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{"reviews": {"39457745": {"recommendationid": "39457745", "author": {"steamid": "76561198145085734", "num_games_owned": 33, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 320, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 320, "last_played": 1516515649}, "language": "english", "review": "The nostalgia is real. Worth the $$$. I wish more people knew about this game and played it, because the lobby is always sadly empty.", "timestamp_created": 1516366250, "timestamp_updated": 1516366250, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39373847": {"recommendationid": "39373847", "author": {"steamid": "76561198337833853", "num_games_owned": 14, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 343, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 343, "last_played": 1516052743}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "\u00c9 Um jogo Extremamente legal nunca Joguei por tanto tempo na primeira vez que eu joguei!\n\nVoc\u00ea \u00e9 um Raptor, que precisa escapar do ''DOOM'' <- Parece at\u00e9 um jogo que eu tenho.\n\nquando come\u00e7a o asteroide que matou os dinossauros cai na terra e voc\u00ea come\u00e7a a correr, (N\u00e3o, esse jogo N\u00c3O \u00c9 AUTOMATICO) os controles s\u00e3o bem faceis de usar Mesmo tendo que jogar APENAS NO TECLADO \u00e9... Esse jogo n\u00e3o da pra jogar no controle. Esse jogo n\u00e3o \u00e9 infinito, tem um final (Tem um final secreto se voc\u00ea conseguir completar o jogo no modo INSANO) eu s\u00f3 consegui completar o jogo no modo normal porque no HARD e no INSANE \u00e9 muito dif\u00edcil. O final do jogo \u00e9 bem simples mas eu n\u00e3o vou falar por causa de SPOILERS\n\nEsse jogo \u00e9 bem desafiador... mo modo normal eu s\u00f3 dei uns 3 Game Overs Mas no Hard eu so morro na fase 4\n\nAh eu n\u00e3o vou me esquecer porque existem Time Shifts Nesse Jogo e a cada 30,setenta e alguma coisa e 81 OVOS vc ganha 1 Time Shift e os ossos que vc ganha passando em cima de esqueletos ou comendo dinossauros pequenos (Que o jogo chama de ''Lizards'').\n\nOs Time shifts s\u00e3o como vidas perdeu todas \u00e9 Game over e os Ossos como Dinheiro. N\u00e3o se esque\u00e7a!!! Muitos youtubers Cometem a mesma Falha!!! Quando Vc \u00c9 Pego pelo DOOM Aparece DOOMED que significa que vc tem Vidas sobrando e da pra voltar do come\u00e7o da fase e quando aparece EXTINCT Significa que vc n\u00e3o tem mais Time Shifts e \u00e9 Game Over!! Eu to falando isso porque h\u00e1 muitos youtubers que morrem e aparece Doomed acham que \u00e9 game Over!!!\n\nMinha nota para esse Jogo \u00e9 8,5/10", "timestamp_created": 1516047649, "timestamp_updated": 1516047649, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39334227": {"recommendationid": "39334227", "author": {"steamid": "76561198292479333", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 260, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 260, "last_played": 1516186011}, "language": "polish", "review": "wyscigi dinozarow", "timestamp_created": 1515925042, "timestamp_updated": 1515925042, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39332105": {"recommendationid": "39332105", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061013136", "num_games_owned": 111, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 134, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 134, "last_played": 1516210853}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game. I used to play it as a kid and even now I still play it. With added multiplayer it is even more fun I love it.", "timestamp_created": 1515918025, "timestamp_updated": 1515918025, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39311901": {"recommendationid": "39311901", "author": {"steamid": "76561198321498805", "num_games_owned": 10, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 544, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 544, "last_played": 1516237883}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun game. So fun to the point where I don't mind going back to play the levels mulitiple times over again to get the achievements.", "timestamp_created": 1515857333, "timestamp_updated": 1515857333, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39252628": {"recommendationid": "39252628", "author": {"steamid": "76561198138756890", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 437, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 437, "last_played": 1516156983}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "bem basicamente vc \u00e9 um dino amarelo bem loko que quer fazer de pra sobreviver [correr] \n\nconheci esse jogo faiz um tempo e velo aqui n\u00e1 steam foi at\u00e9 uma supresa kk\nbem nostalgico esse jogo", "timestamp_created": 1515666980, "timestamp_updated": 1515666980, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39247692": {"recommendationid": "39247692", "author": {"steamid": "76561198140153558", "num_games_owned": 201, "num_reviews": 54, "playtime_forever": 21, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 21, "last_played": 1515644363}, "language": "english", "review": "very hard challenging game and 2nd chances only no infinite retries which i dislike is good to learn cause all you learn is movement i play this from newground buying full price not a good idea and dead multiplayer so buy it on sale for single player experience and achievements", "timestamp_created": 1515644637, "timestamp_updated": 1515644637, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39232149": {"recommendationid": "39232149", "author": {"steamid": "76561198122275478", "num_games_owned": 10, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 341, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 341, "last_played": 1516132270}, "language": "english", "review": "I love the game but for some reason it won't let me go online using Steam login. I click on steam login and it just does nothing. Same thing happens if I try to join a run on guest mode. help!", "timestamp_created": 1515593699, "timestamp_updated": 1515593699, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39220278": {"recommendationid": "39220278", "author": {"steamid": "76561198090664712", "num_games_owned": 104, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 25, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 25, "last_played": 1515544758}, "language": "english", "review": "Same fun game from back in the day, worth it if you find it on sale.", "timestamp_created": 1515544806, "timestamp_updated": 1515544806, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39206639": {"recommendationid": "39206639", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036590132", "num_games_owned": 117, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 312, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 312, "last_played": 1515687100}, "language": "polish", "review": "Dino Run DX to gra z 2008 roku kt\u00f3ra pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 na steamie 2015 roku gdzie \nzosta\u0142a wydana z dodatkowymi zawarto\u015bciami do kupienia oraz mo\u017cliwo\u015bci on-line\nze znajomymi czy te\u017c innymi graczami kt\u00f3rzy s\u0105 w grze. Gra\u0107 mo\u017cna r\u00f3wnie\u017c samemu.\n[i](Nie zdziwcie si\u0119 \u017ce po wej\u015bciu na tryb multiplayer nie b\u0119dzie nikogo a jak ju\u017c\nto b\u0119d\u0105 to dwie-trzy osoby kt\u00f3re afcz\u0105 i nie b\u0119dzie rozgrywki, co-op po prostu upad\u0142.)[/i]\n\nGra nam daje do wyboru wygl\u0105d naszego dinozaura , trzy typy \u0142at na jego ciele, r\u00f3\u017cne\nkolory oraz czapki/maski/szaliki kt\u00f3re urozmaicaj\u0105 wygl\u0105d postaci.W grze masz trzy\nsave'y kt\u00f3rych mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 na trzech r\u00f3\u017cnych dinozaurach, w wersji on-line mamy \nranking gdzie mo\u017cna zdobywa\u0107 poziom oraz punkty.\n\nOsi\u0105gni\u0119cia w grze s\u0105 trudne i \u0142atwe jak to przysta\u0142o, posiada karty na steam warte\n5c za jedn\u0105, wi\u0119c wymiana raczej nie jest op\u0142acalna, ale dobicie do odznaki super!\nEmotki z tej gry naprawd\u0119 wymiataj\u0105 i super wygl\u0105daj\u0105!\n\nOprawa graficzna jest pixelowa, co mo\u017cna zauwa\u017cy\u0107 na pierwszy rzut oka,fabu\u0142a\njest po prostu jasna,jeste\u015bmy dinozaurem kt\u00f3ry ucieka przed asteroidami/wybuchem\nwulkany/totaln\u0105 zag\u0142ad\u0105 ich prehistorycznego \u015bwiata. Je\u017celi chcia\u0142by\u015b kupi\u0107 gr\u0119\nto polecam ci najpierw zagra\u0107 w jej darmow\u0105 wersje na przegl\u0105darce.\n[i] http://www.gry.jeja.pl/1728,dino-run.html [/i]\n\nOg\u00f3lna ocena 4/10\n+ Grafika\n+ Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 ubierania i zmieniania postaci\n+ Muzyczka\n\n- Cena\n- Zmar\u0142y multiplayer\n- Drogie DLC", "timestamp_created": 1515502662, "timestamp_updated": 1515502662, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39169659": {"recommendationid": "39169659", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058584412", "num_games_owned": 7446, "num_reviews": 180, "playtime_forever": 370, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499887249}, "language": "english", "review": "I don't know any of the apparent history behind this game, and I'd be lying if I said I understood why the game is getting an overall very positive rating. I played it for awhile, but I never really felt like I was having fun doing it. I don't think it looks particularly good, nor do I think it plays all that well. Maybe I was missing something, maybe I didn't understand something, but I wouldn't recommend this game to pretty much anyone.", "timestamp_created": 1515375389, "timestamp_updated": 1515375389, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.442138", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39137449": {"recommendationid": "39137449", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040852462", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 91, "playtime_forever": 76, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510205212}, "language": "english", "review": "dino done", "timestamp_created": 1515290036, "timestamp_updated": 1515290036, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.465950", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39113488": {"recommendationid": "39113488", "author": {"steamid": "76561198135438892", "num_games_owned": 2293, "num_reviews": 3315, "playtime_forever": 419, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515295069}, "language": "romanian", "review": "Very nice game", "timestamp_created": 1515234989, "timestamp_updated": 1515234989, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.454545", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39098813": {"recommendationid": "39098813", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076972918", "num_games_owned": 87, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 17, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515190882}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u041f\u0410\u0421\u0418\u0422\u0415 \u041c\u041e\u0418 \u041d\u0415\u0420\u0412\u042b", "timestamp_created": 1515190951, "timestamp_updated": 1515190951, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38998406": {"recommendationid": "38998406", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052004988", "num_games_owned": 323, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 30, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 6, "last_played": 1515700084}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Inf\u00e2ncia no ClickJogos <3 sdds", "timestamp_created": 1514952309, "timestamp_updated": 1514952309, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38875391": {"recommendationid": "38875391", "author": {"steamid": "76561198296083469", "num_games_owned": 5, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 5511, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 4776, "last_played": 1516404796}, "language": "english", "review": "Honest, I have two words for this game; Nostalgic and Incredible. The game its self brings back a ton of memories, and it is, in my opinion, underrated in its gameplay aspect. The game looks and runs perfectly, and I can play it for hours straight!", "timestamp_created": 1514666444, "timestamp_updated": 1514666444, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.563008", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38847972": {"recommendationid": "38847972", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086879888", "num_games_owned": 452, "num_reviews": 54, "playtime_forever": 61, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514613248}, "language": "english", "review": "Coming from someone that generally has little interest in runners this one is actually very addicting and fun. This is the best version of the classic flash game! This comes with a plethora of added content; extra levels, modes and multiplayer. Pixeljam deserves support!", "timestamp_created": 1514613819, "timestamp_updated": 1514882007, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.528200", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38813423": {"recommendationid": "38813423", "author": {"steamid": "76561198404699270", "num_games_owned": 2, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 754, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 209, "last_played": 1516147613}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "muito bom!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1514542739, "timestamp_updated": 1514542739, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38797221": {"recommendationid": "38797221", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021062848", "num_games_owned": 217, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 321, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495540333}, "language": "turkish", "review": "Dino Run 2'nin geli\u015ftirme s\u00fcrecine katk\u0131da bulunmak i\u00e7in sat\u0131n alabilirsiniz.", "timestamp_created": 1514499963, "timestamp_updated": 1514499963, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38774788": {"recommendationid": "38774788", "author": {"steamid": "76561198219949688", "num_games_owned": 159, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 14, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514454967}, "language": "english", "review": "Ever Played Dino Run? Its a free browser game from ye days of old, where free games like these were a big deal, remember all the nintendo and genesis game crossovers and what not? good but breif bursts of fun for any kid, specially for ones without taste.\n\n (me at age 6!) it was the 2000's kids version of something like the Tiger electronic games, or like the game packages for your Imac or windows XP! in the sense that, they were cheap (in this case free) and everyone had them!, they were milked to death! sites were dedicated to keeping thousands of these free games up and running with cheap monetization tactics like having a page with nothing but an add show up before sending you to the URL where the game runs, on top of having adds seconds before the game loads, as well as ADS cover up the whole page, SLOWING DOWN THE FUCKING GAME! as well as an ad that surrounded lower resolution games, making them harder to play!\n\nOut of the thousands of free games that we used to play, only about 8% are actually worth remembering. Dino run belongs in that 8% of alright to good games, and for browser litter game standards, the original version is a masterpiece.\nIts an okay game, not one you would want to invest your free time to modding to perfection or to make a speed run for world record, its just a simple platforming game that gets early internet era kids such as me in a nostalgic mood.\n\nI say play it first on browser if you want, consider downloading it later on steam for the novelty of extra content to a game that doesn't really cry for more than what it already offers for free.\nIts a novelty, a gift shop trinket, but it has a charm that few browser games have mannaged to keep through the years.", "timestamp_created": 1514457395, "timestamp_updated": 1514457395, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.525547", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38760879": {"recommendationid": "38760879", "author": {"steamid": "76561198224349012", "num_games_owned": 71, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 64, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514422863}, "language": "english", "review": "Every one that plays this game has no life and is very salty.", "timestamp_created": 1514422998, "timestamp_updated": 1514422998, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.288124", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38643703": {"recommendationid": "38643703", "author": {"steamid": "76561198169715331", "num_games_owned": 64, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 90, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514179998}, "language": "english", "review": "Man the nostalgia playing this game... I remember being in kindergarden when this was released almost 10 years ago...\nplaying on Windows XP on one of the 3 computers there was in the class xD\n\nLove IT!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1514171313, "timestamp_updated": 1514171313, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38596078": {"recommendationid": "38596078", "author": {"steamid": "76561198354875777", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 14, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514064336}, "language": "english", "review": "One word: Nostalgia.", "timestamp_created": 1514064555, "timestamp_updated": 1514064555, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.492327", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38557217": {"recommendationid": "38557217", "author": {"steamid": "76561198283962868", "num_games_owned": 10, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 183, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513994725}, "language": "english", "review": "this is probly one of the best games ive played in a long time \n", "timestamp_created": 1513994071, "timestamp_updated": 1513994071, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38528989": {"recommendationid": "38528989", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069656810", "num_games_owned": 228, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 54, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513943674}, "language": "english", "review": "Runs extremely poorly and in slow motion, from 35 to 50fps.\n\nBrowser version runs completely fine, so i'm getting a refund.", "timestamp_created": 1513944382, "timestamp_updated": 1513944421, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.469226", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38510772": {"recommendationid": "38510772", "author": {"steamid": "76561198405898372", "num_games_owned": 19, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1117, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514655832}, "language": "english", "review": "Super addictive~\nI recommend this to anyone who has time to waste, enjoys pixle platformers, or has a laggy computer, it runs smooth on my potato of a computer, so that's saying something!", "timestamp_created": 1513904693, "timestamp_updated": 1513904693, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38245891": {"recommendationid": "38245891", "author": {"steamid": "76561198305999994", "num_games_owned": 6, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 86653, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1318, "last_played": 1516503984}, "language": "english", "review": " I may have gotten this game for free, but if you do have the money to pay for it, I think you should check it out! You can actually save a dollar if you buy it from the [url=https://www.pixeljam.com/dinorun/]Crowdfunding Campaign for [b][i]DINO RUN 2![/i][/b][/url] If you get Dino Run DX you can have fun with your friends ONLINE and you can even talk about it on [url=https://discord.gg/4Dsp37J]DISCORD![/url] So if you have enough money for this game, do consider purchasing it! I'll be looking forward to playing with you!", "timestamp_created": 1513037203, "timestamp_updated": 1513037203, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493169", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38042776": {"recommendationid": "38042776", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114085482", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 420, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513355927}, "language": "english", "review": "I played this game when I was 8 years old, childhood revisited, still marvelous as you would expect 9 years later.", "timestamp_created": 1512333449, "timestamp_updated": 1512333570, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.471879", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37942635": {"recommendationid": "37942635", "author": {"steamid": "76561198243589030", "num_games_owned": 254, "num_reviews": 237, "playtime_forever": 29, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512088043}, "language": "english", "review": "good game", "timestamp_created": 1512007623, "timestamp_updated": 1512007623, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37908005": {"recommendationid": "37908005", "author": {"steamid": "76561198207822636", "num_games_owned": 20, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 2084, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 7, "last_played": 1515839235}, "language": "swedish", "review": "My childhood told by a game!", "timestamp_created": 1511893583, "timestamp_updated": 1512583703, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.471879", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37900066": {"recommendationid": "37900066", "author": {"steamid": "76561198259749267", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 948, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491228733}, "language": "english", "review": "Loved playing the original game on Newgrounds and was so happy to buy it on Steam! It's a great game to play!", "timestamp_created": 1511888229, "timestamp_updated": 1511888229, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37839610": {"recommendationid": "37839610", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046210186", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 800, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514582542}, "language": "english", "review": "Cool art style and soundtrack with fun but difficult gameplay", "timestamp_created": 1511830865, "timestamp_updated": 1511830865, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37718969": {"recommendationid": "37718969", "author": {"steamid": "76561198092102591", "num_games_owned": 43, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 190, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507782816}, "language": "english", "review": "the Best Dinosaur Themed 8-Bit Game Ever", "timestamp_created": 1511730018, "timestamp_updated": 1511730018, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37628088": {"recommendationid": "37628088", "author": {"steamid": "76561198251711460", "num_games_owned": 16, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 200, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515224525}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Perfeito pra passar o tempo", "timestamp_created": 1511679046, "timestamp_updated": 1511679046, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37556355": {"recommendationid": "37556355", "author": {"steamid": "76561198400814485", "num_games_owned": 25, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 857, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512266773}, "language": "english", "review": "honestly brings back great memories of my childhood", "timestamp_created": 1511630194, "timestamp_updated": 1511630194, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.570957", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37502172": {"recommendationid": "37502172", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995439474", "num_games_owned": 392, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 580, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501674918}, "language": "english", "review": "It was a fun little game back on Newgrounds, and now it's a fun little game on Steam. Might not have all that much added over the original, but I liked it enough to get for a couple of coins worth and don't regret it one bit.\n\nLovely visuals, sound design and music combined with simple gameplay for a colourful casual experience sure to bring a smile to your face.", "timestamp_created": 1511607773, "timestamp_updated": 1511607773, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37463215": {"recommendationid": "37463215", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005402043", "num_games_owned": 401, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1414, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492760527}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a great game to unwind to when you've only got a few minutes. Also pretty easy to blow through an hour or two. 10/10 would recommend.", "timestamp_created": 1511585928, "timestamp_updated": 1511585928, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37453682": {"recommendationid": "37453682", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142239234", "num_games_owned": 54, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 69, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513118378}, "language": "english", "review": "fun game yes very nice", "timestamp_created": 1511579272, "timestamp_updated": 1511579272, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.570957", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37325637": {"recommendationid": "37325637", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025736360", "num_games_owned": 156, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 797, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512258266}, "language": "english", "review": "A quick easy game to play with family or friends. Simple but still a lot of fun", "timestamp_created": 1511527727, "timestamp_updated": 1511527727, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37277276": {"recommendationid": "37277276", "author": {"steamid": "76561198426613932", "num_games_owned": 80, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 379, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514338491}, "language": "english", "review": "All the lil' kids with the pumped up kicks better run, better run. Faster than the apocalypse", "timestamp_created": 1511505952, "timestamp_updated": 1511505952, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37042198": {"recommendationid": "37042198", "author": {"steamid": "76561198322116115", "num_games_owned": 13, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 693, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511439911}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Best 2D ever :v", "timestamp_created": 1511439804, "timestamp_updated": 1511439804, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36915291": {"recommendationid": "36915291", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098146596", "num_games_owned": 201, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2092, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511475510}, "language": "english", "review": "Dinosaurs? Racing? Apocalypse? Retro? What else could you want?", "timestamp_created": 1511407573, "timestamp_updated": 1511407573, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.543039", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36681062": {"recommendationid": "36681062", "author": {"steamid": "76561198237514536", "num_games_owned": 284, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 216, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510774777}, "language": "english", "review": "The most intense moments of 2017 were spawned from this game", "timestamp_created": 1511289491, "timestamp_updated": 1511289491, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36680088": {"recommendationid": "36680088", "author": {"steamid": "76561198201995916", "num_games_owned": 169, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 41, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1462332758}, "language": "english", "review": "Don't you remember playing the heck out of this awesome game on those flash websites like Miniclip like 364274 years ago? Well now you can relive all that fun again, but enhanced now... WITH HATS! That's right folks, now you can run away from the apocalyptic meteor strike that wiped out all the dinosaurs and wear sweet headgear all at the same time!\n\nSeriously though, this game is good, you should get it. Like right now.", "timestamp_created": 1511286217, "timestamp_updated": 1511286217, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36515195": {"recommendationid": "36515195", "author": {"steamid": "76561198184296527", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 275, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508629348}, "language": "english", "review": "Terrific game, great nostalgia :)", "timestamp_created": 1510679126, "timestamp_updated": 1510679126, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36457530": {"recommendationid": "36457530", "author": {"steamid": "76561198154303635", "num_games_owned": 57, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 35, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443744224}, "language": "english", "review": "this game gives me renewed life from the burden thAT IS THIS HELLHOLE OF A PLANET!!!1!!11\n", "timestamp_created": 1510449378, "timestamp_updated": 1510449378, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36425895": {"recommendationid": "36425895", "author": {"steamid": "76561198374722010", "num_games_owned": 27, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 483, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510936094}, "language": "polish", "review": "Klimatyczna postapokaliptyczna gierka , czyli co\u015b dla mnie : ) Warto wyda\u0107 tutaj pieni\u0105dze aby wspom\u00f3c tw\u00f3rc\u00f3w gry xD Z niecierpliwo\u015bci\u0105 czekam na Dino Run 2 : D", "timestamp_created": 1510342294, "timestamp_updated": 1510342294, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502058", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36413350": {"recommendationid": "36413350", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993510726", "num_games_owned": 234, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 156, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453098727}, "language": "english", "review": "I really enjoyed this game when it came out on it's own and was plesantly surprised when I found out it was on Steam. The awesome devs gave me a copy for free for buying it way back in the day too. How cool is that?\nIf you enjoy running from imminent demise, completing silly challenges while doing so, and earning HATS then you will enjoy this game.", "timestamp_created": 1510299263, "timestamp_updated": 1510299263, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36382845": {"recommendationid": "36382845", "author": {"steamid": "76561198405522702", "num_games_owned": 9, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 137, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514467790}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "\u00d3timo o jogo, barato, divertido, desafiativo, personaliz\u00e1vel e ainda tem v\u00e1rias fazes para jogar, ent\u00e3o o jogo n\u00e3o acaba t\u00e3o r\u00e1pido.\n\nDinossauros muito loucos correndo fren\u00e9ticamente da extin\u00e7\u00e3o, 10/10.", "timestamp_created": 1510172745, "timestamp_updated": 1510172745, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36173210": {"recommendationid": "36173210", "author": {"steamid": "76561198073574759", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 214, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509474396}, "language": "english", "review": "I absolutely love this game by its graphics and gameplay.\nThis 8-bit race game is just amazing, its fast-paced and challenging, and even have badges to add more.\n\nThere's singleplayer and Multiplayer, i completed all singleplayer difficulties and did 50% of the badges before moving to Multiplayer, the bad thing is, is that there aren't much players playing it, so i was alone in the lobby, but i believe i will find someone or two some of these days.\n\nDifferent of Gamma Bros, the game has a really good potencial of replaying it, i know i will be playing it a lot because of the badges, so i think the price is pretty good but i bought it 67% off anyways. \nThis game is worthy it if you like these styles games.", "timestamp_created": 1509474674, "timestamp_updated": 1509474674, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36158666": {"recommendationid": "36158666", "author": {"steamid": "76561198343251618", "num_games_owned": 16, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1476, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514521170}, "language": "english", "review": "So happy to play this game again! Can't wait for DR2!!", "timestamp_created": 1509430427, "timestamp_updated": 1509430427, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.581300", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36056003": {"recommendationid": "36056003", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069303080", "num_games_owned": 190, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 625, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504565611}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember when i played this game back on the web. \n\nGot banned for doing roleplay in one of the chatrooms.", "timestamp_created": 1509136523, "timestamp_updated": 1509136523, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35996172": {"recommendationid": "35996172", "author": {"steamid": "76561198286017559", "num_games_owned": 1884, "num_reviews": 378, "playtime_forever": 151, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508958320}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run DX is a unique side-scroller that brings the simple 1980\u2019s mechanics to modern 8-bit gaming. With such a huge range of content, customization, statistics and creativity from the developers, players will spend tens of hours escaping extinction as this prehistoric themed side-scroller delivers a unique game experience through solid mechanics, lasting content and 8-bit nostalgia.\n", "timestamp_created": 1508960027, "timestamp_updated": 1508960027, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35883812": {"recommendationid": "35883812", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025812458", "num_games_owned": 1109, "num_reviews": 200, "playtime_forever": 190, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508569556}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run is an enjoyable little game. Mechanically it's almost as barebones as a game can come, but it's still oddly satisfying to land certain jumps or dodge the inevitable chaos that occurs in a level. There's a ton of hats/skins and a fittingly sparse progression system where you upgrade stats like speed, strength, etc. I personally enjoyed getting as many of the \"super eggs\" as possible, which are essentially platforming puzzles and easter eggs to give you a burst of DNA to spend on stats. All in all, it's a simple but charming and fun runner game. If you aren't expecting much more than that, you should have a good time.", "timestamp_created": 1508571287, "timestamp_updated": 1508571287, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35220796": {"recommendationid": "35220796", "author": {"steamid": "76561198157047316", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 786, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511221914}, "language": "english", "review": "Good time killer if you don't have anything to do, but not a good game to play 24/7.", "timestamp_created": 1506428447, "timestamp_updated": 1506428447, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.399129", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35164633": {"recommendationid": "35164633", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119247965", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514327920}, "language": "polish", "review": "biegn\u0105ce dinozary\ngierka spoks", "timestamp_created": 1506203048, "timestamp_updated": 1506203048, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "35051708": {"recommendationid": "35051708", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062982242", "num_games_owned": 95, "num_reviews": 63, "playtime_forever": 152, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507591259}, "language": "english", "review": "I'm not a huge fan of these running type games. But I like the hats. Yes to Hats.", "timestamp_created": 1505763264, "timestamp_updated": 1505763264, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34700761": {"recommendationid": "34700761", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042760236", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 40, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507541535}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run DX is the enhanced edition of a classic title. \n\nFor not only a nostalgia hit, but also an improved version of the game that supports the developers, you cannot go wrong with this. The randomly generated levels, customization, and unlockable content make Dino Run DX an incredibly replayable and charming game.", "timestamp_created": 1504406966, "timestamp_updated": 1504406966, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34681509": {"recommendationid": "34681509", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041099788", "num_games_owned": 229, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 253, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504351322}, "language": "english", "review": "Disappointed in ARK and wanting a proper dino game, I ended up satisfying my dino fever with this. \n\n\u00bd / \u00bd Best Dino Survival Experience Available", "timestamp_created": 1504347717, "timestamp_updated": 1504347717, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34660300": {"recommendationid": "34660300", "author": {"steamid": "76561198152183182", "num_games_owned": 32, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 40, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504273950}, "language": "english", "review": "Best game 11/10", "timestamp_created": 1504273967, "timestamp_updated": 1504273967, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34650269": {"recommendationid": "34650269", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027204355", "num_games_owned": 0, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 592, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504292234}, "language": "english", "review": "I want a sequel.", "timestamp_created": 1504236030, "timestamp_updated": 1504236030, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34640575": {"recommendationid": "34640575", "author": {"steamid": "76561198272376579", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 249, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515088944}, "language": "english", "review": "Probably one of the best games of my childhood. Seriously, it's fun. I don't need to spoil the game for you, all I need to say is this game is definetly worth every penny.", "timestamp_created": 1504204065, "timestamp_updated": 1504204065, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34629247": {"recommendationid": "34629247", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142918659", "num_games_owned": 308, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 303, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504668649}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u300aDINO RUN DX\u300b\n\u970d\u970d\uff01\u5c0f\u6050\u9f99\u6a21\u62df\u5668\uff01\n\u597d\u597d\u73a9\uff01\u5f88\u7d27\u5f20\u548c\u523a\u6fc0\uff0c\u5173\u5361\u8bbe\u8ba1\u4e5f\u548c\u5f88\u5de7\u5999\u3002\u6bcf\u6b21\u6b7b\u4ea1\u540e\u7684\u4e00\u6b21\u590d\u6d3b\u8ba9\u6e38\u620f\u4f53\u9a8c\u53d8\u5f97\u66f4\u597d\u3002\u6210\u5c31\u4e5f\u5f88\u4e30\u5bcc\n\u50cf\u7d20\u98ce\u683c\u597d\u50cf\u662f\u5f88\u591a\u5c0f\u6e38\u620f\u90fd\u6bd4\u8f83\u559c\u6b22\u7528\u7684\uff0c\u5e0c\u671b\u4ee5\u540e\u53ef\u4ee5\u591a\u8bc4\u6d4b\u4e9b\u50cf\u7d20\u6e38\u620f\u54e6\uff01\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\u603b\u4f53\u8bc4\u5206\uff1a7/10 \u63a8\u8350\u6307\u6570\uff1a\u63a8\u8350\u3001\u6709\u8da3\u7684\u5c0f\u6e38\u620f\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1504168658, "timestamp_updated": 1509187012, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34596873": {"recommendationid": "34596873", "author": {"steamid": "76561198109067288", "num_games_owned": 403, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 339, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495712793}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Es un juego super genial! :D:", "timestamp_created": 1504065416, "timestamp_updated": 1504065416, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499812", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34584829": {"recommendationid": "34584829", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119541589", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 327, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502483294}, "language": "english", "review": "I used to love to play this game as a kid, and when I heard that there was a downloadable version, I had to get it. It's everything I remember and more.\n\nGameplay is very simple. You're a dino, and you're trying to avoid the impending apocalypse, all the while collecting eggs and munching critters. By collecting the eggs and critters, you get upgrade points (DNA) to make your dino faster and stronger. It's a very simple system, although it can take quite a while to get all the DNA you want for the last few upgrades.\n\nThere's also two main gamemodes, the campaign and speedruns. The campaign has you move through several levels with limited lives. The speedruns have some gimmick attached, and you get one try or you're forced to restart. This version has more than the original browser game, and removed some that were somewhat unfair/boring.\n\nThe multiplayer works relatively well, and can be done with traditional gameplay or can be treated as a sandbox to mess around in. I haven't done too much of it but it works.\n\nControls are tight. You can run, jump, and crouch. You also have a activatable speed boost. The boost can upgrade depending on how much DNA you get, allowing the player to make some harder jumps or get up a hill faster. The difficulty is well balanced in all but a few speedruns on Intense difficulty and Intense Campaign, but if you're a good player and playing with a maxed out dino, it's managable with either a good seed or game knowledge.\n\nThere's plenty of achievements if that's your cup of tea, and the really catchy soundtrack can be unlocked by collecting a secondary currency called \"Bones\" (that also unlocks the speedruns).\n\nThe only complaints I have is that the game doesn't make the boost apparent to you unless you read the instructions (silly I know, but some people just skip by it assuming the game to be simple). Additionally, the physics engine can be a bit wonky. Sometimes some jumps get gimped because the slope is slightly angled, and there are a few spots in a few select seeds and levels where a rock or an enemy dino can push you through the floor (don't worry though, if you do, the game will let you fall for a while and you'll teleport to the top of the world). \n\nAll in all, this game is a great runner. With great gameplay, great music, functioning multiplayer, and lots of vanity options, it brought me back to my childhood playing it on the web. I can guarantee you'll be having a great time escaping the apocalypse, just like I did.", "timestamp_created": 1504031940, "timestamp_updated": 1504031940, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34583646": {"recommendationid": "34583646", "author": {"steamid": "76561198088478239", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 75, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474943529}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember playing this pixel game when I was just a kid, I was really attached to dino games (still am today) and there was this one game I always played and it was Dino Run. I was surprised to see it hit on steam as \"Dino Run DX\" but obviously, I'm not as attached to it as I was when I was younger. It's still a enjoyable game, and it has neat little customization with it, like hats n color's to you're dino character. I got this game as a gift last year.. I think. O.o It's a fun little game.", "timestamp_created": 1504029421, "timestamp_updated": 1504029421, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34566959": {"recommendationid": "34566959", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116920634", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 685, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511306151}, "language": "english", "review": "Bought it for nostalgia while on sale, 10/10 still as fun as i remember. It's even better if you have a few friends to play multiplayer with. I'd recommend buying it on sale while you can, especially to help support the development of dinorun 2.", "timestamp_created": 1503973995, "timestamp_updated": 1503973995, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34563016": {"recommendationid": "34563016", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004683616", "num_games_owned": 488, "num_reviews": 48, "playtime_forever": 67, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477685774}, "language": "english", "review": "A must-play indie. 11/10", "timestamp_created": 1503956591, "timestamp_updated": 1503956591, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34558977": {"recommendationid": "34558977", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063725468", "num_games_owned": 298, "num_reviews": 93, "playtime_forever": 261, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498932766}, "language": "english", "review": "Bought it for nostalgia, but it's still fun in small amounts! Has different randomly generated levels, secrets, challenges, achievements, unlocks and stat upgrades. The multiplayer is usually pretty much dead though.\n\nHelp the devs make Dino Run 2 real!\nhttp://dinorun2.com/", "timestamp_created": 1503944088, "timestamp_updated": 1503944088, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.561718", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34519616": {"recommendationid": "34519616", "author": {"steamid": "76561198122471148", "num_games_owned": 53, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 10, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454256547}, "language": "english", "review": "fun game but probably best on a phone", "timestamp_created": 1503803404, "timestamp_updated": 1503803404, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34509102": {"recommendationid": "34509102", "author": {"steamid": "76561198133053484", "num_games_owned": 73, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 459, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511563887}, "language": "english", "review": "~.\u2665 Amazing game! I love this game and I played it ever since I was a child \u2665~.\n~.\u2665 Seeing this game on Steam brought back many memories of me playing this game on my old Windows xp \u2665~.\n~.\u2665 Back then, I remember the day when the hats were advertised and I really want to get them for my Dino. And now here it is, I can freely customize my very own Dino whenever I want!! \u2665~.\n~.\u2665 I highly recommend this game! It still has all of the original graphics and play style. ^^ \u2665~.", "timestamp_created": 1503765557, "timestamp_updated": 1503765557, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.667895", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34363694": {"recommendationid": "34363694", "author": {"steamid": "76561198148713229", "num_games_owned": 5, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 280, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512267466}, "language": "brazilian", "review": ".", "timestamp_created": 1503196379, "timestamp_updated": 1503196379, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34096247": {"recommendationid": "34096247", "author": {"steamid": "76561197961667050", "num_games_owned": 80, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 45, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502170309}, "language": "english", "review": "boring, wtf is the deal with all the hype, this game sucked", "timestamp_created": 1502170416, "timestamp_updated": 1502170416, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.258961", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33983700": {"recommendationid": "33983700", "author": {"steamid": "76561198208731476", "num_games_owned": 148, "num_reviews": 76, "playtime_forever": 905, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 3, "last_played": 1515548616}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game in any way im just sad that the developer didn't make a sequel.", "timestamp_created": 1501727883, "timestamp_updated": 1501727901, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.534884", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33938791": {"recommendationid": "33938791", "author": {"steamid": "76561198265264937", "num_games_owned": 26, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 420, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504802458}, "language": "german", "review": "Dino Run DX ist eine Art Remake von den Flash Game Dino Run das 2008 erschien. \nMan kann die alten Level spielen die es bereits in der Flash Game Version existieren. \nAber Nat\u00fcrlich wurden einige Sachen hinzugef\u00fcgt damit sich auch die 5,99\u20ac gerechtfertigen. \n\nDie Neuerungen sind:\n\n- Die Helloween Hell Run Challenge\n- Neue Speedrun Levels\n- Neue Verkleidungen f\u00fcr den kleinen Dino (Zum Thema Helloween, Minecraft, Battleblock Theater und Normalere \n Verkleidungen f\u00fcr den kleinen Dino)\n- Man kann Fotos von seinen Dino machen und auf den PC Speichern\n\nAus meiner sicht sind die 5,99\u20ac gerechtfertigt f\u00fcr dieses Spiel. \nUnd alle die schon Dino Run fr\u00fcher gemocht haben kann hierbei nicht viel falsch machen.", "timestamp_created": 1501546528, "timestamp_updated": 1501546528, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33901048": {"recommendationid": "33901048", "author": {"steamid": "76561198187477894", "num_games_owned": 18, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 20, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501021953}, "language": "english", "review": "It's good if you want to play this for nostalgic reasons, but the overall game is kinda boring. Its about the same as the browser version, but more cosmetics.", "timestamp_created": 1501408442, "timestamp_updated": 1501408442, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.448909", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33855687": {"recommendationid": "33855687", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117427910", "num_games_owned": 1186, "num_reviews": 135, "playtime_forever": 216, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501247426}, "language": "ukrainian", "review": "https://www.miniclip.com/games/dino-run/en/\n\n\u0421\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0431\u0435\u0437\u043a\u043e\u0448\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e, \u0449\u043e \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0443\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0438? \u041f\u0456\u043a\u0441\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0456\u043a\u0430, \u0434\u0435\u043a\u0456\u043b\u044c\u043a\u0430 \u0440\u0456\u0432\u043d\u0456\u0432 \u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0456\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0457 \u0432\u0442\u0435\u0447\u0456 \u0432\u0456\u0434 \u043c\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0430\u043f\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0456\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0441\u0443 \u0437 \u043c\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u044c\u043a\u0438\u043c \u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0440\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043c. \u0412\u0442\u0456\u043a\u0430\u0439, \u0457\u0436 \u043d\u0430 \u0448\u043b\u044f\u0445\u0443 \u0432\u0441\u0435, \u0449\u043e \u043c\u0435\u043d\u0448\u0435 \u0437\u0430 \u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0440\u0438\u043a\u0430, \u0456 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u044e\u0439\u0441\u044f \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0438\u043c \u0447\u0438\u043d\u043e\u043c. \u0411\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0432\u0430\u0446\u044c\u043a\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430 \u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430.", "timestamp_created": 1501248275, "timestamp_updated": 1501248275, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506608", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33663285": {"recommendationid": "33663285", "author": {"steamid": "76561198164320926", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 280, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513124866}, "language": "english", "review": "In this game you basically run from left to right. It's fun though!", "timestamp_created": 1500515852, "timestamp_updated": 1500515852, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526462", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33576879": {"recommendationid": "33576879", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030784015", "num_games_owned": 3452, "num_reviews": 542, "playtime_forever": 986, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500180223}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a port of a flash/browser game. Low effort pixel art, simple 2D runner gameplay (extremely repetitive). No real graphics customisation (full screen mode is all you get). The big draw is you can put hats on your character - which are copyrighted and used without permission of the copyright holder (Marvel, Disney to name a few). \n\nYou can play the original free here: https://www.miniclip.com/games/dino-run/en/\n\nBasically this is an unacceptable asset flip and really should be reported. Save yourself $6 and avoid a scam.", "timestamp_created": 1500180722, "timestamp_updated": 1500180722, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.349771", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33552953": {"recommendationid": "33552953", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983574011", "num_games_owned": 584, "num_reviews": 157, "playtime_forever": 667, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497996006}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u3061\u3087\u3053\u3063\u3068\u904a\u3076\u5206\u306b\u306f\u60aa\u304f\u306a\u3044\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u3060\u3068\u601d\u3044\u307e\u3059\u3002\u6050\u7adc\u304c\u9695\u77f3\u306e\u885d\u6483\u6ce2\u304b\u4f55\u304b\u304b\u3089\u9003\u3052\u308b\u5f37\u5236\u30b9\u30af\u30ed\u30fc\u30eb\uff12D\u30a2\u30af\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u3067\u3059\u3002\n\n\u5730\u5f62\u306e\u51f9\u51f8\u3092\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d6\u3067\u98db\u3073\u8d8a\u3048\u3066\u3044\u304d\u3001\u4e00\u77ac\u306e\u5224\u65ad\u3067\u4e0a\u4e0b\u306e\u30b3\u30fc\u30b9\u3092\u9078\u629e\u3057\u305f\u308a\u3001\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u3057\u305f\u304f\u307c\u307f\u3067\u6e1b\u901f\u3057\u305f\u308a\u3001\u4e0b\u308a\u5742\u306e\u30b8\u30e3\u30f3\u30d7\u3067\u52a0\u901f\u3057\u305f\u308a\u3001\u3068\u3044\u3046\u3088\u3046\u306b\u7d30\u304b\u304f\u30bf\u30a4\u30e0\u306e\u9055\u3044\u304c\u767a\u751f\u3059\u308b\u3088\u3046\u306b\u306a\u3063\u3066\u3044\u307e\u3059\u3002\u96e3\u6613\u5ea6\u306f\u7a0b\u3088\u3044\u5e45\u3092\u6301\u3063\u3066\u3044\u3066\u3001\u7c21\u5358\u306a\u9762\u304b\u3089\u59cb\u307e\u308a\u3001\u9032\u3080\u306b\u3064\u308c\u30b7\u30d3\u30a2\u306b\u306a\u3063\u3066\u3044\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002\n\n\u30de\u30eb\u30c1\u5bfe\u6226\u3067\u306f\u30ec\u30fc\u30b9\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u306b\u306a\u308a\u307e\u3059\u3002\u305d\u308c\u306a\u308a\u306b\u30bf\u30a4\u30e0\u77ed\u7e2e\u306e\u305f\u3081\u306e\u6700\u9069\u5316\u8981\u7d20\u304c\u3042\u308b\u306e\u3067\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3068\u7af6\u3048\u308b\u3088\u3046\u306b\u306a\u3063\u3066\u307e\u3059\u3002\u6050\u7adc\u306e\u30b0\u30e9\u304c\u8272\u3005\u7528\u610f\u3055\u308c\u3066\u3044\u308b\u3082\u3044\u3044\u3067\u3059\u306d\u3002\u9577\u304f\u306f\u904a\u3079\u306a\u3044\u3067\u3059\u304c\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1500101589, "timestamp_updated": 1500101589, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.589041", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33429314": {"recommendationid": "33429314", "author": {"steamid": "76561198400991866", "num_games_owned": 619, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 274, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499684359}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f5c\u4e3a\u4e00\u4e2a\u5c0f\u6e38\u620f\uff08\u5305\u8d27\uff09\uff0c\u8fd8\u4e0d\u9519\uff0c\u901a\u5173\u4e00\u6b2120\u5206\u949f\u5de6\u53f3", "timestamp_created": 1499688594, "timestamp_updated": 1499688594, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33417740": {"recommendationid": "33417740", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114413548", "num_games_owned": 40, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 481, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499644299}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1] Dino Disappointment [/h1]\n\nHoo boy. This game...