + .filter(filter) + .forEach(function(code) { + var plain = all(json[code], 'para').join('') + var trigrams = trigramUtils.asTuples(plain) + var topTrigrams = trigrams.slice(-300) + var trigram = topTrigrams[topTrigrams.length - 1] + var language = information[code].name + var totalTopTrigramOccurrences + + totalTopTrigramOccurrences = topTrigrams.reduce(function(a, b) { + return a + b[1] + }, 0) - writeFile( - './data/all/' + code + '.json', - JSON.stringify(trigramUtils.tuplesAsDictionary(trigrams), 0, 2) - ); + console.log( + [ + 'Writing trigram file for: %s', + '- Code: "%s";', + '- Highest trigram: "%s";', + '- Highest trigram count: %s;', + '- Total trigrams: %s;', + '- Top trigrams count: %s;', + '- String length: %s;' + ].join('\n'), + language, + code, + trigram[0], + trigram[1], + trigrams.length, + totalTopTrigramOccurrences, + plain.length + ) + + if (trigram[1] > highestTrigramCount) { + highestTrigramCount = trigram[1] + highestTrigram = trigram[0] + highestTrigramLanguage = language + } - if ( - topTrigrams.length === 300 && - trigram[1] > 30 && - (plain.length / totalTopTrigramOccurrences) < 2.5 - ) { - writeFile( - './data/top/' + code + '.json', - JSON.stringify(trigramUtils.tuplesAsDictionary(topTrigrams), 0, 2) - ); + allIndex.add(code) writeFile( - './data/min/' + code + '.json', - JSON.stringify(topTrigrams.map(function (trigram) { - return trigram[0]; - }), 0, 2) - ); - - if (code === 'ccp') { - console.log('ccp: '); - console.log(topTrigrams.length); + './data/all/' + code + '.json', + JSON.stringify(trigramUtils.tuplesAsDictionary(trigrams), 0, 2) + ) + + if ( + topTrigrams.length === 300 && + trigram[1] > 30 && + plain.length / totalTopTrigramOccurrences < 2.5 + ) { + writeFile( + './data/top/' + code + '.json', + JSON.stringify(trigramUtils.tuplesAsDictionary(topTrigrams), 0, 2) + ) + + writeFile( + './data/min/' + code + '.json', + JSON.stringify( + topTrigrams.map(function(trigram) { + return trigram[0] + }), + 0, + 2 + ) + ) + + topIndex.add(code) + minIndex.add(code) + + console.log( + '- Top trigram file: yes;\n- Min trigram file: yes.' + ) + } else { + console.log( + '- Top trigram file: no;\n- Min trigram file: no.' + ) } - topIndex.add(code); - minIndex.add(code); - - console.log( - '- Top trigram file: yes;\n' + - '- Min trigram file: yes.' - ); - } else { - console.log( - '- Top trigram file: no;\n' + - '- Min trigram file: no.' - ); - } - - console.log(''); -}); + console.log('') + }) /* Log information regarding the highest trigram. */ console.log( - 'The highest trigram was "' + highestTrigram + '" which occurred ' + - highestTrigramCount + ' times in ' + highestTrigramLanguage + '.\n' -); + 'The highest trigram was "%s" which occurred %s times in %s.\n', + highestTrigram, + highestTrigramCount, + highestTrigramLanguage +) /* Write the file containing all trigrams. */ -writeFile('./data/all.js', allIndex); +writeFile('./data/all.js', allIndex) -console.log('Finished writing ' + allIndex.count() + ' files.\n'); +console.log('Finished writing %s files.\n', allIndex.count()) /* Write the file containing top trigrams. */ -writeFile('./data/top.js', topIndex); +writeFile('./data/top.js', topIndex) console.log( - 'Finished writing ' + topIndex.count() + ' top files ' + - '(ignoring ' + (allIndex.count() - topIndex.count()) + ').\n' -); + 'Finished writing %s top files (ignoring %s).\n', + topIndex.count(), + allIndex.count() - topIndex.count() +) /* Write the file containing top trigrams as an array. */ -writeFile('./data/min.js', minIndex); +writeFile('./data/min.js', minIndex) console.log( - 'Finished writing ' + minIndex.count() + ' min files ' + - '(ignoring ' + (allIndex.count() - minIndex.count()) + ').\n' -); + 'Finished writing %s min files (ignoring %s).