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{"reviews": {"38802237": {"recommendationid": "38802237", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963108173", "num_games_owned": 620, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 3379, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483394226}, "language": "english", "review": "Hypnotic. Absolute mastery of mouse-as-primary-UI in a way that no other game I know has really done. Almost tragic that it has a drug theme; as an exploration of game components its innovation is overshadowed. Really worth playing though, it's the most reliable game I have for getting me into flow.", "timestamp_created": 1514512062, "timestamp_updated": 1514512062, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38679292": {"recommendationid": "38679292", "author": {"steamid": "76561198141499729", "num_games_owned": 1167, "num_reviews": 123, "playtime_forever": 126, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514251480}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a phone game.", "timestamp_created": 1514251538, "timestamp_updated": 1514251538, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.476190", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "38581716": {"recommendationid": "38581716", "author": {"steamid": "76561198016116645", "num_games_owned": 304, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 42, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511884983}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Droga buena para quedarte t\u00f3 loco", "timestamp_created": 1514041291, "timestamp_updated": 1514041291, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37807105": {"recommendationid": "37807105", "author": {"steamid": "76561198212864932", "num_games_owned": 132, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 53, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512189149}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u4e0a\u304b\u3089\u964d\u3063\u3066\u304f\u308b 2 \u8272\u306e\u30ab\u30d7\u30bb\u30eb\u3092\u6483\u3061\u58ca\u3059\u30a2\u30fc\u30b1\u30fc\u30c9\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u3067\u3059\u3002\n\u30ec\u30d9\u30eb\u3092\u30af\u30ea\u30a2\u3059\u308b\u3054\u3068\u306b\u73fe\u308c\u308b\u9320\u5264\u3092\u30af\u30ea\u30c3\u30af\u3057\u3066\u8caf\u3081\u3066\u3044\u304f\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3001\u30b9\u30ad\u30eb\u3092\u30a2\u30f3\u30ed\u30c3\u30af\u3067\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002\n\u6d41\u308c\u3066\u308bBGM\u304c\u30ab\u30c3\u30b3\u3044\u3044\u304b\u3089\u3063\u3066\u3001\u30c6\u30f3\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30a2\u30ac\u3063\u3066\u30cf\u30a4\u306b\u306a\u3089\u306a\u3044\u3088\u3046\u306b\u306d\uff01\n\n\u30af\u30b9\u30ea\u306f\u3084\u3081\u3088\u3046\u3002\n[b]\u30af\u30b9\u30ea\u3001\u30c0\u30e1\u3001\u30bc\u30c3\u30bf\u30a4\uff01[/b]", "timestamp_created": 1511805632, "timestamp_updated": 1511805632, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37776187": {"recommendationid": "37776187", "author": {"steamid": "76561198015732978", "num_games_owned": 84, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 42, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511786189}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun way to play with pills", "timestamp_created": 1511786212, "timestamp_updated": 1511786212, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "37229584": {"recommendationid": "37229584", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994428278", "num_games_owned": 989, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 1078, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511480141}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun twitchy game with great music. Be Aggressive.", "timestamp_created": 1511480231, "timestamp_updated": 1511480231, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36955265": {"recommendationid": "36955265", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988318675", "num_games_owned": 919, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 121, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475186761}, "language": "english", "review": "I find myself returning to this game every now and then when I'm in the mood for a game with a simplistic premise and just want to challenge my previous score. It's very fun and satisfying for a more casual game that draws you in for bouts every now and then.", "timestamp_created": 1511418151, "timestamp_updated": 1511418151, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36826686": {"recommendationid": "36826686", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031723899", "num_games_owned": 1018, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 77, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 11, "last_played": 1515892735}, "language": "english", "review": "Nice little timewaster game with a fun atmosphere.", "timestamp_created": 1511388057, "timestamp_updated": 1511388057, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36567385": {"recommendationid": "36567385", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034241541", "num_games_owned": 260, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 864, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513078748}, "language": "english", "review": " Intake is an addictive high score type shooter where your goal is simple. shoot the colored pills before they reach the bottom of the screen. However the execution can be quite difficult especially in higher levels. You can have power-ups and they are purchased using \"mg\"s an in game currency earned soleley through gameplay. The Music selection however is not very good in my books. Some licensed music would have been nice but it's very understandable why it's not here. I suggest to anyone playing to turn off the in game music and instead have a playlist of Dubstep artists like Excision, Datsik or Camellia playing in a google chrome tab. The visuals are quite clean and nice however I'd like the cursor color to be just a tad bit more noticeable because sometimes the color 1 from one right might be color 2 of the next and you could accidentally lose combo because of the slight lack of visual information on what color your cursor is. Also in flood and minefield special rounds I find the screen to be a bit too busy, that is the sole reason why I prefer Reaction and Acceleration more. All the gameplay is quite solid and simple. Powerups work great with the exception of the mushroom, do yourself a favor and use your mg elsewhere. 