[i] this game [/i]\nI desperately wanted to like this game, I really did... It's not a [i] bad [/i] game, but it's just so mediocre. I mean everything about it is just mediocre. For the sake of ease and for my own sanity, I'll try and explain what's wrong with this game by breaking it down into sections.\n\n[h1] Differences between browser version and Deluxe version [/h1]\nThe differences from the free version of this game are:\n[list]\n[*]Some minor UI changes\n[*]Additional costumes\n[*]Additional achievements and Super Eggs\n[*]Halloween content (five, admittedly fun, additional stages)\n[*]Ability to play in full screen\n[/list]\nPersonally, I don't think this constitutes tacking on the moniker \"DX\" to Dino Run. There simply isn't enough here that differs from the orignal to justify marketing it as the delux version of the game. At least not at it's current price tag, but I'll get to that later...\n\n[h1] Movement [/h1]\nThis game's controls are unresponsive at best and fighting the player at worse. The floaty movement of your dino combined with the wonky physics make for a thoroughly frustrating experience. Perhaps this was an intentional choice on the part of the developer, as it is highly reminiscent of the flash version. Maybe it's just me, but giving the player poor controls feels like a poor substitution for difficulty. It's one thing if that's one of the main selling points of the game (Titles like [i] I am Bread [/i] for instance) but this never struck me as one of the definable characteristics of Dino Run. \n\n[h1] Options and toggling [/h1]\nWhat you can do: \n[list]\n[*]Toggle going into full screen \n[*]Resize the window if you're not in full screen\n[*]Choose your game mode (challenge or speed run)\n[*]Toggle the difficulty\n[*]Customize your avatar\n[*]Turn on or off various cheats and mods\n[/list]\nWhat you can't do:\n[list]\n[*]Customize the controls\n[*]Adjust the framerate\n[*]Adjust brightness or other visual elements\n[/list]\nTo be perfectly honest, the lack of ability to toggle video options or framerate does not bother me. This isn't a particularly processor-heavy game. That being said, neglecting to include a key mapping option irks me. Your movement choices are WASD or the arrow keys. Spacebar/escape is pause. Shift to occasionally speed up. What if I want my speed boost to be the \"E\" key? What if I want to move with the \"r\" \"j\" \"q\" and \"b\" keys for some silly reason? This may seem nitpicky, but neglecting to include this one little bit of agency for the player reeks of laziness.\n\n[h1] User Interface [/h1]\nI want to stress that in listing the differences between the Deluxe and flash versions of this game I stated that there were UI changes [i] not [/i] UI improvements. The most noticeable change is in character customization. Rather than having to cycle through different hat choices and colors via clickable arrows, there are now 6 pages of icons to cycle through; it's not perfect but it's significantly more user friendly than it was. My favorite option of this customization menu is the auto-match feature; this matches the hat you select to a specific matching color combination for your dino. This is what was done right. \n\nNow for what was done wrong:\nNone of the outfits have names listed, as such you can't search for anything by keyword. Apparently I've unlocked the [spoiler] Speed Racer [/spoiler] and [spoiler] Small Pumpkin [/spoiler] hats. Which ones are they? I have some guesses, but I couldn't definitively tell you. So apparently the hats have names, the player just can't see what they are. \n\nThe list of hats can be organized into three possible categories: Classic, Indie, or Halloween. These options serve to sort the entire collection of hats in a different order depending on your category of choice. Where does one category end and another start? I couldn't say, as there are no descriptions. Also, I hope you like the hats, because once you pick one, you're wearing a hat. You can no longer go hatless. Maybe my dino's scalp is especially susceptable to sunburn or something.\n\n[h1] Multiplayer [/h1]\nIt's a ghost town. Multiplayer essentially doesn't exist.\n\n[h1] Single Player [/h1]\nIt's short and quickly gets boring. Yeah there are other worlds but the Halloween world is short (albeit a fun 7 minute romp through crazy) and Planet D is unplayable without having full stats.\n\n[h1] Game modes [/h1]\nChallenge or speedrun are your choices. Challenge follows the harrowing journey the harrowing journey that your Dino must undergo to reach shelter facing the end of the world. Speed run lets you choose between a selection of 24 levels with different weird twists to run through. Does one game mode sound more robust than the other? That's because it is. Speed run is a fun gimmick for maybe 20 minutes. Challenge mode has a life span of a few hours at most. While neither is packed to the brim with content, the challenge mode brings a bit more to the table. \n\n[h1] Improving your dino [/h1]\nYou can choose to upgrade speed, jump, acceleration, and strength. This is identical to the flash version. There was so much potential here. The developer could have expanded this upgrade tree and allow the player to go for different builds. Maybe there would be more of a multiplayer community if the ability customization was a third as robust as the appearance customization options. Right now, its just a battle of numbers (assumming stats factor in, when playing multiplayer; I don't know since I can't find an opponent). Also, there is nothing to indicate what these different attributes do. I have a pretty good grasp of the first three (speed, acceleration, and jump), but strength? I think Boulders knock me around less or something? Like the other area of customization, the options lack explanation and make the players choices lack meaning\n\n[h1] Rewards and incentives for playing [/h1]\nDNA and bones. DNA lets you improve your stats and bones are currency...I guess. Bones allow you to purchase the levels in speedrun mode, so that you can actually play in speedrun mode. To be blunt it feels like forced content, but that's kind of how I feel about Speed Run mode as a whole. DNA is slow to come and a grind to get. There are a few achievements [called milestones] that award the player with DNA, but the big boons for DNA are finding the various Super-eggs strewn across the levels. Even with collecting these milestones and collectables, the player is still required to run the same levels over and over to try and improve their dino before they can even think about playing on higher difficulties. This gets old quickly. Even though things are \"Procedurally generated\" some two runs certainly feel the same, despite what the game claims. Different screens may be strewn together to create levels, but the choices feel limited and tend to blend together, regardless of which portions of a level spawn and regardless of sequence. I have a sneaking suspicion that \"Speedrun\" may be a glorified level select with some added wonky game features.\n\n[h1] Final words [/h1]\nI have more that I could say. A lot more, but character limitations prevent that. The worst part is, I'm a fan of Pixeljam! I've had a lot of fun with Gamma Bros, Rat mazes 1 and 2, and the browser version of Dino Run. I just was expecting more from a title with a $5.99 price tag. Six bucks may not sound like a lot, but I don't necessarily [i] have [/i] a lot to throw around. If this game were $1.99, I'd be more forgiving. I made this purchase because I wanted to support Pixeljam and I had high hopes for how they may have improved this game. Unfortunately, I'll have to file this one under \"regret.\" I'll return to it and play it some more, but it's sad to see my Dino exist in a perpetual state of mediocrity.", "timestamp_created": 1499643423, "timestamp_updated": 1499643727, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.592143", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33403439": {"recommendationid": "33403439", "author": {"steamid": "76561198081813746", "num_games_owned": 85, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498039635}, "language": "english", "review": "GG EZ, Great game to kill time, the lack of multiplayer is unfortunate but still a game that you should try.", "timestamp_created": 1499605104, "timestamp_updated": 1499605104, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33397185": {"recommendationid": "33397185", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999585381", "num_games_owned": 31, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 4054, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1, "last_played": 1516410564}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun little arcade game where all you have to do is go from left to right. You feel the speed. Controls are stripped down but responsive. Occassionally unfair, but not frustrating due to level length and that your dino's stats will improved. Still a great game when you just want to play something quick and arcadey. Shame it caps out at 50fps.", "timestamp_created": 1499586839, "timestamp_updated": 1499586839, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502924", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33329105": {"recommendationid": "33329105", "author": {"steamid": "76561198089001494", "num_games_owned": 27, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 352, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499787082}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "\u00c9 um jogo simples e divertido, bom para passar o tempo.\nMeu ponto negativo \u00e9 modo online que est\u00e1 sempre vazio, ainda sim pode chamar amigos para correr contra o apocalipse com voc\u00ea!", "timestamp_created": 1499389157, "timestamp_updated": 1499389157, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33280109": {"recommendationid": "33280109", "author": {"steamid": "76561198210745557", "num_games_owned": 1027, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 248, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488469942}, "language": "spanish", "review": "[h1]Introducci\u00f3n[/h1]\n\nDINO RUN DX es un cl\u00e1sico juego de carreras prehist\u00f3rico multijugador. Controlas a un raptor ic\u00f3nico a trav\u00e9s de muchos paisajes distintos.El juego es sencillo,escapar de la extinci\u00f3n.\n\n[h1]An\u00e1lisis general[/h1]\n\nLanzado oficialmente el 29 de Septiembre de 2015 en Steam,el juego fue lanzado por primera vez el 30 de abril de 2008 por la desarrolladora \"Pixeljam\" como un juego Indie Flash.Dino Run DX no es el \u00fanico t\u00edtulo de Dino Run,hay muchas versiones de este juego pero la principal esencia que est\u00e1 en todas sus versiones son : un pixel art y 8-bit sound, para recrear el estilo de las arcades de 1980.\n\n[h1]Aspectos individuales [/h1]\n\n[list]\n[*]El juego es sencillo,correr y saltar para escapar de la extinci\u00f3n.\n[*]Se puede personalizar nuestro raptor con cientos de combinaciones distintas que van desde el color hasta el \"hat\" que le podemos poner.\n[*]Incluye logros.\n[*]La diferencia a las anteriores versiones como DinoRund SE es que esta versi\u00f3n contiene m\u00e1s niveles.\n[/list]\n\n[h1]Aspectos negativos[/h1]\n\n[list]\n[*]A la larga puede aburrir si ya has completado todo.\n[*]En el modo multijugador rara vez encontrar\u00e1s gente debido a que ya no mucha gente juega.\n[/list]\n\n[h1]Conclusi\u00f3n[/h1]\n\nEs un juego m\u00e1s que recomendado para pasar el rato,te brindar\u00e1 horas de diversi\u00f3n.Te dar\u00e1 nostalgia si jugaste a las versiones Flash anteriores.Nota 8/10.", "timestamp_created": 1499269340, "timestamp_updated": 1499269340, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.614261", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33268642": {"recommendationid": "33268642", "author": {"steamid": "76561198140572050", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 264, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515159121}, "language": "english", "review": "Adorable game, would play for hours on end", "timestamp_created": 1499249377, "timestamp_updated": 1499249377, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502924", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33259407": {"recommendationid": "33259407", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072772979", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 37, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492674636}, "language": "english", "review": "Childhood: ENHANCED", "timestamp_created": 1499227447, "timestamp_updated": 1499227447, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 23, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.696517", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33135114": {"recommendationid": "33135114", "author": {"steamid": "76561198126504801", "num_games_owned": 30, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 53, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499005038}, "language": "english", "review": "Bought it because of the nostalgia. \n\nGameplay became repetitive and boring after the first 5 minutes. What really annoyed me was the poor controls. It's not accurate at all and feels very clunky. Dino often doesnt jump, stop running, or suddenly turns around. Sometimes you just have to depend on luck and it gets really frustating. For a \"deluxe\" version it sure doesnt deliver much than the original. It's not worth the price (even when 66% off). You'll be better off if you just stick to the free old one. I Refunded.", "timestamp_created": 1499007191, "timestamp_updated": 1499007449, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.525181", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33063271": {"recommendationid": "33063271", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063950024", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499036545}, "language": "english", "review": "i love thid game Omgg FAAAAAAAAk", "timestamp_created": 1498872209, "timestamp_updated": 1498872209, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32971350": {"recommendationid": "32971350", "author": {"steamid": "76561198155177575", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 496, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512536773}, "language": "english", "review": "Cute little game, I enjoyed it very much.", "timestamp_created": 1498707695, "timestamp_updated": 1498707695, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32941456": {"recommendationid": "32941456", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103044000", "num_games_owned": 152, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498574327}, "language": "english", "review": "Could be biased as this has been one of my more favourite games of my childhood but I can't say anything negative about this game really.\n\nIf you like the idea of running away from a wall of doom while racing over a prehistoric land then this is the game for you.", "timestamp_created": 1498663875, "timestamp_updated": 1498663875, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.586957", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32925014": {"recommendationid": "32925014", "author": {"steamid": "76561198266839662", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 75, "playtime_forever": 220, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513502004}, "language": "polish", "review": "\u015awietna gra!", "timestamp_created": 1498644605, "timestamp_updated": 1498644605, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497738", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32903709": {"recommendationid": "32903709", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061505801", "num_games_owned": 134, "num_reviews": 108, "playtime_forever": 601, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498412838}, "language": "english", "review": "amazing, underrated", "timestamp_created": 1498614087, "timestamp_updated": 1506382599, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32863966": {"recommendationid": "32863966", "author": {"steamid": "76561198089897098", "num_games_owned": 211, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 483, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499804422}, "language": "english", "review": "worth the rage, everytime\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1498583546, "timestamp_updated": 1498583546, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.527967", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32839080": {"recommendationid": "32839080", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098596730", "num_games_owned": 47, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 268, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500984412}, "language": "english", "review": "Lovely game that is simple, yet difficult on harder difficulties. Strongly recommend.", "timestamp_created": 1498530404, "timestamp_updated": 1498530404, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.571077", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32785244": {"recommendationid": "32785244", "author": {"steamid": "76561198357286597", "num_games_owned": 13, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 265, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512937350}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "legal", "timestamp_created": 1498418804, "timestamp_updated": 1498418804, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32776834": {"recommendationid": "32776834", "author": {"steamid": "76561198328272737", "num_games_owned": 47, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 915, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515289803}, "language": "english", "review": "I used to play this long ago in free games sites, now that i discovered it's on Steam i'm so happy! :D", "timestamp_created": 1498405150, "timestamp_updated": 1498405150, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32670923": {"recommendationid": "32670923", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032902851", "num_games_owned": 129, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 49, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498490429}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uac13\uac9c\uc694\uc18c\uc911 \ud558\ub098\uc778 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc774 \uc8fc\uc778\uacf5\uc778 \uac8c\uc784\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc774 \ub418\uc5b4 \uc7ac\uc559\uc744 \ud53c\ud574 \uc9c8\uc8fc\ud558\uac8c \ub418\uba70 \uadf8 \uc911\uc5d0 \uc5ec\ub7ec \uc885\ub958\uc758 \uacf5\ub8e1\ub4e4\uc744 \ub9cc\ub098\uac8c \ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\n\uacf5\ub8e1\uc54c\uc774\ub098 \uc0c8\ub07c \uacf5\ub8e1\ub4e4\uc744 \ubb34\uc790\ube44\ud558\uac8c \uc7a1\uc544\uba39\uac70\ub098 \uc775\ub8e1\uc758 \ub3c4\uc6c0\uc744 \ubc1b\uc544 \ub0a0\uc544\uac08 \uc218 \uc788\uace0, \ud2b8\ub9ac\ucf00\ub77c\ud1b1\uc2a4\uc5d0\uac8c \uce58\uc774\ub294 \ub4f1.. \uadf8 \ubcf4\ub2e4 \ub354 \ub9ce\uc740 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc774 \uc874\uc7ac\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4. \n\n\uadf8\ub9ac\uace0 \uc2a4\ud14c\uc774\uc9c0\ub97c \ub098\uc544\uac08 \ub54c\ub9c8\ub2e4 \ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8\ub97c \ubc1b\ub294\ub370 \uadf8 \ud3ec\uc778\ud2b8\ub85c \ub2f9\uc2e0\uc758 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc744 \uc5c5\uadf8\ub808\uc774\ub4dc \uc2dc\ud0ac \uc218 \uc788\uc74d\ub2c8\ub2e4..\n\n\ucee4\uc2a4\ud130\ub9c8\uc774\uc9d5 \uc694\uc18c\ub3c4 \uc788\uc74d\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \ucde8\ud5a5\uc5d0 \ub9de\uac8c \uacf5\ub8e1\uc744 \uafb8\uba70\ubcf4\ub3c4\ub85d \ud558\uc138\uc694.\n\n\ub3c4\ud2b8\uac8c\uc784\uc778 \ub9cc\ud07c \ub3c4\ud2b8\ubc15\uc774\uac00 \uc88b\uc544\ud560\ub9cc \ud55c \uac8c\uc784\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uacf5\ub8e1\ubc15\uc774\ub3c4 \ud658\uc7a5\ud558\uaca0\uc8e0?\n\ub9cc\uc57d \uc790\uc2e0\uc774 \ub3c4\ud2b8,\uacf5\ub8e1\ubc15\uc774\ub77c\uba74 \uc774 \uac8c\uc784\uc744 \uac15\ub825\ucd94\ucc9c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4! ^^b", "timestamp_created": 1498206364, "timestamp_updated": 1498206619, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507389", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32641438": {"recommendationid": "32641438", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995848463", "num_games_owned": 2744, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 31, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498567193}, "language": "koreana", "review": "'\uacf5\ub8e1\uc18c\ub2c9'\uc774\ub77c\uace0 \ubd88\ub9ac\uc6cc\ub3c4 \ub420 \uc791\ud488, \uc815\ub9d0 \uc18d\ub3c4\uac10\uc774 \uc77c\ud488\uc774\ub2e4. \n\uacf5\ub8e1\uc744 \uc790\uc2e0\uc774 \uc6d0\ud558\ub294 \uc2a4\ud0c0\uc77c\ub85c \uafb8\ubc00\uc218\ub3c4 \uc788\ub294\uac83\ub3c4 \ub098\ub984 \uc7ac\ubbf8\uc788\ub294 \uc694\uc18c\uc911 \ud558\ub098\uc774\ub2e4.\n\uc5ed\uc2dc \uacf5\ub8e1\uc740 \uac13\uac9c\uc774\ub77c\ub294\uac83\uc744 \uc54c\ub824\uc8fc\ub294 \ub300\ud45c\uc801\uc778 \uac8c\uc784\uc911 \ud558\ub098\ub77c\uace0 \ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc73c\uba70, \n\uba40\ud2f0\ud50c\ub808\uc774\ub3c4 \ub418\ub294 \uac83 \ub610\ud55c \ud765\ubbf8\ub85c\uc6b4 \uc694\uc18c\uc911 \ud558\ub098\uc774\ub2e4. \uc2dc\uac04\ub0a0\ub54c \uac19\uc774 \uce5c\uad6c\uc640 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc774 \ub418\uc5b4 \ub2ec\ub824\ubcf4\ub294\uac74 \uc5b4\ub5a8\uae4c?!", "timestamp_created": 1498135766, "timestamp_updated": 1511408713, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32451942": {"recommendationid": "32451942", "author": {"steamid": "76561198310458123", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2520, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 5, "last_played": 1515542290}, "language": "english", "review": "I will forever love dinorun", "timestamp_created": 1497558306, "timestamp_updated": 1497558306, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.599185", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32115560": {"recommendationid": "32115560", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100577143", "num_games_owned": 702, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 88, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484084822}, "language": "english", "review": "This game would've made me feel all nostalgic if I could remember any of my childhood.", "timestamp_created": 1496351414, "timestamp_updated": 1496351414, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32094883": {"recommendationid": "32094883", "author": {"steamid": "76561198325220291", "num_games_owned": 11, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1327, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472611799}, "language": "english", "review": "i love this game. partially because of childhood nostalgia! but there's a lot to it, too- a world full of fun lil discoveries and often difficult gameplay. cute and pretty great!", "timestamp_created": 1496266675, "timestamp_updated": 1496266675, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31889602": {"recommendationid": "31889602", "author": {"steamid": "76561198302972625", "num_games_owned": 69, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 17, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502337198}, "language": "english", "review": "I always used to play this game on my elementary's school computers, and to see it on Steam brings back lots of memories. This game is just like it used to be years ago, along with some nice new updates. :)", "timestamp_created": 1495395658, "timestamp_updated": 1495395658, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31801707": {"recommendationid": "31801707", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064584988", "num_games_owned": 322, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 380, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512610977}, "language": "english", "review": "if you played the flash game back as a kid this is a way to one up your love for it. the hats are the best thing ever in this game. not alot to say about it other then its a carbon copy of the flash with additions.", "timestamp_created": 1495014284, "timestamp_updated": 1495014284, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.540348", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31743732": {"recommendationid": "31743732", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062905487", "num_games_owned": 745, "num_reviews": 224, "playtime_forever": 185, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494760523}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Leo mucho an\u00e1lisis de gente que se ve que jugaba a una versi\u00f3n de este juego hace a\u00f1os y blablabla, quiz\u00e1 por eso tiene en Steam un Metacr\u00edtic tan alto, yo por mi parte lo he probado un rato y vamos, hasta el juego del dinosaurio de chrome (cuando no hay internet) es mejor y mas divertido.\n\nEs ir en l\u00ednea recta saltando de vez en cuando y.... ya", "timestamp_created": 1494754033, "timestamp_updated": 1494754033, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.492611", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31723766": {"recommendationid": "31723766", "author": {"steamid": "76561198203072472", "num_games_owned": 62, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 83, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498911672}, "language": "english", "review": "I used to play this when I was a kid,it's a really good game and if it had a more active playerbase it would be great!", "timestamp_created": 1494680979, "timestamp_updated": 1494680979, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31589422": {"recommendationid": "31589422", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096756167", "num_games_owned": 2355, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 295, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491528775}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8df3\u8df3\u8df3 !\u624b\u6307\u6309\u5f97\u5feb\u9178\u4e86\uff01\u7b80\u5355\u597d\u73a9", "timestamp_created": 1494102535, "timestamp_updated": 1494102535, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31583298": {"recommendationid": "31583298", "author": {"steamid": "76561198242576956", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1360, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515041246}, "language": "english", "review": "Love this game! Absolutely intense and a fun game for people who love dinosaurs! I love all of the levels and stages for the entire game!", "timestamp_created": 1494084147, "timestamp_updated": 1494084147, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31516722": {"recommendationid": "31516722", "author": {"steamid": "76561198213387056", "num_games_owned": 223, "num_reviews": 45, "playtime_forever": 20, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507024529}, "language": "english", "review": "Ahhhhhh I remember playing this online and being sad that the progress didn't save and the stuff I could get was limited I'm so happy it's on steam now cuz this game is really cute and intense at the same time.", "timestamp_created": 1493777641, "timestamp_updated": 1493777641, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.597923", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31502621": {"recommendationid": "31502621", "author": {"steamid": "76561198198945125", "num_games_owned": 661, "num_reviews": 64, "playtime_forever": 170, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494139554}, "language": "english", "review": "It's Dino Run! On steam!\n\n\n\nIf you want to be a dino, or if you want to run, or if you want to be a running dino, this is the game for you!", "timestamp_created": 1493716004, "timestamp_updated": 1493716004, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31443164": {"recommendationid": "31443164", "author": {"steamid": "76561198341478527", "num_games_owned": 2, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 3119, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507303413}, "language": "english", "review": "Has some bugs, but overall it's enjoyable", "timestamp_created": 1493481315, "timestamp_updated": 1493481315, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31441742": {"recommendationid": "31441742", "author": {"steamid": "76561198162539377", "num_games_owned": 31, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 13552, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493588402}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun game overall. Collecting the super eggs, trophies, and everything else makes it an amazing game to play!", "timestamp_created": 1493477480, "timestamp_updated": 1493477480, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31363889": {"recommendationid": "31363889", "author": {"steamid": "76561198113111753", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 1027, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515294761}, "language": "english", "review": "Basically the reason why my childhood was good, and then it got upgraded. Yes. YES. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.", "timestamp_created": 1493150472, "timestamp_updated": 1493150472, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31168801": {"recommendationid": "31168801", "author": {"steamid": "76561198136079756", "num_games_owned": 27, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 157, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501445363}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Seria perfecto que tuviese traduccion al espa\u00f1ol, de ah\u00ed en mas no le falta nada", "timestamp_created": 1492308662, "timestamp_updated": 1492308662, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31109929": {"recommendationid": "31109929", "author": {"steamid": "76561198377430626", "num_games_owned": 50, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 246, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508092823}, "language": "english", "review": "nice, relaxing 8-bit nostalgia.", "timestamp_created": 1492057200, "timestamp_updated": 1492057200, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31109185": {"recommendationid": "31109185", "author": {"steamid": "76561198192264662", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 193, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504498442}, "language": "english", "review": "bought for childhood memories\nstayed because of Night In The Woods hats", "timestamp_created": 1492052710, "timestamp_updated": 1492052710, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.518113", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31105714": {"recommendationid": "31105714", "author": {"steamid": "76561198162325739", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 15, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489093199}, "language": "english", "review": "Not really worth it, you can play this game for free on the interweb, the only difference is the fullscreen and the character customisation", "timestamp_created": 1492035163, "timestamp_updated": 1492035163, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30980982": {"recommendationid": "30980982", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119057120", "num_games_owned": 2202, "num_reviews": 198, "playtime_forever": 427, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491492160}, "language": "english", "review": "A very fun runner game with minimalistic graphics & music and tons of gameplay value.\n\nBasically you need to run off of Doom wave and finish about 7-8 levels in classic mode. On your way there would be randomly generated dinos, meteors and powerups.\n\nPros:\n- minimalistic yet clear graphics\n- really good chiptune music\n- 3 main scenarios - classic, alien planet and halloween themed\n- freerun mode\n- dino customization\n\nCons:\n- none imo\n\nGive it a shot, it's a fun game with good music and nice graphics.", "timestamp_created": 1491492775, "timestamp_updated": 1491492775, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.465587", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30755135": {"recommendationid": "30755135", "author": {"steamid": "76561198105592478", "num_games_owned": 959, "num_reviews": 1074, "playtime_forever": 170, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490546118}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041d\u043e\u0440\u043c.", "timestamp_created": 1490546141, "timestamp_updated": 1490546141, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.445609", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30584134": {"recommendationid": "30584134", "author": {"steamid": "76561198365899732", "num_games_owned": 63, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 1308, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511397018}, "language": "english", "review": "I really like this game defiantly when you play with other people.\nMy fav customizations were the xenomorph and the ghost wolf.", "timestamp_created": 1489815409, "timestamp_updated": 1489815409, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30547189": {"recommendationid": "30547189", "author": {"steamid": "76561198216004748", "num_games_owned": 767, "num_reviews": 103, "playtime_forever": 310, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 120, "last_played": 1516075006}, "language": "french", "review": "[h1]Dino Run DX est un jeu que j'avais \u00e0 la base d\u00e9couvert lorsque tr\u00e8s jeune, je passais mes journ\u00e9es \u00e0 jouer \u00e0 des jeux flash sur internet. Quel-ne fut donc pas ma surprise de d\u00e9couvrir que ce jeu auquel j'avais jou\u00e9 \u00e9tait lui-m\u00eame le produit d'une console r\u00e9tro.[/h1]\n\nhttps://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/263848390363241450/9F84FA25D3C0483F12BA9EDB4C8C5E5B0C9AC881/\n\nPour 5 \u20ac, c'est un peu beaucoup au vu du contenu, mais il vaut largement ses 2 \u20ac en p\u00e9riode de solde. C'est un classique qui d\u00e9tend et qui a necessit\u00e9 un bon travail de la part de l'\u00e9quipe qui s'est charg\u00e9 du d\u00e9vellopement de Dino Run DX.\n\nDifficile d'en dire plus sur ce jeu arcade assez somaire, sinon qu'il d\u00e9tend bien, mais sans plus. Dommage qu'il n'y est pas vraiment de gens sur le mode multijoueur.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5MJ3-UEpiw", "timestamp_created": 1489694037, "timestamp_updated": 1515778430, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507610", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30544896": {"recommendationid": "30544896", "author": {"steamid": "76561198148171623", "num_games_owned": 84, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 799, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489697898}, "language": "english", "review": "A potentially amazing game reduced to a luck-based \"hold right and pray\" simulator by terrible level design and unresponsive controls at its highest level.\n\nThere's a good idea in here somewhere, but the devs failed to land on it.", "timestamp_created": 1489685391, "timestamp_updated": 1489685391, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.489853", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30459871": {"recommendationid": "30459871", "author": {"steamid": "76561198112496960", "num_games_owned": 82, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489444737}, "language": "english", "review": "beauty at its finest", "timestamp_created": 1489280930, "timestamp_updated": 1489280930, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.545455", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30365411": {"recommendationid": "30365411", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091256652", "num_games_owned": 108, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 280, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492492808}, "language": "english", "review": "even though u can play this for free on your web browser, its good to support the devs to make the experience better", "timestamp_created": 1488853185, "timestamp_updated": 1488853185, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.490446", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30232880": {"recommendationid": "30232880", "author": {"steamid": "76561198138579480", "num_games_owned": 61, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 369, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499228758}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Jogo muito bom , jogava no click jogos durante minha inf\u00e2ncia", "timestamp_created": 1488251922, "timestamp_updated": 1488251922, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30222502": {"recommendationid": "30222502", "author": {"steamid": "76561198020167775", "num_games_owned": 1053, "num_reviews": 142, "playtime_forever": 205, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488208245}, "language": "polish", "review": "Gra ca\u0142kiem spoko, ale pod warunkiem, \u017ce nie ma si\u0119 zamiaru gra\u0107 na d\u0142u\u017csz\u0105 met\u0119. Jest zbyt prosta, aby si\u0119 do czego\u015b przyczepi\u0107.", "timestamp_created": 1488211144, "timestamp_updated": 1488211144, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30193153": {"recommendationid": "30193153", "author": {"steamid": "76561198085956182", "num_games_owned": 601, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 512, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488231398}, "language": "english", "review": "[b]I named my dinosaur 'Childhood' after my experience from 2008. I'm glad to see that Dino Run has aged well.[/b]\n\n[h1]What's this game about?[/h1]\nDino Run DX is a two-dimensional 'racing' game created by Pixeljam. You control a raptor that must escape a giant pyroclastic wall of doom (thanks to the giant meteor) by navigating through all sorts of randomly generated obstacles and landscapes in order to reach safe shelter.\n\nOriginally released in 2008, Dino Run was given a new coat of paint in Dino Run SE (Slightly Evolved) released in 2011 and given another in Dino Run DX (no clue what it stands for) released in 2015.\n\nDino Run is a very simple side-scroller that provides an atmospheric and enjoyable experience with a lot of replay value.\n\n[h1]The game itself[/h1]\nControls are very simple, involving only the wasd/arrow keys to control all aspects of movement and shift to activate a temporary boost. The mouse is not used during gameplay.\n\nThere are two modes: Challenge and Speedrun. Challenge is the 'campaign' mode where there are set levels and failed attempts can be reverted with a limited number of 'time shifts'. Speedrun is a simple run of a single level which may have unique modifiers applied to it.\n\nEach level starts off with the dino to the left of the level and the wall of doom following not too far behind. The dino runs into a variety of obstacles, environments, critters, other dinos of different species, dino eggs and powerups. Some dinos are helpful and some get in the way. How the level is laid out can either be randomly generated or created from a unique code that guarantees the same layout when used in the same run.\n\nGame modifiers can be used to further enhance gameplay. Try changing the sky into a nightly setting.\n\nThrough experience, the dino can be upgraded with DNA, which is earned via saving eggs, eating critters and obtaining milestones.\n\nThe dino can be customised with skin colours and patterns and hats. Some hats are unlocked via completing runs at higher difficulties.\n\nI haven't tried multiplayer so I cannot comment on that feature.\n\n[h1]Verdict[/h1]\nThis game is an absolute blast. The bright and vibrant colours, great soundtrack and very simple gameplay form a very enjoyable and replayable game. I highly recommend this game to all sorts of gamers. If you don't want to buy this game but would want to try it out, play their original version on their website [url=https://www.pixeljam.com/dinorun/index2.html]here[/url].\n\n[h1]Personal comments[/h1]\nI've always loved the simple soundtracks this game offered. I never turned the sound off. I really wanted Dino Run 2 to get successfully funded, but now I hope the best for Pixaljam and their future projects (including and hopefully Dino Run 2).\n\nThanks for reading\n[i]Kevin[/i]\n\nEdits:\nRenamed some sections and added some info.", "timestamp_created": 1488108097, "timestamp_updated": 1488108665, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.509038", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30130897": {"recommendationid": "30130897", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059330591", "num_games_owned": 1398, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 357, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487897905}, "language": "english", "review": "Cool little runner. Very simple but still very fun.\n\nCollect eggs, eat smaller creatures or catch a ride with birds and other dinosaurs to escape the (dino era) apocalypse!\n\nYou can customize your dinosaur with DNA, which is obtained by eating other creatures or collecting eggs.\n\nPretty straightforward, definitely buy it if you enjoy thsi type of game!", "timestamp_created": 1487898068, "timestamp_updated": 1487898068, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.525862", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30118576": {"recommendationid": "30118576", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005833311", "num_games_owned": 788, "num_reviews": 79, "playtime_forever": 228, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487855088}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6e38\u620f\u540e\u52b2\u7a0d\u663e\u4e0d\u8db3\u554a\uff0c\u6309\u7684\u624b\u6307\u5934\u75bc\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u8fd9\u4e2a\u753b\u98ce\u6211\u786e\u5b9e\u975e\u5e38\u559c\u6b22", "timestamp_created": 1487855149, "timestamp_updated": 1487855149, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30093061": {"recommendationid": "30093061", "author": {"steamid": "76561198090125837", "num_games_owned": 43, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 26, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483597163}, "language": "english", "review": "This would be a really fun game if anyone played it.", "timestamp_created": 1487739829, "timestamp_updated": 1487739829, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.512278", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30076894": {"recommendationid": "30076894", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096541468", "num_games_owned": 465, "num_reviews": 339, "playtime_forever": 249, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487676428}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4e00\u6b3e\u7c7b\u4f3c\u4e8e\u6ed1\u96ea\u5927\u5192\u9669\u7684\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u53ea\u4e0d\u8fc7\u628a\u4eba\u7269\u6362\u6210\u4e86\u6050\u9f99\uff0c\u6e38\u620f\u98ce\u683c\u5982\u4ecb\u7ecd\u89c6\u9891\u91cc\u9762\u7684\u90a3\u6837\u539f\u59cb\u98ce\u683c\u3002\n\u76f8\u6bd4\u4e8e\u6ed1\u96ea\u5927\u5192\u9669\u4e0d\u540c\u4e4b\u5904\uff0c\u8fd9\u6b3e\u6e38\u620f\u5b8c\u5168\u662f\u5e73\u9762\uff0c\u7acb\u4f53\u611f\u4e0d\u5f3a\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u8fd8\u662f\u503c\u5f97\u53bb\u4f11\u95f2\u4e00\u8bd5\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1487676414, "timestamp_updated": 1487676414, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496183", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30029004": {"recommendationid": "30029004", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996656102", "num_games_owned": 572, "num_reviews": 213, "playtime_forever": 102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487308682}, "language": "polish", "review": "Gierka polegaj\u0105ca na bieganiu w prawo. Dinozaur ucieka przed meteorytem i fal\u0105 uderzeniow\u0105. Na ko\u0144cu jest jaki\u015b schron i faktycznie mo\u017cna gdzie\u015b dobiec. Mo\u017cna to uko\u0144czy\u0107.\n\nAle sama animacj\u0105 postaci\u0105 jest bardzo ko\u015blawa i nieciekawa. Multi nie \u017cyje, a singiel nudzi. Gra\u0142em a\u017c wypadn\u0105 mi wszystkie karty. Teraz chc\u0119 o tej grze zapomnie\u0107.\n\n4-/10", "timestamp_created": 1487493780, "timestamp_updated": 1487493780, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.460064", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30014682": {"recommendationid": "30014682", "author": {"steamid": "76561198149367906", "num_games_owned": 2076, "num_reviews": 122, "playtime_forever": 226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487334270}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4f5c\u4e3a\u795e\u5e99\u9003\u4ea1\u7c7b\u6e38\u620f \u6211\u4f7f\u52b2\u6309\u952e\u76d8\u6309\u7684\u624b\u90fd\u7d2f\u4e86 \u4e5f\u6ca1\u6709get\u5b83\u7684\u723d\u5feb\u611f \n\uff08\u53ea\u9488\u5bf9\u5355\u4eba\u6a21\u5f0f\u666e\u901a\u6a21\u5f0f \u672a\u5c1d\u8bd5\u591a\u4eba\u6a21\u5f0f \u770b\u522b\u7684\u8bc4\u6d4b\u8bf4\u591a\u4eba\u5df2\u9b3c\uff09", "timestamp_created": 1487440109, "timestamp_updated": 1487440155, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 28, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.757009", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29946121": {"recommendationid": "29946121", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051764441", "num_games_owned": 208, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 269, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514115551}, "language": "english", "review": "The nostalgia is stong with this one.", "timestamp_created": 1487180704, "timestamp_updated": 1487180704, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505173", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29933449": {"recommendationid": "29933449", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028673669", "num_games_owned": 6260, "num_reviews": 353, "playtime_forever": 338, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487125852}, "language": "english", "review": "This is indeed a fun party game but\n\nI HAVE NO FRIENDS! :(\n\nGuess it's not my game.", "timestamp_created": 1487126932, "timestamp_updated": 1487126932, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 7, "weighted_vote_score": "0.575292", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29930453": {"recommendationid": "29930453", "author": {"steamid": "76561198254867671", "num_games_owned": 25, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 109, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495832900}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember spending hours playing the flash game back in 2007, the nostalgia has never been this strong.\n\nAlso, hats!", "timestamp_created": 1487113505, "timestamp_updated": 1487113505, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.558565", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29882730": {"recommendationid": "29882730", "author": {"steamid": "76561198346703209", "num_games_owned": 4, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 869, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513528434}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "muito bom o jogo da pra passar bastante tempo jogando ele recomendo muito", "timestamp_created": 1486933142, "timestamp_updated": 1486933142, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29873992": {"recommendationid": "29873992", "author": {"steamid": "76561198299299795", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 89, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486866533}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is fun for 5 minutes then gets really boring", "timestamp_created": 1486909058, "timestamp_updated": 1486909058, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.450832", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29779129": {"recommendationid": "29779129", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990162993", "num_games_owned": 1358, "num_reviews": 443, "playtime_forever": 306, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486551722}, "language": "polish", "review": "Good game 6/10", "timestamp_created": 1486551749, "timestamp_updated": 1486551749, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.433819", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29772434": {"recommendationid": "29772434", "author": {"steamid": "76561198104374512", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 3753, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503972155}, "language": "english", "review": "The true pioneer of the runner genre and a fun little way to waste the time away. \n\nHit me up in the comments if you wanna play some multiplayer, I'll even let you win the first match. :)", "timestamp_created": 1486515564, "timestamp_updated": 1486515564, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.558824", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29749088": {"recommendationid": "29749088", "author": {"steamid": "76561198133267964", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 280, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 6, "last_played": 1515623391}, "language": "english", "review": "I enjoy this game a lot, it is a fun runner with dinosaurs. I recommend it.", "timestamp_created": 1486414384, "timestamp_updated": 1486414384, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29714559": {"recommendationid": "29714559", "author": {"steamid": "76561198213146267", "num_games_owned": 902, "num_reviews": 40, "playtime_forever": 316, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487506040}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041c\u0438\u043b\u0430\u044f \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430, \u0434\u0443\u043c\u0430\u044e \u043f\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0439\u0434\u0435\u0442 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043c\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0435\u0432 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u043a\u0430\u0442\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0432 \u043a\u0441 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0434\u043e\u0442\u0443", "timestamp_created": 1486288761, "timestamp_updated": 1486288761, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29684736": {"recommendationid": "29684736", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001588807", "num_games_owned": 434, "num_reviews": 71, "playtime_forever": 19, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486184252}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc6b0\ub9ac\ub124 \uc778\uc0dd\ucc98\ub7fc \uc55e\ub9cc \ubcf4\uace0 \ub6f0\ub294\uac8c \uac00\uc7a5 \uc88b\uc740 \ud50c\ub808\uc774...