\n', + minIndex.count(), + allIndex.count() - minIndex.count() +) function createIndexFile(type) { - var queue = []; + var queue = [] return { toString: done, add: addFile, count: count - }; + } function addFile(code) { queue.push({ code: code, path: code + '.json' - }); + }) } function done() { - var lines = queue.map(function (file) { - return '\'' + file.code + '\': require(\'./' + type + '/' + file.path + '\')'; - }); + var lines = queue.map(function(file) { + return '"' + file.code + '": require("./' + type + '/' + file.path + '")' + }) - return '\'use strict\';\n' + + return ( + "'use strict'\n" + '\n' + 'module.exports = {\n' + - ' ' + lines.join(',\n ') + '\n' + - '};\n'; + ' ' + + lines.join(',\n') + + '\n' + + '}\n' + ) } function count() { - return queue.length; + return queue.length } } function all(object, key) { - var results = []; - var property; - var value; + var results = [] + var property + var value for (property in object) { - value = object[property]; + value = object[property] if (property === key) { - results.push(value); + results.push(value) } else if (typeof value === 'object') { - results = results.concat(all(value, key)); + results = results.concat(all(value, key)) } } - return results; + return results } function filter(code) { - return code !== 'ccp'; + return code !== 'ccp' } diff --git a/script/build-support.js b/script/build-support.js index 215c1ce..cb12f6b 100755 --- a/script/build-support.js +++ b/script/build-support.js @@ -1,77 +1,93 @@ -'use strict'; +'use strict' -var zone = require('mdast-zone'); -var u = require('unist-builder'); -var udhr = require('udhr'); +var zone = require('mdast-zone') +var u = require('unist-builder') +var udhr = require('udhr') -var info = udhr.information(); -var all = require('..').all(); -var top = require('..').top(); -var min = require('..').min(); +var info = udhr.information() +var all = require('..').all() +var top = require('..').top() +var min = require('..').min() -module.exports = support; +module.exports = support function support() { - return transformer; + return transformer } function transformer(tree) { - zone(tree, 'support', replace); + zone(tree, 'support', replace) } function replace(start, nodes, end) { - return [start, table(), end]; + return [start, table(), end] } function table() { - var header = ['Code', 'Name', 'OHCHR', 'All?', 'Top?', 'Min?']; + var header = ['Code', 'Name', 'OHCHR', 'All?', 'Top?', 'Min?'] - return u('table', {align: []}, [ - u('tableRow', header.map(cell)) - ].concat(Object.keys(info).map(function (code) { - var hasAll; - var hasMin; - var hasTop; - var ohchr; + return u( + 'table', + {align: []}, + [u('tableRow', header.map(cell))].concat( + Object.keys(info).map(function(code) { + var hasAll + var hasMin + var hasTop + var ohchr - if (code in all) { - hasAll = u('link', {url: 'data/all/' + code + '.json'}, [u('text', 'Yes')]); - } else { - hasAll = u('text', 'No'); - } + if (code in all) { + hasAll = u('link', {url: 'data/all/' + code + '.json'}, [ + u('text', 'Yes') + ]) + } else { + hasAll = u('text', 'No') + } - if (code in min) { - hasMin = u('link', {url: 'data/min/' + code + '.json'}, [u('text', 'Yes')]); - } else { - hasMin = u('text', 'No'); - } + if (code in min) { + hasMin = u('link', {url: 'data/min/' + code + '.json'}, [ + u('text', 'Yes') + ]) + } else { + hasMin = u('text', 'No') + } - if (code in top) { - hasTop = u('link', {url: 'data/top/' + code + '.json'}, [u('text', 'Yes')]); - } else { - hasTop = u('text', 'No'); - } + if (code in top) { + hasTop = u('link', {url: 'data/top/' + code + '.json'}, [ + u('text', 'Yes') + ]) + } else { + hasTop = u('text', 'No') + } - if (info[code].OHCHR) { - ohchr = u('link', { - url: 'http://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Pages/Language.aspx?LangID=' + info[code].OHCHR - }, [u('text', info[code].OHCHR)]); - } else { - ohchr = u('text', 'No'); - } + if (info[code].OHCHR) { + ohchr = u( + 'link', + { + url: + 'http://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Pages/Language.aspx?LangID=' + + info[code].OHCHR + }, + [u('text', info[code].OHCHR)] + ) + } else { + ohchr = u('text', 'No') + } - return u('tableRow', [ - cell(code), - cell(info[code].name), - cell(ohchr || ''), - cell(hasAll), - cell(hasTop), - cell(hasMin) - ]); - }))); + return u('tableRow', [ + cell(code), + cell(info[code].name), + cell(ohchr || ''), + cell(hasAll), + cell(hasTop), + cell(hasMin) + ]) + }) + ) + ) function cell(value) { - var val = typeof value === 'string' ? u('text', value) : value; - return u('tableCell', [val]); + var val = typeof value === 'string' ? u('text', value) : value + return u('tableCell', [val]) } } diff --git a/test.js b/test.js index 58bc006..19820aa 100644 --- a/test.js +++ b/test.js @@ -1,107 +1,83 @@ -'use strict'; - -var assert = require('assert'); -var test = require('tape'); -var trigrams = require('.'); - -test('trigrams.all()', function (t) { - var all = trigrams.all(); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(all).forEach(function (code) { - assert(typeof all[code] === 'object'); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.all().n should be an object' - ); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(all).forEach(function (code) { - Object.keys(all[code]).forEach(function (trigram) { - var value = all[code][trigram]; - - assert(typeof value === 'number'); - assert(Math.round(value) === value); - }); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.all().n.n should be an integer' - ); - - t.end(); -}); - -test('trigrams.top()', function (t) { - var top = trigrams.top(); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(top).forEach(function (code) { - assert(typeof top[code] === 'object'); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.top().n should be an object' - ); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(top).forEach(function (code) { - assert(Object.keys(top[code]).length === 300); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.top().n should contain 300 attributes' - ); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(top).forEach(function (code) { - Object.keys(top[code]).forEach(function (trigram) { - var value = top[code][trigram]; - - assert(typeof value === 'number'); - assert(Math.round(value) === value); - }); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.top().n.n should be an integer' - ); - - t.end(); -}); - -test('trigrams.min()', function (t) { - var min = trigrams.min(); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(min).forEach(function (code) { - assert(Array.isArray(min[code])); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.min().n should be an array' - ); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(min).forEach(function (code) { - assert(min[code].length === 300); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.min().n should contain 300 values' - ); - - t.doesNotThrow( - function () { - Object.keys(min).forEach(function (code) { - min[code].forEach(function (trigram) { - assert(typeof trigram === 'string'); - }); - }); - }, - 'trigrams.min().n[n] should be a string' - ); - - t.end(); -}); +'use strict' + +var assert = require('assert') +var test = require('tape') +var trigrams = require('.') + +test('trigrams.all()', function(t) { + var all = trigrams.all() + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(all).forEach(function(code) { + assert(typeof all[code] === 'object') + }) + }, 'trigrams.all().n should be an object') + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(all).forEach(function(code) { + Object.keys(all[code]).forEach(function(trigram) { + var value = all[code][trigram] + + assert(typeof value === 'number') + assert(Math.round(value) === value) + }) + }) + }, 'trigrams.all().n.n should be an integer') + + t.end() +}) + +test('trigrams.top()', function(t) { + var top = trigrams.top() + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(top).forEach(function(code) { + assert(typeof top[code] === 'object') + }) + }, 'trigrams.top().n should be an object') + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(top).forEach(function(code) { + assert(Object.keys(top[code]).length === 300) + }) + }, 'trigrams.top().n should contain 300 attributes') + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(top).forEach(function(code) { + Object.keys(top[code]).forEach(function(trigram) { + var value = top[code][trigram] + + assert(typeof value === 'number') + assert(Math.round(value) === value) + }) + }) + }, 'trigrams.top().n.n should be an integer') + + t.end() +}) + +test('trigrams.min()', function(t) { + var min = trigrams.min() + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(min).forEach(function(code) { + assert(Array.isArray(min[code])) + }) + }, 'trigrams.min().n should be an array') + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(min).forEach(function(code) { + assert(min[code].length === 300) + }) + }, 'trigrams.min().n should contain 300 values') + + t.doesNotThrow(function() { + Object.keys(min).forEach(function(code) { + min[code].forEach(function(trigram) { + assert(typeof trigram === 'string') + }) + }) + }, 'trigrams.min().n[n] should be a string') + + t.end() +})