10.99CAD is also a bit of a steep pricetag for a game like this. around 5 bucks would be a great deal for a package like this. \n\n\nI'd score this a 7/10.", "timestamp_created": 1510909907, "timestamp_updated": 1510909907, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "36091220": {"recommendationid": "36091220", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967399452", "num_games_owned": 777, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 33, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509226217}, "language": "french", "review": "Si vous \u00eates fan de hi-score et de challenges rapides, alors c'est le bon jeu pour vous. Le concept est extr\u00e8mement simple : d\u00e9gommer des cibles qui tombent du ciel. Les commandes sont simples aussi : on clic, \u00e7a p\u00e8te.\n\nMais le jeu se permet d'ajouter de la variation sur cette base. Le syst\u00e8me de cible \u00e0 deux couleurs permet d'augmenter son score avec un multiplicateur de combo, mais n'est pas (trop) punitif pour le joueur. Des niveaux bonus viennent ponctuer les parties avec des diff\u00e9rences uniques \u00e0 chacun, et certains niveaux n\u00e9cessitent vraiment toute l'attention du joueur.\n\nOn ajoute \u00e0 \u00e7a une petite couche d'upgrades qui peuvent \u00eatre r\u00e9cup\u00e9r\u00e9 gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 la progression dans le jeu, et BAM, on a l\u00e0 de quoi br\u00fbler des heures \u00e0 se dire \"gni, j'aurais pu faire mieux !\".", "timestamp_created": 1509227283, "timestamp_updated": 1509227283, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34834573": {"recommendationid": "34834573", "author": {"steamid": "76561198150998607", "num_games_owned": 146, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 65, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514538013}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u73a9\u4e86\u4e00\u4f1a\u53d1\u73b0\u4e0d\u592a\u61c2\u600e\u4e48\u64cd\u4f5c..\n\u5168\u7a0b\u9f20\u6807\u6362\u989c\u8272\u52a0\u547d\u4e2d..\n\u7d2fxxx\n\u4e0d\u8fc7\u771f\u7684\u5f88\u597d\u73a9\u554a\uff01\u771f\u7684\u6709\u70b9FPS\u7ec3\u547d\u4e2d\u7684\u611f\u89c92333\n\nwe are ready !!\nwe we we are ready !!!\n\u3010\u662f\u7684\u6211\u88ab\u521d\u59cb\u66f2\u76ee\u6d17\u8111\u4e86xx\n\n\u3010\u597d\u5427\u5b83\u597d\u50cf\u4e0d\u662f\u8fd9\u4e48\u5531\u7684\uff08\u88c5\u50bb", "timestamp_created": 1504954689, "timestamp_updated": 1504955518, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34748181": {"recommendationid": "34748181", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025049339", "num_games_owned": 309, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 175, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505582903}, "language": "english", "review": "BE! AGGRESSIVE! B! E! AGGRESSIVE!\n\nWow. This game definitely has a unique vibe going for it.\nIt won't be for everyone, but there's something really satisfying about swapping colors and clicking on exploding pills.\nThe audio is nice too, although the cheer from the song will likely get on some people's nerves.\nYou can unlock new songs, but I'd rather use my in-game currency to unlock powerups and stuff instead.\nEventually I'll find out if any of the other songs are good I guess, but in the meantime...\n\nBE! AGGRESSIVE! B! E! AGGRESSIVE!", "timestamp_created": 1504578304, "timestamp_updated": 1512706391, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.521739", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34542066": {"recommendationid": "34542066", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039868153", "num_games_owned": 336, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 263, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507519717}, "language": "english", "review": "Very addicting, fun game. Good way to practice with a new mouse or something.", "timestamp_created": 1503879847, "timestamp_updated": 1503879847, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34521300": {"recommendationid": "34521300", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044880764", "num_games_owned": 379, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 744, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 39, "last_played": 1516248724}, "language": "english", "review": "Fastest shooter ever made and still gunning for ya!", "timestamp_created": 1503811290, "timestamp_updated": 1503811290, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34336339": {"recommendationid": "34336339", "author": {"steamid": "76561198315961117", "num_games_owned": 59, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 219, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498762847}, "language": "polish", "review": "Good and easy game. Just try and play.", "timestamp_created": 1503089224, "timestamp_updated": 1503089224, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "34225435": {"recommendationid": "34225435", "author": {"steamid": "76561198016632416", "num_games_owned": 774, "num_reviews": 187, "playtime_forever": 12, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502668867}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a beautiful fun well polished game. The music is great too. That