\n\uac04\ud639 \uc810\ud504\uac00 \ub51c\ub808\uc774\ub85c \ud55c\ubc15\uc790\ub2a6\uac8c \ub41c\ub2e4\uba74 \ub9de\ub294\uac81\ub2c8\ub2e4...\u314b\u314b\u314b\n\uc544\ubb34\uc0dd\uac01\uc5c6\uc774 \ud558\uae30\ub294 \uc88b\uc740\ub370 \uc5b4\ub824\uc6c0.,.\n\uacf5\ub8e1\uc774 \uc5b4\ucc0c \uba78\uc885\ub41c\uac74\uc9c0 \uac04\uc811\uccb4\ud5d8\ud560\uc218\ub3c4 \uc788\ub294\ub4ef\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4..", "timestamp_created": 1486184394, "timestamp_updated": 1486184394, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29679255": {"recommendationid": "29679255", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161597650", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 18, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486160473}, "language": "czech", "review": "Pri hran\u00ed tejto hry na m\u0148a d\u00fdchli sentiment\u00e1lne chv\u00ed\u013eky. Tak mil\u00e9 deti, presne toto s\u00fa hry, ktor\u00e9 sme my, deti naroden\u00e9 okolo roku 1993 hr\u00e1vali. Presne toto bol princ\u00edp hier, za ktor\u00e9 sme boli doslova nad\u0161en\u00ed a te\u0161ili sme sa na ka\u017ed\u00fd jeden pr\u00edrastok. Toto boli hry, ke\u010f e\u0161te nebola perfektn\u00e1 grafika, ke\u010f nez\u00e1le\u017ealo na nejakom extra premakanom gameplay -i a \u010fal\u0161\u00edch veciach. U\u017e len \u010dak\u00e1m, kedy sa na steam zarad\u00ed hra akou bol Prehistorik. Ka\u017edop\u00e1dne, pre star\u0161\u00edch, ak chcete za\u010d\u00edti\u0165 a poc\u00edti\u0165 kus sentimentu, nie je nad\u010d\u00edm v\u00e1ha\u0165. A pre t\u00fdch mlad\u0161\u00edch, ak si chcete sk\u00fasi\u0165 hr\u00e1\u010dsku dobu kamenn\u00fa, tak smelo do toho.", "timestamp_created": 1486160997, "timestamp_updated": 1486160997, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29465681": {"recommendationid": "29465681", "author": {"steamid": "76561198123354974", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 987, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485288433}, "language": "english", "review": "A very chaotic game, great for achievement hunters. if you want to play it singleplayer,it's perfect.\n\nIf you're buying it for the multiplayer, don't bother, the multiplayer is dead.", "timestamp_created": 1485276484, "timestamp_updated": 1485276484, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.616728", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29377048": {"recommendationid": "29377048", "author": {"steamid": "76561198154255010", "num_games_owned": 20, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 14, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485711874}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Es util para pasar el rato", "timestamp_created": 1484924684, "timestamp_updated": 1484924684, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29260568": {"recommendationid": "29260568", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054432269", "num_games_owned": 608, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 360, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484440114}, "language": "brazilian", "review": " - Dino Run DX, originalmente de browser (miniclip.com se n\u00e3o me engano) \u00e9 um jogo sobre correr do fim do mundo em fazes 2D com seu dinossauro personalizado, sozinho ou multiplayer, com personaliza\u00e7\u00e3o dos dinossauros, incluindo tipos de pintura corporal, cores e diversos chap\u00e9us/cabe\u00e7as originais ou relacionadas \u00e0 outros jogos e ao halloween. Ou, voc\u00ea pode desativar o fim do mundo e simplesmente ficar andando (sidescroll) pelos mapas, se sentar e conversar com outros dinos pelo chat do jogo, fazer emotespans e etc.\n\n - A vers\u00e3o steam do jogo possui v\u00e1rias melhorias em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 vers\u00e3o de browser, por\u00e9m, o jogo em s\u00ed \u00e9 o mesmo ainda.\n\n - Muito divertido, recomendo pra qualquer um que queira passar um pouquinho de tempo.\n\n - Mesmo sem nenhum problema, eu n\u00e3o pagaria o pre\u00e7o inteiro pelo jogo, mas recomendo comprar em qualquer promo\u00e7\u00e3o, simplesmente para n\u00e3o pagar os 12 reais do full price.", "timestamp_created": 1484438408, "timestamp_updated": 1484438408, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29180420": {"recommendationid": "29180420", "author": {"steamid": "76561198074275713", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 43, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504609491}, "language": "english", "review": "2/10 For lack of the \"yee\" dinosaur appearnce or reference in any way\n\nnah jk it's really fun save for the occasional glitch", "timestamp_created": 1484132323, "timestamp_updated": 1484132323, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.434883", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29154847": {"recommendationid": "29154847", "author": {"steamid": "76561198141325569", "num_games_owned": 250, "num_reviews": 40, "playtime_forever": 99, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503716021}, "language": "english", "review": "The 2nd best dinosaur game after Nanosaur\n\n11/10", "timestamp_created": 1484019521, "timestamp_updated": 1484019521, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496774", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29088343": {"recommendationid": "29088343", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970897249", "num_games_owned": 189, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 484, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494163703}, "language": "english", "review": "A very enjoyable game, now made even better. I think the price is a little steep, seeing as you can play the older version of this game for free online, but it is by no doubt the most polished and fun version of Dino Run to date.", "timestamp_created": 1483798245, "timestamp_updated": 1483798245, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502712", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29060162": {"recommendationid": "29060162", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030411627", "num_games_owned": 250, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 484, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 13, "last_played": 1515335173}, "language": "english", "review": "So this game was originally a browser game from 2008. I used to play it a lot when I was younger, I remember seeing these lobbies full of people from across the globe. I may like this game from nostalgia, but when I take a deeper look at it I think that this game really is a good party game if you will, one to play with friends. This game is also still available in the browser even if it has less functions. As of now the browser version seems to have a bug that doesn't allow new users or guests to join the lobby, but hopefully it won't be that long before it's fixed. If you paid for this game on steam you will get some extra features aswell as being able to play it offline obviously. In online mode there are two lobbies, one for those who bought DX on steam and one lobby where browser users and DX users can play together! Sadly this game's multiplayer isn't very active at all and you'll be lucky if you find a random person to play with, it's really best to play this with friends. The gameplay is fun, chaotic and intense. You are some sort of bipedal raptor like dino that you can dress up in different hats. Your goal is to escape the ever closing wall of doom that heads toward the same goal as you. While you try and get away from your extinction things such as meteors or herds of triceratops will be in your way. You will also learn as you play what the best way to accelerate is and how to maintain your speed. If you eat critters and collect eggs your speed will increase slightly as long as you keep it up, you can also gather power up flowers that give you abilities such as an extended jump, increased speed+/acceleration or one that allows you to destroy large obstacles in your path for a short while. In singleplayer you can also upgrade your dino as you gather points. I don't think I recommend this game for full price, wait until the slightest sale is taking place.\n\nTl;Dr\n\nVery fun with friends, can be partially f2p, has a semi dead multiplayer. Buy it during a sale.", "timestamp_created": 1483710189, "timestamp_updated": 1483710189, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504156", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29024396": {"recommendationid": "29024396", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116424423", "num_games_owned": 126, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 155, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492400727}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game that brought me back to my childhood always fun to play. \n\n\nOne comment though; the steam achievement system does not work for me (I'm on a mac), and this somewhat bothers me seeing blank achievements on simple stuff like 2x dactyl chain or something that I clearly did. So if there's a way I can fix that it would be greatly appreciated", "timestamp_created": 1483586551, "timestamp_updated": 1483586551, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28995450": {"recommendationid": "28995450", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119073621", "num_games_owned": 57, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 33, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483501269}, "language": "english", "review": "this is an amazing game for $6 it is super baller and is fun with steam remote so get it pls k", "timestamp_created": 1483499757, "timestamp_updated": 1483499757, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.490463", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28871409": {"recommendationid": "28871409", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038493579", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 41, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481604248}, "language": "english", "review": "Dead multi. Like deader than the walking dead. Asked for a refund, got it. Do not buy it because of the nostalgia factor.", "timestamp_created": 1483196266, "timestamp_updated": 1483196266, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.411609", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28853874": {"recommendationid": "28853874", "author": {"steamid": "76561198308316452", "num_games_owned": 30, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 119, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514443226}, "language": "english", "review": "Accurate portrayal of the real thing.", "timestamp_created": 1483154675, "timestamp_updated": 1483154675, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28813717": {"recommendationid": "28813717", "author": {"steamid": "76561198143063733", "num_games_owned": 91, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1373, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515064753}, "language": "english", "review": "10/10 best game!", "timestamp_created": 1483065884, "timestamp_updated": 1483065884, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28760624": {"recommendationid": "28760624", "author": {"steamid": "76561198336501937", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2153, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514771842}, "language": "english", "review": "Very good remake of the original flash game", "timestamp_created": 1482948609, "timestamp_updated": 1482948609, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.588580", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28725707": {"recommendationid": "28725707", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063119522", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 275, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482870413}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this game since I was a kid, and always love it. Thanks Dino Run for being a major part of my childhood. \n\n10/10, happy too pay for this game. Would reccomend!", "timestamp_created": 1482870492, "timestamp_updated": 1482870492, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519137", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28714753": {"recommendationid": "28714753", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069516944", "num_games_owned": 149, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 97, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486439508}, "language": "english", "review": "After just an hour here on Steam, I can easily recommend this game. I remember playing this so much years ago as a free flash game, and now that I found it here, I just can't help but buy it. Dino Run is an excellent running/escape game, albeit simple but addicting. While I haven't done much multiplayer yet, that was easily one of the best features that I got the most time out of. The community was always great, and I'm sure it hasn't changed much since then. Even still, singleplayer can keep you busy for a while if you're in it to complete the speedruns, achievements, \"upgrade\" your dino, etc. I got it on sale for 66% off, but if I had of known earlier that it was on Steam, I would have definitely payed full price. Full on nostalgia right here!", "timestamp_created": 1482850961, "timestamp_updated": 1482850961, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28704252": {"recommendationid": "28704252", "author": {"steamid": "76561198136340517", "num_games_owned": 13, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 307, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484976475}, "language": "english", "review": "a solid, fun pixelated runner - it brings back some nice nostalgia from my childhood when i first played the flash game online. i was quite excited to see it released on steam. vibrant colors, good controls, and an all-around great experience. recommended!", "timestamp_created": 1482828720, "timestamp_updated": 1482828720, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28674729": {"recommendationid": "28674729", "author": {"steamid": "76561198312066618", "num_games_owned": 82, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 141, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490831373}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Eu ainda me lembro uns 7 ou 8 anos atr\u00e1s (?), quando eu costumava passar horas e horas jogando jogos no navegador do meu computador e em um s\u00e1bado chuvoso aleat\u00f3rio concheci esse jogo e logo me viciei em controlar esse pequeno dinossauro pixelado que tentava fugir de um terr\u00edvel destino. Passei um bom tempo jogando esse joguinho todos dias e um tempo depois descobri que o jogo tinha uma vers\u00e3o multiplayer (Dino Run SE), que hoje acho que n\u00e3o existe mais e joguei bastante essa vers\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m. Agora anos depois me deparo com esse jogo de novo e n\u00e3o tive como n\u00e3o comprar porque tenho um certo valor sentimental nele e nunca havia completado todo o conte\u00fado do jogo antes.\n\nAgora, deixando toda essa nostalgia um pouco de lado, vamos fazer uma breve an\u00e1lise:\n\nO jogo apesar de j\u00e1 existir h\u00e1 um certo tempo, pode trazer boas horas de divers\u00e3o e um bom desafio tamb\u00e9m, permitindo que o jogador jogue com a dificuldade que lhe parecer mais apropriada e , mesmo que seja um jogo com uma apar\u00eancia mais retr\u00f4, ele ainda apresenta um bom conte\u00fado, com diversos finais, conquistas e at\u00e9 customiza\u00e7\u00e3o do seu personagem. A trilha sonora do jogo \u00e9 boa, e considerando que esse se trata originalmente de um jogo de navegador que n\u00e3o \u00e9 muito recente, o fato de n\u00e3o nos depararmos com m\u00fasicas totalmente gen\u00e9ricas e at\u00e9 mesmo irritantes \u00e9 um ponto positivo que se deve levar em conta.\n\nAo meu ver, o principal ponto negativo \u00e9 o fato de o multiplayer do jogo n\u00e3o ter mais nenhum jogador online. Se na versao SE (que possu\u00eda multiplayer e era um download gratuito) j\u00e1 n\u00e3o tinhamos uma quantidade t\u00e3o grande de jogadores, em Dino Run DX essa quantidade \u00e9 completamente nula.\n\nIndo as considera\u00e7\u00f5es finais, Dino Run \u00e9 um jogo bem divertido, que pode ser jogado apenas para se escapar do t\u00e9dio, ter um certo desafio tentando complet\u00e1-lo 100% ou at\u00e9 mesmo para sentir uma certa nostalgia, como \u00e9 o meu caso, mas ao considerar que a sua vers\u00e3o single player pode ser jogada em qualquer browser de forma gratuita e que o multiplayer, que seria um dos principais diferenciais da vers\u00e3o DX ao ser comparada a vers\u00e3o \"de gratis\" n\u00e3o tem basicamente mais ningu\u00e9m jogando, recomendo que compre o jogo apenas se gostar bastante dele e fizer quest\u00e3o de t\u00ea-lo salvo em seu pc sem precisar de internet.\n\n9.5/10 would escape extinction again.", "timestamp_created": 1482765181, "timestamp_updated": 1482765229, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28625332": {"recommendationid": "28625332", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119121300", "num_games_owned": 72, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 147, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482739750}, "language": "english", "review": "For a game that is supposed to be the successor to the Flash game, Dino Run, this game sure doesn't offer much over the original. The controls are piss poor, with your dino quite often going the opposite direction or getting stuck in places that it realistically wouldn't. I've found myself buried into the ground a couple times, or phasing through boulders and walls to get through obstacles. The sound track embodies old Atari music in all of the worst ways, with all of the horrible repetitiveness included, and the art style is really the only thing that can be complimented. \n\nFor something that costs real world money to download and play, it's quite disappointing. Definitely just stick to the old Flash game.", "timestamp_created": 1482656386, "timestamp_updated": 1482656386, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28581397": {"recommendationid": "28581397", "author": {"steamid": "76561198074672646", "num_games_owned": 4374, "num_reviews": 593, "playtime_forever": 228, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476873725}, "language": "french", "review": "[h1]Dino Run DX vous fait jouer un dinosaure et sauvez votre peau[/h1]\n\nC\u2019est la fin du monde. Un ast\u00e9ro\u00efde s\u2019est \u00e9cras\u00e9 sur la Terre provoquant une situation apocalyptique. Vous jouez un dinosaure et votre objectif est de rester vivant le plus longtemps possible. Il vous faut donc courir, courir le plus vite possible avec une grosse vague de lave juste derri\u00e8re.\n\nPixeljam, le studio derri\u00e8re ce jeu, s\u2019y connait en jeux ind\u00e9pendants. Ils en ont r\u00e9alis\u00e9 plusieurs tous aussi bons les uns que les autres.\n\nAvec Dino Run DX, il n\u2019y a pas de risque de se tromper, ce sont de nombreuses heures de jeu en perspective... apr\u00e8s tout, qui n\u2019a jamais r\u00eav\u00e9 de sauver un dinosaure ??\n\n[url=www.graal.fr/2016/10/14/test-dino-run-dx-la-version-pour-steam/]Pour d\u00e9couvrir l\u2019int\u00e9gralit\u00e9 de mon test sur Dino Run DX.[/url]", "timestamp_created": 1482555540, "timestamp_updated": 1482555540, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28549237": {"recommendationid": "28549237", "author": {"steamid": "76561198348199389", "num_games_owned": 17, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1035, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504749344}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game. even my gapes can play this well!!! 10/1 GIN", "timestamp_created": 1482469539, "timestamp_updated": 1482469539, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499643", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28528026": {"recommendationid": "28528026", "author": {"steamid": "76561198150569140", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 224, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480369186}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Melhor jogo, 10/10. CORRE J\u00c3O", "timestamp_created": 1482413182, "timestamp_updated": 1482413182, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.478261", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28521596": {"recommendationid": "28521596", "author": {"steamid": "76561198173591299", "num_games_owned": 100, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 46, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499620377}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Este juego yo lo jugaba cuando tenia 4 a\u00f1os y ahora lo he descubierto aqui, nunca me habia olvidado de el,pero siempre al saber que el juego era pago, lo abandone, hace un par de semanas lo descubri en oferta y no dude en comprarlo, ya no lo juega online mucha gente, pero da igual, me dio mucha nostalgia jugarlo de nuevo, merece ser comprado", "timestamp_created": 1482381498, "timestamp_updated": 1482381498, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28430795": {"recommendationid": "28430795", "author": {"steamid": "76561198095147591", "num_games_owned": 141, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 203, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490420827}, "language": "english", "review": "A very nice take on the infinite runner, with an exceptional amount of content. It's also got other nice features like multiplayer, and hats. Why does everyone like hats so much?", "timestamp_created": 1481999341, "timestamp_updated": 1481999341, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28368964": {"recommendationid": "28368964", "author": {"steamid": "76561198186001563", "num_games_owned": 9, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1212, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507164617}, "language": "english", "review": "I play this game everyday and it is amazing!\nBut please make hard mode a little more easy. Thanks!", "timestamp_created": 1481759823, "timestamp_updated": 1481759823, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28318665": {"recommendationid": "28318665", "author": {"steamid": "76561198088206502", "num_games_owned": 132, "num_reviews": 130, "playtime_forever": 505, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503617815}, "language": "english", "review": "running dinosaurs. enough said :)", "timestamp_created": 1481498316, "timestamp_updated": 1481498316, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.558528", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28298334": {"recommendationid": "28298334", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078347137", "num_games_owned": 61, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 41, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481409572}, "language": "english", "review": "g", "timestamp_created": 1481409652, "timestamp_updated": 1481409652, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.431368", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28260621": {"recommendationid": "28260621", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039351020", "num_games_owned": 217, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495951443}, "language": "english", "review": "If you played Dino Run the flash game online, this is just like that, only with WAY more content, absolutely worth picking up if you are a fan of the original flash game, or if you just like the look of the game, consider getting it on sale", "timestamp_created": 1481233881, "timestamp_updated": 1481233881, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28236666": {"recommendationid": "28236666", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068764848", "num_games_owned": 8, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 269, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482968692}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Me encant\u00f3.\nYa antes lo conoc\u00eda y lo jugaba por una p\u00e1gina (que ya no me auerdo su nombre). Pero ahora, comprado por steam est\u00e1 much\u00edsimo mejor. Es un juego re divertido, adictivo, y simple. \n", "timestamp_created": 1481121238, "timestamp_updated": 1481121238, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28207972": {"recommendationid": "28207972", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046750160", "num_games_owned": 141, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 210, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491683966}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun.\n\nYou can play for free online, but I wanted controller support for couch play. \n\nRecommend on a sale.", "timestamp_created": 1480965022, "timestamp_updated": 1480965022, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28102617": {"recommendationid": "28102617", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068760313", "num_games_owned": 66, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 77, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480526818}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Dinossauros muito loucos correndo fren\u00e9ticamente da extin\u00e7\u00e3o, 10/10.", "timestamp_created": 1480526879, "timestamp_updated": 1480526879, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28082325": {"recommendationid": "28082325", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067426524", "num_games_owned": 515, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 27, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507034316}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is simple and has brilliant execution that pulls you in, feels really intense when the doom is coming close. The music and sound effects really add to the experience. Also, cute dinosaurs!", "timestamp_created": 1480450065, "timestamp_updated": 1480450065, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28022560": {"recommendationid": "28022560", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059551616", "num_games_owned": 212, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 1142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504645083}, "language": "spanish", "review": "No importa cuantas veces lo juegue, nunca pierde el encanto.\nMuy bueno para pasar el rato y divertirse con otros dinos.", "timestamp_created": 1480395388, "timestamp_updated": 1480395388, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.573460", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28009819": {"recommendationid": "28009819", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999304542", "num_games_owned": 663, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 135, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480380877}, "language": "english", "review": "You outrun a pyroclastic wall of doom as a pixellated, hat-wearing, lizard-eating, bird-eating, egg-eating, flower-eating little dinosaur. It's a great filler/time-killer, with a really fun art and animation style. This game had a very detrimental effect on my Master's degree - now it can have one on yours!", "timestamp_created": 1480381054, "timestamp_updated": 1480381054, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27942275": {"recommendationid": "27942275", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060492412", "num_games_owned": 44, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474727857}, "language": "english", "review": "dino run was a good childhood game of mine, played when ever i could at schoolon my free time on the computers.\nDino Run DX is more or less a polished version that gives a good amount of game play for such a short and stright forward game, fun to play with friends and can meet others as well", "timestamp_created": 1480335457, "timestamp_updated": 1480335457, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27897958": {"recommendationid": "27897958", "author": {"steamid": "76561198297899047", "num_games_owned": 26, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 76, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480289093}, "language": "english", "review": "the people in this game feel like they should chat instead of playing the game resulting in only being able to race once in 76 minutes. it's just omegle now minus the people trying to get laid. if the devs add a timer for how long you can sit there and waste peoples time before they get kicked then that would be great and i'd buy the game again.", "timestamp_created": 1480289462, "timestamp_updated": 1480289462, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.491975", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27783851": {"recommendationid": "27783851", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992376468", "num_games_owned": 132, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 15, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480229542}, "language": "english", "review": "So much advertizing and positive buff I just had to buy it from discount. Was it worth 2\u20ac? Unfortunately, not to me. I can understand this game has some \"retro\" value for those who had played the original flash game at early age, but for newcomers, the game has pretty much nothing to offer. Gameplay is very, very simple and it didn't get me addicted at all. I don't mind the poor C64 graphics and music that much since I grew up on that era, but in this game, its too artificial without any lets say, style. Controls are also quite poor and the dino just doesn't jump and move very accurately or responsively. Surely that was the case in C64 era but today, I won't let it slide easily. 15 minutes of gameplay and you have pretty much seen it all. Will I ever return to play this? Maybe, because at least it loads fast and runs in windowed mode as default. It's quick to start and quick to close. Perhaps this is a good game while you are waiting some big file transfer to complete or something but I've played much more addicting and better indie games like, lets say Limbo or Obulis that were definitely worth that 2\u20ac.", "timestamp_created": 1480230456, "timestamp_updated": 1483002484, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496278", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27717780": {"recommendationid": "27717780", "author": {"steamid": "76561198153083045", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 422, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455995278}, "language": "polish", "review": "No c\u00f3\u017c... Jest to gra kt\u00f3ra przyczyni\u0142a si\u0119 do tego, \u017ce mi\u0142o wspominam moje dzieci\u0144stwo.", "timestamp_created": 1480188210, "timestamp_updated": 1480188210, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.545455", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27485208": {"recommendationid": "27485208", "author": {"steamid": "76561198299753712", "num_games_owned": 50, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 505, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510848303}, "language": "english", "review": "I spend hours playing this as a kid, and i still love it today! It's a great game to spend some time on if you're bored or when you have some spare time", "timestamp_created": 1480089547, "timestamp_updated": 1480089547, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27397461": {"recommendationid": "27397461", "author": {"steamid": "76561198158361875", "num_games_owned": 87, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 637, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497149260}, "language": "english", "review": "I played this when I was younger, and now im older and its still just as fun.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1480057953, "timestamp_updated": 1480057953, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27351687": {"recommendationid": "27351687", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048407813", "num_games_owned": 70, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1394, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506226428}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a great little nugget of arcade-y fun I got as a gift last year. And of the smaller games in my library, this is the one that I keep coming back to. The mechanics are simple, quick to pick up, and hard to put down. The challenge level is mostly fair, and the ease of trying again immediately is an excellent touch. The visuals are appealing; the sounds and music really add to the feel of the game as well. Plus, friggin' dinosaurs! And not generic JP monster ones, either. Kudos!", "timestamp_created": 1480033317, "timestamp_updated": 1480033317, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27333102": {"recommendationid": "27333102", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068974299", "num_games_owned": 61, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502317554}, "language": "english", "review": "I play as a dinosaur with my choice of free skins and hats.\n\n3/2 better hats than tf2.", "timestamp_created": 1480025871, "timestamp_updated": 1480027010, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27332936": {"recommendationid": "27332936", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043828309", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 248, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480026070}, "language": "english", "review": "It's Good. Like really good. Buy it.", "timestamp_created": 1480025821, "timestamp_updated": 1480025821, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27332596": {"recommendationid": "27332596", "author": {"steamid": "76561198218884143", "num_games_owned": 11, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 82, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483210915}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1] \"Because who DOESN'T like to be a pixelated hat-wearing dinosaur running from his inevitable doom?\"[/h1]\n[i]-Basically anyone who plays Dino Run DX[/i]\n\n Now, I should hope that the reader would find it rather obvious that the above quote is 73.948% falsified for the sake of this review, but alas, no one actually gives much care for any sort of quote or statistic that I could give, so all that aside...\n\n\n\n Dino Run DX (and the Dino Run series in general) is a surprisingly beautiful 8-bit, 2D side-scrolling game that has been near and dear to my heart since I first began my fateful escape from the Doom wall around August of 2010, when the game was a free Flash game found on various sites on the internet. The player controls a customizable velociraptor using the arrow keys or WASD (along with other keys for other various functions) to run away from a Doom wall following behind, all while gathering the eggs, bones, and little critters that you encounter to gain DNA points to later boost your stats.\n\n The dino can be customized with many different skins and hats, with a large surplus of options available immediately. Want an entirely pink velociraptor with Boba Fett's helmet? That's 100% possible. Ever fantazise about being a pixelated Optimus Prime dinosaur? Wait no longer! Or, how about a blue dino with a dot on its back wearing a top hat? Perfectly acceptable. With over 38,000 different combinations of hats and skins from the get-go, you CAN'T go wrong!\n\n Besides the given Challenge mode, there are a few other game modes to choose from, as well as a multiplayer mode, each with a unique style of gameplay and insanity that is survival of the apocalypse. ([spoiler]Due to my lack of experience regarding these modes, I will not comment on them just yet, but I may edit this review at a later date once I do[/spoiler])\n\n Overall, even without a gripping story, Dino Run DX is a very enjoyable game with simple yet compelling gameplay, yet filled to the brim with intense challenges, wacky achievements, hidden gems, and secret areas that will have you coming back for more. Its 8-bit graphics and retro-style music give the impression of a classic- a title Dino Run DX fits into quite well.\n\n\n[table]\n [tr]\n [th]Category[/th]\n [th]Score[/th]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Graphics[/td]\n [td]7/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Music[/td]\n [td]7/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Story[/td]\n [td]2/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Content[/td]\n [td]9/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Controls[/td]\n [td]8/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Gameplay[/td]\n [td]8/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n [tr]\n [td]Final Grade[/td]\n [td]7/10[/td]\n [/tr]\n[/table]", "timestamp_created": 1480025709, "timestamp_updated": 1480025850, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27304589": {"recommendationid": "27304589", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025742589", "num_games_owned": 45, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 216, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482551708}, "language": "english", "review": "Pixeljam game that has stood the test of time. What's there not to love? 8-bit graphics, running dino, wall of DOOM... Played it when it was free (it still is!) and loved the additions they made to this!", "timestamp_created": 1480018526, "timestamp_updated": 1480018526, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27283074": {"recommendationid": "27283074", "author": {"steamid": "76561198214266849", "num_games_owned": 186, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 467, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493681723}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Hay cosas que nunca cambian :)", "timestamp_created": 1480014315, "timestamp_updated": 1480014315, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27278620": {"recommendationid": "27278620", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001875982", "num_games_owned": 1189, "num_reviews": 76, "playtime_forever": 97, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480013038}, "language": "english", "review": "This random runner doesn't have anything spectacular to recommend it, but I do always enjoy taking the occassional jaunt through the last days of the dinosaurs. It's got a fun theme, secrets, and hats, and has just enough depth to keep me coming back to it. I maxed out my stats on the original non-Steam version, so now I get to do it all over again.\n\nPlus, it's a good game where you get to play a dinosaur, and how many of those are there? Too few.", "timestamp_created": 1480013536, "timestamp_updated": 1480013536, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506867", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27272313": {"recommendationid": "27272313", "author": {"steamid": "76561198163193182", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 20538, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503986449}, "language": "english", "review": "\"You could go outside and play but Dino Run is loading!\" \"Spinning the world backwards for your entertainment.\" These are some of the funny lines you can read in the original game for those of you who haven't. But this is off-topic. back to reviewing. Only thing I don't like is that there are too many hats now and not enough major updates yet. I'll update this into a better review eventually. I'm nominating this for the just 5 more minutes award and may Computron 3000 treat you well.", "timestamp_created": 1480012408, "timestamp_updated": 1495523349, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27141992": {"recommendationid": "27141992", "author": {"steamid": "76561198138606608", "num_games_owned": 156, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 130, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500043534}, "language": "english", "review": "Good, classic game.", "timestamp_created": 1479990558, "timestamp_updated": 1479990558, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27124055": {"recommendationid": "27124055", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078758659", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 64, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487158446}, "language": "english", "review": "I played this game when I was still a wee lad. Its just as great as it was when I first played it.", "timestamp_created": 1479987178, "timestamp_updated": 1479987178, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27016397": {"recommendationid": "27016397", "author": {"steamid": "76561198070142960", "num_games_owned": 246, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 273, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505406647}, "language": "english", "review": "Childhood game... is amazing yet again.", "timestamp_created": 1479960806, "timestamp_updated": 1479960806, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26938180": {"recommendationid": "26938180", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134620194", "num_games_owned": 136, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479942674}, "language": "english", "review": "10/10 very good re-release of nostalgic game", "timestamp_created": 1479942705, "timestamp_updated": 1479942705, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26933085": {"recommendationid": "26933085", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065154762", "num_games_owned": 209, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 769, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478218360}, "language": "english", "review": "I have been playing this game for [i]years[/i] now, and it still has the same charm. I've played the original online version, the SE version, and of course the DX version. All bringing improvements and additions while maintaing the classic same core game. Easy to pick up, each level takes less than a few minutes and can be something fun to breaze through. Some challenges and higher difficulty end-levels can give you a run for your money though, even with a fully upgraded dino! A simple game, but plenty of features to keep things interesting for a while. Well worth the price, sale or not.", "timestamp_created": 1479941829, "timestamp_updated": 1479941829, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26887932": {"recommendationid": "26887932", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059630135", "num_games_owned": 715, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 335, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478104954}, "language": "english", "review": "A good port from a game of the old days of flash games.", "timestamp_created": 1479935683, "timestamp_updated": 1479935683, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26860325": {"recommendationid": "26860325", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072555205", "num_games_owned": 54, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 7366, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514611926}, "language": "english", "review": "Playing this game 6 years ago, and still playing it now! This game always had a warm spot in my heart. It's very nostalgic to me, it's perfect. Dino Run DX is the mega evolution of Dino Run; the updates revolving it makes the game more lively. And the devs even get to chat and race with us at times. Kudos, Pixeljam, I will forever love this game, even when it goes extincted!", "timestamp_created": 1479932859, "timestamp_updated": 1479932859, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504600", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26809305": {"recommendationid": "26809305", "author": {"steamid": "76561198104778583", "num_games_owned": 409, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 6037, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511558387}, "language": "english", "review": "Really fun game, lots of progression, lots of different levels, hats, custom dinos, haven't tried multiplayer but it exists which is cool and the gameplay is really fun and can be challenging. Had a lot of fun, great to play if you don't have a lot of time. Also you can jump real high.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1479928761, "timestamp_updated": 1511388452, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26651315": {"recommendationid": "26651315", "author": {"steamid": "76561198147504877", "num_games_owned": 116, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 72, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483897973}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Bueno para un rato", "timestamp_created": 1479417728, "timestamp_updated": 1479417728, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26607372": {"recommendationid": "26607372", "author": {"steamid": "76561198232814664", "num_games_owned": 50, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 37, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480453112}, "language": "english", "review": "My thougts the game is FUNNN AS Heck I had a blast through the first few levels and definately gonna be playing more, it is so fun from the random map generations to the creatures you can eat, eggs you can collect and power ups you can get as well! so much in store I am waiting to discover if you like a preview of the game, or would like to see a few levels, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_6PwwMW3UQ Its fun and I definately recommend it to people who like to play run games Tron RUN etc!", "timestamp_created": 1479164285, "timestamp_updated": 1479164285, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.465244", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26591839": {"recommendationid": "26591839", "author": {"steamid": "76561198286200379", "num_games_owned": 1521, "num_reviews": 1462, "playtime_forever": 234, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479172282}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Jogo legalzin pra passa o tempo\n\nvale a pena + pra passa o tempo mesmo\n\n\nrecomendo se gosta de jogo nesse estilo.", "timestamp_created": 1479080164, "timestamp_updated": 1479080164, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26583744": {"recommendationid": "26583744", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063398791", "num_games_owned": 99, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 431, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477853986}, "language": "english", "review": "Man this thing brought back memories. Just watch what time you try to play multiplayer - You have to go at peak traffic times or you get barely anyone.", "timestamp_created": 1479052747, "timestamp_updated": 1479052747, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26577694": {"recommendationid": "26577694", "author": {"steamid": "76561198118645711", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 8496, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503923092}, "language": "english", "review": "Less than 5 minutes of fun for the whole family. \nTalk to strangers online!!! \nNo really, talk to them. \nThat's at least 40% of the game. \nTalk to absolute strangers and beg them to race you, because without them racing you, you can not level up, you can not develope your character further. \nThis game was better in like 2009 when it was just a free browser game with an entire communtiy that was built around vast friendships and acceptance. \n\nExcept that one pedophile that sexually harrassed like 15 users on Skype and took child pornography images of them via screenshot and forcing them to, \"Impress the head admin\" after picking them up from the chatrooms of your game. \nHope you fixed that bug in the game.\n\nThere is a lot of room for improvement here.\nStop beating the dead horse and trying to make money out of something you already destroyed years ago.", "timestamp_created": 1479032566, "timestamp_updated": 1479032566, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.483244", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26562746": {"recommendationid": "26562746", "author": {"steamid": "76561198101348264", "num_games_owned": 104, "num_reviews": 47, "playtime_forever": 128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478987631}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember playing this on one of my flash games websites a lot when I was a younger boy. I'm 17 now and I thought it would be fair to support the developers for all the fun they gave me back then, and to take a trip down memory lane and have a little more fun. :)\n\nBasically, this is a VERY well-made game where you play as a little dino trying to escape the doomsday event caused by the meteor that is theorized to have wiped out the dinosaurs. The pixel art is very well made and believeable, the sounds and music are great, and some cool and crazy things happen in the environment as your little Dino runs. I'd say if you like the look of it, pick it up.", "timestamp_created": 1478970414, "timestamp_updated": 1478970481, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26504465": {"recommendationid": "26504465", "author": {"steamid": "76561198302321834", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 625, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512270718}, "language": "english", "review": "Ah, memories... I used to play this game all the time when 4kids used to have a website (wow, I feel old now!). But its pretty basic run to the right to avoid a pyroclastic death and save dino eggs. The game is really fun, and there are times where the game will slow if there are too many meteors and dinos on screen.\n\nThe only bad thing that comes to mind about this game is the 'insane' difficulty setting. \n*Easy: Short of sitting there for three minutes you're not going to die.\n*Medium: Same as easy\n*Hard: You can get stopped by dinos or hazards at least three to five times depending on level before the death cloud is on you.\n*Insane: You get one to two mistakes per level until the death cloud overtakes you in seconds. You're gonna need to max out stats to make it.\n\nOtherwise this is a fun little game that's great if you want to unwind after a long day.", "timestamp_created": 1478705626, "timestamp_updated": 1509540982, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.477551", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26484758": {"recommendationid": "26484758", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970533873", "num_games_owned": 482, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 10, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476507992}, "language": "english", "review": "There's not really anything to this game", "timestamp_created": 1478583897, "timestamp_updated": 1478583897, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493479", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26481311": {"recommendationid": "26481311", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097520288", "num_games_owned": 187, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 276, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484967436}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is all sorts of fun. I only wish there were more multiplayer maps, or more maps in general, but other than that its just a good time all around. I remember playing it when I was a kid on Armor games, and somehow it's still just as charming and fun as ever.", "timestamp_created": 1478560944, "timestamp_updated": 1478560944, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26358075": {"recommendationid": "26358075", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116147350", "num_games_owned": 8, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 4037, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508066277}, "language": "italian", "review": "Gioco originale e molto nostalgico, continuo a sostenerlo sperando che un gioco possanno riprendere Dino Run 2. Ottimo lavoro Pixeljam, mi raccomando datevi da fare per il futuro!\nIl gioco comprende anche il multyplayer con acessori speciali e una community tutta sua, a mio parere per il suo genere e idea, questo gioco merita molto!