said for $10 its still just a wave shooting gallary game. I'm giving it a thumbs up as what is here is really really well done, but it could use a little more for the price. The descritpion by the Dev summs this game up perfectly \"In this polychromatic love child of Dr. Mario and Ikaruga\" If that sounds good to you, then Intake will not let you down.", "timestamp_created": 1502669036, "timestamp_updated": 1502669036, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33551638": {"recommendationid": "33551638", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992970991", "num_games_owned": 106, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 766, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500093579}, "language": "english", "review": "[b]TL;DR[/b] -- Great pill popping shooter with neon graphics and intense action. It'll have you on the edge of your seat and being all aggressive with your mouse. The game is [i]well worth the full price[/i] with various modes, great effects, and well placed achievements. If hesitant, keep an eye out for [i]Cipher Prime Studios[/i] bundles.\n\n***\n\n[i]Intake[/i] is a small arcade game with the singular goal of racking up combos by wiping out multicolored pills as they fall from above. The standard mode has you popping pills before they hit your \"shield\"/goal area. Right clicking shifts the color of your \"shield\" area as well as your mouse. Matching the mouse color with the falling pill's color will result in the start of a chained combo. Only combos can increase your score. If a pill touches down and the color matches? Your \"shield\" will take care of it. If it doesn't, you'll lose a life. Fairly simple.\n\nAs simple as the gameplay [i]should[/i] be, standard mode's levels grow progressively faster and more chaotic. \n\nOne of the cool things about [i]Intake[/i] is its system of unlockables. If you're looking for a challenge, beside the standard mode, there are additional game modes that unlock as you play. These include: [i]Acceleration, Flood, Pro, Minefield,[/i] and [i]Reaction.[/i] For example, [i]Acceleration[/i] lobs pills at you with insane speed while [i]Minefield[/i] psyches you out, playing the game's frantic pace against you by making every pill a flashbag which temporarily stuns you visually. There's also powerups, cool effects, additional color pills, and other interesting things to unlock.\n\nYou can compare your scores with friends or against other Intake players around the globe. The game also features achievements and decent looking badges. If you're into badge making, the wallpapers and emotes are nice looking. \n\nSome of the negative reviews claim that the soundtrack lacks diversity. This is only partly true and might only apply to new players. You can [i]unlock songs[/i] from your Drugstore as you gain the in-game currency called [i]mg[/i] (miligrams). While you might be stuck playing the pep rally techno \"Be Aggressive\" for an hour or so, that can be changed by racking up enough mg. It could take a while depending on your skill and time dedicated to the game. In all honestly, I'm not too concerned with the song selection in my arcade games so YMMV.\n\nWhy did I explain the game in so much detail? Because [i]if Intake lacks anything, it would be proper guides and tutorials.[/i] It's all trial and error. [i]Cipher Prime Studios[/i] is known for releasing games which are both artistic and minimalist. Their puzzle/strategy games such as [i]Fractal: Make Blooms Not War[/i], [i]Auditorium,[/i] and [i]Splice[/i] are all \"learn by doing.\" [i]Aesthetics heavy, explanations nill.[/i] Unlike [i]Splice,[/i] the mechanics are not really that difficult to master.\n\n[i]Intake[/i] is for arcade players with quick reflexes. The overall rave/drug scene references might not be for everyone but, if you made it this far in the review, who cares? You're probably fine with it. The game play is solid, the music is catchy, it has excellent visuals, and it's well worth its price in gold-pressed latinum. Or sparkle party handouts. \u2014 BR", "timestamp_created": 1500095308, "timestamp_updated": 1500097705, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33449116": {"recommendationid": "33449116", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134341189", "num_games_owned": 189, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499840319}, "language": "english", "review": "not that into the music, but the game's pretty rad", "timestamp_created": 1499754514, "timestamp_updated": 1499754514, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "33441313": {"recommendationid": "33441313", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996875210", "num_games_owned": 87, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 562, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500570413}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1]Simple, yet difficult, repetetive but addictive as hell[/h1]\n\nI have been trying to review Intake for quite a while now. It wasn't easy, because each time I decided I won't be playing this game anymore, I started it up for \"the last time\". I did that like 10 or 15 times already.\n\nWhat is Intake?\n\nIt's a game about dubstep drugs. Yup. That's it. Drugs. And Dubstep.\nHow is that a good combo?\nWell, Intake is a very simple in design game. You have to destroy colored pills. There are two colors, but you can only use one at a time. Two button game. Quick and easy. The difficult part begins when game throws hoards of those pills at your face in a split second. Did I mention flashbangs? Oh yeah, Intake has them. Lots of them at times. Hit one and your combo (and screen, and sanity, and flow) are gone. \n[i]Wait, wait... what combo?[/i]\nWell, the more pills you hit without missing, the higher your combo, the higher your combo, the better your score. Combos grant you really weird power-ups as well.\n\n[i]Okay, okay, but is it a good game?