\nPotete sempre donare per il crownfounding in modo da creare sempre nuovi aggiornamenti sul loro sito (https://www.pixeljam.com/dinorun/)\nBuon divertimento!!! \n\n-Menfis", "timestamp_created": 1478019232, "timestamp_updated": 1478019232, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501247", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26347193": {"recommendationid": "26347193", "author": {"steamid": "76561198149188891", "num_games_owned": 168, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 1074, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504250225}, "language": "english", "review": "its like that chrome T-rex game when your internet is down but with more depth", "timestamp_created": 1477966372, "timestamp_updated": 1504251591, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26332618": {"recommendationid": "26332618", "author": {"steamid": "76561198170053771", "num_games_owned": 56, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1298, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494618017}, "language": "polish", "review": "Pami\u0119tam maniaczenie w t\u0105 gr\u0119 na przegl\u0105darce, granie po kilka godzin bo jedynym sposobem na odblokowanie danego koloru dinozaura by\u0142o przechodzenie map \nAktualnie przy grze bawi\u0119 si\u0119 tak samo ja zza dawnych czas\u00f3w, a nawet lepiej, bo mam cel - achievementy \nCieszy mnie to, \u017ce wchodz\u0105 nowe update'y ( insane halloween run? done. ) wida\u0107 \u017ce tw\u00f3rcy wci\u0105\u017c pracuj\u0105 nad gr\u0105\nGrafice nie da si\u0119 nic zarzuci\u0107 - jest prosta z za\u0142o\u017cenia, tak wygl\u0105da i prezentuje si\u0119 estetycznie ( pomijajac te czasem wyst\u0119puj\u0105ce glitche ) \nGameplay wci\u0105ga, a przynajmniej mnie \nTylko szkoda, \u017ce nie mam z kim pogra\u0107 na multi\n\nOverall - 11/10 ( +1 punkt za nostalgi\u0119 )", "timestamp_created": 1477906286, "timestamp_updated": 1477906286, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.600000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26282953": {"recommendationid": "26282953", "author": {"steamid": "76561198202390846", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 130, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500429338}, "language": "english", "review": "In school when I was like 8 I played this when I was supposed to do \"educational\" games I loved the game and still do today nice to see multiplayer\n", "timestamp_created": 1477718058, "timestamp_updated": 1477718058, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26278912": {"recommendationid": "26278912", "author": {"steamid": "76561198137185946", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 791, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494203077}, "language": "english", "review": "[u]The game of my people that will never go extinct![/u]\n\n[h1]The Game:[/h1]\n\nDino Run DX.....The game avoiding doom itself. Hahahaha no, I'm just kidding. Me and my brother played this game when we were between the ages of six and nine. It was so long ago I don't remember which one it is. What I do remember though, is my love for this game. Every so often we'd find this game again. Guess what? I found this game AGAIN XD! It's better than ever! \n\nNew hats, new levels, new dinosaur skins, newish UI and System, and new dinosa- players, I mean players. All new stuff and updates! You get to play a velociraptor and try to escape extinction. There are other dinosaurs trying to escape and live as well. Not only will they get in your way, but bolders, meteors, and lizards raining from the sky will try to stop you from being extinct!\n\nIt's literally a race against time, the Cretaceous time (era). You can even play against other dinosa- players in Multiplayer mode! Now you can all have a race to see who will escape extinction and who will most likely be dug up later as fossils. You can even chat with those players and maybe, just maybe, even with the devs! It happens every so often so keep your claws- eyes out. It may not be a complex game or anything like that, but it's a fun arcade game that I will play and pass down to generations after me.\n\n[b]I rate this game 10/10.[/b]", "timestamp_created": 1477699655, "timestamp_updated": 1477699655, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26185597": {"recommendationid": "26185597", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117077476", "num_games_owned": 8, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 151872, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 777, "last_played": 1516525300}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a very nice game, one I remember from my childhood. You are a dinosaur and are supposed to escape your own doom. It may seem very simple, but it's a bit more complex, as hills, meteors and stegosaurs will try to stop you. I always loved multiplayer, which was more like a bustling city, but now, it seems to have declined in popularity. The devs, though, still try to update the game when they can. As I said, it's a nice little game. Go and buy it if you like running.\n[EDIT] It's also award-worthy in my opinion, small game, great game.\n[EDIT2]Nominated it again. I love this little game.", "timestamp_created": 1477241041, "timestamp_updated": 1511545594, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26081666": {"recommendationid": "26081666", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035226071", "num_games_owned": 155, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1848, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505884164}, "language": "english", "review": "Good game :)", "timestamp_created": 1476676058, "timestamp_updated": 1476676058, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26076052": {"recommendationid": "26076052", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067016636", "num_games_owned": 260, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 325, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506605070}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Acho que com 4 horas(atualmente) de jogo e finalmente conseguir ter uma experi\u00eancia de algumas partidas no modo multijogador, posso escrever uma an\u00e1lise\n\n[h1]Hist\u00f3ria[/h1]\n\n O jogo tem uma hist\u00f3ria(ou est\u00f3ria, que seja) bem simples, no que eu pude perceber, se \u00e9 que n\u00e3o foi coisa da minha cabe\u00e7a: Voc\u00ea \u00e9 um dinossauro que est\u00e1 fugindo da extin\u00e7\u00e3o e necessita de chegar a um lugar seguro, e no caminho voc\u00ea salva o m\u00e1ximo de ovos que consegue. Sim, \u00e9 \"apenas\" isso. Mas o final muda se conseguir terminar o modo normal do jogo no modo insano(citado no spoiler abaixo).\n SPOILER: [spoiler]Os dinossauros entram em uma nave para fugir para o espa\u00e7o. Na verdade \u00e9 apenas isso mesmo.[/spoiler]\n\n[h1]Jogabilidade[/h1]\n\n Em poucas palavras: Simples, intuitiva e responsiva. \n Bem explicado: Os controles respondem bem, apesar de voc\u00ea necessitar de cuidado, pois quando o seu dinossauro est\u00e1 muito r\u00e1pido, sua resposta em rela\u00e7\u00e3o a ele deve estar \u00e0 altura ; As mec\u00e2nicas e os objetos cumprem bem sua fun\u00e7\u00e3o, desde atrapalhar sua fuga, at\u00e9 os boosts para lhe ajudar; Como os controles s\u00e3o as setinhas e o shift esquerdo ou o cl\u00e1ssico \"W A S D\" e o shift esquerdo, podemos dizer que a sele\u00e7\u00e3o foi bem feita, e a op\u00e7\u00e3o de duas formas de jogar foi uma \"boa jogada\".\n\n[h1]Gameplay[/h1]\n\n Como os n\u00edveis s\u00e3o gerados aleat\u00f3riamente, o fator replay \u00e9 garantido.\n Os n\u00edveis possuem: Subidas; Declives; Quedas; Dinossauros no meio do caminho, sendo eles comest\u00edveis, montarias, carona e obst\u00e1culos; Meteoros; Ovos, sendo normais ou super; Peixes; E lava, em alguns n\u00edveis.\n O seu dinossauro, ao longo das jogatinas, adquire DNA, que \u00e9 usado para melhorar o seu dinossauro. Essas melhorias podem ser em velocidade(speed), acelera\u00e7\u00e3o(accel), salto(jump) e for\u00e7a(strength). A fun\u00e7\u00e3o de cada um \u00e9 a seguinte:\n[list]\n [*] Velocidade(speed): Aumenta a [b]velocidade m\u00e1xima que o seu dinossauro consegue alcan\u00e7ar[/b]. N\u00e3o v\u00e1 achando que ela se refere \u00e0 velocidade base do seu dinossauro.\n [*] Acelera\u00e7\u00e3o(accel): Aumenta a velocidade do seu dinossauro at\u00e9 um certo limite: a velocidade.\n [*] Salto(jump): Aumenta a altura m\u00e1xima que o seu dinossauro consegue saltar.\n [*] For\u00e7a(strength): Melhora o desempenho do seu dinossauro em empurrar meteoros, outros dinossauros e, bem levemente, em subidas.\n[/list]\n Voc\u00ea pode customizar o seu dinossauro de muitas formas, e inclusive tirar uma \"foto\" dele para perfis, principalmente, por ser quadrada, numa resolu\u00e7\u00e3o 540 x 540;\n Modos de jogo: O jogo possui o modo Normal; o Planeta D, caracterizado por cada n\u00edvel possuir uma loucura diferente; O modo \"Halloween\", caracterizado por em cada n\u00edvel voc\u00ea possuir um poder diferente; E a Speedrun, podendo esta ser no tipo \"freerun\"(Modo livre) ou n\u00e3o. ALERTA: Na Speedrun, voc\u00ea deve comprar os mapas com os ossos que voc\u00ea consegue ao longo das jogatinas.\n\n[h1]Gr\u00e1ficos[/h1]\n\n Para quem gosta de gr\u00e1ficos pixelados(como eu), eles n\u00e3o deixam muito a desejar: S\u00e3o bem feitos e o mais simplificado poss\u00edvel, mas ao contr\u00e1rio de muitos que tentam e falham nessa tentavia, os gr\u00e1ficos n\u00e3o machucam seus olhos e nem bagun\u00e7am as diversas coisas espalhadas na sua corrida contra a extin\u00e7\u00e3o.\n Caso voc\u00ea n\u00e3o goste deste tipo de gr\u00e1fico, acho que essa escolha dos desenvolvedores pode ser um ponto negativo.\n\n[h1]Multiplayer[/h1]\n\n Infelizmente, voc\u00ea deve possuir sorte para conseguir jogar neste modo, devido a baixa quantidade de jogadores. Mas, com as partidas que eu consegui jogar, posso dizer que foram bem divertidas.\n H\u00e1 a op\u00e7\u00e3o de criar a sala com o j\u00e1 citado \"freerun\" ativo, mas n\u00e3o pude jogar com ele ativo. Como ele habilita a conversa por textos, seria bom ativ\u00e1-lo.\n\n[h1]Conte\u00fado b\u00f4nus, conquistas e cartas[/h1]\n\n O conte\u00fado b\u00f4nus, tamb\u00e9m usando ossos, voc\u00ea pode comprar e adquirir \u00edcones para o seu computador, backgrounds e outras coisas interessantes.\n O jogo possui diversas conquistas, algumas sendo bem f\u00e1ceis, mas tamb\u00e9m existem aquelas que exigir\u00e3o de voc\u00ea alguma dedica\u00e7\u00e3o.\n S\u00e3o 8 cartas no total, sendo que 4 s\u00e3o dadas a voc\u00ea pelo jogo.\n \n\n[h1]Conclus\u00e3o[/h1]\n\n \u00c9 um \u00f3timo jogo, com controles responsivos e um incr\u00edvel fator replay. Os gr\u00e1ficos s\u00e3o bem feitos, mas por serem pixelados podem n\u00e3o agradar \u00e0 todos. O seu modo multiplayer, apesar de divertido, n\u00e3o apresenta muitos jogadores. O jogo tamb\u00e9m apresenta m\u00faltiplos modos e alguns conte\u00fados b\u00f4nus. As conquistas s\u00e3o bem feitas e podem exigir um bom esfor\u00e7o do jogador, al\u00e9m de possuir uma quantidade r\u00e1zoavel de cartas. Devido \u00e0 falta de jogadores, \u00e9 recomendado comprar este jogo com outros amigos, apesar de a divers\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m estar garantida com o jogo.", "timestamp_created": 1476645979, "timestamp_updated": 1476716514, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.563492", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26071817": {"recommendationid": "26071817", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035382831", "num_games_owned": 1295, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 301, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476210371}, "language": "french", "review": "Dino Run DX est une belle r\u00e9ussite en termes de jeu de course et respecte \u00e0 la fois les codes du genre et ceux du pixel art ou du r\u00e9tro gaming. Le jeu est plein d\u2019id\u00e9es sympas et de clins d\u2019oeil au monde du cin\u00e9ma et du jeu vid\u00e9o indie. En ce qui concerne le multi, je pense qu\u2019on ne pourra compter que sur des parties avec ses propres amis.\n\nLe th\u00e8me des dinosaures et la simplicit\u00e9 du gameplay permet aux enfants d\u2019accrocher imm\u00e9diatement au principe et d\u2019y arriver en fonction du niveau de difficult\u00e9. (Ma fille de 7 ans est d\u00e9j\u00e0 accro)\n\nLes fans du genre peuvent se le procurer sans r\u00e9fl\u00e9chir, ils ne seront pas d\u00e9\u00e7u. Pour ceux qui poss\u00e9deraient d\u00e9j\u00e0 une version ant\u00e9rieur de Dino Run, la version DX contient de nombreux ajouts et les d\u00e9veloppeurs continuent \u00e0 travailler sur du contenu suppl\u00e9mentaire.\n\nDino Run DX est un excellent jeu \u00e0 r\u00e9server aux fans.\n\n[url=http://www.graal.fr/2016/10/14/test-dino-run-dx-la-version-pour-steam/]Mon avis complet est disponible ici[/url]", "timestamp_created": 1476631979, "timestamp_updated": 1476631979, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25981730": {"recommendationid": "25981730", "author": {"steamid": "76561198191839830", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 396, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513462542}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember playing this game on a browser when I was in elementary school, (sometimes when I was supposed to be doing homework, shhhh) fun times. I'm glad I found it again on Steam. It's kind of silly but that is one of its charms in my opinion.", "timestamp_created": 1476191412, "timestamp_updated": 1476191412, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.583751", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25898155": {"recommendationid": "25898155", "author": {"steamid": "76561198183088730", "num_games_owned": 172, "num_reviews": 68, "playtime_forever": 424, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496375289}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "O jogo \u00e9 bom desde quando h\u00e1via lan\u00e7ado no navegador.", "timestamp_created": 1475822499, "timestamp_updated": 1497814950, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25813736": {"recommendationid": "25813736", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049572915", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 717, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476094346}, "language": "english", "review": "it's a good couple hours of fun, probably wait for a sale though.", "timestamp_created": 1475384043, "timestamp_updated": 1475384043, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25696272": {"recommendationid": "25696272", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049238857", "num_games_owned": 105, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 109, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484877709}, "language": "english", "review": "The good ol' dino runner, It's a well polished arcade game.", "timestamp_created": 1474822494, "timestamp_updated": 1474822494, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500793", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25626799": {"recommendationid": "25626799", "author": {"steamid": "76561198155777631", "num_games_owned": 25, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 604, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474843425}, "language": "english", "review": "Colorful, catchy soundtrack, anyone can play, it's worth your time :)", "timestamp_created": 1474496604, "timestamp_updated": 1474496604, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25614645": {"recommendationid": "25614645", "author": {"steamid": "76561198307585885", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474468869}, "language": "english", "review": "^_____^ <3 <3 <3 Love it!", "timestamp_created": 1474439016, "timestamp_updated": 1474439016, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499550", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25605475": {"recommendationid": "25605475", "author": {"steamid": "76561198140335893", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 267, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473717966}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "\u00d3timo o jogo, barato, divertido, desafiativo, personaliz\u00e1vel e ainda tem v\u00e1rias fazes para jogar, ent\u00e3o o jogo n\u00e3o acaba t\u00e3o r\u00e1pido.", "timestamp_created": 1474389553, "timestamp_updated": 1474389553, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25602449": {"recommendationid": "25602449", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103922950", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 206, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512696415}, "language": "english", "review": "Great Game! \nThis game has colorful graphics, awesome style options, multiplayer and more awesome things! I love to customize my own dino. Customizing your own dino can get VERY Complex, you have a Variety Of options. Theres Even a Minecraft and Fnaf Head You Can Wear! if you havent played this game yet i reccomend going here to play the free version first to give you a idea of what its like, http://www.miniclip.com/games/dino-run/en/ Keep in mind thats the FREE version and it doesnt have as many things as the STEAM VERSION. so it may seem like, Hey free game online why not but the Steam Version is better trust me.\nAlso dont think multiplayer is a HUGE AWESOME THING cus i have bad news, its not. The Multiplayer in this game isnt amazing but it is ok. it is very well setup the problem is that half the time no one is even on. This means you cant even race someone which can be very frustrating. But over all Great Game Good Cost!", "timestamp_created": 1474376813, "timestamp_updated": 1474376813, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25531137": {"recommendationid": "25531137", "author": {"steamid": "76561198200421195", "num_games_owned": 97, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 385, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504406782}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Este juego lo he jugado desde que tengo memoria, me encanta y lo recomiendo; es simple, pero te diviertes horas. :) 9/10", "timestamp_created": 1474047207, "timestamp_updated": 1474047207, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.545455", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25478795": {"recommendationid": "25478795", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988271944", "num_games_owned": 1216, "num_reviews": 277, "playtime_forever": 152, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473686503}, "language": "italian", "review": "Dino Run DX \u00e8 un racing game in 2d dove dovrete semplicemente correre e salvarvi dall'estinzione.\nLo ho trovato molto scarno per quanto riguarda i contenuti, \u00e8 vero che potremo personalizzare il nostro dinosauro ma non ho trovato poi tutta questa variet\u00e0 e soprattutto con questa qualit\u00e0.\nLa grafica \u00e8 pessima e dopo un p\u00f2 di gioco mi sono trovato a combattere con un mal di testa dovuto ai colori troppo accesi.\n\nPer quanto riguarda la giocabilit\u00e0, non c'\u00e8 molto da dire, si pu\u00f2 giocare con una mano sola e scaccolarsi con'altra, bastano i fatidici quattro tasti per muoversi, nient'altro; l'inserimento di qualche tasto aggiuntivo non avrebbe guastato il tutto, anzi...\n\nIn se sarebbe un prodotto anche carino, se non fosse che risulta MONOTONO dopo 15 minuti di gioco.\n\nDa parte mia, lo sconsiglio, lo reputo un gioco da 50 centesimi.\n\nVoto 5,5/10", "timestamp_created": 1473686826, "timestamp_updated": 1473686826, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.515679", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25435676": {"recommendationid": "25435676", "author": {"steamid": "76561198305223081", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 678, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489583393}, "language": "english", "review": "You only need one hand to play Dino Run DX. Which means your other hand is free to drink as much as you want\n\n5 Stars.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1473473380, "timestamp_updated": 1473473380, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25424518": {"recommendationid": "25424518", "author": {"steamid": "76561198128131932", "num_games_owned": 1946, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 64, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479851293}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Excelente juego de plataformas y velocidad con un estilo pixel-art de lo mejorcito que he visto en Steam. Un juego sencillo y super divertido. Me ha encantado y me recuerda en su estilo gr\u00e1fico al cl\u00e1sico de recreativa Jungle king en cuanto a su minimalismo gr\u00e1fico y excelente uso del colorido.", "timestamp_created": 1473421828, "timestamp_updated": 1473421828, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25420844": {"recommendationid": "25420844", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058591880", "num_games_owned": 199, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 87, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482460990}, "language": "english", "review": "My hood niggas that played this on miniclip and shit say I", "timestamp_created": 1473394931, "timestamp_updated": 1473394931, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25403082": {"recommendationid": "25403082", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969307618", "num_games_owned": 2301, "num_reviews": 677, "playtime_forever": 244, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472852381}, "language": "english", "review": "Sadly one of the weaker pixeljam games. Feels like it should be a free flash game. The only thing you do is hold right and jump at times. A mocking upgrade system fakes the illusion of free choice but if you do not upgrade speed every time, you will just not be fast enough to survive. A little bit fine tuning would really helped the longevity of this game", "timestamp_created": 1473285865, "timestamp_updated": 1473285865, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.371895", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25366237": {"recommendationid": "25366237", "author": {"steamid": "76561198274533780", "num_games_owned": 20, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1989, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495026581}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Lovely old game! Brings back my childhood into live, I don't regret buying this game, it has pretty good pixelart, you can make you Dino Character as you want!\n\nI recommend this game if you wanna have a nice time!", "timestamp_created": 1473091752, "timestamp_updated": 1473091752, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25333006": {"recommendationid": "25333006", "author": {"steamid": "76561198115158556", "num_games_owned": 1477, "num_reviews": 393, "playtime_forever": 351, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472952250}, "language": "english", "review": "6.4/10 - An Original Runner Still Evading Extinction!\n\nThere is lots of good stuff happening with this game. It\u2019s a lot more fun than I remember and now there are different modes, customization and more! Multiplayer was added, but I've yet to get anyone to engage in a race due to the lack of player base. It's important to note that this game isn't worth $6; it's nice but doesn't have the juice to keep you hooked. \n\nYou play as a dinosaur who must escape the apocalypse heading in your direction! Run, Jump, Fly and ride boulders to safety. I completed all the sections on Easy in about 40 minutes, but since the levels are constantly changing you can keep adding difficulty for a newish experience each run. \n\nOverall, I'd pay $1-3 based on nostalgia and interest levels.\n\n[code][h1] Accidently Reviewed[/h1]\nWas this review helpful or maybe even not helpful? Either way join this group for more. Free Keys and Reviews weekly!\n[url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Accidently] Steam Group: AccidentlyReviewed[/url][/code]\n", "timestamp_created": 1472935727, "timestamp_updated": 1472935727, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.674671", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25275580": {"recommendationid": "25275580", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098808302", "num_games_owned": 522, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 342, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484880206}, "language": "english", "review": "It's pretty good.", "timestamp_created": 1472678366, "timestamp_updated": 1472678366, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25226732": {"recommendationid": "25226732", "author": {"steamid": "76561198275002266", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 146, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486900405}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember playing this game back in 2009 or somthing. Always awsome.", "timestamp_created": 1472471034, "timestamp_updated": 1472471034, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25213865": {"recommendationid": "25213865", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068765737", "num_games_owned": 143, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 10, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472413080}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Those dinosaurs mechanics are really annoying.", "timestamp_created": 1472413187, "timestamp_updated": 1472413187, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.489978", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25207061": {"recommendationid": "25207061", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970662497", "num_games_owned": 2376, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 250, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493520689}, "language": "english", "review": "The original runner! Still just as addicting as the days you competed with friends in the school computer lab. And now you can do it online! With hats!", "timestamp_created": 1472393806, "timestamp_updated": 1472393806, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502241", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25202782": {"recommendationid": "25202782", "author": {"steamid": "76561198066589894", "num_games_owned": 1273, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 514, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488582091}, "language": "english", "review": "Nostaglic for the old flash gameI got this, I wasn't disapointed, fun and fast a good time killer.", "timestamp_created": 1472380051, "timestamp_updated": 1472380051, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25178777": {"recommendationid": "25178777", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041967011", "num_games_owned": 641, "num_reviews": 366, "playtime_forever": 6, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472293110}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041e\u0442\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0444\u043e\u043d\u044b \u0438 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430, \u043d\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0433\u0435\u0439\u043c\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0439, \u043f\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0447\u043a\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u043e\u0442\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438 \u0438 \u043e\u0442\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u0430\u043c\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0438. \u0414\u0430, \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u0438\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u0443\u0442 \u0441\u043f\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0443\u044e \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0441, \u043d\u043e \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435 \u0441\u043c\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u043a\u0443\u0435-\u0442\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0434\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0443. \u0428\u043b\u044f\u043f\u044b \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435 \u0434\u0443\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0447\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0432\u043e\u0434\u044b, \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043c\u0435\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043e \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0441\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0435\u043c \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0430\u0442\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0444\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0442\u044b. \u041c\u043e\u043d\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0437\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442, \u0437\u0430 5 \u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0442 \u0443\u0442\u043e\u043c\u0438\u043b\u0441\u044f \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0447\u0430\u0441\u043e\u0432 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0451\u0434.", "timestamp_created": 1472293309, "timestamp_updated": 1472293309, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.379034", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25164192": {"recommendationid": "25164192", "author": {"steamid": "76561198020125851", "num_games_owned": 8702, "num_reviews": 718, "playtime_forever": 329, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472231220}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1]A Prehistoric Racing / Side-Scrollign Runner[/h1]\nhttps://youtu.be/3d_kPu0uDvM\n+ The concept itself is great. You (and all the other dinosaurs) are trying to outrun the meteor explosion that caused them all to go extinct.\n+ Gameplay is very basic but a lot of fun at the same time. You are a raptor and try to get to the end of the stage before the ever approaching \"wall of doom\" from the meteor impact catches up to you. There are tons of obstacles that get in your way while you race to the end.\n+ Minimalistic but very creative procedurally generated levels with branching pathways \n+ Many \"hats\" or costumes that pay tribute to a TON of different popular indie games. Super Meat Boy, Shovel Knight, Fez, Bit Trip Runner, Castle Crashers, Battleblock Theatre, VVVVVV, etc.\n+ Online multiplayer\n\n- Fairly short in length / amount of content\n\n~ Not many people playing online (I wasn't able to find a game)", "timestamp_created": 1472227160, "timestamp_updated": 1472229424, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.565443", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25162323": {"recommendationid": "25162323", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041512403", "num_games_owned": 1305, "num_reviews": 918, "playtime_forever": 25, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508077814}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uacf5\ub8e1 \ub7f0!\n\n\uc791\uc740 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc758 \ub4a4\ub85c \ubb34\uc11c\uc6b4 \uc7ac\ub09c\uc774 \ub2e4\uac00\uc635\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uacf5\ub8e1\uc740 \uc774\ub97c \ud53c\ud558\uae30 \uc704\ud574 \uc55e\uc73c\ub85c \uacc4\uc18d \ub2ec\ub9ac\uc8e0.\n\n\ub2ec\ub9ac\uba74\uc11c \uc54c\uc774\ub098 \uc791\uc740 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc744 \uba39\uc744 \uc218 \uc788\uc73c\uba70, \n\ubc29\ud574\ud558\ub294 \ub3cc\uc774\ub098 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc744 \uc810\ud504\ud574\uc11c \ub6f0\uc5b4\ub118\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ub610\ud55c, \ud2b9\uc815 \uacf5\ub8e1\uc758 \ub3c4\uc6c0\uc744 \ubc1b\uc744 \uc218\ub3c4 \uc788\uc8e0.\n\ub0a0\uc544\uac00\ub294 \uc775\ub8e1\uc5d0\uac8c \ub9e4\ub2ec\ub9b0\ub2e4\uac70\ub098?", "timestamp_created": 1472220499, "timestamp_updated": 1499760949, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25160379": {"recommendationid": "25160379", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071069273", "num_games_owned": 608, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 479, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512688268}, "language": "english", "review": "excellent game, best running platform of all times", "timestamp_created": 1472212961, "timestamp_updated": 1472212961, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.422370", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25133458": {"recommendationid": "25133458", "author": {"steamid": "76561198205833907", "num_games_owned": 19, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 502, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485029313}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Mano, quer jogo pra passar o tempo, aki est\u00e1, dino run! estilo corridinha de dinossauros, \u00e9h ISSO MEMU, CORRIDA DE DINU, tem algo melhor? kjkj, \u00e9 um jogo onde a customiza\u00e7\u00e3o do dino demora mais dq joga, pra min, o jogo \u00e9 bem pequeno, dps de umas 3 a 4 hrs de jogo enjoa, mas \u00e9 agora? MULTIPLAYER!!! UHUUUUW! pera, n\u00e3o tem quase ningu\u00e9m jogando no multiplayer, raramente voc\u00ea acha 4 jogadores jogando, o jogo possui 3 modos de jogo, classico, onde voc\u00ea s\u00f3 corre da extin\u00e7\u00e3o, modo das bruxas, onde voc\u00ea corre de varios modos ptqp, muito esquisito, \u00e9 tem o planeta D, o planeta mais wtf que eu j\u00e1 vi, dinossauro caindo do c\u00e9u, almofadas caindo do c\u00e9u, ptqp, o jogo d\u00e1 pouco tempo de divers\u00e3o, mas um pre\u00e7o razoavel \u00e9 um divers\u00e3o de 3 hrs, vale apena pra krlh, o jogo serve mais pra jogar com os amigos \u00e9 etc, prq ptqp, voc\u00ea passa raiva no multiplayer. ent simplesmente junte os broder, pra poder jogar esse jogo \u00e9 ter gra\u00e7a", "timestamp_created": 1472136513, "timestamp_updated": 1472136513, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523622", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25127816": {"recommendationid": "25127816", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019338462", "num_games_owned": 2286, "num_reviews": 82, "playtime_forever": 237, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481682294}, "language": "english", "review": "I quit running away from my problems in real life and decided to run away from them in Dino Run DX. Good move on my part.", "timestamp_created": 1472112104, "timestamp_updated": 1472112104, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25071029": {"recommendationid": "25071029", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054387451", "num_games_owned": 702, "num_reviews": 255, "playtime_forever": 839, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488850955}, "language": "english", "review": "Played it for years.\nNow I am still playing.\n\n\nI also never yelled that much at dinosaurs.", "timestamp_created": 1471863696, "timestamp_updated": 1471863696, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.457207", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24892146": {"recommendationid": "24892146", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986444957", "num_games_owned": 212, "num_reviews": 126, "playtime_forever": 457, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471022409}, "language": "spanish", "review": "[spoiler] wowww muy divertido, GOOD GAME :D[/spoiler]", "timestamp_created": 1471113190, "timestamp_updated": 1471113190, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497180", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24883410": {"recommendationid": "24883410", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161398230", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 412, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472111374}, "language": "english", "review": "A great game!\nNot the best investment for $5.99 but hey, it's a classic!\nBrought back so many memories!\n\nOne suggestion would be to unlock hats and colours rather then just using them, or even adding in dinos by reaching a certain time or score!\nSomething like that would be great!\n\nOverall a great game that im bound to be caught playing in class!\n9/10 would play again!", "timestamp_created": 1471092112, "timestamp_updated": 1471092112, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.540365", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24832435": {"recommendationid": "24832435", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047525224", "num_games_owned": 344, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 47, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470950972}, "language": "english", "review": "Classic. Remember all that time you spent running away from your problems? Well, luckily, now you can do it, and have just as much fun! \n\n\nIve played this since it came out as a flash game, so its sentimental to me. Ive spent years cheating death and HichHiking on spaceships\n10/10 would doomsurf again", "timestamp_created": 1470949406, "timestamp_updated": 1470949406, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.565217", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24758459": {"recommendationid": "24758459", "author": {"steamid": "76561198173099190", "num_games_owned": 13, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 612, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484531303}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run, ha the smell of sweet Pixel freedom. This is a great game, it has a great vibe going. One of the best Dino games to have ever graced the lands of Steam. \n\nPros: Magic Dinos, Eating Birds, America, Flying through the sky. \n\nCons: None \n\n10/10 \"Would play as a Magic Raptor, all day, everday.", "timestamp_created": 1470570672, "timestamp_updated": 1470570672, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.530387", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24630861": {"recommendationid": "24630861", "author": {"steamid": "76561198198420077", "num_games_owned": 8, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 784, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512910073}, "language": "french", "review": "J'adore ce jeu, mais juste quelque chose, j'ai eu des super oeufs mais ils ne sont pas dans ma liste...", "timestamp_created": 1469958649, "timestamp_updated": 1469958649, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.998913", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24622592": {"recommendationid": "24622592", "author": {"steamid": "76561198296275453", "num_games_owned": 31, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 1021, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505872074}, "language": "english", "review": "nice game ;3", "timestamp_created": 1469914287, "timestamp_updated": 1469914287, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467980", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24529325": {"recommendationid": "24529325", "author": {"steamid": "76561198213691537", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 163, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468979459}, "language": "english", "review": "Good", "timestamp_created": 1469498742, "timestamp_updated": 1469498742, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467980", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24524969": {"recommendationid": "24524969", "author": {"steamid": "76561198304596341", "num_games_owned": 67, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 224, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476046312}, "language": "english", "review": "A Pretty Little Pixel Dino Game That Keeps You Entertained And Raged Up And That Gives You The Urge To Punch Your Friend Or Whoever Is Near You In The Face When You Are On Insane.\n\n10/10.Would Die Again", "timestamp_created": 1469478316, "timestamp_updated": 1469478316, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24449527": {"recommendationid": "24449527", "author": {"steamid": "76561198097581534", "num_games_owned": 447, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 194, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472249449}, "language": "english", "review": "One of those kind of games that are simple and easy to pick up for a few minutes of play in between being busy! \nYou pretty much just run from one side of the map to the other, all the while avoiding the impending meteor apocalypse. There are different games modes also that change this, one included that lets you go about casually without needing to worry about death, handy for multiplayer chatting.\n\nI played the original often on browser, but I really love the new stuff included in this and the achievements are fun too. \n\nYou can also customize your dino, and I'm a sucker for customization so +10 points for that in itself.", "timestamp_created": 1469139773, "timestamp_updated": 1469139773, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.579439", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24449475": {"recommendationid": "24449475", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114373947", "num_games_owned": 96, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 587, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511675413}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this back when it was a flash game.\nIt's grown godlike since then.\nGG, Pixeljam.\nBest speedrunner ever.", "timestamp_created": 1469139525, "timestamp_updated": 1469139525, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.639889", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24432907": {"recommendationid": "24432907", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979724838", "num_games_owned": 1088, "num_reviews": 229, "playtime_forever": 706, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1469505725}, "language": "english", "review": "Good runner. Nice and cheap. Still fun. Bunch of new features. Probably PixelJam's best game.", "timestamp_created": 1469054203, "timestamp_updated": 1469054203, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.453566", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24401576": {"recommendationid": "24401576", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998157607", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 74, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1469646800}, "language": "english", "review": "Truly a nostalgia trip. Its a good game and a cheap price. Highly recommnded", "timestamp_created": 1468900864, "timestamp_updated": 1468900864, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24345574": {"recommendationid": "24345574", "author": {"steamid": "76561198131335238", "num_games_owned": 33, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2874, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506403495}, "language": "english", "review": "i an very very good a this game because it is just like running away from my respomnsibiliy's which i do every day in real life. this game will help train you become beyter at being dead inside 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1468636300, "timestamp_updated": 1468636300, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 31, "weighted_vote_score": "0.612552", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24308955": {"recommendationid": "24308955", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096156369", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 260, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479235525}, "language": "english", "review": "I really enjoy this game! Its a simple concept but its still pretty entertaining! Also lots of different hats to pick from which makes the game just a bit more special. My dino will forever be a pirate. <3", "timestamp_created": 1468473641, "timestamp_updated": 1468473641, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24307787": {"recommendationid": "24307787", "author": {"steamid": "76561198129805886", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 272, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486411522}, "language": "english", "review": "I used to play the original all the time back in Middle School, and now not only can I enjoy it again, but I can also enjoy all the improvements that this version has to offer. Oh, sweet memories...", "timestamp_created": 1468466630, "timestamp_updated": 1468466630, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501058", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24145583": {"recommendationid": "24145583", "author": {"steamid": "76561198101641419", "num_games_owned": 47, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 561, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506147190}, "language": "english", "review": "This is such an addicting game. You'll start by doing a normal medium challenge, then you'll say, wow that was easy, so then you will try to do an insane run, and love the challenge, you will probably fail a few times but then beat the challenge run on insane. Then you are going to look at all the speedruns. You'll never finish with this game.", "timestamp_created": 1467847061, "timestamp_updated": 1467847061, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24067352": {"recommendationid": "24067352", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142332218", "num_games_owned": 235, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 1045, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506723947}, "language": "english", "review": "I remembered playing Dino Run when it was a flash game on Newgrounds, so when I saw the deluxe Steam edition on [url=https://chrono.gg/]Chrono.gg[/url] for cheap I had to pick up a copy for old time's sake.\n\nDino Run DX is every bit as fun, silly, and frustrating as I remember. The mechanics are simple: run from one end of a chaotic obstacle course to the other, avoiding the wall of imminent death chasing you down. Along the way there are secrets to find (if you have the time and the skill), pickups and little critters to devour to improve your dino (and for achievements), and challenges and speedruns to complete on several different difficulties (for kicks). And before I go any further, there are hats. If you play Team Fortress 2, Dino Run DX is right up your alley.\n\nThe speedruns aren't that bad on higher difficulties (except for Nobody Likes You). For the most part, they're just [i]longer[/i]. If you can pick up the gameplay fast enough there's no reason to do the lower-difficulty runs if you're after the achievements, since completing on Hard or Insane will also count as a completion on Medium.\n\nSpeaking of achievements, Dino Run DX has some bugs related to the them and to the leaderboards. Like [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/248330/discussions/0/350533172692349981/]others[/url] I was unable to get the Bronzed and Silverado achievements unlocked until I got all the gold trophies for the Goldie achievement. I was also able to get the Easter Bunny achievement without finding all the large eggs just by grabbing the Bronto Egg in [spoiler]Beyond Apocalypse[/spoiler]. Lastly, I had a similar problem to [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/248330/discussions/0/490124466452820334/#c451852118779780352]this user[/url] during one run, and an instance where I fell through the world and was able to make an insane time on another. Between these two buggy runs I was able to boost myself to #20 on the overall leaderboard, which I don't actually deserve.\n\nThere were a few times when I managed to glitch my way into walls and couldn't escape, destroying an otherwise perfect run, but with the exception of weird world geometry there are very few problems with the gameplay. If it's cheap, why not? Even 100% completed Dino Run DX is a great time waster.", "timestamp_created": 1467597237, "timestamp_updated": 1467597237, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23957840": {"recommendationid": "23957840", "author": {"steamid": "76561198211524284", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2107, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472140486}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041f\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0435\u0440 \u0441 \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u0439 \u043f\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u0430\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0435\u0439, \u0438 \"\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0448\u043d\u044b\u043c 8-\u0431\u0438\u0442\u043d\u044b\u043c\" \u0437\u0432\u0443\u043a\u043e\u0432\u044b\u043c \u0441\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435\u043c!\n\u041e\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0441\u044c \u0441 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0432 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u044b\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0435\u043c \u0431\u0440\u0430\u0443\u0437\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0435, \u0438 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0438 \u0440\u0435\u0448\u0438\u043b\u0430, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u043e\u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0442\u043e\u0438\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e, \u0447\u0442\u043e\u0431 \u0432\u043e\u0437\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0435\u0439 \u0434\u043e\u043b\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438 \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435 (\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043d\u043e, \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043d\u043e, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0442\u0435 \u0436\u0435 \u0448\u0430\u043f\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0435 \u043d\u0435 \u043e\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0441\u044f\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043a \u043c\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u043c \u043e\u0434\u0435\u0436\u043a\u0430\u043c, \u0445\u043e\u0442\u044f \u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c \u0431\u044b, \u044d\u0442\u043e \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f)", "timestamp_created": 1467300489, "timestamp_updated": 1467300489, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.531463", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23937910": {"recommendationid": "23937910", "author": {"steamid": "76561198241003016", "num_games_owned": 31, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1476, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503947154}, "language": "english", "review": "So much flippin' worth it. I've known this game since it was only in browser version, then bought the SE version when it came out... and then, a couple of years later, i think that it's been a long time since i've last heard of this game, and i go check out again, and guess what i see : BOOM, Dino Run DX. ON SALE, more than that. I buy it (almost no hesitation), play it : turned out bringing me a great taste of childhood nostalgia plus the excitment of an improved version of a game that was already fun and addictive back when it was just a browser game.\nSo yeah, REALLY worth the cost ! It's fun, addictive, it has multiplayer, simple yet beautiful retro graphics, and enough challenges and content to last a good while (and HATS. FREE HATS). Tem at a tem, would totally recommend.", "timestamp_created": 1467237540, "timestamp_updated": 1467237540, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23931226": {"recommendationid": "23931226", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043359030", "num_games_owned": 42, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1120, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514406685}, "language": "english", "review": "Love this game back in the day! I It opens quickly and doesn't freeze. I use it as break time during study.\n\nsound track is amzing and the haloween level is a tricky sort of delight.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1467222294, "timestamp_updated": 1467222294, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23913211": {"recommendationid": "23913211", "author": {"steamid": "76561198309813049", "num_games_owned": 10, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 133, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486857921}, "language": "english", "review": "loved it ever since i was a kid", "timestamp_created": 1467170022, "timestamp_updated": 1467170022, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.524631", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23818879": {"recommendationid": "23818879", "author": {"steamid": "76561198154279957", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 62, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458114957}, "language": "english", "review": "hey thats pretty good", "timestamp_created": 1466926678, "timestamp_updated": 1466926678, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495575", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23814791": {"recommendationid": "23814791", "author": {"steamid": "76561198080101278", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 171, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481350878}, "language": "english", "review": "last i played this game was like 10 years ago. this game is my zelda. this game brought me days of countless fun as a kid, and now i get to relive it. the developers seem cool, the game is a blast for what it is, and it still hasnt gotten old after all these years.\n\n\n\nDino run? more like\n\nDino FUN", "timestamp_created": 1466915097, "timestamp_updated": 1466915097, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 23, "votes_funny": 6, "weighted_vote_score": "0.730949", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23812156": {"recommendationid": "23812156", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044425798", "num_games_owned": 118, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 96, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487606482}, "language": "english", "review": "My dino...has a [i]hat[/i]. 10/10.\n(I've actually played this game a lot on Kongregate before it was on Steam, it's just a great game overall.)\n(...and... apparently I tried to post this review after a minute of playing it, so that tells you how good it is too.)", "timestamp_created": 1466907478, "timestamp_updated": 1466907478, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23747869": {"recommendationid": "23747869", "author": {"steamid": "76561198253846720", "num_games_owned": 133, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 418, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506441631}, "language": "english", "review": "NOSTALGIA\n\nI remember those ancient times I played this online...\nAnd now it\u00b4s on Steam since 2014?!?! How could I have missed this?\nThis might look ridiculous, but it\u00b4s one of the funniest and cutest pixelart games in my opinion. For me, Dino Run DX is also one of the first games I remember playing. My skills have decrased a lot since then, but I am still enjoying this. Of course, this is not a thing you can play for weeks and hundreds of hours, but a run is always fun! 5,99$ is probably a little too much money, but when it\u00b4s on sale it\u00b4s absolutely worth.\n\nTHE END", "timestamp_created": 1466754222, "timestamp_updated": 1483208677, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.460526", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23729490": {"recommendationid": "23729490", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060602549", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 199, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486299152}, "language": "english", "review": "Very addictive and fast paced gameplay. The 8-bit graphics fit the gameplay and also allow for it to run on low-end PC's. I think \u00a310.99 is a bit steep though, so I think you should get in a sale or directly from them via their website (they give the Steam copy).", "timestamp_created": 1466698440, "timestamp_updated": 1466698440, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23634527": {"recommendationid": "23634527", "author": {"steamid": "76561198214130008", "num_games_owned": 17, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1996, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515292600}, "language": "english", "review": "Man, this version is great, and I come from SE, i love the stable framerate and the extras.\nMultiplayer is not as active sadly but offline is still a blast.\n\nJust one question, is there a seed code for the original 7/8 levels of challenge mode from the other versions?", "timestamp_created": 1466264864, "timestamp_updated": 1466264864, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23570931": {"recommendationid": "23570931", "author": {"steamid": "76561198294358025", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1024, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498009204}, "language": "english", "review": "Really fun game! Good way to relive your childhood.", "timestamp_created": 1466003264, "timestamp_updated": 1466003264, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.466321", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23380088": {"recommendationid": "23380088", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059459555", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 534, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507436048}, "language": "english", "review": "Quando tive o meu primeiro contato com um computador (meados de 2008), esse foi um dos jogos que eu mais jogava, acho que no site da desenvolvedora, quando o vi na steam a nostalgia bateu, comprei.\n\nPros:\n-Dinossauros\n-Muitos itens de customiza\u00e7\u00e3o\n-Muitos desafios pra se cumprir\n\nContras\n-Repetitivo com o tempo\n-Multiplayer n\u00e3o tem ningu\u00e9m\n-Posso jogar gratuitamente do site da desenvolvedora\n\nNota 6/10\n\nComprei mesmo pra ajudar a produtora a fazer Dino Run 2 (que \u00e9 jogo que espero faz tempo), mas n\u00e3o recomendo comprar", "timestamp_created": 1465047232, "timestamp_updated": 1507418820, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.494042", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23349298": {"recommendationid": "23349298", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042783058", "num_games_owned": 142, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 358, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454937423}, "language": "english", "review": "A fast-paced, nifty little platformer just like that cool in-browser game you played as a kid.\n\nFilled with challenges, cheats and extras.\n\nLots of medals and milestones to get. Fun and rewarding.", "timestamp_created": 1464894288, "timestamp_updated": 1464894288, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23331093": {"recommendationid": "23331093", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114672583", "num_games_owned": 248, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 504, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508415447}, "language": "english", "review": "Honestly I love this game. so much so I made a series about it for my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bC40Iq3i-I&list=PLs657pfh-MWMwO7VwT8dQ4Nhgfl4Z5zue&index=1. I played the original on the browser and loved it then and now I get to play it on steam whenever I want. I love the pixel graphics, I love the music, I love the whole thing lol. The only thing I wish was reworked or explained better is DNA collection. thats it. Its a simple game that easy if you want or insane if you want it. Get this game for random dino running, bird chomping, work slurping fun. 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1464804147, "timestamp_updated": 1464804147, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23317478": {"recommendationid": "23317478", "author": {"steamid": "76561198244581458", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 152, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492975685}, "language": "english", "review": "Great Game. -FOXY_AND_BONNIEREACT ~8.7/10~", "timestamp_created": 1464735094, "timestamp_updated": 1464735094, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23290345": {"recommendationid": "23290345", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043312841", "num_games_owned": 263, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 394, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464082080}, "language": "english", "review": "good gaem 1/1", "timestamp_created": 1464613831, "timestamp_updated": 1464613831, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497738", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23253865": {"recommendationid": "23253865", "author": {"steamid": "76561198115185611", "num_games_owned": 82, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 24, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464692930}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this game when I was young. Now it's on Steam so I had to buy it!", "timestamp_created": 1464446434, "timestamp_updated": 1464446434, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23210296": {"recommendationid": "23210296", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999453334", "num_games_owned": 513, "num_reviews": 52, "playtime_forever": 31, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471218541}, "language": "english", "review": "excelent game and maybe i'm too much of a simple person buyt I've laughed so much with the hat set. XD", "timestamp_created": 1464222702, "timestamp_updated": 1464222702, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23192539": {"recommendationid": "23192539", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058249215", "num_games_owned": 11, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 85, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464468129}, "language": "english", "review": "If you played the original Dino Run years ago then you're in luck because this is that game, but WAY more fun. If not, it's still a fun game:\nPros:\ncute graphics\nfast gameplay\ndifferent game modes\ntons and tons of hats/masks (puts TF2 to shame lol)\nmultiplayer (race with your friends if you want to)\nnew map everytime (I think)\n\nCons:\nnot for \"hardcore\" gamers\nmultiplayer is kind of baren and not many people are on\n\nBasically it's one of those games you play when you have nothing else to do. But overall it's a fun game. 7.5/10", "timestamp_created": 1464133406, "timestamp_updated": 1464133406, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "4.940886", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23184572": {"recommendationid": "23184572", "author": {"steamid": "76561198130840216", "num_games_owned": 141, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 323, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495573665}, "language": "english", "review": "Its really fun brings back some nostaliga :)", "timestamp_created": 1464104440, "timestamp_updated": 1464104440, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.513566", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23160379": {"recommendationid": "23160379", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999689733", "num_games_owned": 167, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 375, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464379910}, "language": "english", "review": "RUN", "timestamp_created": 1464030769, "timestamp_updated": 1464030769, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23084929": {"recommendationid": "23084929", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997534563", "num_games_owned": 1288, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 7528, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513805760}, "language": "english", "review": "I've been playing this since it first released back on Miniclip in '08 and it's been interesting to watch it evolve as the players grew up with it. Both the game and company have been through a lot of growing to reach where they are now and the latest iteration (DX) is the culmination of every lesson learned along that path. With some old bugs squashed, new features implemented, and hats crammed into every nook and cranny you can find, it's no wonder that the game provides hours of entertainment to players of all ages. What really puts it over the top, though, is the responsiveness and involvement in the community by the developers that you just don't see often enough.\n\nSmall disclaimer that I received the game for free due to doing mounds of beta testing over the years.\n\nLabor of Love", "timestamp_created": 1463680466, "timestamp_updated": 1511394231, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23031394": {"recommendationid": "23031394", "author": {"steamid": "76561198301167299", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 418, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496417620}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is pretty dead now", "timestamp_created": 1463453591, "timestamp_updated": 1512016435, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.555108", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23027675": {"recommendationid": "23027675", "author": {"steamid": "76561198190570195", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 505, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502124905}, "language": "english", "review": "I have played this amazing game since some of the earlier versions were out on other websites and I have enjoyed every moment of this game! The multiplayer feature gave new depth to it as it allowed you to go head-to-head against other players and show of your swag on the lobbies. On boring days I would spend hours completing challeges and getting trophies. Overall I would recomend this game to anyone who wants to not be extinct.\n\nHappy Running!", "timestamp_created": 1463434049, "timestamp_updated": 1463434049, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.489743", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23010387": {"recommendationid": "23010387", "author": {"steamid": "76561198110848529", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1685, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511061143}, "language": "english", "review": "When I started playing this classic back in 2008, it was pure gold. Endless hour and hours of fun made my day. I wish more people could return to play this masterpiece. What would life be without it?", "timestamp_created": 1463352713, "timestamp_updated": 1463352713, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.630886", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22974132": {"recommendationid": "22974132", "author": {"steamid": "76561198145161654", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 225, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512600464}, "language": "english", "review": "I've played this game for years and it's sad to see not that many people playing on multiplayer anymore. The game's still fun and challenging to play, but it's of course more fun to run from the wall of nightmares and doom with your friends.\nAlso, hats.", "timestamp_created": 1463224432, "timestamp_updated": 1463224432, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.555108", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22968645": {"recommendationid": "22968645", "author": {"steamid": "76561198135533913", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 74, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482629417}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome game! Awesome remake of the original. I remember playing this so long ago. Theres so much awesome level design, awesome concept, but a tiny community. \n\nPLS MORE PPL PLAY THIS\n\nMultiplayer is lonely :(", "timestamp_created": 1463200167, "timestamp_updated": 1463200249, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22968253": {"recommendationid": "22968253", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045534868", "num_games_owned": 305, "num_reviews": 287, "playtime_forever": 90, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1463200816}, "language": "english", "review": "The type of game you buy when you own a shitty laptop or something to play in during a uni lecture. Has multiplayer the price isn\u2019t high and would be worth a grab while on sale. The levels get progressively harder and fun and there are updates with newer game modes and new dinos. OG Game 7/10", "timestamp_created": 1463197897, "timestamp_updated": 1463197897, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.532520", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22914540": {"recommendationid": "22914540", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021045004", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 151, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501737469}, "language": "english", "review": "Six bucks is a bit hefty for a small little flash game like this, and truth be told, I think a lot of my personal bias goes towards this game since I have incredibly fond memories of this game as a 5th-7th grader playing it. A decade later and in several years into college, it brought a smile to my face to play it once more with the fantastic soundtrack and clunky mechanics, same as before. Bringing back old memories like that alone is well worth the cost for me. I will say however it does convey the frantic run away from the wall of doom very well, more so than most games I've played. \n\nHowever, if you haven't played this before, there's truthfully not much going for it. It's a simple, straightforward runner game that's probably worth the dosh below the price listed currently. Still, you can tell the game has a lot of heart. The cute animations, the simplistic yet effective mechanics, and in my opinion, a pretty amazing soundtrack despite how small it is. It was original and punchy. Loved it.", "timestamp_created": 1462988243, "timestamp_updated": 1462988915, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504151", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22878070": {"recommendationid": "22878070", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000925931", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 86, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456563059}, "language": "english", "review": "A delightfully silly little waste of time with a colorful retro look, humorous overtones, and a starkly terrifying consequence for not making it to safety in time.", "timestamp_created": 1462793412, "timestamp_updated": 1462793412, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22873883": {"recommendationid": "22873883", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041017157", "num_games_owned": 254, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 864, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471207456}, "language": "english", "review": "It's not a bad game per se, but there are some luck-based shenanigans that rubs me off the wrong way; the dino doesn't feel like jumping at times, thus holes are death traps, stegosaurs and triceratops on steeper slopes are very annoying to pass by, and I would be near the goal, and some meteorite from offscreen land on me and I get caught by the doom.\n\nThere's not much of a learning curve, and it's possible to get some fun in short bursts, although, I'm not really fan of its simplicity and, again, there are quite a lot of moments that kills the fun for me.", "timestamp_created": 1462762224, "timestamp_updated": 1463102467, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.492330", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22802600": {"recommendationid": "22802600", "author": {"steamid": "76561198050050124", "num_games_owned": 150, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 273, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511826095}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is worth the play ive played the origonal and this tops that by alot", "timestamp_created": 1462405365, "timestamp_updated": 1462405365, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22782362": {"recommendationid": "22782362", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116507674", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 252, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486500046}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Es un buen juego que yo jugaba en el 2008 buenos recuerdos me alegro que lo haya comprado", "timestamp_created": 1462301477, "timestamp_updated": 1462301477, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.517788", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22771281": {"recommendationid": "22771281", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075603553", "num_games_owned": 178, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 45, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497639742}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game, played it back in 2007 when it was a flash game. \n\nNever have i felt this much nostalga.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1462241786, "timestamp_updated": 1462241786, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 25, "votes_funny": 7, "weighted_vote_score": "0.674017", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22600639": {"recommendationid": "22600639", "author": {"steamid": "76561198280076940", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 7580, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511055825}, "language": "english", "review": "I accidently jumped on a Parasaurolophus running at an insanely fast speed and started riding him as meteorites started falling all around me at the same time I heroically jumped into the air while still riding the Parasaurolophus and a musical cresceno hit.\n\nNot a bad game for five dollars.", "timestamp_created": 1461463138, "timestamp_updated": 1461463138, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22600325": {"recommendationid": "22600325", "author": {"steamid": "76561198079442467", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 369, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494218355}, "language": "french", "review": "how do we cut the music? and is a pretty nice game i like it :3", "timestamp_created": 1461461422, "timestamp_updated": 1461461422, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22584189": {"recommendationid": "22584189", "author": {"steamid": "76561198064340239", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 131, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468157236}, "language": "english", "review": "noice\n 9.1/9.99", "timestamp_created": 1461405337, "timestamp_updated": 1461405337, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.431873", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22575648": {"recommendationid": "22575648", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047941920", "num_games_owned": 111, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 10750, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511712528}, "language": "english", "review": "This game was part of my childhood, I'm full of nostalgia right now!", "timestamp_created": 1461361407, "timestamp_updated": 1479961191, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 41, "votes_funny": 7, "weighted_vote_score": "0.736815", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22439945": {"recommendationid": "22439945", "author": {"steamid": "76561198156363246", "num_games_owned": 62, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 78, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490299202}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino run DX is a game where you play as a little dinosaur during the apocalypse running from a giant wall of doom. You eat many things along the way such as, eggs, other little dinos and birds. You catch a ride with pterodactyls or ride giant objects or animals, and get powerups that give you a little boost. If you get destroyed from the wall of doom you lose a life sending you back to the beginning of the level, you have 3 in total. When you lose them all, you become extinct forcing you to restart from the start. There are different levels of dificulty to chose from and the game lets you customise your little dino with different hats and choices of skin colour. You can upgrade your dino after every level to increase his speed, acceleration, strength etc... Its a fun, short game and is fun for mostly younger ages, so i recomend you get a young sibling or cousing to play this as they might enjoy this a lot. \n\n\nI know, i only have 44 mins on this game... on steam.\n\nIf i am correct, this is the first video game i have ever played. As a kid, i was bored while my parents we're working, so when my dad showed me a website called miniclip with all these cool \"Video games\" i freaked out, hell, i was scared at the idea of a video game. So i went onto the website for the first time, and like every 5 (6? can't remember that well) year old boy, I LOVED THE DINOSAURS. So when i saw the little dino i clicked on it and played. I played this game so much as a kid and when i saw this on steam, im not gonna lie, i almost cried. \n\nFor those of you who played this as a kid, on whatever website. Buy this game to support whoever made this and enjoy your own personal trip through memory lane.", "timestamp_created": 1460763642, "timestamp_updated": 1460763767, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.572228", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22358506": {"recommendationid": "22358506", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055381563", "num_games_owned": 311, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 256, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514196104}, "language": "english", "review": "Pixelsaurus goes speedy speedy while on an easter egg hunt as it runs from super wall of doom and leaves friends to die. What a selfish bastard. \n\nGood game though.", "timestamp_created": 1460390690, "timestamp_updated": 1460390690, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22308792": {"recommendationid": "22308792", "author": {"steamid": "76561198137092033", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 39, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468381477}, "language": "english", "review": "Approved for earth and mars", "timestamp_created": 1460157525, "timestamp_updated": 1460157525, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22263006": {"recommendationid": "22263006", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067427672", "num_games_owned": 75, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 380, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477190442}, "language": "english", "review": "sweet af", "timestamp_created": 1459912634, "timestamp_updated": 1459912634, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22207099": {"recommendationid": "22207099", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076694210", "num_games_owned": 54, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 588, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482960713}, "language": "english", "review": "10/10 would survive again", "timestamp_created": 1459637173, "timestamp_updated": 1459637173, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22186914": {"recommendationid": "22186914", "author": {"steamid": "76561198259839350", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2530, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505950835}, "language": "english", "review": "It's a good game. I played the web browser version on miniclip and i remember having so much fun. It's cool to see it updated and stuff", "timestamp_created": 1459552844, "timestamp_updated": 1459552844, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22154927": {"recommendationid": "22154927", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061803735", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 80, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478746570}, "language": "english", "review": "How much can I recommend this? I suppose it depends on how much you played the original. Dino Run DX, for all that \"Deluxe\" implies, feels like an exact port of the old flash game. Glitches, visual bugs and all. These are things we were happy to put up with when it was free, but to pay money for an edition that doesn't really improve on it at all is disappointing. More notable is the failure of multiplayer- indeed, it's essentially dead now, and all the \"players\" you'll see there appear to be kids using it as a chatroom. When I say dead, I mean DEAD, by the way. I haven't played a single online game yet, and doubt I will.\n\nAnother negative thing about the game is the bizarre controls. For some reason, your little dino doesn't control very predictably. Jump height varies seemingly randomly, and goes off in strange directions, so leaping for tantalizingly placed eggs can be an exercise in frustration. The result is that simply moving around isn't as fun as it should be. To be fair, this is a problem with the original game as well, but it's a surprisingly big issue, as it cuts down on the replay value immensely for me.\n\nWhat can I say that's positive? Well, it's cute, it's charming, it's lovely to look at. It sounds pretty good, to boot. The pixel art is a blend of the old and new - the pixelation and limited colors we might associate with old Atari games, but without any of the limitations, like those on sprite count or scrolling. Dino Run is, well, a modern game in a cute pixel style, but it is important to note that as a 2007 release this game (and the studio that made it, Pixeljam) actually pioneered the style before most other indie titles. There's a ton of hats to collect, eggs and special eggs to find, and it can be fun. But it's hard to overlook its shortcomings when you're paying for it.\n\nLook, I'm a longtime fan of Pixeljam. I love their art, music, and their games. I'd like to see their games come to other platforms (Gamma Bros. on 3DS would be sweet - just sayin'). But I'm not really happy with the state of this Steam release. I'm happy to have supported one of my favorite studios, but unfortunately this will be finding its way into my \"uninterested\" game folder.", "timestamp_created": 1459401661, "timestamp_updated": 1459401661, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.588792", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22082437": {"recommendationid": "22082437", "author": {"steamid": "76561198133798685", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 2510, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501258126}, "language": "french", "review": "Lovely game! Pixeljam is really good at making games like this,it's funny,a bit stressful when we play on insane and it shows us that even a team with 6 members can do the better than a team with 60 members.20/20,imagine how Dino run 2 would be awesome if it did get funded!", "timestamp_created": 1459077513, "timestamp_updated": 1459077513, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22052538": {"recommendationid": "22052538", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008900293", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 154, "playtime_forever": 902, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513828401}, "language": "english", "review": "It is a really good game.", "timestamp_created": 1458948223, "timestamp_updated": 1458948223, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21950592": {"recommendationid": "21950592", "author": {"steamid": "76561198092029204", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 124, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477286886}, "language": "english", "review": "Horrible game, mulitplayer is DEAD, just a few people who script and don't even play in chat, music is like something from atari, Controler does not work in multiplayer but does in single player, no local multiplayer or split screen. And gameplay is dry, I regret spending money on this, and will now and forever bad mouth this game. A poor lazy excuse for a game.", "timestamp_created": 1458498012, "timestamp_updated": 1458498012, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.384757", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21917170": {"recommendationid": "21917170", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062782542", "num_games_owned": 257, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 94, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483578702}, "language": "english", "review": "Don't get extincted. The flash game is back and better than ever for a very reasonable price. If you ever played this game in its web-based flash version then spending a few dollars on this one is worth it for the occasional short term joy you'll get from it. \n\nNot something to play for hours every day, but a perfect time killer.", "timestamp_created": 1458368230, "timestamp_updated": 1458368230, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499773", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21898660": {"recommendationid": "21898660", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025604634", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 92, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504576730}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run is life: You run straight forward as fast as you can to escape all the perils and there is no guarantee that you will survive. Orr maybe it is just a dumb flash game moved to Steam for some mindess enjoyment. When you are done, your reward is more running until you die a natural death doom catches up with you. Somehow a natural death is still more preferable, trust me, you don't want the doom. \n\nJokes aside, I will offer a short practical review, and a longer more picked apart analysis. \n\nPractically, this game has a tiny community, but each match is short and since matches are managed by a host, you can start with anywhere from 2-6 players depending on interest. Often it will be just 2 or 3, as that will be the entirety of players in the lobby. No link to steam accounts*, so you will have to make your own Xgen account. This is a pixel game with simple controls that anyone that can play Super Mario Bros. can pick up with ease, albeit learning what does what, while optional, is helpful in regards to the plants. The cost... well it is a browser game so play it on the Xgen website and then make up your mind whether you want to get the Steam version. \n\nOn a deeper level, I was only half-joking about my first paragraph. While I doubt that was the intended effect, the game does feel rather dark and pessimistic at times for those that care about the ambience, pessimistic in a way that reflects reality. A sense of one's very survival being so fleeting that there is no time to live, only time to fear doom. Such is adult life, and such it has been since the beginning of mankind. The music and atmousphere can be anywhere from mildly inviting to outright depressing. Of course, I doubt most players will really notice or be concerned about this part.\n\n\n*This has been changed. You can now log in with your Steam account.", "timestamp_created": 1458283382, "timestamp_updated": 1469905471, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499773", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21851063": {"recommendationid": "21851063", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036272830", "num_games_owned": 293, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 82, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458044903}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun little game that's great for burning time when you have time to burn. Charming and addicting, love it.", "timestamp_created": 1458044458, "timestamp_updated": 1458044458, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21630215": {"recommendationid": "21630215", "author": {"steamid": "76561198088279114", "num_games_owned": 81, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 439, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512005151}, "language": "english", "review": "Now THIS is a game i've loved since i was 7 or 8. guess what. 17 now, and that STILL hasn't truckin' changed. \n\n10/10\n\nBonus point for adorable little pixel dinos.\n\n11/10", "timestamp_created": 1457135538, "timestamp_updated": 1457135538, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.555108", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21598843": {"recommendationid": "21598843", "author": {"steamid": "76561198123065847", "num_games_owned": 35, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 46, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471599054}, "language": "english", "review": "jii", "timestamp_created": 1456994697, "timestamp_updated": 1456994697, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.490658", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21465611": {"recommendationid": "21465611", "author": {"steamid": "76561198201973363", "num_games_owned": 109, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 737, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488294589}, "language": "english", "review": "love it, ive been playing this game ever since i was a kid ^-^ \nthey have had a lot of improvements over the years and even to this day i enjoy this game\nworth the money :DD", "timestamp_created": 1456449353, "timestamp_updated": 1456449353, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499773", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21440143": {"recommendationid": "21440143", "author": {"steamid": "76561198057621667", "num_games_owned": 116, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 625, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455352167}, "language": "english", "review": "One word: RUN.", "timestamp_created": 1456388898, "timestamp_updated": 1456388898, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502260", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21421070": {"recommendationid": "21421070", "author": {"steamid": "76561198260332303", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 329, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477731070}, "language": "english", "review": "My new favourite game on steam!", "timestamp_created": 1456304059, "timestamp_updated": 1456304059, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21395679": {"recommendationid": "21395679", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998857556", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 225, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477708834}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Prob\u00e9 la versiones flash y exe. Tenerla en Steam es una enorme comodidad, sobre todo con su brillante sistema de actualizaciones. Es un juego con muchisimo mas potencial que el que todav\u00eda expres\u00f3.", "timestamp_created": 1456183946, "timestamp_updated": 1456183946, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21365280": {"recommendationid": "21365280", "author": {"steamid": "76561198120511780", "num_games_owned": 89, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 396, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491678226}, "language": "english", "review": "Dinosaurs, awesome music, DOOM. What's not to love, this game is fun, cheap and sometimes hard AND I LOVE IT!", "timestamp_created": 1456064933, "timestamp_updated": 1516379041, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.513566", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21280822": {"recommendationid": "21280822", "author": {"steamid": "76561198284279598", "num_games_owned": 3, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 843, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509119286}, "language": "english", "review": "Really unique and fun game, you don't normally see a dinosaur game as good as this ( no offense haha ). Although the multiplayer lobbies can be a bit barren sometimes you can always pass the time in singleplayer. I really like how it looks in general, not just pixels but the landscapes are shaped realistically too. Freerun is great for me since I don't have to always chat in the lobbies anymore with my friends, good job Pixeljam, hope to see more updates soon!", "timestamp_created": 1455737358, "timestamp_updated": 1455737358, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21246920": {"recommendationid": "21246920", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027953392", "num_games_owned": 302, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 292, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456128935}, "language": "english", "review": "Man, I missed this game so much. \n\nIt fills me with joy to see my dino eat, collect and run itself into extinction because I forgot that one tree breaks if you land on it.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1455604695, "timestamp_updated": 1455604695, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21241913": {"recommendationid": "21241913", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013032200", "num_games_owned": 509, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 914, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456293634}, "language": "english", "review": "\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc40 good shit go\u0c66\u0501 sHit\ud83d\udc4c thats \u2714 some good\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4cshit right\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4cthere\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c right\u2714there \u2714\u2714if i do \u01bda\u04af so my self \ud83d\udcaf i say so \ud83d\udcaf thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: \u02b3\u1da6\u1d4d\u02b0\u1d57 \u1d57\u02b0\u1d49\u02b3\u1d49) mMMMM\u13b7\u041c\ud83d\udcaf \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c \ud83d\udc4c\u041dO0\u041e\u0b20OOOOO\u041e\u0b20\u0b20Oooo\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\u1d52\ud83d\udc4c \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c \ud83d\udc4c \ud83d\udcaf \ud83d\udc4c \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4cGood shit", "timestamp_created": 1455579865, "timestamp_updated": 1455579865, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21138326": {"recommendationid": "21138326", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119533238", "num_games_owned": 104, "num_reviews": 71, "playtime_forever": 32, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508718264}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run DX is the steam version of the Miniclip game Dino Run. While it does the same thing as the online version, the steam version has multiplayer and lots of customizables. It also runs much smoother than the online version and is a better experience for someone who loves this game. It's great for all ages and is a good time killer.", "timestamp_created": 1455229759, "timestamp_updated": 1455229759, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21127926": {"recommendationid": "21127926", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028333265", "num_games_owned": 589, "num_reviews": 278, "playtime_forever": 568, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496924609}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u043b\u0438\u0448\u043a\u043e\u043c \u0441\u043a\u0443\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0433\u0435\u0439\u043c\u043f\u043b\u044d\u0439, \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0439, \u0441\u044e\u0436\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0435 \u044f\u0441\u0435\u043d, \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0430\u0435\u0442. \u0420\u0430\u0434\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u043f\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u0438\u0440, \u043d\u043e \u043e\u0442 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u044f \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b \u0447\u0435\u0433\u043e-\u0442\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435. \u041c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u044d\u0435\u0440 \u0440\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0435\u043f\u043e\u043d\u044f\u0442\u043d\u043e \u043a\u0430\u043a. \u0412 \u0446\u0435\u043b\u043e\u043c \u043e\u0442 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u044d\u043c\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0439, \u0445\u043e\u0442\u044f \u0437\u0430\u0434\u0443\u043c\u043a\u0430 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043d\u0430\u044f.", "timestamp_created": 1455201188, "timestamp_updated": 1455201188, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.359350", "comment_count": "6", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21115488": {"recommendationid": "21115488", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062716689", "num_games_owned": 68, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 60, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455067415}, "language": "english", "review": "good game 4/5", "timestamp_created": 1455148974, "timestamp_updated": 1455148974, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21068842": {"recommendationid": "21068842", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078317925", "num_games_owned": 118, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1032, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511939349}, "language": "english", "review": "5 bucks for a nostalgia syringe and a few hours of fun in short bursts. oldie but a goodie, yes gimme it MMMmmmmm", "timestamp_created": 1454994827, "timestamp_updated": 1454994827, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21066312": {"recommendationid": "21066312", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114932312", "num_games_owned": 163, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 499, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471306048}, "language": "english", "review": "Nostalgic review commence.\n\nIt's been so long since I've played this game that I've forgotten about it all together, but as soon as I saw it on a friend's wishlist,\nI instantly felt all the memories flowing back.\nI had so much fun with DinoCity that I felt like I was an actual caveman beating up dinosaurs just for fun.\n\nKilling scaly creatures was so satisfying that I even made a game called Dino Run, because I liked Sonic and DinoCity,\nIt was truly amazing for my simple mind, I still can't believe I actually did something with my life.\n\n\nJust kidding, I'm a stupid shit, I couldn't make anything like this ever.\nBut I did have tons of memories of this game, almost dying from a big black cloud of unknown substance.\nIt truly spooked my idiotic self when I was younger.\n\nIf you got some extra cash and some coolguys to play this with.\nTry it out, it's great for those times that you have nothing better to do, like 80% of the games on Steam.", "timestamp_created": 1454983320, "timestamp_updated": 1454983666, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.488889", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21014759": {"recommendationid": "21014759", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000083769", "num_games_owned": 121, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 234, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454900998}, "language": "english", "review": "Used to play this game a lot when I was 13. I'm 21 now and it's just as good as I remembered.", "timestamp_created": 1454815962, "timestamp_updated": 1454815962, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20972288": {"recommendationid": "20972288", "author": {"steamid": "76561198279671581", "num_games_owned": 14, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 220, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495048178}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "joguem comigo por favoooooooooooor", "timestamp_created": 1454688681, "timestamp_updated": 1454688681, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499775", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20868401": {"recommendationid": "20868401", "author": {"steamid": "76561198135506589", "num_games_owned": 50, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 958, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509849032}, "language": "english", "review": "I played this game years ago as a free flash game. It's worth it coming back again and playing just because of how fun it is. Definitely worth trying out.", "timestamp_created": 1454234418, "timestamp_updated": 1454234418, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20858899": {"recommendationid": "20858899", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069291523", "num_games_owned": 166, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 630, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455423742}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Hace mucho que yo juego al Dino Run. Desde que tuve Steam, siempre quice que sacaran alg\u00fan Dino Run para Stema y finalmente lo lograron.\nEste juego me enacanta mucho. Se trata sobre un dinosaurio, que puedes personalizarlo con colores y sombreros, y tiene que excapar de la extinci\u00f3n.\nTiene un multijugador, para aumentar la diversi\u00f3n, con sistema de puntuaci\u00f3n y niveles.\n\nT\u00fa solo corre, corre como si no hubiera un ma\u00f1ana... Y no te olvides de saltar.", "timestamp_created": 1454192684, "timestamp_updated": 1454192684, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.545455", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20837427": {"recommendationid": "20837427", "author": {"steamid": "76561198108489662", "num_games_owned": 67, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 2370, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476657376}, "language": "english", "review": "I first started playing this game when it was released on Miniclip back in '08 and I was immediately hooked. I liked the graphics, the music, I played it daily. Then after forgetting it existed for a few years, I stumbled upon Pixeljam's campaign to revitalise this game. Too bad Dino Run 2 failed, I guess. I honestly think this is better anyway. You can't really make a successful sequel to an endless runner without ruining it. I've had 15 hours of play in the last 2 days, so that sort of shows how much of a nerd I am. This new desktop version has an improved speedrun mode, with seeds, and there really isn't a need for cheats when you can enable and disable them on the fly in freerun mode. With good art, a nice soundtrack, and easy-to-exploit goodies links, I'm rating this game a solid 5/7.", "timestamp_created": 1454115070, "timestamp_updated": 1454115070, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20832294": {"recommendationid": "20832294", "author": {"steamid": "76561198180284799", "num_games_owned": 241, "num_reviews": 136, "playtime_forever": 32, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454096620}, "language": "english", "review": "I love dinosaurs, I love pixeled games, I love 2d games in general, I love customization, I love survival, I love multiplayer.", "timestamp_created": 1454095742, "timestamp_updated": 1454095742, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20817470": {"recommendationid": "20817470", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019820760", "num_games_owned": 333, "num_reviews": 83, "playtime_forever": 10, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454032516}, "language": "english", "review": "Exceptionally litte content for $6. You race a very short (like 2 min) race to the end, and then that's it. The old online version was far better than this.\n\nNot to mention there is DRM.", "timestamp_created": 1454033475, "timestamp_updated": 1454033475, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.428913", "comment_count": "6", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20817001": {"recommendationid": "20817001", "author": {"steamid": "76561198140189947", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 34, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454032502}, "language": "english", "review": "I loved this game when I was a kid but there isn't any thing to do, no one is ever online and they don't teach you how to make a online game or it's bugged", "timestamp_created": 1454031040, "timestamp_updated": 1454031217, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.371405", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20804379": {"recommendationid": "20804379", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990947284", "num_games_owned": 3791, "num_reviews": 378, "playtime_forever": 219, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471951298}, "language": "english", "review": "So I've played this game for hours and hours in my browser. And now a better version is on Steam. You should grab it if you played the upper mentioned version before since it comes with lots of improvements. Also, hats.", "timestamp_created": 1453987933, "timestamp_updated": 1453987933, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.517045", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20783976": {"recommendationid": "20783976", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966219930", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 52, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453895368}, "language": "english", "review": "I loved this flash game, so I'm happy to give the devs some money. It's beautiful, and the physics feel nice and sticky, like you're always fighting against boulders and other dinos. I wish there was proper controller support, though, so you could control the whole game from the controller instead of just your dinos - enabale it for the menus and such. Some of the cooler hats should probably need to be unlocked, but I can play as a little Sandman raptor so its cool.", "timestamp_created": 1453895655, "timestamp_updated": 1453895655, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20779793": {"recommendationid": "20779793", "author": {"steamid": "76561198014306402", "num_games_owned": 1001, "num_reviews": 139, "playtime_forever": 30, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471858255}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u4ee5\u524d\u5728Kongregate\u73a9\u8fc7\uff0c\u5f88\u6709\u610f\u601d\u7684\u8dd1\u9177\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u5404\u79cd\u9690\u85cf\u548c\u6536\u96c6\u8981\u7d20\uff0c\u867d\u713618\u770b\u8d77\u6765\u8fd8\u662f\u6709\u4e9b\u5c0f\u8d35\uff0c\u4f46\u5f00\u53d1\u5546\u51e0\u4e4e10\u5e74\u91cc\u4e0d\u65ad\u66f4\u65b0\u4e1c\u897f\uff0c\u5f88\u4e0d\u9519\u4e86", "timestamp_created": 1453870602, "timestamp_updated": 1453870907, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519841", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20733313": {"recommendationid": "20733313", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062661147", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 461, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497059950}, "language": "english", "review": "Oh yeah, I remember playing the shit out of this game on the web version and I oh so enjoyed it, there were some features that were available when you donated to pixeljam on the web version, but buying it on steam gives you all of the content available including whatyou had to donate to get on the web version. Long story short, I sooooo reccomend this game for ANYONE who played the web version.", "timestamp_created": 1453665432, "timestamp_updated": 1453665432, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20688446": {"recommendationid": "20688446", "author": {"steamid": "76561198148759766", "num_games_owned": 207, "num_reviews": 65, "playtime_forever": 163, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 4, "last_played": 1516195748}, "language": "english", "review": "Run or you die. Best run from your impending doom due to the world not giving enough of a shit about dinosaurs simulator. 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1453504069, "timestamp_updated": 1453504221, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.515622", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20676110": {"recommendationid": "20676110", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062232099", "num_games_owned": 5111, "num_reviews": 285, "playtime_forever": 3544, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478107435}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run or Escape Extinction: The original Dino Run (also titled Escape Extinction) was released on the 30th April, 2008. In that time the game has been played over one hundred million times making it one of the most successful flash games ever developed.