[/i]\n\n[b]Yes. Intake is phenomenal.[/b] It's nothing more than breaking pills, but oh boy, it's so satisfying. Dubstep in the background seem to be the best possible choice of music, tho I wish it wasn't [b]just 5 tracks, that are unlockable throughout the game.[/b] A lot of flashing screens and challenging difficulty makes this game a Point and Click adventure from hell.\n\n[u]Definitely worth the money Cipher Prime Studios ask for.[/u] \n\nAlso, are you a CS:GO player? Well, that game helps you improve overall aim.", "timestamp_created": 1499722254, "timestamp_updated": 1499722354, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504505", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32371802": {"recommendationid": "32371802", "author": {"steamid": "76561198144531367", "num_games_owned": 55, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 263, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500107339}, "language": "english", "review": "Simple, fun and easy to understand. I like it. 8/10.", "timestamp_created": 1497295459, "timestamp_updated": 1497295459, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "32153957": {"recommendationid": "32153957", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989659244", "num_games_owned": 441, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 129, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496440985}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty hardcore gameplay, engaging soundtrack, several modes, shitton of particle effects. Overall pretty good game to play now and then, pushing your skills to the limit.", "timestamp_created": 1496500590, "timestamp_updated": 1496500590, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31987125": {"recommendationid": "31987125", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965800570", "num_games_owned": 49, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 1145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499392938}, "language": "english", "review": "this game's fun to play you're on acid or faded, i always play my own music cause the current music selections are trash. also solid practice for FPS games (i.e., Counter Strike, Overwatch, etc.) \n\n8/10", "timestamp_created": 1495854339, "timestamp_updated": 1495854339, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31898407": {"recommendationid": "31898407", "author": {"steamid": "76561198125259526", "num_games_owned": 97, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 66, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495383946}, "language": "french", "review": "Obtenu gratuitement je ne suis pas d\u00e9cu, bon jeu d'arcade pour passer le temps. \nLe gameplay est pl\u00fbtot simple, exploser les pillules en cliquant dessus tous en prenant garde a avoir la m\u00eame couleur que cette derniere. On r\u00e9colte des plaquettes blanches entre les stages et en fin de run, ce qui nous permet par la suite de d\u00e9bloquer toute une vari\u00e9t\u00e9 de choses (power up, musique, autre panel de couleurs pour les pillules, etc) ce qui permet une bonne rejouabilit\u00e9 et un petit cot\u00e9 addictif aussi. \n\nPour r\u00e9sum\u00e9 un bon petit jeu, que je trouve un poil cher pour 10e", "timestamp_created": 1495447340, "timestamp_updated": 1495447340, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31701952": {"recommendationid": "31701952", "author": {"steamid": "76561198101376334", "num_games_owned": 364, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 192, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507478604}, "language": "schinese", "review": "$moke W33D everyDAY.", "timestamp_created": 1494596623, "timestamp_updated": 1494596623, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31579523": {"recommendationid": "31579523", "author": {"steamid": "76561198255843062", "num_games_owned": 135, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 22, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490081143}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8fd9\u4ec0\u4e48\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u554a\uff1f\u70b9\u54ea\u91cc\uff1f\u8fd9\u91cc\uff01\u54e6\uff01\u6211\u64cd\uff01\u624b\u611f\u597d\u597d\uff01\u6211\u64cd\u592a\u723d\u4e86\uff01\u7b49\u7b49\u7b49\u7b49\u6162\u4e00\u70b9\uff01\u6211\u9760\uff01\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\u3002\n\n\n\n\n\u518d\u6765\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1494072656, "timestamp_updated": 1494072656, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31577663": {"recommendationid": "31577663", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075320935", "num_games_owned": 1152, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 2259, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502655804}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u043b\u0438\u0448\u043a\u043e\u043c \u0442\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f.", "timestamp_created": 1494066023, "timestamp_updated": 1494066023, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499202", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "31121083": {"recommendationid": "31121083", "author": {"steamid": "76561198079005954", "num_games_owned": 280, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 77, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492205674}, "language": "english", "review": "Retarded music", "timestamp_created": 1492106097, "timestamp_updated": 1492106097, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.359639", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "30384815": {"recommendationid": "30384815", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963437658", "num_games_owned": 918, "num_reviews": 108, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514603481}, "language": "english", "review": "This game might as well be in the VR section. In all its metaphors, the game is about as close to life as one can get. Going to dock you a star for not having a heavy metal soundtrack though. That's mandatory with all games in this genre. 