\n\nThe original is still widely available\u2026 for FREE!: Although Pixeljam promises that DX has made significant improvements over the original it\u2019s a hard argument to justify purchasing this over playing the original flash games. There\u2019s additional game play options, more levels and more hats in the DX version of the game. Of course, Pixeljam have taken complete advantage of what Steam can provide for players \u2013 achievements, full screen mode, Steamworks integration,\n\nBut what exactly is it? Dino Run bills itself as one of the first ever runner games. It\u2019s certainly the first ever prehistoric runner game. The objective is to take your dino to the end of each level before the dreaded doomsday beats you to it. Once completely engulfed by doom your round is over. However, if you beat it to the end you get to continue. Of course, there are bonuses and traps along the way that will either aide you in your journey or hinder you. At the latter levels these traps can become immediately deadly. In the earlier levels they can still be deadly but you are given a little more leeway than you are later on. One of the best things about the game is that the levels are randomly generated. This avoids the pitfall that games can feel repetitive.\n\nMultiplayer: One of the major selling points for Dino Run DX is the addition of multiplayer and the level sharing feature. The latter, especially, gives the game a much needed shot in the arm and extends the potential of the game almost limitlessly. Of course, when you have a daily peak of just 8 players and an all-time peak of 74 you really need to increase that for the title to see the best that it can be.\n\nIt really boils down to the value proposition: Are you a fan of Dino Run? Then this is a no brainer for you. You\u2019ve likely already got the game or you didn\u2019t know that it was on Steam \u2013 in which case hopefully I\u2019ve brought it to your attention. If you haven\u2019t played it before then I suggest you give the free flash version a try and if you like it by all means jump into the game and purchase it off of Steam. The value is there for fans of the game.\n\nFor similar reviews and our daily giveaways please visit http://www.steamified.com/", "timestamp_created": 1453458301, "timestamp_updated": 1453458301, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.591439", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20631333": {"recommendationid": "20631333", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067515023", "num_games_owned": 690, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 81, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454564527}, "language": "english", "review": "One of my favorite internet browser games from years ago remade and brought to steam. Can only get better from here.", "timestamp_created": 1453239895, "timestamp_updated": 1453239895, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20518959": {"recommendationid": "20518959", "author": {"steamid": "76561197986529486", "num_games_owned": 474, "num_reviews": 282, "playtime_forever": 46, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504317450}, "language": "english", "review": "Rad as hell. Played this back in the day on Kongregate, absolutely happy to give this developer money.", "timestamp_created": 1452760694, "timestamp_updated": 1452760694, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20463876": {"recommendationid": "20463876", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048752110", "num_games_owned": 160, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 81, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466235536}, "language": "english", "review": "It's been a long, long time since I played the origninal on newgrounds years ago. Yet it still holds the same addictive charm for me today as it did back then. \n\nYou're a dinosaur \nthe world is ending\noutrun the end of the world \nwin the game and party \n\nIt's not quite an endless runner, in the sense that you finish most levels within a minute or so. But the levels themselves can randomize and switch up (and there's 2 other campaigns to run other than the classic) so there's still variety to enjoy.\n\nI don't think I'd really go out of my way to recommend the game as anything super-fantastic, but it's certainly a fun little game and worth some of your time and nostalgia.", "timestamp_created": 1452492848, "timestamp_updated": 1452492848, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20437682": {"recommendationid": "20437682", "author": {"steamid": "76561198118550604", "num_games_owned": 71, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 237, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480034272}, "language": "english", "review": "I started playing this game at a very young age and I loved it so much. One day I was fortunate enough to come across it once again on steam and i bought it right away. It is so awesome to see how far this game has come since I started playing it so long ago. It is a very simple game but yet very addictive. I hope to play it even more in the future <3", "timestamp_created": 1452394851, "timestamp_updated": 1452394851, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20342603": {"recommendationid": "20342603", "author": {"steamid": "76561198256075514", "num_games_owned": 64, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 544, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493607263}, "language": "english", "review": "Last level insane mode.\nI am significantly sweaty.\n\nAlmost safe.\nGet strength flower.\nSee Triceratops in distance.\nDoom wall creeps ever closer.\n\nFlower runs out.\n\nTriceratops prepares to meet his maker, he's had a good long life.\nTriceratops runs right for me.\nI bounce back dramatically.\nThe doom wall devours us both.\n\nI love this game 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1452058654, "timestamp_updated": 1452058654, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20311568": {"recommendationid": "20311568", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103575979", "num_games_owned": 214, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 240, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508032154}, "language": "english", "review": "I played and enjoyed the flash version of this, so I bought the new Steam version. The multiplayer was a bit of a let-down, though. I was expecting the ability to play the normal campaign levels in multiplayer, together. The only multiplayer levels there are, however, are race levels (where two or more players race to the finish of a pretty short level). I was expecting a co-op survival type of thing, but I guess the racing will do.", "timestamp_created": 1451960479, "timestamp_updated": 1451960479, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20303617": {"recommendationid": "20303617", "author": {"steamid": "76561198239068134", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1772, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496626444}, "language": "english", "review": "Pros:\n-Small but good community\n-many cosmetics to choose from\n-hours of spicy dino content\n-NOSTALGIA-TRIP BABY\n\nCons:\n-Even though the communtiy is good, it is very small and it can be difficult to find players on multiplayer \n-Hasn't recieved an update in a while, but the game is still fun", "timestamp_created": 1451939738, "timestamp_updated": 1491799659, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20226644": {"recommendationid": "20226644", "author": {"steamid": "76561198182128207", "num_games_owned": 56, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1544, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487887810}, "language": "english", "review": "Okay, so i was looking on steam for a new game to buy, i saw dinorun DX for only 5 dollars. I think to my self, OH MY GAWD I REMEMBER DIS GAME FROM WHEN IT WAS A BABY FLASH GAME!- then i buy it. \nPros\n-Plop a banana on a dinosaur\n- Awesome multiplayer\n- HATS HATS HATS HATS\n-you can do dinosaur thinks, like go extinct,eat,and ride other dinosaurs.\n- Soon to be added free run mode but you can play it in beta for FREEEE\nCons\n-not many players\nBUY this game while Its a baby and has a small player base. this game is awesome. BE A PIXLE-SAURUS!", "timestamp_created": 1451760327, "timestamp_updated": 1451760327, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20216401": {"recommendationid": "20216401", "author": {"steamid": "76561198241389646", "num_games_owned": 24, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 264, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446644021}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Correr e correr jogo se baseia nisso.", "timestamp_created": 1451741368, "timestamp_updated": 1451741368, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20202384": {"recommendationid": "20202384", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976422766", "num_games_owned": 229, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 133, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511349005}, "language": "english", "review": "Very cute and fun enough said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1451703837, "timestamp_updated": 1451703837, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20056085": {"recommendationid": "20056085", "author": {"steamid": "76561198183399739", "num_games_owned": 815, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 2288, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474320105}, "language": "english", "review": "Childhood~ So much childhoooooooooooood~\nJust as fun as I remember, now with hats~", "timestamp_created": 1451361995, "timestamp_updated": 1451362032, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.533371", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19965575": {"recommendationid": "19965575", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993039039", "num_games_owned": 1768, "num_reviews": 166, "playtime_forever": 432, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484632651}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0415\u0449\u0435 \u0432 2011\u043e\u043c \u0433\u043e\u0434\u0443 \u044f \u0432\u043b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u0441\u044f \u0432 \u044d\u0442\u0443 \u0447\u0443\u0434\u043d\u0443\u044e \u043f\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0443\u044e \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0448\u043a\u0443. \u0414\u043d\u044f\u043c\u0438 \u0438 \u043d\u043e\u0447\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u044f \u0442\u0430\u043c \u0437\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043f\u0430\u043b \u0438 \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u043e\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u044b\u0448\u043b\u0430 \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435! \u0410\u0447\u0438\u0432\u043a\u0438, \u043a\u0443\u0447\u0430 \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043a \u0442\u0432\u043e\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e, \u043a\u0443\u0447\u0430 \u0448\u043b\u044f\u043f... \u041d\u043e \u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440? \u0422\u043e, \u0432 \u0447\u0435\u043c \u0431\u044b\u043b \u0441\u0430\u043c\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u043e\u043a \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435 - \u043c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440, \u0432 \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043c \u044f \u043d\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0448\u0435\u043b \u043d\u0438 \u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e(!) \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043a\u0430... \u0422\u0430\u043a \u0447\u0442\u043e, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0445\u043e\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043d\u044f\u0442\u044c, \u0447\u0435\u043c \u0436\u0435 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u044f \u0442\u0430\u043a \u0446\u0435\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0443\u043b\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 - \u043f\u043e\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u043e\u0444\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b - \u0442\u0430\u043c \u043e\u043d\u0430 \u0431\u0435\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u043d\u0430, \u0432 \u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0435 \u043e\u0442 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0430 \u0438 \u0442\u0430\u043c \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043b\u044e\u0434\u0438 \u0432 \u043c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440\u0435! \n\n\u0421\u0430\u043c\u0430 \u0441\u0443\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b - \u0443\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u0434\u0432\u0438\u0433\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0435\u0433\u043e\u0441\u044f \u043c\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0434\u043e\u0436\u0434\u044f. \u0412\u0441\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e! \u041d\u043e, \u043a\u043e\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u0431\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0448\u044c \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0433\u043e\u043d\u043a\u0438 \u0432 \u043e\u043d\u043b\u0430\u0439\u043d\u0435 - \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u041d\u0423\u0416\u041d\u041e \u0434\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0440\u044f\u0434\u0430\u0445, \u0438\u0431\u043e \u0442\u044b \u043f\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0431\u043d\u0435\u0448\u044c. \u0412\u043e\u0442, \u0441\u043e\u0431\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e, \u0438 \u0432\u0441\u0435...\n\n[b]8/10[/b]", "timestamp_created": 1451143020, "timestamp_updated": 1480965790, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.644829", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19944309": {"recommendationid": "19944309", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049690649", "num_games_owned": 418, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 361, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510559318}, "language": "english", "review": "I have played this game since it first started as a flash game, and I still find enjoyment in it. If you are a fan of simple, fast-paced arcade style games, this is the game for you!", "timestamp_created": 1451087030, "timestamp_updated": 1451087030, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19896865": {"recommendationid": "19896865", "author": {"steamid": "76561198137632191", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 1868, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 8, "last_played": 1516303601}, "language": "english", "review": "*surfs a doomsurf for 30 seconds*\n*dies anyway*\n\n10/10 would surf again", "timestamp_created": 1450932030, "timestamp_updated": 1450932030, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19853294": {"recommendationid": "19853294", "author": {"steamid": "76561198193601806", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 80, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457657194}, "language": "english", "review": "Addictive and fun!", "timestamp_created": 1450821922, "timestamp_updated": 1450821922, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19730587": {"recommendationid": "19730587", "author": {"steamid": "76561198221811972", "num_games_owned": 32, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 802, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 18, "last_played": 1516471264}, "language": "turkish", "review": "This game is legendary.Because Pixel art and very very funny.The musics is great and \nmy childhood memories of this game.10/10", "timestamp_created": 1450278223, "timestamp_updated": 1450278223, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.565217", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19559567": {"recommendationid": "19559567", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091258236", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 428, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454277596}, "language": "english", "review": "An instant classic, Dino Run is one of my favorite little games. A long time player and it rarely gets old. Has enough modes and difficulty levels to give you a good thrashing when you're running from your demise. Achievements, trophies, and the like are also a great feature, they can be very hard but rewarding in the end. Speed runs are a good way to occupy yourself when you've completed campaign, and do get challenging! Unlike other games, the top level achievemments and hardest difficulty 'insane' are truly difficult. The controls are very simplistic but there's a learning curve to jumping about to keep your speed up. Customization with hats and colours help you trick out your dino. Be a spacedino! A fancy top-hatted one! Up to you! The only issue one may find is multiplayer, while great in its implementation you'll find it a bit deserted. The single player alone should more than enough justify buying this game though! Overall, a fantastic game and I highly recommend this to everyone.", "timestamp_created": 1449548108, "timestamp_updated": 1449548108, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.656583", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19457006": {"recommendationid": "19457006", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071109390", "num_games_owned": 67, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478892414}, "language": "english", "review": "Childhood is back guys!", "timestamp_created": 1449148225, "timestamp_updated": 1449148225, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19444490": {"recommendationid": "19444490", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992861734", "num_games_owned": 436, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 274, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511041938}, "language": "english", "review": "This game ROCKS! Super intense running and hopping shenanigans!", "timestamp_created": 1449086348, "timestamp_updated": 1449086348, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19396688": {"recommendationid": "19396688", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010163346", "num_games_owned": 1923, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 853, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471051678}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice arcade-like runner, very good attention to the detail.\n\nIt won't please everyone because of some frustrating mechanics and some griding objectives but it has some nice challenges as well.\n\nAround 10 hours to complete.", "timestamp_created": 1448914974, "timestamp_updated": 1448914974, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.574361", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19292569": {"recommendationid": "19292569", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071776082", "num_games_owned": 160, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1744, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446076218}, "language": "english", "review": "Awh I used to play this when I was little and now its on steam.", "timestamp_created": 1448566230, "timestamp_updated": 1448566230, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19253416": {"recommendationid": "19253416", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034705242", "num_games_owned": 173, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 3826, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493511892}, "language": "english", "review": "This is one of the only games that can still bring me on the edge of seat years after playing it to completion. One of my favorite little games that I'm glad to see on steam getting updates.", "timestamp_created": 1448388832, "timestamp_updated": 1448388832, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19231210": {"recommendationid": "19231210", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971040455", "num_games_owned": 114, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 684, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494350142}, "language": "english", "review": "Simple, yet entertaining and kid friendly game!\n\nIn comparison to their new game release \"Last Horizon\", there are a lot of similarities: \n\n- noticably little content (more on that later - there is content, and it is being expanded in this game)\n- simple yet challenging game mechanics\n- few stages to get through\n\nBut Dino Run DX features more: \n- hats, lots of them\n- customizable dinos (color only for now)\n- online multiplayer, although very laggy for me (might have to do with the poor engine performance on slower computers - they are on it to find a fix I was told)\n- still in active development as long as funds pour in, so it can only get better\n- dinosaurs are awesome!\n\nSo my overall judgement is a recommendation, as opposed to Last Horizon, as of today (shortly after launch of LH).", "timestamp_created": 1448271744, "timestamp_updated": 1448271744, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19180724": {"recommendationid": "19180724", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043981789", "num_games_owned": 77, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 184, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503589570}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this game for years\n\nIt's still awesome", "timestamp_created": 1448056353, "timestamp_updated": 1448056353, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19170760": {"recommendationid": "19170760", "author": {"steamid": "76561198261291976", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 769, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478953503}, "language": "english", "review": "I played the much loved PC original in my years at Middle School, and am glad to see that this game is finally recieving a long awaited update, i recomend to evreyone who enjoys the rollercoaster ride and stress that comes with saving a pixilated raptor from doom.", "timestamp_created": 1448007727, "timestamp_updated": 1448007727, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19103508": {"recommendationid": "19103508", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005467680", "num_games_owned": 315, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 769, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514216791}, "language": "english", "review": "Great racing game!", "timestamp_created": 1447623718, "timestamp_updated": 1447623718, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19060569": {"recommendationid": "19060569", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023429637", "num_games_owned": 170, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 1636, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496043001}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1]ONE-DINO DOVEBURGER APOCALYPSE[/h1]\n\nLong story short there was [i]Dino Run SE[/i] for a long time, and the devs started a [i]Dino Run 2[/i] KS, but it fell through, so instead of trying another large-scale (heheh) project like that, they started upgrading the HECK out of the original. Same engine, same experience, new stuff to play with.\n\nAlthough the \"upgrading\" of the internal Flash Player (ye it's FL-based) has caused automatic anti-alliasing and problems on certain machines, but I blame Adobe for that shit. Hopefully they can iron out every last one of Adobe's \"features\" to bring back the old experience with new stuff. Sadly it's also the same fate as a lot of classic Flash games and vids. As relentless as PixelJam is, it's doubtful that these issues will remain indefinitely.\n\n\"Wait, where's your actual review?\"\nIf you haven't played this game I don't know what you're doing with your life. You can play the old free versions on their site, MiniClip, Kongregate, NG, etc. It [i]is[/i] Flash-based after all.\n...\nFine. A short rundown: It's a fun game despite its somewhat unrealistic physics (but it makes for hilarious results if you can wurk it). The skills you need to beat the insane classic challenge run will make the whole of the game quite enjoable if you dig these kinds of games. It's not casual, but it's not hardcore either, which is pretty refreshing and gives it a lot of replay value, kind of like [i]Ori and the Blind Forest[/i]. Yes, I went there.\n\nThe game's soundtrack has a subtle and proper blend of DnB, Doom Metal guitars, and Tribal elements. Not a lot to hear, but it's a small game. I hope to see it expanded in the future. Apparently the Halloween Hellrun comes with it's very-own soundtrack. Can't wait to get some files of it, too.", "timestamp_created": 1447456958, "timestamp_updated": 1447854214, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19059136": {"recommendationid": "19059136", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086434769", "num_games_owned": 171, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 147, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509108264}, "language": "english", "review": "cool beans", "timestamp_created": 1447451134, "timestamp_updated": 1504714085, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497346", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19039708": {"recommendationid": "19039708", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046704409", "num_games_owned": 170, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 205, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479357252}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember playing this on miniclip. A very good game thats been updated very well. Buy it!", "timestamp_created": 1447363074, "timestamp_updated": 1447363074, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.437318", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19022645": {"recommendationid": "19022645", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076613514", "num_games_owned": 163, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 101, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443988705}, "language": "english", "review": "Ah, yes. Another pixelated platformer. This game is charming, but isn't worth the price. There is basically no multiplayer community and I completed the whole game in an hour.", "timestamp_created": 1447282899, "timestamp_updated": 1447282899, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.426504", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18964330": {"recommendationid": "18964330", "author": {"steamid": "76561198189465737", "num_games_owned": 81, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 42, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1448566851}, "language": "english", "review": "Adds to the fun of the original by making it a hat simulator just like team fortress 2", "timestamp_created": 1447032976, "timestamp_updated": 1447032976, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502688", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18960623": {"recommendationid": "18960623", "author": {"steamid": "76561198057500412", "num_games_owned": 144, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 45, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447464828}, "language": "english", "review": "I managed to get 40 minutes of gameplay out of this, and that was with two playthroughs. I only purchased it because of nostalgia from my childhood days of being too poor to play anything but flash games. This is absolutely identical to the flash version, I honestly do not know what they changed. This has randomly generated levels I'm pretty sure (it's hard to tell since you don't really interact with the environment all that much) and the original didn't, but that's a pretty useless feature in a game like this, so whatever. You COULD replay this enough to get your money out of it, but then you'd be a fucking crazy person or bored out of your shit.", "timestamp_created": 1447016894, "timestamp_updated": 1447016894, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.486502", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18943772": {"recommendationid": "18943772", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061482541", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 891, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486613582}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game! PIxelJam never fails to impress <}:^)", "timestamp_created": 1446948995, "timestamp_updated": 1446948995, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18835838": {"recommendationid": "18835838", "author": {"steamid": "76561198255961180", "num_games_owned": 7, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478906335}, "language": "english", "review": "I like the game i cant wait till free run mode and it seems to me that the planet D and Halloween hell run is pretty tough", "timestamp_created": 1446465080, "timestamp_updated": 1446465080, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18829556": {"recommendationid": "18829556", "author": {"steamid": "76561198151594323", "num_games_owned": 108, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 66, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447101627}, "language": "english", "review": "Love this game!", "timestamp_created": 1446430216, "timestamp_updated": 1446430216, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18784327": {"recommendationid": "18784327", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075173393", "num_games_owned": 125, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 208, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470447845}, "language": "english", "review": "Absolutly one of my favorite games in my Steam Library.", "timestamp_created": 1446269457, "timestamp_updated": 1446269457, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18777506": {"recommendationid": "18777506", "author": {"steamid": "76561198066815090", "num_games_owned": 46, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 952, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512020931}, "language": "english", "review": "This is the best pixle dinosaur racing game of all time. :)", "timestamp_created": 1446241366, "timestamp_updated": 1446241366, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18768336": {"recommendationid": "18768336", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076930036", "num_games_owned": 143, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 129, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445619824}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uac00\ub054 \uc544\ub294 \uc0ac\ub78c\uc774\ub791 \ud558\ub2c8 \uc7ac\ubc0c\ub124\uc694.", "timestamp_created": 1446220054, "timestamp_updated": 1446220054, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18767769": {"recommendationid": "18767769", "author": {"steamid": "76561198174061954", "num_games_owned": 173, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 1853, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1463443793}, "language": "english", "review": "You can be a Stormtrooper-dinosaur.", "timestamp_created": 1446218823, "timestamp_updated": 1446218823, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18762094": {"recommendationid": "18762094", "author": {"steamid": "76561198105567172", "num_games_owned": 41, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 363, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502820291}, "language": "english", "review": "BEST GAME EVER!\n\n10.0/10- IGN", "timestamp_created": 1446205882, "timestamp_updated": 1446205882, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18753914": {"recommendationid": "18753914", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996480363", "num_games_owned": 139, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 20, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497201790}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember playing this endless runner back when it was a classic browser game and it hasn't lost its touch now that it's made its way to Steam. A charming way to kill some time (along with some smaller dinosaurs and bugs). Who knew outrunning the apocalypse could be so fun?", "timestamp_created": 1446169468, "timestamp_updated": 1446169468, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18751969": {"recommendationid": "18751969", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063072962", "num_games_owned": 31, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 403, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506138953}, "language": "english", "review": "Ive been playing this game since I was little...This game grew with me\n\nNow im slaughtering dinosuars as a murderer for halloween\n\n11/10", "timestamp_created": 1446161770, "timestamp_updated": 1446161770, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18750394": {"recommendationid": "18750394", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009449329", "num_games_owned": 84, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 253, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511026939}, "language": "english", "review": "For a fast-paced, retro-sidescroller adventure of velociraptors with hats, check out Dino Run DX. While not a very lengthy game, the multiple difficulty settings, \"level up\" options, and game modes allow for a great deal of re-playability.", "timestamp_created": 1446157401, "timestamp_updated": 1446157401, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18748583": {"recommendationid": "18748583", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065971311", "num_games_owned": 208, "num_reviews": 75, "playtime_forever": 262, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446751672}, "language": "english", "review": "[u][b]Dino Run DX[/b][/u] is classic \"runner\" game made years ago, and now upgraded to DX version which gives you more hats/dinos/challanges and others. Game was made by Pixeljam. Is just amazing.\n\nPROS\n+ Amazing soundtrack\n+ Multiplayer\n+ Custome your dino\n+ Lots of hats\n+ Lots of maps\n+ Every map is randomly generated \n+ Cheap prize!\n+ Events like Halloween event\n+ Achievements\n+ Some modes (Speedrun etc)\n+ Amazing Graphics\n\nCONS\n- After hours of playing you got almost everything\n- Random generated maps, arent in true \"random\"", "timestamp_created": 1446151893, "timestamp_updated": 1446151893, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.611888", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18738353": {"recommendationid": "18738353", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056700704", "num_games_owned": 726, "num_reviews": 226, "playtime_forever": 11, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446031398}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u6a2a\u30b9\u30af\u30ed\u30fc\u30eb\u306e2D\u30a2\u30af\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u3002\n\u3068\u306b\u304b\u304f\u3072\u305f\u3059\u3089\u8d70\u308b\u3002\n\u30e2\u30bf\u30e2\u30bf\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308b\u3068\u7206\u7159\u306b\u5dfb\u304d\u8fbc\u307e\u308c\u3066\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u30aa\u30fc\u30d0\u30fc\u3060\uff01\n\u9053\u4e2d\u624b\u306b\u5165\u308b\u305f\u307e\u3054\u3092\u96c6\u3081\u3066\u30d1\u30ef\u30fc\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u304c\u3067\u304d\u308b\u305e\u3002\n\u5bfe\u6226\u304c\u30e1\u30a4\u30f3\u306a\u306e\u304b\u3082\u3057\u308c\u307e\u305b\u3093\u3002\n\u552f\u4e00\u5fc3\u6b8b\u308a\u306a\u306e\u306f\u3001\u6301\u3063\u3066\u308b\u53cb\u4eba\u304c\u3044\u306a\u3044\u306e\u3067\u3067\u304d\u306a\u304b\u3063\u305f\u3053\u3068\u3060\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1446098355, "timestamp_updated": 1446098355, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.561752", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18736997": {"recommendationid": "18736997", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086141201", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 10, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449424989}, "language": "english", "review": "boring af", "timestamp_created": 1446086982, "timestamp_updated": 1446086982, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 6, "weighted_vote_score": "0.221264", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18721317": {"recommendationid": "18721317", "author": {"steamid": "76561198251646964", "num_games_owned": 20, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1429, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477771087}, "language": "french", "review": "L'un de mes premier jeux vid\u00e9o refait avec un mode de comp\u00e9tition multiplayer. :D\nDes dinos qui cour pour \u00e9viter la fin du monde en se refugiant dans des repaires souterains.\nSimple a jouer tout en ayant des niveaux pouvant \u00eatre difficile.", "timestamp_created": 1446000949, "timestamp_updated": 1446000949, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504728", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18626169": {"recommendationid": "18626169", "author": {"steamid": "76561198063138329", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 118, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445619951}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uac81\ub098 \uc7bc\uc787\uc74c\n\uadfc\ub370 \ud55c\uad6d\uc0ac\ub78c\uc774...\uc5c6\ub294\uac74\uc9c0\n\uce5c\ucd94\ub41c \uc0ac\ub78c\ub9cc \ub418\ub294\uac74\uc9c0...\n\uba40\ud2f0\ubc29\uac00\uba74 \uc544\ubb34\ub3c4 \uc5c6\ub124\uc694....\n", "timestamp_created": 1445525256, "timestamp_updated": 1445525256, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507389", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18551841": {"recommendationid": "18551841", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031582331", "num_games_owned": 5441, "num_reviews": 265, "playtime_forever": 376, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471563713}, "language": "english", "review": "here is some game play of both modes\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G26Sy5txjg\n\n~ABOUT THIS GAME~\nGame type- 2d side scroller\n* The end is nigh and as a small rapter you do the only thing you know how to, run!\n* You start by picking your color and a spiffy hat, then it's off to run, duck, & jump for your life.\n* The sky is falling so run, though other dino's, falling debris, lava, run, run RUN!!\n* Don't forget to prey on the weak and grab any lesser lizards, birds, worms & eggs.\n* You can also ride some of the bigger bipedal lizards or get carried by pterodactyls.\n* Eggs will let you increase your states and the bones will let you buy unlocks.\n* You win by finding a safe haven from the falling sky.\n\n~MY OPINION~\nIts a really cute game and good for relaxing stupid fun. \n\nIf you like this review check out my steam group\nhttp://steamcommunity.com/groups/Blinkdog", "timestamp_created": 1445184987, "timestamp_updated": 1447030179, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.662151", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18537446": {"recommendationid": "18537446", "author": {"steamid": "76561198196377315", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 68, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467307361}, "language": "english", "review": "DINOZ FO LIFE!", "timestamp_created": 1445123979, "timestamp_updated": 1445123979, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18523951": {"recommendationid": "18523951", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040714684", "num_games_owned": 259, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 96, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445604031}, "language": "english", "review": "I have been playing this game for years, and now i have been given a chance to give money to the creators of this awesome game!", "timestamp_created": 1445082732, "timestamp_updated": 1445082732, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18503983": {"recommendationid": "18503983", "author": {"steamid": "76561198137933077", "num_games_owned": 68, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 202, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452099142}, "language": "english", "review": "this is one heck of a game\nan internet hit now on steam\ni simply cannot say anything bad about this game\nits just an amazing bit of fun\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1445007198, "timestamp_updated": 1445007198, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501247", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18502330": {"recommendationid": "18502330", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142563750", "num_games_owned": 56, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 112, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503684470}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun and addicting\n\n\nHave a life?Now you don't!", "timestamp_created": 1445000605, "timestamp_updated": 1445000605, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18490038": {"recommendationid": "18490038", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969619765", "num_games_owned": 181, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 1346, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 92, "last_played": 1515889878}, "language": "english", "review": "I've played Dino Run on multiple platforms, bought every version that's been released, and I still can't get enough of how fun, simple, and addictive this runner is. Pixeljam is a great indie studio that puts a lot of love into their products and I can't wait for the new updates coming over the next few months!", "timestamp_created": 1444942180, "timestamp_updated": 1444942180, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18489781": {"recommendationid": "18489781", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969714791", "num_games_owned": 268, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 106, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499086927}, "language": "german", "review": "Cjute n' awesome dinosaurs running for their life! Do I have to say more?", "timestamp_created": 1444941346, "timestamp_updated": 1444941346, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18487521": {"recommendationid": "18487521", "author": {"steamid": "76561198087450759", "num_games_owned": 40, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1139, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473338430}, "language": "polish", "review": "Ocen : 6 / 10\n\nT\u0105 gre morzna zagra\u0107 w przeglodarce : link ( http://www.wyspagier.pl/biegoacy-dino.htm ) . Ta gra jest specyficzna , jeszcze si\u0119 nie spotka\u0142em z tak\u0105 gr\u0105 o \"Dinozaurach\" a du\u017co gram , nie tego typu gry . Tak gra mi si\u0119 bardzo spotoba\u0142a ale nie polecam j\u0105 kupowa\u0107 bo tak naprawde zagra\u0107 morzna j\u0105 w przeglodarce i to wystarczy \u017ceby j\u0105 polubie\u0107 a nie \u017ca\u0142owa\u0107 kasy \n\nPozdrawiam NieWidzalnyV9", "timestamp_created": 1444933640, "timestamp_updated": 1444933640, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.435592", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18483856": {"recommendationid": "18483856", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037166965", "num_games_owned": 1239, "num_reviews": 196, "playtime_forever": 310, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444906874}, "language": "english", "review": "Run, jump, eat ... endlessly!\nDINO RUN DX is this, but even more! Fun in single, extremely fun multiplayer!\nYou 'can customize the raptor or improve his skills, such as jumping, speed etc.\nI recommend it to everyone, simple game but very fun!\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwBVI8PRrbk\n[h1] (Below is the Italian full review) [/h1] \n\n\nDINO RUN DX \u00e8 un runner game, dove bisogna correre il pi\u00f9 veloce possibile raccogliendo uova o mangiando dinosauri!\nBisogna controllare un iconico velociraptor attraverso un assortimento infinito di paesaggi, cercando di sfuggire al \"muro del destino\" che distrugge l'intero mondo!\nRiuscirai a scappare? o resterai solo un ricordo?\n\n\n[h1]Feature:[/h1] \n\n- Una esperienza unica, i livelli si generano automaticamente proponendo sempre qualcosa di nuovo!\n\n- 3 Modalit\u00e0 Singolo: Sfida, Pianeta D, e Speedrun\n \n- Multiplayer: Realtime con chat, matchmaking.. riuscirai a scalare le classifiche mostrando il tuo dominio?\n\n- Personalizzazione, scegli il tuo look, cambiando colore o aggiungendo strani cappelli al velociraptor\n\n\n[h1]Parere Personale:[/h1] \n\nCorri, salta, mangia... all'infinito!\nDINO RUN DX \u00e8 questo, ma anche di pi\u00f9! Divertente in singolo, estremamente divertente in multiplayer!\nE' possibile personalizzare il velociraptor o migliorare le sue capacit\u00e0, come il salto, la velocit\u00e0 etc.\nLo consiglio a tutti, gioco semplice ma molto divertente!", "timestamp_created": 1444916603, "timestamp_updated": 1444916603, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.935961", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18474661": {"recommendationid": "18474661", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056344744", "num_games_owned": 88, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 81, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445881840}, "language": "english", "review": "I love the game.", "timestamp_created": 1444850648, "timestamp_updated": 1444850648, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18463592": {"recommendationid": "18463592", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042766131", "num_games_owned": 688, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 372, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475439816}, "language": "english", "review": "Amazing game that's aged perfectly. Glad to see it getting more content these many years later.", "timestamp_created": 1444785809, "timestamp_updated": 1444785809, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18462846": {"recommendationid": "18462846", "author": {"steamid": "76561198132115105", "num_games_owned": 10, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 59, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454783823}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun and challenging because of the big black blob chasing you that makes you extinct!", "timestamp_created": 1444781029, "timestamp_updated": 1444781029, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18461641": {"recommendationid": "18461641", "author": {"steamid": "76561198002827017", "num_games_owned": 103, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 27, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465806445}, "language": "english", "review": "It's not an ENDLESS runner- it's a runner with levels and attributes to level up. This game gives you the option to have a real life, yet I can't stop playing it. I played it when it was just a flash game, I bought it when they released a stand-alone, I contributed to the Kickstarter for a sequel, and I will get it again if they ever release it for Android. Fun for the whole family!!!", "timestamp_created": 1444773208, "timestamp_updated": 1444773208, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18461608": {"recommendationid": "18461608", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027993712", "num_games_owned": 237, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 159, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514831031}, "language": "english", "review": "Enjoyed this game years ago and still do! Highly recommended!!", "timestamp_created": 1444773077, "timestamp_updated": 1444773077, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18461235": {"recommendationid": "18461235", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059152657", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 66, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454199076}, "language": "english", "review": "It's Very fun, Very Addictive, and Very cute! So much options for character customization, I have yet to see 2 dinosaurs look the same!", "timestamp_created": 1444771198, "timestamp_updated": 1444771198, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18461226": {"recommendationid": "18461226", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983026463", "num_games_owned": 609, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 263, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472129797}, "language": "english", "review": "I had Dino Run since the old versions, before STEAM. \nI love it, it's the type of game you just want to play for a break and then it takes you and you cannot stop. \nThe 8-bit gfx is very nice whit a very cool and solid lighting effect.\nLove the music that fits very well.. what could I say more? I have it from years and I'm still playing it... isn't that enough?\n", "timestamp_created": 1444771156, "timestamp_updated": 1444771156, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18460959": {"recommendationid": "18460959", "author": {"steamid": "76561198088744559", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 737, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513549851}, "language": "english", "review": "I've been playing the several updates of this game on and off since I first discovered it around 2008.The Devs are super commited, and it definitely shows. This game is awesome! There's nothing more fun than just going for a good run.\n\nThe multiplayer support of this game is great too, I've met a lot of cool people through the chat rooms, and everyone is always super nice.", "timestamp_created": 1444769915, "timestamp_updated": 1444769915, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18442979": {"recommendationid": "18442979", "author": {"steamid": "76561198082371581", "num_games_owned": 121, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 144, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444679109}, "language": "english", "review": "YES YES AND YES\n#flashgame", "timestamp_created": 1444662471, "timestamp_updated": 1444662471, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18440943": {"recommendationid": "18440943", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056557093", "num_games_owned": 723, "num_reviews": 94, "playtime_forever": 207, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451347627}, "language": "french", "review": "The hats in this are free unlike TF2", "timestamp_created": 1444649903, "timestamp_updated": 1444649903, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18421598": {"recommendationid": "18421598", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045338263", "num_games_owned": 38, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 3145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 30, "last_played": 1516493053}, "language": "english", "review": "I've been playing the earlier versions of this game since 2008! I'd say it never gets old! 10/10 \n\nAnd there's plenty of hats for you fancy folk out there!", "timestamp_created": 1444532987, "timestamp_updated": 1444533135, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18419823": {"recommendationid": "18419823", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060780111", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 112, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498346061}, "language": "english", "review": "2008 memories.. ;(", "timestamp_created": 1444520758, "timestamp_updated": 1444520758, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18404402": {"recommendationid": "18404402", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024207250", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1525, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489385046}, "language": "english", "review": "It's TF2 with hats. I mean, dinossaurs. Dinossaurs with hats.", "timestamp_created": 1444442745, "timestamp_updated": 1444442745, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18403268": {"recommendationid": "18403268", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019566749", "num_games_owned": 120, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 1438, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458146753}, "language": "english", "review": "This is my first review so I'm gonna keep it simple.\n\nPros:\n+Huge nostalgia rush if you've played the game before\n+Huge sense of discovery if you haven't\n+Charming retro graphics and awesome chiptune soundtrack\n+No matter what your skill level, there's always a challenge you can attempt\n+Can provide hours of entertainment for a very cheap price\n+You can play it for five minutes at a time or five hours at a time\n+Plenty of secrets to discover\n+Friendly, approachable developers\n+Constant updates with loads more content on the way\n+DINOSAURS WITH HATS\n\nCons:\n-Multiplayer lobbies are usually very inactive\n-After you've played for a few hours you start getting bored of seeing the same bits of terrain over and over (though they will be adding more terrain chunks in the future)\n-The sound of the Doom Wall will haunt you in your nightmares\n-There's a few graphical glitches, and very occasionally you just fall straight through the floor (UPDATE: most of these have now been fixed)\n\nIMO this is a fantastic game, and whether you've played the original or not, it's definitely worth buying.", "timestamp_created": 1444434976, "timestamp_updated": 1446210397, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.514563", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18392064": {"recommendationid": "18392064", "author": {"steamid": "76561198133041102", "num_games_owned": 113, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 105, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506678743}, "language": "english", "review": "THE CHILDHOOD NOSTALGIA AHHHH\n\n10/10 would go extinct again", "timestamp_created": 1444373333, "timestamp_updated": 1444373333, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18390245": {"recommendationid": "18390245", "author": {"steamid": "76561198085395032", "num_games_owned": 138, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 698, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513711179}, "language": "english", "review": "If you guys remember playing this back in 07, It's like that but better. Great game all around, with tons of detail put in. Absolutely worth your money.", "timestamp_created": 1444357319, "timestamp_updated": 1444579683, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18388911": {"recommendationid": "18388911", "author": {"steamid": "76561198137650467", "num_games_owned": 21, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 2804, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508777964}, "language": "english", "review": "A great game from my childhood. I've been playing it since its release in 2007. I highly recomend it to ANYONE.", "timestamp_created": 1444347550, "timestamp_updated": 1444347550, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18376814": {"recommendationid": "18376814", "author": {"steamid": "76561198160363830", "num_games_owned": 98, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 2599, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500174542}, "language": "english", "review": "The nostalgia has come back and hit me over the head\n\nAmazing as always, 10/10 would play for another 5 years", "timestamp_created": 1444265351, "timestamp_updated": 1444265351, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.652082", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18376501": {"recommendationid": "18376501", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993726662", "num_games_owned": 1530, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444264423}, "language": "english", "review": "I played the ever living snot out of this game when it came out on Kongregate and got the Impossible badge which is like the All Gold Trophies but with the addition of beating all speed runs on Insane, so...