4/5 \\m/ Jokes aside, it is a good game. I've been enjoying it. It's frustrating, but satisfying once you beat the trouble level.\n\n\"If I don't get enough pills to kill myself, then I'm going to take pills and kill myself\"", "timestamp_created": 1488948322, "timestamp_updated": 1489007570, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29936684": {"recommendationid": "29936684", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988685031", "num_games_owned": 856, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 218, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487297788}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041a\u0443\u043f\u0438\u043b \u0437\u0430 11 \u0440\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0439 \u043d\u0430 plati, idlemaster\u043e\u043c \u0432\u044b\u0431\u0438\u043b 3 \u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b, \u0447\u0443\u0442\u044c \u0437\u0430\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0443\u043b \u0438 \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043b \u0437\u043d\u0430\u0447\u043e\u043a - \u0432\u044b\u043f\u0430\u043b \u0444\u043e\u043d \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0444\u0438\u043b\u044f \u0437\u0430 1000\u20bd.\n\u0413\u0435\u0439\u0431, \u0442\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0437\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u044c\u0435", "timestamp_created": 1487143550, "timestamp_updated": 1487143550, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.531612", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29863035": {"recommendationid": "29863035", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071192440", "num_games_owned": 725, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 2981, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495368799}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e-\u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043b\u044f\u043b\u043a\u0430, \u0432 \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u043d\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430 \u0441\u044b\u043f\u044f\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0442\u043e\u043d\u043d\u044b \u043c\u0438\u043b\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u043e\u0432 \u0440\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043e\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0411\u0410\u0414\u043e\u0432 \u0438 \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0445\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0442\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043a. \u041c\u044b \u0434\u043e\u043b\u0436\u043d\u044b \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u0434\u043b\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0443\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0438\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043b\u0435\u0432\u044b\u043c \u0449\u0435\u043b\u0447\u043a\u043e\u043c \u043c\u044b\u0448\u0438 (\u043d\u0435 \u043f\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u0441 \u0441\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0438) \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044c \u043b\u0438\u0448\u043a\u0430 (\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0437). \u0420\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e \u0448\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0438\u043c\u044b\u043c, \u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0438\u043c\u044b\u043c, \u043b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u043c \u0431\u044b\u0441\u0442\u0440\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u043d\u0434\u0438 \u0438 \u0431\u044b\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0438 \u043d\u0443 \u0438 \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0443\u043f\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e \u043a\u0443\u043f\u0438\u0432\u0448\u0438\u043c \u043c\u044b\u0448\u043a\u0443 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043f\u043a.\n\n\u0421 \u043f\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b, \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0439 \u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u043d\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0430\u0434\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u043d\u0430\u043f\u043e\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0443\u044e Lumines: Electronic Symphony, \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0438\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0432\u044b\u0448\u043b\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e \u0432 \u0442\u0435 \u0436\u0435 \u0433\u043e\u0434\u044b \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0438 \u044d\u0442\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430. \u0420\u0430\u0437\u043d\u044f\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043e\u043d\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043d\u043e \u0432 \u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0438, \u0432 \u0431\u044e\u0434\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0438 \u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430, \u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0441\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438, \u043d\u043e \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0435 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0435. \u041a \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443 \u043e \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0442\u0435\u043c\u0430\u0445: \u043e\u043d\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0431\u043b\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0440\u0443\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0438 