\n\nGOOD NEWS! I survived my childhood, and Dino Run DX is just as good now as it was back then, and I'm looking forward to the many improvements they're making. \n\nMultiplayer is also really fun but still a bit slow because you're not there with us! The devs are super chill and love hanging out with the community and are very receptive to feedback and incorporate community ideas about upcoming features whenever possible.", "timestamp_created": 1444263011, "timestamp_updated": 1444263305, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18375784": {"recommendationid": "18375784", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060128039", "num_games_owned": 380, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 3364, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503970135}, "language": "english", "review": "pretty sure a lot of kids have played this game in their younger years when it was still a web flash game. wasn't one of those kids myself, but dang it i'm in my twenties and i've been having a blast with this game.\n\nDino Run DX has quite a bit more to offer than the web version. more levels, more polish, more gameplay options, and hats! if you haven't played it before, i'd highly reccommend trying out the web version for a taste of the action before buying the Steam version. it's pretty challenging and a heck of a lot of fun, and the devs are constantly working on updating the Steam version with more content and fixes and the like. if you've loved the web version, you'll probably really love the DX version.\n\nbit of a tip, though: when you install the game via Steam, make SURE the Steam overlay can be pulled up ingame, otherwise you won't get achievement notifications when getting milestones, and will be unable to unlock them again as steam achievements. the devs were kind enough to help me with this problem (bless u guys), but i figured i'd shoot a warning to people should it occur to them! if the overlay won't pull up, try rebooting your computer and running Dino Run after the reboot. the overlay should pull up after.\n\naside from that, the game's a huge blast and i hope you enjoy it as much as i have. <3", "timestamp_created": 1444258228, "timestamp_updated": 1479982580, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502841", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18373538": {"recommendationid": "18373538", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021345811", "num_games_owned": 284, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 18, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457586322}, "language": "english", "review": "I never thought a game about running from the apocolypse could be so therapeutic. Dinorun is a must have for anyone who enjoys oldschool arcadey, pixelated games, and with the quickly growing multiplayer, and all sorts of different maps to run, it's certainly worth the price tag.", "timestamp_created": 1444246682, "timestamp_updated": 1444246682, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18364118": {"recommendationid": "18364118", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028797975", "num_games_owned": 273, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 32, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495246668}, "language": "english", "review": "Just as good as it was when I first played it as a kid.", "timestamp_created": 1444191270, "timestamp_updated": 1444191270, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18362063": {"recommendationid": "18362063", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972401871", "num_games_owned": 7477, "num_reviews": 73, "playtime_forever": 74, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471546048}, "language": "english", "review": "So many hats! heheh\n\nHere's hoping they add local co-op :)\n\nFun game, makes you want to keep playing even though you keep missing that one jump!", "timestamp_created": 1444176361, "timestamp_updated": 1444176361, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.458253", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18360469": {"recommendationid": "18360469", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117861731", "num_games_owned": 80, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 166, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480449964}, "language": "english", "review": "I remember when this was just a flash game! It's everything I remember and more. \n\nPixel graphics never go out of style, but the music is one of the best parts of this game. It has a very Hotline Miami vibe, but with more of a prehistoric tone.\n\nPlenty of levels, speedruns, and collectibles gives this game lots of replay value, but the multiplayer is dead.\n\nI was really looking forward to racing around the apocalypse with other people, that would have made this game so much better, but there's no one in the lobbies! \n\nOh well, I'll just settle for doing every speedrun on Insane difficulty.", "timestamp_created": 1444167000, "timestamp_updated": 1444167000, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18358170": {"recommendationid": "18358170", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003956915", "num_games_owned": 168, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 1984, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 25, "last_played": 1515453565}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this adorable game. It's simple, it's retro, and it's very fun. You are a dinosaur! You frolic through an idyllic, pixellated Jurrassic landscape! Suddenly, an asteroid hits! Now you must run for your life as a wall of unstoppable doom advances upon you. Dodge other, slower dinos. Eat the occasional worm. Jump over obstacles, duck under wayward pterosaurs, find secret giant dino-eggs, and time your speed boosts well. Will going over that hill, or ducking through the cavern under it be quicker? You only have a split-second to decide! Occasionally you may even want to back-track to discover a secret or grab a nice power-up -- but will you be quick enough to do so and still avoid extinction? There is a multitude of difficulty settings, one-off levels, weird cheat codes, and even multiplayer racing to keep the game very replayable.\n\nAlso, the music is lovely. It's retro, but in a fun and enjoyable, rather than annoying way. You can even download the soundtrack from within the game, and I enjoyed it enough to do so.\n\nI am not usually a fan of running games, but this one is unique and just plain fun enough to get a big thumbs-up for me.", "timestamp_created": 1444156693, "timestamp_updated": 1444156693, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503147", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18354134": {"recommendationid": "18354134", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161099804", "num_games_owned": 14, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 440, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460183262}, "language": "english", "review": "Very enjoyable and quite nostalgic game\nSpeed running with your friends,\nRace them,\nAlot more possibility to the game!\nWaiting for the new and Awesome features", "timestamp_created": 1444138989, "timestamp_updated": 1444138989, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18350044": {"recommendationid": "18350044", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013080003", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 894, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479748905}, "language": "english", "review": "An abosolute classic of the side runner genre. Must buy for anyone who played it back in the day!", "timestamp_created": 1444105048, "timestamp_updated": 1444105048, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18348127": {"recommendationid": "18348127", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972948061", "num_games_owned": 248, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 151, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498606792}, "language": "english", "review": "You won't be disappointed", "timestamp_created": 1444089876, "timestamp_updated": 1444089876, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18345869": {"recommendationid": "18345869", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065903789", "num_games_owned": 240, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 2108, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515045912}, "language": "english", "review": "It has hats.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1444075853, "timestamp_updated": 1471291252, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18344562": {"recommendationid": "18344562", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994666064", "num_games_owned": 2643, "num_reviews": 545, "playtime_forever": 703, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470973459}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Uma corrida de dinossauros NO APOCALIPSE!\n\nSimp\u00e1tico demais esse jogo, conheci apenas atualmente mas vi que ele existe faz um bom tempo. Aqui voc\u00ea \u00e9 colocado em uma corrida enquanto destro\u00e7os de um meteoro v\u00e3o destruindo tudo atr\u00e1s de voc\u00ea. O jogo \u00e9 cheio de elementos fant\u00e1sticos como pular em um pterod\u00e1ctilo e ele te levar voando, ou descobrir passagens secretas pra continuar seguindo em frente. Mas sem d\u00favidas o que rouba a cena \u00e9 o multiplayer, com grupos de dinossauros correndo e o caos vindo atr\u00e1s, muito bom! An\u00e1lise detalhada aqui:\n\nhttp://www.nerdmaldito.com/2015/10/dino-run-dx-corrida-de-dinossauros-no.html", "timestamp_created": 1444069876, "timestamp_updated": 1444069876, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.645987", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18340726": {"recommendationid": "18340726", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062516208", "num_games_owned": 544, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1229, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1463922213}, "language": "hungarian", "review": "16 \u00f3ra alatt teljesen kij\u00e1tszhat\u00f3, nehezebb fokozatokon extr\u00e9m m\u00f3don szivat\u00f3s klasszikus runner j\u00e1t\u00e9k. Az \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9s \u00edr\u00e1sakor nem sokban t\u00e9r el a kor\u00e1bbi verzi\u00f3kt\u00f3l, de a fejleszt\u0151k \u00faj funkci\u00f3kkal fogj\u00e1k b\u0151v\u00edteni. Szerintem m\u00e9g mindig flash alap\u00fa, \u00edgy a steames verzi\u00f3 meg sem jelent linuxra.", "timestamp_created": 1444051005, "timestamp_updated": 1444051005, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18336579": {"recommendationid": "18336579", "author": {"steamid": "76561198135506462", "num_games_owned": 98, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 222, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446172540}, "language": "english", "review": "This is one of my favorite games from my child hood and seeing it become a game that people will play again fills me with joy. 10\\10 would race dinos again", "timestamp_created": 1444016544, "timestamp_updated": 1444016544, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18331748": {"recommendationid": "18331748", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077325037", "num_games_owned": 94, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 141, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449931576}, "language": "english", "review": "Can't say I wasnt surprised to see this game be brought onto Steam, what a classic it sure was, Christ.\nDefinately recommend it to anyone who played the original version, or for fans of hats, theres a lotta' hats.", "timestamp_created": 1443988337, "timestamp_updated": 1490821297, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18331341": {"recommendationid": "18331341", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067937537", "num_games_owned": 2354, "num_reviews": 125, "playtime_forever": 65, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443485128}, "language": "english", "review": "Did you enjoy the old browser game Dino Run? Dino Run DX is the latest game in the franchise. \n\nIn Dino Run DX you play as a dinosaur that is trying to avoid extinction. You must keep running in order to avoid the killer cloud of dust that is approaching quickly. Gameplay mostly involves continuing to run right and jump over obstacles in your way. While running you want to collect eggs and eat less fortunate creatures that are also trying to escape. These eggs and creatures are used to unlock additional content for the game. \n\nI had some fun with Dino Run DX. At first I found the game to be kind of boring but it started to grow on me. Dino Run DX will mostly appeal to people that enjoy runner games. Dino Run DX is not the type of game that I would play for long stretches of time. Despite having procedurally generated levels, the variety in gameplay rarely changes so you pretty much just keep doing the same things in different environments. \n\nIf you really enjoy runner games I think you should enjoy Dino Run DX and should consider picking it up. Otherwise I would maybe wait for a sale on the game.\n\nNote: I received a free review copy from the developer.\n\n[url=http://www.geekyhobbies.com/this-weeks-steam-releases-and-reviews-october-2nd-2015/#DinoRunDX] Read My Full Review [/url]", "timestamp_created": 1443986689, "timestamp_updated": 1443986689, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.555230", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18329495": {"recommendationid": "18329495", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974793790", "num_games_owned": 1168, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 350, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1449423601}, "language": "english", "review": "I wasn't sure what to expect when I bought it, but it's surprisingly entertaining. Customize your raptor and run for your life while boulders and meteors fall all around you, exploding and sending dinos flying. Then curse and scream when a dumbass stego blocks the tunnel you just ran into and you're both swallowed by the wall of death following you.", "timestamp_created": 1443979682, "timestamp_updated": 1443979682, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501393", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18323631": {"recommendationid": "18323631", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046289411", "num_games_owned": 175, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 133, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498588695}, "language": "english", "review": "If you have not played this game, you had no childhood.\nMake up for lost time now", "timestamp_created": 1443954665, "timestamp_updated": 1443954665, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18315538": {"recommendationid": "18315538", "author": {"steamid": "76561198183271155", "num_games_owned": 25, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 127, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483486003}, "language": "english", "review": "AMAZING I LOVE DINOS\n", "timestamp_created": 1443910406, "timestamp_updated": 1443910406, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18314517": {"recommendationid": "18314517", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040657952", "num_games_owned": 416, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 26, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445047717}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this back when it was a flash game only. Still rocks years later!!", "timestamp_created": 1443906261, "timestamp_updated": 1443906261, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18314398": {"recommendationid": "18314398", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065418980", "num_games_owned": 551, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 319, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483783472}, "language": "english", "review": "We made a first impressions video. Hope you like it!\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5ckk1g4nnw", "timestamp_created": 1443905775, "timestamp_updated": 1443905775, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18312694": {"recommendationid": "18312694", "author": {"steamid": "76561198195721658", "num_games_owned": 68, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 405, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478119738}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run is just a classic runner, very fun and amusing. I remember playing it as a child always wanting to go on the computer just for... Dino Run. I'm glad that it has came to Steam, It brings back lots of memories. \n\nVery Recomended.......", "timestamp_created": 1443899435, "timestamp_updated": 1443899435, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18302059": {"recommendationid": "18302059", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096444803", "num_games_owned": 109, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 456, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473053082}, "language": "english", "review": "I've known this game since I was 10 years old and I'm still playing it now even though I'm 18. Really the game that defined the running genre. \n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1443851387, "timestamp_updated": 1443851387, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 130, "votes_funny": 8, "weighted_vote_score": "0.841848", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18301058": {"recommendationid": "18301058", "author": {"steamid": "76561198118935147", "num_games_owned": 103, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 313, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466993524}, "language": "english", "review": "Firstly, if you want to skip most of the boring information just skip to the bottom, but if not then read on.\n\nThis game was my childhood. I used to play it all the time, got all the achievements, found all the secrets, completed everything on insane, and reached rank 8 in multiplayer. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time playing this game and it was well worth it. \n\nIn terms of gameplay, this game has 4 difficulties (Easy, Medium, Hard, and Insane) across 4 different play modes (Challenge, Speedrun, Planet X, and Multiplayer) currently since once they reach fundrasing goals they will add new stuff). Oh yeah, and there are also a lot of achievements and secret dino eggs, endings, etc. I costomed my dino to have the samurai hat with the white body and red eyes back in the SE version, and that's what I'm working towards in this version as well :D \n\nIn order to sum up everything:\n\nBEST HAT SIMULATOR 2015 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1443844024, "timestamp_updated": 1443844024, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18298248": {"recommendationid": "18298248", "author": {"steamid": "76561198219038416", "num_games_owned": 9, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 7355, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512257300}, "language": "english", "review": "Great game! Its perfect for manyone that has a taste for racing. Perfect pixel graphics, worldwide multplayer, ect. Its just perfect. I love dinosaurs in my opinion and I know a lot about them. That yellow raptor needs a medal that says \"Best Raptor Award.\"", "timestamp_created": 1443827041, "timestamp_updated": 1443827041, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.565217", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18295751": {"recommendationid": "18295751", "author": {"steamid": "76561198139751103", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 70, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512392500}, "language": "german", "review": "11/10", "timestamp_created": 1443814906, "timestamp_updated": 1443814906, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.983403", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18292891": {"recommendationid": "18292891", "author": {"steamid": "76561198065799471", "num_games_owned": 145, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 723, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504710776}, "language": "polish", "review": "Awesome... Lets Look... Back in Time this Game was awesome.. but with evil of time players started to leave it... Now you want to Rebuild it? Awesome ! Good Luck to it!\n+ Looks Like Original, Better, No bugs Detected\n- Lags on Multiplayer but... well that - is 0.00000.1%", "timestamp_created": 1443802788, "timestamp_updated": 1443802788, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18292682": {"recommendationid": "18292682", "author": {"steamid": "76561198087250546", "num_games_owned": 343, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 271, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497669516}, "language": "german", "review": "F\u00fcr Dino und/oder Jump \u2019n\u2019 Run Fans.", "timestamp_created": 1443801944, "timestamp_updated": 1443802633, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506173", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18292622": {"recommendationid": "18292622", "author": {"steamid": "76561198136279760", "num_games_owned": 98, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 293, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483887304}, "language": "polish", "review": "Zaczyna si\u0119 niewinnie. Na pocz\u0105tku wybieramy cia\u0142o naszego dinozaura, pozwalaj\u0105ce nam pojawi\u0107 si\u0119 w jednym ze scenariuszy zag\u0142ady \u015bwiata. W chwili, gdy przejmujemy kontrol\u0119 nad naszym bohaterem, w ziemi\u0119 uderza ogromny meteoryt, kt\u00f3ry podnosi pot\u0119\u017cn\u0105 fal\u0119 uderzeniow\u0105. Nie daje nam on wyboru - albo spr\u00f3bujemy uciec, albo zostaniemy poch\u0142oni\u0119ci przez \u015bmier\u0107 w czystej postaci. Jestem pewien, \u017ce nie zastanawiali\u015bcie si\u0119, czy jest w og\u00f3le sens podejmowa\u0107 walk\u0119. Prawdopodobnie podobnie pomy\u015bla\u0142 sobie nasz dinozaur - jego zaprogramowany instynkt przetrwania kaza\u0142 mu biegn\u0105\u0107. Nasza podr\u00f3\u017c jednak nie trwa wiecznie. W ko\u0144cu dobiegamy do ko\u0144ca trasy, gdzie czeka nas pozorna nagroda - mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 zachowania \u017cycia, kt\u00f3re jednak wkr\u00f3tce okazuje si\u0119 niezwykle ciasnym wi\u0119zieniem u\u015bmiercaj\u0105cym naszego dinozaura w jeszcze gorszy spos\u00f3b.\nW jakikolwiek spos\u00f3b zginiemy - czy poprzez poch\u0142oni\u0119cie przez \u015bcian\u0119 zag\u0142ady, czy zostaniemy zamordowani przez czas i nudy w naszej kryj\u00f3wce, wkr\u00f3tce zn\u00f3w wybieramy sobie nowe cia\u0142o i zn\u00f3w dostajemy pozorn\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 osi\u0105gni\u0119cia celu naszego istnienia. By\u0107 mo\u017ce wydaje si\u0119 wam, \u017ce za ka\u017cdym razem rozpoczyna si\u0119 nowa historia nowego dinozaura, lecz w rzeczywisto\u015bci jest ca\u0142kiem inaczej, dinozaur w kt\u00f3rego si\u0119 wcielamy tak naprawd\u0119 jest taki sam. Taki sam pod najwa\u017cniejszym wzgl\u0119dem - wci\u0105\u017c jest zasilany ma\u0142\u0105 cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 esencji \u017cyciowej pochodz\u0105cej od graj\u0105cego. Ca\u0142y wykreowany tu \u015bwiat jest zaprogramowany do niesko\u0144czonego powtarzania. Ca\u0142a historia dinozaura pod najwa\u017cniejszym aspektem jest taka sama. Wydawa\u0142oby si\u0119, \u017ce sytuacja naszego bohatera jest beznadziejna - nie mo\u017ce on nic innego zrobi\u0107, jak tylko powtarza\u0107 w niesko\u0144czono\u015b\u0107 przer\u00f3\u017cne wersje jego bezsensownego \u017cycia. Na szcz\u0119\u015bcie jest inaczej. Istnieje inna opcja, kt\u00f3ra jednak ukryta jest gdzie\u015b po\u015br\u00f3d tego wyimaginowanego \u015bwiata. Ten \u015bwiat mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 opuszczony. Musimy jedynie podj\u0105\u0107 odpowiednie dzia\u0142ania, odnale\u017a\u0107 wyj\u015bcie i nie oszukiwa\u0107 si\u0119 dalej, tylko zburzy\u0107 sztuczne mury i wyj\u015b\u0107 na zewn\u0105trz.\nDino Run - zwyk\u0142a gra przedstawiaj\u0105ca niezwyk\u0142\u0105 metafor\u0119 ludzkiego \u017cycia.\nZdaj\u0119 sobie spraw\u0119, \u017ce przedstawiona tu interpretacja nie jest pe\u0142na, jednak wierz\u0119, \u017ce sami zrozumiecie istot\u0119 problemu i dope\u0142nicie t\u0105 histori\u0119 rzeczywistymi faktami.", "timestamp_created": 1443801734, "timestamp_updated": 1443801903, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.658180", "comment_count": "16", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18291615": {"recommendationid": "18291615", "author": {"steamid": "76561198168125761", "num_games_owned": 30, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 427, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509739830}, "language": "english", "review": "Oh I remember playing this when I was young, I'm talking 6-7 years ago now, It's nice to see that the game is actually still getting attention and being slowly improved. While you can play it for free, I bought it, you know, to support the developers and all that... Every little helps! I see the vast majority of the people buying this game coming over from the flash game that was around before this. My only complaint is the hats and all the skins, they're pretty stupid in my opinion, but I do see the appeal, this doesn't make the game better or worse for me, just looks a little silly. 9/10", "timestamp_created": 1443797379, "timestamp_updated": 1508671424, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18290236": {"recommendationid": "18290236", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999312996", "num_games_owned": 193, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 334, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482696773}, "language": "french", "review": "Courez pour votre survie ! Sauvez votre race de l'extinction ! D\u00e9vorez les plus maigrichons sur votre passage ! Evoluez (pas comme un pok\u00e9mon) ! Portez des chapeaux ! Evitez les m\u00e9t\u00e9orites ! Devenez biologiste et sauvez des oeufs !\nEt tout \u00e7a en pixels.", "timestamp_created": 1443791048, "timestamp_updated": 1443791048, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18286961": {"recommendationid": "18286961", "author": {"steamid": "76561197987974767", "num_games_owned": 1032, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 4919, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479929422}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run is a simple to play, hard to master, very polished racing-ish game with simple but quite pretty pixel graphics!\n\nThe game has two modes: single player and multiplayer, and they have some differences.\n\nIn single player mode, you have 4 difficulties to choose from, which take you through a set of levels trying to race away from the apocalypse and to the safety-cavern at the end of the last level. You can find secrets and achieve goals to earn DNA (exp), and at the end of a level you can increase your raptor's stats. Those stats persist between runs, so you can keep strengthening your dino's acceleration, top speed, jumping height, and strength (to move things around) to better succeed at the levels. You can also collect bones which count as a sort of currency, letting you buy a neat handful of unlocks such as wallpapers and the game's soundtrack.\n\nMultiplayer pits you in a race to safety against other raptors. It plays similarly to single player, but without the stats upgrading. Instead, you have points you can gain, levels you can increase, which let you host higher-level races which give more points. You can also unlock hats as you go!\n\nI played this game way back in 2008 when it first came out as a humble flash game, and happily bought up the special edition when it came out in 2011. When I heard about the DX release here on Steam the other day by email I was stoked! I had no idea this was coming out! Even better, I handed the devs a receipt of my old SE purchase and I got a free key! So if you bought SE back in the day there's no reason not to email the devs and ask for a key. :3\n\nAs of this writing the game doesn't seem too different from its old SE release, but I understand that it's getting crowdfunded right now and early in the cycle. The first goal of DX was just to get it onto Steam; we'll be seeing new features and things added in in the comic months from the looks of it! I'd call it a worthy investment - and even as it is now, basically similar to the SE version, it's still as much fun now as it was back then.\n\nI've also created a Skype group for furs and furry-friendly people who want to play this game together - the multiplayer mode being quite fun, when you have people to play with! If you've got the game and are furry-friendly, then just drop me a Friend request and/or comment on Steam here asking to join. :3", "timestamp_created": 1443771787, "timestamp_updated": 1443771787, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502247", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18285213": {"recommendationid": "18285213", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091409806", "num_games_owned": 129, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 1225, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504651708}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this game on my browser when I was much younger. Still playing this game. \n\nAn outstanding indie game, I encourage any fans of retro themed games, dinosaur games, fast paced games, I reccomend this to you. An exellent example that yes, indie devs can actually make kickass games. \n\n+Outstanding pixel art\n+Entertaining, random, crazy gameplay\n+Now on steam, awesome!\n+Good for all ages, and skill levels\n+Not a very hard game to learn, but still requires some level of planning and strategy for things like challenges.\n+So many other great things! :D\n\nAnd if you write a bad reccomendation saying \"Ughhh I can play this game 4 free\" Go home, your drunk. Support this game, buy a copy. It's rather cheap! :D\n\n\nDid I mention it's got HATS? FOR FREE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? :O", "timestamp_created": 1443758018, "timestamp_updated": 1443758113, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495729", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18283497": {"recommendationid": "18283497", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072847988", "num_games_owned": 208, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 50, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443725362}, "language": "english", "review": "not worth the 5$ it hardly has any levels its really easy and just not that much fun", "timestamp_created": 1443746152, "timestamp_updated": 1453757175, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 24, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.350836", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18282049": {"recommendationid": "18282049", "author": {"steamid": "76561198138840432", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 347, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474218207}, "language": "english", "review": "Oh, so THAT'S where the dinosaurs from \"Jurassic Park: The Lost World\" came from!\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1443737300, "timestamp_updated": 1443737300, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499337", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18281847": {"recommendationid": "18281847", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009588250", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 7, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443736089}, "language": "english", "review": "Holy moly...this game pulls you in with its children's book pixel aesthetic, and then blinds sides you with gameplay far more exhilarating and terrifying than you expect. \n\nWhen that wall of doom starts to close in on you, it is totally scary AF. Totally recommended especially at this bargain basement price! YOU BUY NOW!", "timestamp_created": 1443736247, "timestamp_updated": 1443736247, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499586", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18279982": {"recommendationid": "18279982", "author": {"steamid": "76561198162234242", "num_games_owned": 487, "num_reviews": 45, "playtime_forever": 367, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513797005}, "language": "english", "review": " I remember playing this game when I was young when it came out and I found a hidden area and I let the game run overnight so I could show my friend! I can't believe this game made it to steam!! I can't wait to see what has been added since then!", "timestamp_created": 1443727454, "timestamp_updated": 1443727454, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.458253", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18279385": {"recommendationid": "18279385", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060966581", "num_games_owned": 487, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 75, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443657392}, "language": "english", "review": "Lots of hours into Dino Run SE, I must have for casual pixal art fans ! :3", "timestamp_created": 1443724706, "timestamp_updated": 1443724706, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499337", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18279220": {"recommendationid": "18279220", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001656242", "num_games_owned": 770, "num_reviews": 86, "playtime_forever": 93, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443724191}, "language": "english", "review": "Dino Run DX is a pretty simple infinite runner. You control your Raptor on the arrow keys and try to outrun extinction for as long as you can. And oh yeah, don't Drink & Dino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQCKI-M_8-o", "timestamp_created": 1443723931, "timestamp_updated": 1443723931, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499337", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18279067": {"recommendationid": "18279067", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062606642", "num_games_owned": 347, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 980, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492025940}, "language": "english", "review": "Yes", "timestamp_created": 1443723316, "timestamp_updated": 1443723316, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.385669", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18276868": {"recommendationid": "18276868", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995427262", "num_games_owned": 280, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 424, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480786657}, "language": "english", "review": "After beating this game, I would like to imagine that somewhere on earth is a hidden cave full of blue dinosaurs wearing pirate hats.", "timestamp_created": 1443712650, "timestamp_updated": 1443712650, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18276533": {"recommendationid": "18276533", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035326395", "num_games_owned": 859, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 337, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474895420}, "language": "english", "review": "I saw it, I bought it.\n", "timestamp_created": 1443711036, "timestamp_updated": 1443711036, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18275834": {"recommendationid": "18275834", "author": {"steamid": "76561198089571149", "num_games_owned": 7, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451082548}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game. I discovered it several years ago and became sadly addicted to playing it. Now it's on Steam with some new content, and it's even more fun. I look forward to getting re-addicted to playing with my little dinosaurs.", "timestamp_created": 1443707324, "timestamp_updated": 1443707324, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18272803": {"recommendationid": "18272803", "author": {"steamid": "76561198252943646", "num_games_owned": 11, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 828, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443682444}, "language": "english", "review": "fun game", "timestamp_created": 1443682480, "timestamp_updated": 1443682480, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18272066": {"recommendationid": "18272066", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061777580", "num_games_owned": 54, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 58, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443684197}, "language": "english", "review": "My childhood :D Fun,Addicting and worth the money i would recommend the game :D\n", "timestamp_created": 1443674738, "timestamp_updated": 1443674738, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.997501", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18271239": {"recommendationid": "18271239", "author": {"steamid": "76561198130549459", "num_games_owned": 120, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 52455, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1514, "last_played": 1516503654}, "language": "english", "review": "Ahhhh. Good ol' childhood nostalgia. I've been played this for a long time before the SE verison was around. So what's Dino Run DX? It a 2D racing game that you run thoughout the entire game. The game itself is quite fun. If you like racing or pixels, then you might like this product. Let's explain some things about Dino Run DX:\n\n[h1]Singleplayer[/h1]\nYou must run to the left from start to finish in order to avoid getting swallowed by the doomwall. Walking into the end of the game screen will advance the player to the next stage. At some point, a DNA stonebox will pop up. By spenting the DNA, it will upgrade the dino's speed, accel, jump, or strength of your choice. DNA can be gained by gathering up eggs (collecting enough will give you an extra life), super eggs, bones, accomplishing milestones, or by the player's score. Once the final stage is completed on normal, hard, or insane difficulty, you'll receive a milestone (or a trophy). If you want to know how to achieve milestones, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=527294269]click here[/url]. Not only that, but you earn hats as you make progress to 100% completion.\n\n[h1]Multiplayer[/h1]\nThe exciting aspect of Dino Run DX, in my opinion. In this mode, you can race each other. First, you can log in with the Xgen account or by steam auto-login. Next, it take you in a chatroom. The community there is legit, which is the primary reason why I won't stop playing this game. Unfortunately, the popularity has went down for some reason, meaning that you may encounter a empty chatroom. If you wanna see a packed server, look out for PixelJam's updates/announcements. Anyways, the other thing is that you can create your own race. By finishing the stage, you'll receive points. Get enough points to level up. Highest level is 20.\n\nIn conclusion, it's a good game. Invite your friends for some more fun. :)", "timestamp_created": 1443667737, "timestamp_updated": 1513455143, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.487722", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18270911": {"recommendationid": "18270911", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061607563", "num_games_owned": 144, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 318, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472141685}, "language": "english", "review": "My precious dino run has returned... ;~; ~<3", "timestamp_created": 1443665287, "timestamp_updated": 1443665287, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18270867": {"recommendationid": "18270867", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161092414", "num_games_owned": 82, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 259, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452723314}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game, and I have since I was even younger than I am now. My best friend and I played it between classes, and now owning it and being able to support the devolopers is lovely. I love the addition of hats and skins, in addition to lowering the chance of making my save file more permanent.\n\nHowever, this game still has a couple of things to work on. In the first chapter while running in tunnels I often get a lilac colored bar across the top of my screen. \n\nMy only other complaint is while the music is WONDERFUL (and I wish a soundtrack was available) I wish I was able to change how loud sound/music was, even perhaps muting it?\n\nThose small things being said, I am thrilled that this is now available on Steam, and I encourage you to purchase this. Even if it is a runner, it is still a delight to play, from the pixel backgrounds to the great music.", "timestamp_created": 1443664980, "timestamp_updated": 1443664980, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18269682": {"recommendationid": "18269682", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993400405", "num_games_owned": 1832, "num_reviews": 87, "playtime_forever": 51, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443656258}, "language": "english", "review": "The classic browser game is finally home on Steam. Finally, a dinosaur game that gets it.", "timestamp_created": 1443655761, "timestamp_updated": 1443655761, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.542088", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18268472": {"recommendationid": "18268472", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995649986", "num_games_owned": 1006, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 511, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471320593}, "language": "english", "review": "a tragic tale \ndead dinos", "timestamp_created": 1443647937, "timestamp_updated": 1443647937, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "4.988662", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18268384": {"recommendationid": "18268384", "author": {"steamid": "76561198183306810", "num_games_owned": 495, "num_reviews": 76, "playtime_forever": 1745, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 176, "last_played": 1515953396}, "language": "dutch", "review": "Good game! I love to play it everyday again :)", "timestamp_created": 1443647532, "timestamp_updated": 1444823259, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18267450": {"recommendationid": "18267450", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019415061", "num_games_owned": 218, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 217, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509034026}, "language": "english", "review": "You can plop a banana on a raptor's head and then roll on a meteor.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1443642920, "timestamp_updated": 1443642920, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501779", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18267380": {"recommendationid": "18267380", "author": {"steamid": "76561198102881617", "num_games_owned": 1320, "num_reviews": 37, "playtime_forever": 655, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494181867}, "language": "english", "review": "Gorgeous pixel visuals, a sweet sound track, a large exploration of Darwinism, and the cutest raptors I've ever seen. Looking forward to updates.", "timestamp_created": 1443642657, "timestamp_updated": 1443642657, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502075", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18265834": {"recommendationid": "18265834", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008103815", "num_games_owned": 177, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 86, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456527903}, "language": "english", "review": "I fucking love this game.\n\nPros:\n \n- Be a fucking dinosaur with a hat.\n\n- Eat a fucking flower that makes you high as fuck.\n\n- Collect fucking eggs and save the fucking baby dinosaurs.\n\n- Eat smaller fucking dinosaurs.\n\n- Ride fucking bigger dinosaurs\n\n- Run from the fucking extinction wave of death\n\nCons:\n\n- There is no fucking Cons, fuck off.", "timestamp_created": 1443635537, "timestamp_updated": 1443636045, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 22, "weighted_vote_score": "0.557022", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18265633": {"recommendationid": "18265633", "author": {"steamid": "76561198218947331", "num_games_owned": 20, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 61, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443834994}, "language": "english", "review": "One of the few racing games I actually enjoyed because of its unique theme. Make a run to safety while collecting as many eggs and eating as much as you can on the way :D.", "timestamp_created": 1443634739, "timestamp_updated": 1443634739, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18265540": {"recommendationid": "18265540", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995802607", "num_games_owned": 572, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 14, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443634210}, "language": "english", "review": "The price is high (I got a free key since I own a DRM free subscription), but the game is very fun, simple, and straight forward. It's like playing a DOS game in your OS.", "timestamp_created": 1443634346, "timestamp_updated": 1443634346, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18265134": {"recommendationid": "18265134", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058165428", "num_games_owned": 124, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 650, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470981067}, "language": "english", "review": "10/10, Controls like real dinosaurs.\n\nI played this game years ago, and it has remained extremely entertaining and fun. Great deal for your dollar, and loads of fun with friends!", "timestamp_created": 1443632531, "timestamp_updated": 1443632531, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18264526": {"recommendationid": "18264526", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096324639", "num_games_owned": 271, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 283, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450844471}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Eu jogo esse t\u00edtulo desde o lan\u00e7amento do DinoRun SE, comprei nessa \u00e9poca, anos e anos atr\u00e1s. Continua t\u00e3o divertido quanto eu me lembrava!\nN\u00e3o notei nenhuma mudan\u00e7a do SE pro DX, ainda tenho o SE no computador (Eu sou meio apegada aos meus jogos antigos), e a jogabilidade \u00e9 a mesma, as miss\u00f5es s\u00e3o as mesmas. Na \u00e9poca, se n\u00e3o me engano, paguei 2 ou 3 d\u00f3lares por ele, [b]o dolar n\u00e3o era 4 reais[/b], ent\u00e3o foi uma boa compra, ganhei a chave de produto do DX de gra\u00e7a por causa disso. \nN\u00e3o \u00e9 um jogo com uma hist\u00f3ria profunda, voc\u00ea \u00e9 um dinossauro tentando escapar da extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ajudando a levar quantos ovos voc\u00ea tiver a chance de coletar, assim todos os dinossauros v\u00e3o ser felizes pra sempre. Pronto, s\u00f3 isso.\nA medida que voc\u00ea joga, vai ganhando pontos de DNA pra evoluir seu dino, que vai tornar as proximas corridas mais f\u00e1ceis.\nUm bom jogo. A parte mais legal do jogo \u00e9 jogar em multiplayer, ent\u00e3o se baixar mais o pre\u00e7o, \u00e9 mais f\u00e1cil juntar os amigos pra comprar e ficar jogando junto.", "timestamp_created": 1443629949, "timestamp_updated": 1443629949, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18263857": {"recommendationid": "18263857", "author": {"steamid": "76561198085485367", "num_games_owned": 52, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511882480}, "language": "english", "review": "WAHAAAW ITS OUT NOW MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES!\nSry for caps im very excited :D\nSo first thing about this game is...\nPIXELS! HATS! NOSTALGIA\nYes pixels is my favourite part.\nAlso waiting for new level generator and aloot of hats :0\nCommunity is small now thou but anyway its cool\n", "timestamp_created": 1443626744, "timestamp_updated": 1443626744, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.972650", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18263831": {"recommendationid": "18263831", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040317327", "num_games_owned": 217, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 540, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499168439}, "language": "english", "review": "it is an instant classic buy it now!", "timestamp_created": 1443626605, "timestamp_updated": 1443626605, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.997501", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18263412": {"recommendationid": "18263412", "author": {"steamid": "76561198126636033", "num_games_owned": 397, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 98, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480377787}, "language": "english", "review": "I put on a batman mask, cancelled MY apocolypse, ate tons of multicolored lizards, and jammed out to stellar tunes.\n\n86/10 lizards.", "timestamp_created": 1443624501, "timestamp_updated": 1443624501, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18262765": {"recommendationid": "18262765", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048997438", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 354, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467411556}, "language": "english", "review": "Love this game, always have! Good to finally see it on steam! It's got lots of replayability.\nThe DX version has got a few extra features too, with more on the way!", "timestamp_created": 1443621283, "timestamp_updated": 1443732617, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18261924": {"recommendationid": "18261924", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086228054", "num_games_owned": 241, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 98, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467924681}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is like the original. BUT BETTER IN EVERY WAY!\nGet this game now.\nGo on then.\nWhenever you're ready.\nOk just get it.", "timestamp_created": 1443616431, "timestamp_updated": 1443616431, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18261546": {"recommendationid": "18261546", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103841744", "num_games_owned": 161, "num_reviews": 50, "playtime_forever": 232, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456967333}, "language": "english", "review": "If you've every played the free version its pretty similar but with some new modes and speedruns, great game as it always was :) (p.s. theres more hats :O)", "timestamp_created": 1443613899, "timestamp_updated": 1443613899, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.562883", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260808": {"recommendationid": "18260808", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077660872", "num_games_owned": 883, "num_reviews": 69, "playtime_forever": 61, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443829693}, "language": "english", "review": "GOD THE NOSTALGIA IS REAL...\nLOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH", "timestamp_created": 1443608483, "timestamp_updated": 1443608483, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.466667", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260640": {"recommendationid": "18260640", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024951986", "num_games_owned": 456, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 452, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472911465}, "language": "english", "review": "I started playing this game as just a swf file that was being passed around in '07. Then a year later I found it on PixelJam's official site and donated $1 for the hat unlock code because it was so much fun.