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0435 \u0430\u043f\u0433\u0440\u0439\u0434\u044b \u0437\u0430 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\u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u043b\u0438\u0448\u044c \u0444\u043e\u043d, \u0432\u0441\u044f \u0440\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430 \u043c\u043e\u0437\u0433\u0430 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u0440\u0435\u0444\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u0445 \u043f\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437 - \u0440\u0443\u043a\u0430. \u0422\u0430\u043a\u0436\u0435 \u043f\u043e \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0440\u0435\u0444\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u043e\u0432 \u0438 \u043c\u044b\u0448\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043d\u0430 \u0443\u043c \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442 OSU! \u0438 \u0435\u0451 \u043a\u043b\u043e\u043d\u044b, \u043d\u043e \u044f \u043a \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435 \u043d\u0435\u0439\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d \u0438\u0437-\u0437\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0438\u043c\u0443\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e 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\u0432\u0441\u044f\u043a\u043e\u043c \u0441\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u0431\u044b\u043b\u043e \u043d\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u043b\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0434 \u0438 \u0432\u0441\u044f\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044b\u043b\u0438 \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u043d\u0435 \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044b) + \u0435\u0451 \u0434\u043e \u0441\u0438\u0445 \u043f\u043e\u0440 \u043d\u0435\u0442 \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435.\n\n\u041e\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443 \u041a\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043c: \u0443\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u044b\u043c \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043c, \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f\u0449\u0438\u043c\u0441\u044f \u0433\u043e\u043b\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043c, \u0437\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0432\u0448\u0438\u043c \u043a\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0430\u043c, \u0438 \u0438\u0436\u0435 \u0441 \u043d\u0438\u043c\u0438. \u041f\u0440\u043e\u0439\u0434\u044f \u043d\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u0442\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0441 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0439 \u0441\u0435\u043d\u0441\u044b \u0432\u044b \u043d\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u0443\u044e \u0437\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0443 \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0448\u0435\u0439 \u0432\u0430\u0441 \u0442\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0439 training_aim_csgo2. \u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0440\u0435\u0444\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u044b \u0438 \u0441\u043e\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0438 \u0447\u0430\u0441\u044b \u0431\u043b\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430\u0445 \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043d\u0430\u0432\u044b\u043a\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u0438 \u0447\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438, \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u044c\u044e\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043e\u0432 \u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0434\u043e\u043a, \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u043d\u0435\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043b\u0438\u0448\u044c \u0432\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u043c\u044b\u0448\u044c\u044e.", "timestamp_created": 1486868283, "timestamp_updated": 1486896183, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.642682", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29843567": {"recommendationid": "29843567", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993482341", "num_games_owned": 494, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 76, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486811403}, "language": "french", "review": "Je d\u00e9teste les jeux pour hyperactifs \u00e9pileptiques.", "timestamp_created": 1486807239, "timestamp_updated": 1486807239, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29361928": {"recommendationid": "29361928", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995749658", "num_games_owned": 1275, "num_reviews": 907, "playtime_forever": 90, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484853298}, "language": "german", "review": "Fadenkreuz-Abschiess Spiel\nIch liebe den Soundtrack aber das Spiel ist ein reiner Maus-Reaktionstest.\nF\u00fcr Highscore J\u00e4ger.", "timestamp_created": 1484854289, "timestamp_updated": 1484854289, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "29337729": {"recommendationid": "29337729", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021155753", "num_games_owned": 417, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 54, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513439623}, "language": "english", "review": "The best way to legally pop pills.", "timestamp_created": 1484750806, "timestamp_updated": 1484750806, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467836", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28655838": {"recommendationid": "28655838", "author": {"steamid": "76561198145293383", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 169, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1482985520}, "language": "english", "review": "I thought this was going to be a shitty ass game, but i was wrong.