\n\nYears pass and I hear about Dino Run SE, and I buy that without a second thought; what's another couple bucks for an awesome game? And hey, more hats.\n\nAnd now it's 2015 and PixelJam sends me an email telling me about Dino Run DX. What's that? MORE hats you say? [i]SOLD[/i].", "timestamp_created": 1443607034, "timestamp_updated": 1443607034, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523052", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260569": {"recommendationid": "18260569", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006002015", "num_games_owned": 1299, "num_reviews": 67, "playtime_forever": 49, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443599656}, "language": "english", "review": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KpF0hoeU3k", "timestamp_created": 1443606501, "timestamp_updated": 1443606501, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.321084", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260531": {"recommendationid": "18260531", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075984903", "num_games_owned": 299, "num_reviews": 40, "playtime_forever": 397, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472414397}, "language": "english", "review": "Please give this game a chance. It's so awesome. It has gorgeous pixel art, great soundtrack, multiplayer, singleplayer, and last, but not least, it's really difficult if you want it to be. I haven't even looked at the price (Since I got it from a Steam key) but I can already say: It's worth every penny.", "timestamp_created": 1443606100, "timestamp_updated": 1443606100, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.510786", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260499": {"recommendationid": "18260499", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058363607", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 364, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501313908}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome game! Played this ages ago, so happy its on steam :D Dont know if its me but nobodies on multiplayer D: And it seems to stop working when switching servers (forever loading) I give it a solid 9/10", "timestamp_created": 1443605861, "timestamp_updated": 1443605861, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260491": {"recommendationid": "18260491", "author": {"steamid": "76561198057752453", "num_games_owned": 184, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 26, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443606632}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun game! Played the old one for hours and hours.\nLots of secrets and funny stuff. totally crunchy soundtrack too", "timestamp_created": 1443605789, "timestamp_updated": 1443605789, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260452": {"recommendationid": "18260452", "author": {"steamid": "76561198124123369", "num_games_owned": 286, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1262, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472708852}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game. Used to be utterly addicted playing it years ago on Kongregate. It was really disappointing when the Kickstarter didn't work out so the latest crowdfunding was exciting! And now it's on Steam. Brilliant.\n\nIt's addictive, fun, pretty, and it has hats.", "timestamp_created": 1443605453, "timestamp_updated": 1443605453, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18260009": {"recommendationid": "18260009", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972207967", "num_games_owned": 398, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 84, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445918865}, "language": "english", "review": "you get to dress up your lizard guy, put a hat on, run away from the apocalypse & eat animals to add to upgrade your stats. really fast paced, good sound design, fair amount of content (requires some grinding). you can even yell at your computer out of frustration as you're struck by RNG rock physics only to be consumed by the end of the world. it good.", "timestamp_created": 1443601424, "timestamp_updated": 1443601424, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18259863": {"recommendationid": "18259863", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988883575", "num_games_owned": 149, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1080, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484253065}, "language": "english", "review": "outrun death while wearing a snazzy hat & jammin' to cool tunes. \nAS A DINOSAUR.\n\n11 fossils out of 11.", "timestamp_created": 1443600187, "timestamp_updated": 1443600187, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495729", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18259818": {"recommendationid": "18259818", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091459802", "num_games_owned": 266, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 437, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444317774}, "language": "english", "review": "I've been playing this game since it originally came out. Followed it ever since and backed it when the most recent page came up. It still holds up and has a very fond place in my heart. I am so happy to see it on Steam and I am having a blast replaying everything with a new dinosaur. Looking forward to future additions and can't recommend it highly enough for people who want something to whittle their time away with. Plenty of unlockables and challenges- just as the classic had! A great reto-style title to add to your collection.", "timestamp_created": 1443599772, "timestamp_updated": 1443599772, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18259606": {"recommendationid": "18259606", "author": {"steamid": "76561198090954065", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 379, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446272114}, "language": "english", "review": "For all its simplicity, I've spent more time on this game than I have many AAA titles. Despite the fact that you're constantly racing against a wall of apocalyptic doom, there's something incredibly soothing about it, perhaps because the adorable pixel graphics and constant chomping of other creatures combine to make your life-and-death struggle seem rather low-stakes. Whether it's because the graphics, due to their nature, have aged so well or because the hilarity of eating a powerup and bowling over a much larger dinosaur just never gets old, I've found myself returning again and again over the years.\n\nYou won't find much depth here, but it's a great game to turn to for a quick, gleeful distraction.", "timestamp_created": 1443597423, "timestamp_updated": 1443597505, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18259453": {"recommendationid": "18259453", "author": {"steamid": "76561198149031619", "num_games_owned": 155, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 229, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481005288}, "language": "english", "review": "One of the best Sonic games in years, now on Steam!", "timestamp_created": 1443595959, "timestamp_updated": 1443595959, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18259450": {"recommendationid": "18259450", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005815791", "num_games_owned": 338, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 347, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504645628}, "language": "english", "review": "Played this years ago and still love it now.\n\nExcept now you can give your dinosaur a banana hat.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1443595939, "timestamp_updated": 1443595939, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18258919": {"recommendationid": "18258919", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058444529", "num_games_owned": 427, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 235, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479054317}, "language": "english", "review": "You play a dinosaur with hats what more do you want?", "timestamp_created": 1443590583, "timestamp_updated": 1443590583, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499775", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18258513": {"recommendationid": "18258513", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996457533", "num_games_owned": 239, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 83, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482206512}, "language": "english", "review": "Don't be fooled by the simplistic graphics and pastel colors - Dino Run DX is a true work of multimedia art. With some of the most inspired and cohesive storytelling and game design I've seen in years, it should win an award for best music, alone. It may not take you long to finish the game, but it will be an incredibly intense time.\n\nWell worth the money. Give it a go.", "timestamp_created": 1443586899, "timestamp_updated": 1443586899, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.520000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18258271": {"recommendationid": "18258271", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068456730", "num_games_owned": 18, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 6, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443584765}, "language": "english", "review": "you can get this for free on the internet... i dont recommend it Edit: too much fucking comments that i had to change it", "timestamp_created": 1443584863, "timestamp_updated": 1450126303, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.435093", "comment_count": "16", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18257430": {"recommendationid": "18257430", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043964017", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1500, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446874652}, "language": "english", "review": "Honestly if you are looking to play a cheap mp game with friends this will keep you entertained! The game has its own level of challenge that isnt frustrating and conductive to the replayablilty. If you played this game when it first came out look forward to new levels and acheivments. ;)", "timestamp_created": 1443578258, "timestamp_updated": 1443578258, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18257118": {"recommendationid": "18257118", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071220694", "num_games_owned": 57, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 812, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464579616}, "language": "brazilian", "review": " Eu ainda lembro quando era ainda crian\u00e7a, jogando jogos de FlashPlayer em browser, quando joguei pela primeira vez DinoRun. Na \u00e9poca eles nem tinham lan\u00e7ado o Multiplayer ainda.\n Agora, mais de 5 anos depois, me encontro de novo com esse jogo na tela inicial da Steam Store.\n Simplesmente n\u00e3o pude n\u00e3o comprar.\n\n O jogo \u00e9 incr\u00edvel. Voc\u00ea \u00e9 um triceraptor que precisa sobreviver ao grande meteoro que trouxe extins\u00e3o aos dinossauros. Para isso, voc\u00ea precisa correr o mais r\u00e1pido possivel para um abrigo. Uma ideia extremamente simples, por\u00e9m original, divertida e, sinceramente, emocionante. O jogo \u00e9 uma esp\u00e9cie de Sonic por\u00e9m mais vers\u00e1til e dificil, visto que caso voc\u00ea n\u00e3o corra, voc\u00ea morre. \n Ali\u00e1s, a experiencia multiplayer \u00e9 incrivel. Fora a comunidade ser muito receptiva, a competitivade nos jogos vai fazer voc\u00ea amar ainda mais o jogo.\n\n PR\u00d3S:\n- O jogo \u00e9 divertido, rende muito tempo de jogo e n\u00e3o se torna repetitivo.\n- MUITAS op\u00e7\u00f5es de customiza\u00e7\u00e3o, que inclusive v\u00e3o aumentando conforme progresso no jogo.\n- Multiplayer incr\u00edvel, aumenta ainda mais sua paix\u00e3o pelo jogo (E a dificuldade p:)\n- Voc\u00ea \u00e9 um dinossauro com um capacete de Alien, ou talvez de samurai, ou talvez de Steve (MineCraft)? Voc\u00ea escolhe.\n- A produtora est\u00e1 realizando um crowd-funding que, se der certo, vai adicionar conteudos sensacionais ao jogo (mdfkin' editor de n\u00edveis)\n\nCONTRAS:\n- Talvez alguns achem o pre\u00e7o elevado para o tipo de jogo, mas sinceramente?\nVale cada centavo. Se voc\u00ea procura um jogo original, que n\u00e3o requer muito tempo/raciocinio, apenas para divers\u00e3o, esse \u00e9 o seu jogo. \n\n10/10. Have fun.\n", "timestamp_created": 1443576198, "timestamp_updated": 1443576198, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256896": {"recommendationid": "18256896", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043747953", "num_games_owned": 391, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486144177}, "language": "english", "review": "iirc this is the game that replaces \"f*** you\" in chat with \"Lets Cuddle\"\n\nIts pretty simple, but very well made. You do everything dinosaurs do, including: running, eating and becoming extinct. Its great.\n\nDevs sent keys to everyone who bought the game. I think I actually got it on a free day many many years ago and they sent me a key anyway. They are the real heros.\n\nAlso devs if you're listening, hit us up with some splitscreen and controller support. That would be great.", "timestamp_created": 1443574876, "timestamp_updated": 1443575143, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 46, "votes_funny": 12, "weighted_vote_score": "0.774508", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256693": {"recommendationid": "18256693", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045303650", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444791296}, "language": "english", "review": "The platforming and frenzy in this game brings so much fun to the table. Multiplayer is a complete gem and I enjoy sooo many aspects of this game. Tha graphics are fabulous and haven't changed a bit from when i played this game as a child. This game has so many fond memories attahed to it. Worth a perchase for both fans and lovers of fast paced runners.", "timestamp_created": 1443573455, "timestamp_updated": 1443573455, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256457": {"recommendationid": "18256457", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027253047", "num_games_owned": 297, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 35, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443571735}, "language": "english", "review": "What started off as a highly polished and extremely fun flash game has evolved into something even bigger. Who doesn't want to be a hat wearing dinosaur trying to outrun the apocalypse? The developers are great guys and they've been at this a long time. Give this game a try, you can't go wrong.", "timestamp_created": 1443571753, "timestamp_updated": 1443571753, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505615", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256429": {"recommendationid": "18256429", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001759925", "num_games_owned": 531, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 523, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501207269}, "language": "english", "review": "Long ago Dino Run existed pretty much as a flash game on a webpage. I played it a bunch and I loved it. Then they released a version you could download called Dino Run SE, and I played it a bunch and I love it. Now it's finally on Steam in the form of Dino Run DX and I am going to play it a bunch and love it.\n\nSo basically you are a little pixelated dinosaur confronted by the wall of doom approaching your species, so naturally you run. As you run away you devour anything smaller than you, and can even ride on some of the stuff that is bigger on you to get an advantage. Meanwhile you get to dodge lava flows and meteor strikes. It's chaotic and fun. It's simple yet hard. I'd recommend it to anyone.", "timestamp_created": 1443571470, "timestamp_updated": 1443633743, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.540124", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256282": {"recommendationid": "18256282", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018177915", "num_games_owned": 191, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 435, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470862730}, "language": "english", "review": "I saw this on the coming soon page. I was like \"Dino Run DX?\" \"... OH I remember that! Me and my brother played Dino Run for hours and hours and hours\" \"IM BUYING IT\" *looks at store page. Comes out in three days. *almost dies \"I DONT WANT TO WAIT THAT LONG\" Three days later: I got home and got on steam and came right to the Dino Run DX page, bought it. After a less then minute download. *launches it \"OH ITS GOING TO BRING ME RIGHT BACK, ALL THE WAY BACK TO 2005\" TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP. I then customized my dinosaur, then I got right to it. It all came back. After playing through the good old campaign. I message my friends \"get this game and race my dinosaur\" 70/2 Stars", "timestamp_created": 1443570312, "timestamp_updated": 1443570453, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.573749", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256238": {"recommendationid": "18256238", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045072681", "num_games_owned": 171, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 3335, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503965188}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun little game on the surface. After you're finished with singleplayer, the multiplayer is where it's at.", "timestamp_created": 1443570030, "timestamp_updated": 1443570030, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500592", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18256234": {"recommendationid": "18256234", "author": {"steamid": "76561198123455323", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 1555, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482008152}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun and addictive game with a great community of people[strike] and a magical adventure inside a T-rex's large intestine[/strike].\n\nYeah.\n\nYou'll be racing your friends for hours. And with a dedicated crowdfunding platform made by the creators of this game, more updates are sure to come in the future.\n\nGame includes magical cat gods that will lead you to paradise and performance enhancing drug flowers.", "timestamp_created": 1443570002, "timestamp_updated": 1443570245, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 7, "weighted_vote_score": "0.629793", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18255688": {"recommendationid": "18255688", "author": {"steamid": "76561198160766451", "num_games_owned": 148, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 173, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445438411}, "language": "english", "review": "I love the game I dunded it", "timestamp_created": 1443566357, "timestamp_updated": 1443566357, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499761", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18255623": {"recommendationid": "18255623", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034650580", "num_games_owned": 140, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1320, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511880207}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is just fantasticly simple and enjoyable! I started playing this when I was young and I'm still doing it! As I said, it's simple: just run, as fast as you can, to the right! How hard can that be? Well, it can be really hard. Just try the different difficulties, the speed runs or planet d. Also the exploring aspect is really nice. The maps are randomly generated every time you enter, so you'll fine new locatons every time, and I'm not even talking about the hidden super eggs you have to collect! There's also a multiplayer ability, so if you want to play with friends you can! All in all, this game is amazing! At least that's the opinion of this guy right her! :)", "timestamp_created": 1443566030, "timestamp_updated": 1443566030, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506317", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18254681": {"recommendationid": "18254681", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033976810", "num_games_owned": 221, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 203, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511226206}, "language": "english", "review": "Childhood memories coursing through my steam account, so\nmuch\nmemories \n<3", "timestamp_created": 1443560243, "timestamp_updated": 1443560243, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 75, "votes_funny": 8, "weighted_vote_score": "0.695393", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18254485": {"recommendationid": "18254485", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049633803", "num_games_owned": 183, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1423, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503948324}, "language": "english", "review": "Been playing it for years and I still love it.\n\nAlso it got hats.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1443559078, "timestamp_updated": 1480112797, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 89, "votes_funny": 48, "weighted_vote_score": "0.684600", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18254295": {"recommendationid": "18254295", "author": {"steamid": "76561198148682705", "num_games_owned": 99, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1298, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479927433}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041c\u043e\u0451 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0441 \u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435\u043c Pixel Jam \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0437\u043e\u0448\u043b\u043e \u0432 \u0434\u0430\u043b\u0451\u043a\u043e\u043c 2007 \u0433\u043e\u0434\u0443 \u043d\u0430 \u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0438\u0437 \u0441\u0430\u0439\u0442\u043e\u0432 \u0441 \u0444\u043b\u0435\u0448 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0438. \u0418 \u0431\u0443\u043a\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0441 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0442 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b\u043e \u044f\u0441\u043d\u043e: \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0438 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0434\u043e\u043b\u0433\u043e. \u0422\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u0436\u0435, \u0441\u043f\u0443\u0441\u0442\u044f \u0446\u0435\u043b\u044b\u0445 8 \u043b\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u044b\u0448\u043b\u0430 \u0435\u0451 \u0443\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u044f - [b] Dino Run DX [/b].\n\n[h1]\u041d\u0435\u043c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0438[/h1]\n\u041a\u0430\u043a \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0431\u044b\u043b\u043e \u0441\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043d\u043e \u0432\u044b\u0448\u0435, Dino Run - \u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434\u0438\u0438 Pixel Jam, \u0432\u044b\u0448\u0435\u0434\u0448\u0435\u0435 \u0432 2007 \u0433\u043e\u0434\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0437\u0436\u0435 \u043e\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u043c\u043d\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435 \u0441\u0430\u0439\u0442\u043e\u0432 \u0441 \u0444\u043b\u0435\u0448 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0438. \u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u043e\u0431\u0440\u0435\u043b\u0430 \u0443\u0441\u043f\u0435\u0445. \u0421\u0432\u044b\u0448\u0435 1 \u043c\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430 \u0443\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043d\u0435\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b - \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e, \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u043c \u043c\u043e\u0433\u0443\u0442 \u043f\u043e\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c \u0438 \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c \u043d\u0435\u043c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0435. \u0421\u043f\u0443\u0441\u0442\u044f \u043d\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u043b\u0435\u0442 Pixel Jam \u0440\u0435\u0448\u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u043e\u0446\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a \u0438 \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044e \u043f\u043e \u0441\u0431\u043e\u0440\u0443 \u0434\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0433, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u044f, \u043a \u0441\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e, \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0441\u044c. \u0418 \u0432\u043e\u0442 \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e, \u0432 2015 \u0433\u043e\u0434\u0443 \u0431\u044b\u043b\u043e \u0440\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435-\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a. \u0411\u044b\u043b\u0438 \u0443\u0447\u0442\u0435\u043d\u044b \u0438 \u0438\u0441\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u044b \u043e\u0448\u0438\u0431\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043a\u0438, \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044f \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0443\u0434\u0444\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430 \u0438 \u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044b \u0446\u0435\u043b\u0438. \u0420\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0430\u0442 \u0432\u044b\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u044d\u0442\u0430\u043f\u0430 \u0446\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0439 \u043c\u044b \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441. \n\n[h1] Dino Run DX [/h1]\n\n\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a, \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0439\u0434\u0451\u043c \u043a \u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435. \n\n\n[h1] \u041f\u043b\u044e\u0441\u044b [/h1]\n\n[list]\n[*] \u041f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438, \u0432\u0435\u0440\u043e\u044f\u0442\u043d\u043e, \u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0435 \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0435 - \u0432\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043f\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u0438\u0437\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043e\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u0432\u044b\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0432 \u043f\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0435. \u041d\u0430\u0448 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0436, \u0444\u043e\u043d, \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0435 \u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0440\u044b \u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0436\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c, \u043a\u0430\u043c\u043d\u0438, \u0432\u043e\u0434\u0430 \u0438 \u043c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0435 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u043e\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0434\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437; \n\n[*] \u0421\u0430\u0443\u043d\u0434\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043a. \u041e\u043d \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0436\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043f\u0435\u043d, \u043e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0435 (\u0410\u043f\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0441). \u0418\u0434\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0434\u043e\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u044f\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0438\u0437\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0443\u044e \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u043b\u044f\u044e\u0449\u0443\u044e \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b;\n\n[*] \u0423\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435. \u041e\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0435 (\u0441\u0430\u043c\u044b\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u044b\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0438), \u043d\u043e \u0432 \u0442\u043e \u0436\u0435 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u0434\u0430\u0451\u0442 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043b\u044c \u043d\u0430\u0434 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043c;\n\n[*] \u0422\u0440\u043e\u0444\u0435\u0438. \u0410 \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0436\u0435 \u0431\u0435\u0437 \u043d\u0438\u0445? \u041d\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u0438\u0437 \u043d\u0438\u0445 \u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0435 - \u0432\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c N \u044f\u0438\u0446 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0441\u044a\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c N \u044f\u0449\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0446. \u041d\u043e \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0438\u0435, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u0449\u0438\u043c \u0432\u044b\u0437\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043c \u0434\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043e\u043f\u044b\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0432 - \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0431\u043e \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044f\u0445, \u0431\u0435\u0433 \u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u043c\u043d\u044f\u0445 \u0438, \u043d\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0435, \u0441\u0430\u043c\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 - doomsurf, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \"\u0431\u0435\u0433 \u043d\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f\";\n\n[*] \u0428\u043b\u044f\u043f\u044b. \u0414\u0430, \u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e \u0448\u043b\u044f\u043f\u044b. Dino Run \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0438\u043c\u0443\u043b\u044f\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043c \u0448\u043b\u044f\u043f \u0437\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0433\u043e \u0434\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0432\u043e\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f TF2. \u041e\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0435\u0439. \n\n[*] \u041c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440. \u0412\u044b \u043e\u0442\u043a\u0440\u044b\u043b\u0438 \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f, \u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b \u0438 \u0441\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043b\u0438 \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0442\u0440\u043e\u0444\u0435\u0438? \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440! \u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438? \u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440! \u0417\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c \u043f\u043e\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u043f\u0435\u0441\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0443? \u041d\u0443, \u0432\u044b \u043f\u043e\u043d\u044f\u043b\u0438. \n\n[*] \u041a\u043e\u043d\u0446\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438. \u0412 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435 \u0438\u0445 \u043d\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e, \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0437\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0438\u0442 \u043e\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e, \u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432\u044b \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u043c Challenge. [spoiler] \u043d\u0430 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0435 \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 Insane \u043e\u0442\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0442\u0430\u0439\u043d\u0430 \u0438\u0441\u0447\u0435\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0440\u043e\u0432, \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0435\u0451 [/spoiler] \u0422\u0430\u043a\u0436\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0435 (\u0410\u043f\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0441) \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0434\u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442\u0430\u044f \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0446\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0430, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0443\u044e \u044f \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e \u043d\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0438 \u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u043c\u0443 :) [spoiler] \u041d\u0430 \u044e\u0442\u0443\u0431\u0435 \u043e\u043d\u0430 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0447\u0442\u043e :) [/spoiler]\n[/list]\n\n[h1] \u041c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0441\u044b [/h1]\n\u0418\u0445 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u043d\u0435\u0442 :) \n\n[h1] \u041d\u0435\u043c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043e\u0431 \u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u044f\u0445 DR \u043e\u0442 DR DX [/h1]\n\u0425\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0432\u044b\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u044f \u043e\u0440\u0438\u0433\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043b\u0430 \u043e\u0442 \u043d\u044b\u043d\u0435\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0439 \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u0438.\n[list]\n[*] \u0418\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f \u0441\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043c\u043e\u043c;\n[*] \u041c\u043d\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0448\u043b\u044f\u043f \u0438 \u043e\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043e\u0432 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0436\u0430;\n[*] \u0423\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0438\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0440;\n[*] \u0423\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 background;\n[*] \u041f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u043e\u044d\u043a\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u043c;\n[*] \u0410\u043a\u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u043a\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b - \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043f\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u043c\u043d\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0434\u043e\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0438 \u0443\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439;\n[*] \u041a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0438! \u041c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043a! \u0418 \u0438\u043a\u043e\u043d\u043a\u0430 \u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0440\u0430, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u044f \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0432 \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0435\u043c \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0444\u0438\u043b\u0435.\n[/list]\n\n[h1] \u0417\u0430\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435[/h1]\n\nDino Run - \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430, \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0448\u0430\u044f \u043e\u0434\u043d\u0438\u043c \u0438\u0437 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0439 \u0436\u0430\u043d\u0440\u0430 Runner - \u043d\u0435 \u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442 \u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0434\u0443\u0448\u043d\u044b\u043c. \n\u0421\u0442\u043e\u0438\u0442 \u043b\u0438 \u0435\u0451 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0435\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c? \u0411\u0435\u0437\u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e, \u043e\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u043e\u0434\u0438\u043d - \u0414\u0410. \u0422\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434\u0438\u0438 Pixel Jam \u043c\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0442 \u0437\u0430\u043d\u044f\u0442\u044c \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0439\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043c\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e \u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438 \u043b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u043c\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440 \u043b\u044e\u0434\u0435\u0439 \u043b\u044e\u0431\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0432\u043e\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430 \u0438 \u043b\u044e\u0431\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0436\u0430, \u0438, \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e, \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0441\u0451\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u043c \u043c\u043e\u0440\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u044d\u043c\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0439.", "timestamp_created": 1443558005, "timestamp_updated": 1511553119, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 31, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.770288", "comment_count": "5", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18253791": {"recommendationid": "18253791", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032934146", "num_games_owned": 121, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 9, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443555203}, "language": "english", "review": "Ahh, I remember playing this game when it was just a little flash game altough I haven't got a multiplayer game yet (probably because of too many peapole trying to connect), but mechanics feels unchanged.\n\nIt's a simple game with a good soundrack. You can spend a couple of minutes on it and it will be fun. Altough it's simplisity can be bit too little for some.", "timestamp_created": 1443555546, "timestamp_updated": 1443555546, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 5, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526139", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18251810": {"recommendationid": "18251810", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071100442", "num_games_owned": 58, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 30873, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 57, "last_played": 1516207607}, "language": "english", "review": "I have 118.000 points in multiplayer and I still play!", "timestamp_created": 1443546472, "timestamp_updated": 1443546472, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 11, "weighted_vote_score": "0.441953", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39501587": {"recommendationid": "39501587", "author": {"steamid": "76561198054541687", "num_games_owned": 197, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 2754, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504164165}, "language": "english", "review": "I wish more people were playing this game, it's a great game for people who likes to race in a pixelated dino world. The music is great too. I recommend those who like feel like they achieve something as a true dino that shouldn't be extinct.", "timestamp_created": 1516511576, "timestamp_updated": 1516511576, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39492447": {"recommendationid": "39492447", "author": {"steamid": "76561198327332885", "num_games_owned": 158, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 401, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 2, "last_played": 1515788700}, "language": "english", "review": "I honestly think this is a really fun game, that could have been better if it actually decided to run well, but alas the frame rate is horrible. Still giving it a thumbs up, because I did have fun, sooo....", "timestamp_created": 1516478916, "timestamp_updated": 1516478916, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39575665": {"recommendationid": "39575665", "author": {"steamid": "76561198307369964", "num_games_owned": 26, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 51, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492506344}, "language": "english", "review": "When I was have like 4 years that was my first game played on PC. When I see this game on steam I instantly buy it.. Old game but very beautifull..", "timestamp_created": 1516780101, "timestamp_updated": 1516780101, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39569965": {"recommendationid": "39569965", "author": {"steamid": "76561198217681745", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 57, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 57, "last_played": 1516754824}, "language": "english", "review": "The game is ok,but the servers are ALWAYS empty", "timestamp_created": 1516754205, "timestamp_updated": 1516754205, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39596008": {"recommendationid": "39596008", "author": {"steamid": "76561198172516573", "num_games_owned": 3, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 146, "last_played": 1515896763}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Dino Run es un cl\u00e1sico. \nAdictivo, colorido y emocionante. Si te gusta el pixel art, este juego encaja perfectamente contigo.\nSinceramente, m\u00e1s personas deber\u00edan darle una oportunidad.\nSe necesitan m\u00e1s jugadores activos para que hayan m\u00e1s salas multijugadores.", "timestamp_created": 1516850641, "timestamp_updated": 1516850641, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40940652": {"recommendationid": "40940652", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161483620", "num_games_owned": 74, "num_reviews": 48, "playtime_forever": 32, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 32, "last_played": 1521560722}, "language": "czech", "review": "good game but no one plays it and if only i got code for my frend cud pkay with somone", "timestamp_created": 1521560890, "timestamp_updated": 1521560890, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40935174": {"recommendationid": "40935174", "author": {"steamid": "76561198353889229", "num_games_owned": 6, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 564, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 564, "last_played": 1521610943}, "language": "english", "review": "I loved the original game as a kid, and this updated version doesn't disappoint. New gameplay modes, cool customisable hats your dino can wear and lot more has been added in. \n\nNot to mention the pixel graphics are crisp and the music is pretty great too. A great game to play if you're feeling bored", "timestamp_created": 1521537470, "timestamp_updated": 1521537470, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40932318": {"recommendationid": "40932318", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039847771", "num_games_owned": 317, "num_reviews": 52, "playtime_forever": 48, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 48, "last_played": 1521519172}, "language": "english", "review": "Just as good as my childhood remembers. Destiny that it ends up on Steam. One million and two thank you's.", "timestamp_created": 1521519497, "timestamp_updated": 1521519497, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40907430": {"recommendationid": "40907430", "author": {"steamid": "76561198354955898", "num_games_owned": 36, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 307, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 185, "last_played": 1521672327}, "language": "english", "review": "God-tier speedrunning simulator.", "timestamp_created": 1521405547, "timestamp_updated": 1521405547, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40768954": {"recommendationid": "40768954", "author": {"steamid": "76561198107333979", "num_games_owned": 110, "num_reviews": 69, "playtime_forever": 67, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 67, "last_played": 1521739782}, "language": "english", "review": "an instant classic", "timestamp_created": 1520874326, "timestamp_updated": 1520874326, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40601793": {"recommendationid": "40601793", "author": {"steamid": "76561198114664972", "num_games_owned": 17, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 2686, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 1927, "last_played": 1521418581}, "language": "english", "review": "I love playing the original one but wow, this game is even better. Can't wait for the sequal", "timestamp_created": 1520320866, "timestamp_updated": 1520320866, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40404273": {"recommendationid": "40404273", "author": {"steamid": "76561198803236975", "num_games_owned": 6, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 16820, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1518851081}, "language": "english", "review": "Good game! I've played since 2007!", "timestamp_created": 1519608748, "timestamp_updated": 1519608748, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.549550", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40218529": {"recommendationid": "40218529", "author": {"steamid": "76561198206771631", "num_games_owned": 130, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 121, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517291393}, "language": "english", "review": "awesome. if someone likes dino run you know you can trust them and you can trust me on that", "timestamp_created": 1519032556, "timestamp_updated": 1519032556, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40193176": {"recommendationid": "40193176", "author": {"steamid": "76561198355656354", "num_games_owned": 16, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 623, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1519052174}, "language": "german", "review": "awsome game\n", "timestamp_created": 1518963436, "timestamp_updated": 1518963436, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40158535": {"recommendationid": "40158535", "author": {"steamid": "76561198447636032", "num_games_owned": 17, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1562, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1519103098}, "language": "turkish", "review": "Asiri guzel", "timestamp_created": 1518877163, "timestamp_updated": 1518877163, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40150712": {"recommendationid": "40150712", "author": {"steamid": "76561198373847005", "num_games_owned": 166, "num_reviews": 116, "playtime_forever": 282, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1519258153}, "language": "english", "review": "Ahhhh The Memories, i have held them for quite some time and i hope i never forget them.\n\ni highly recommend you buy this rather than just play it on a website for free [even though it was made to be free], why? because its an amazing game and the developers have done a fantastic job, im so glad they're making a second one!\n\nthis game has some brilliant references and loads of added content with the purchased edition. the references are off indie games!\nyou can have heads from games like...\nBattle Block Theatre \nDon\u2019t Starve\nAdult Swim\nBIT.TRIP \nCastle Crashers\nand way more! \n\nNow Here is some useful info\n\nBuyable items from shop\nHills Desktop, for 500 bones.\nSky Desktop, for 750 bones.\nDoom Desktop, for 1000 bones.\nLava Desktop, for 1000 bones.\nConcept Art, for 1000 bones.\nDino Demos, for 1500 bones.\nDino Theme MP3, for 2000 bones.\nVolcano Theme MP3, for 2500 bones.\nMonkey Mountain, for 3000 bones.\nGold Desktop, if you achieve all gold trophies.\nMac Icons, for 500 bones. (For Mac computers)\nPC Icons, for 500 bones. (For PC computers)\n\nGame: 10/10 \nStrongly recommended", "timestamp_created": 1518859152, "timestamp_updated": 1518860196, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526270", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40060591": {"recommendationid": "40060591", "author": {"steamid": "76561198348524577", "num_games_owned": 22, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 144, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1519795187}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Sencillo, simple, entretenido y divertido para pasar el rato. Si quieres saber de qu\u00e9 trata puedes checarlo en Newgrounds y si te agrada compralo en steam. Recomendable para cuando tienes un rato libre", "timestamp_created": 1518581424, "timestamp_updated": 1518581424, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40034857": {"recommendationid": "40034857", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067562366", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 139, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483893813}, "language": "english", "review": "Meh, the game isn't that good, it's about as good as the chrome outage game. BUT there is some unlockable backgrounds and I am still using it to this day, only if they were higher resolution...", "timestamp_created": 1518482017, "timestamp_updated": 1518482017, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495049", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39917781": {"recommendationid": "39917781", "author": {"steamid": "76561198161862976", "num_games_owned": 12, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 22, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1518037705}, "language": "english", "review": "moderaters are shit", "timestamp_created": 1518041504, "timestamp_updated": 1518041504, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.472441", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39789200": {"recommendationid": "39789200", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976389888", "num_games_owned": 324, "num_reviews": 61, "playtime_forever": 122, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1517641535}, "language": "english", "review": "Don't be fooled by the cute little raptor with funny hats, there are some dark moments in this game. I mean Never Ending Story Artax type bad. But you gotta keep on running. They can't be saved, but you can.\n\nGreat fun, lovely devs. Can't wait for the sequel.", "timestamp_created": 1517573847, "timestamp_updated": 1517573847, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39783419": {"recommendationid": "39783419", "author": {"steamid": "76561198046451797", "num_games_owned": 101, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 520, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507173687}, "language": "english", "review": "Wasn't this game on Xgenstudios or some other gaming site with the popular stick fighting games? Oh well, this game is fun to play but mostly for passing time as the same maps over and over again get a bit boring after a while not showing much replay-ability with interest. Though its not a bad game I still like to have it installed to just well, pass the time. The hats are something i didnt expect and sadly It doesnt seem multiplayer is a thing for the game as there's never a public server ready to be raced in like back in the f2p Dino Run days. Not really a worth of the payment and might aswell change online-multiplayer with a local two-player split-screen mechanic so its actually worth closely to what you pay to get the game. Not disappointed in my purchase but I think I rather play with friends then run alone.", "timestamp_created": 1517547780, "timestamp_updated": 1517547780, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.540636", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39773777": {"recommendationid": "39773777", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003664291", "num_games_owned": 266, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 210, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515412899}, "language": "english", "review": "50 fps lock u wot m8?", "timestamp_created": 1517510607, "timestamp_updated": 1517510607, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39753006": {"recommendationid": "39753006", "author": {"steamid": "76561198205961908", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 98, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505934317}, "language": "english", "review": "Remember playing this on Miniclip.com,but now its here on Steam with some extra things. Childhood games are always worth to buy. And this one is no exception.", "timestamp_created": 1517424019, "timestamp_updated": 1517424019, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39641187": {"recommendationid": "39641187", "author": {"steamid": "76561198357425547", "num_games_owned": 306, "num_reviews": 102, "playtime_forever": 130, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1516071454}, "language": "english", "review": "It's fun for a while but i wish the challenge runs were avaliable for multiplayer.", "timestamp_created": 1517011235, "timestamp_updated": 1517011235, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}}, "query_summary": {"num_reviews": 20, "review_score": 8, "review_score_desc": "Very Positive", "total_positive": 493, "total_negative": 42, "total_reviews": 535}}