\nIt's a great reaction game to keep your mouse always moving... well that's basically it, you don't use your keyboard at all. just the left and right mouse buttons.\n\n\nIf you're into a game that challenges you to improve every time you play and test your reactions this is the right game for you.\n\nI rate 7.3/10\n: deductions for low amount of interaction with other controls", "timestamp_created": 1482719091, "timestamp_updated": 1482719091, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28050227": {"recommendationid": "28050227", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084104014", "num_games_owned": 93, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 71, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493915717}, "language": "polish", "review": "Najlepsza gra w jak\u0105 dotychczas gra\u0142em, mo\u017ce i za droga, ale co ja tam wiem, jak dosta\u0142em j\u0105 za darmo :v", "timestamp_created": 1480424926, "timestamp_updated": 1480424926, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497512", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "28019133": {"recommendationid": "28019133", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019838186", "num_games_owned": 319, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 231, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480391245}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0441!", "timestamp_created": 1480391339, "timestamp_updated": 1480391339, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27984682": {"recommendationid": "27984682", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996382145", "num_games_owned": 765, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 521, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457580618}, "language": "english", "review": "Go to drugs, don't do school kids.", "timestamp_created": 1480361516, "timestamp_updated": 1480361516, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467836", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27702817": {"recommendationid": "27702817", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052227505", "num_games_owned": 194, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 83, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505639925}, "language": "polish", "review": "mozna pocwiczyc aima ;)", "timestamp_created": 1480182088, "timestamp_updated": 1480182088, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27300086": {"recommendationid": "27300086", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997430271", "num_games_owned": 299, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 455, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1485893362}, "language": "english", "review": "+ Very addictive for such simple game.", "timestamp_created": 1480017583, "timestamp_updated": 1480017583, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27234783": {"recommendationid": "27234783", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023665841", "num_games_owned": 217, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 186, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480534617}, "language": "english", "review": "very relaxing", "timestamp_created": 1480005913, "timestamp_updated": 1480005913, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505544", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27089455": {"recommendationid": "27089455", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042216498", "num_games_owned": 356, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 108, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491296902}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is a hidden gem.\n\nIt's unbelievebly good.\nThe colors and audio will get you in the mood of the game and the minimalist gameplay will keep you there.\nSimple concept and amazingly clean execution.\n\n16/10 - More pills please.", "timestamp_created": 1479979753, "timestamp_updated": 1479979753, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501558", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27083963": {"recommendationid": "27083963", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981091572", "num_games_owned": 490, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 350, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480353668}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041a\u0443\u043f\u0438\u043b, \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b \u0438 ... \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043b \u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0448\u0438\u0435\u0441\u044f \u043f\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438. 10 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u043c\u044f\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0443\u0433\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0438\u0437 10.", "timestamp_created": 1479978487, "timestamp_updated": 1479978487, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "27044029": {"recommendationid": "27044029", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117660134", "num_games_owned": 111, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455653453}, "language": "english", "review": "dude molly lmao", "timestamp_created": 1479967920, "timestamp_updated": 1479967920, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467836", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26947979": {"recommendationid": "26947979", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999332354", "num_games_owned": 1076, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 125, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479944685}, "language": "english", "review": "a nice time killer game", "timestamp_created": 1479944548, "timestamp_updated": 1479944548, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26927557": {"recommendationid": "26927557", "author": {"steamid": "76561198057102861", "num_games_owned": 110, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 552, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479940871}, "language": "italian", "review": "Amazing", "timestamp_created": 1479940947, "timestamp_updated": 1479940947, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.480746", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "26510368": {"recommendationid": "26510368", "author": {"steamid": "76561198336347579", "num_games_owned": 142, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 43, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483830609}, "language": "czech", "review": "Par\u00e1dn\u00ed \u0161\u00edlenost ;)", "timestamp_created": 1478732815, "timestamp_updated": 1478732815, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25975845": {"recommendationid": "25975845", "author": {"steamid": "76561198224635632", "num_games_owned": 443, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 306, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507777951}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Duck Hunt en esteroides... Literalmente!", "timestamp_created": 1476150441, "timestamp_updated": 1476150441, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25659169": {"recommendationid": "25659169", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995071341", "num_games_owned": 603, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 90, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497530209}, "language": "english", "review": "I highly recommend this game. It's so fun and can be very addicting. Gets quite challenging.Simple and beautiful. Colors are amazing music is very enjoyable. So glad I got this game!!!", "timestamp_created": 1474670529, "timestamp_updated": 1474670529, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25504116": {"recommendationid": "25504116", "author": {"steamid": "76561198125056987", "num_games_owned": 283, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 186, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473901392}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u753b\u9762\u7cbe\u7f8e\uff0c\u6253\u51fb\u611f\u4e0d\u9519\uff0c\u539f\u58f0\u97f3\u4e50\u597d\u8bc4\uff0c\u4e00\u6b3e\u4e0d\u9519\u7684\u5c0f\u6e38\u620f", "timestamp_created": 1473901512, "timestamp_updated": 1473901512, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25387441": {"recommendationid": "25387441", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011522950", "num_games_owned": 2455, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 198, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1473374169}, "language": "english", "review": "Best game to play before playing any shooter, this will get your reflexes warmed up.", "timestamp_created": 1473198879, "timestamp_updated": 1506580579, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.998462", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25257899": {"recommendationid": "25257899", "author": {"steamid": "76561198163288456", "num_games_owned": 163, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 224, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480707662}, "language": "english", "review": "Very good if you like games that give you RSIs", "timestamp_created": 1472594641, "timestamp_updated": 1472594641, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "25242435": {"recommendationid": "25242435", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960931103", "num_games_owned": 373, "num_reviews": 108, "playtime_forever": 121, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472529930}, "language": "english", "review": "There\u2019s not much to the game, but that works out well in this case. It\u2019s a very simplistic arcade shooter with a variety of unlockable items to help you to climb up the levels easier. Pills of two different colors fall down and you must make sure you shifted your cursor to the right color before clicking. Do this enough consecutive times and you\u2019ll advance to the next level. The game throws some special stages in with different obstacles to challenge you further. \n\nIt\u2019s pretty addicting and very challenging. I\u2019m not good at these games, which is why I got this included as a bundle. I couldn\u2019t get past level 13-14 but enjoyed unlocking the music and powerups. \n\nThe music is good. I only wish there were more than a handful of tracks.\n\nGraphics are nice and run at either an unlocked framerate or in Vsync.\n\n[b]Pros[/b]\n+Simple yet addicting gameplay\n+Music\n+Challenging\n+Unlocked or vsync framerate\n\n[b]Cons[/b]\n+More music!\n+Difficulty spikes\n\n[b]6/10[/b] Slightly above average\n", "timestamp_created": 1472531424, "timestamp_updated": 1472531424, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24703212": {"recommendationid": "24703212", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041512403", "num_games_owned": 1305, "num_reviews": 918, "playtime_forever": 626, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481961652}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ud558\ub298\uc5d0\uc11c \ucea1\uc290\uc774 \ub5a8\uc5b4\uc9c4\ub2e4!\n\n\ud558\ub298\uc5d0\uc11c 3\uac00\uc9c0 \uc0c9\uc744 \uac00\uc9c4 \uc54c\uc57d\ub4e4\uc774 \ucd94\ub77d\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ud50c\ub808\uc774\uc5b4\ub294 \ub9c8\uc6b0\uc2a4\ub97c \uc774\uc6a9\ud574\uc11c \uc774 \uc54c\uc57d\ub4e4\uc744 \uc3d8\uc544 \ud130\ud2b8\ub824\uc57c\ud558\uc8e0.\n\ub2e8! \ub3d9\uc77c\ud55c \uc0c9\uc73c\ub85c \ub9de\ucdb0\uc57c\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\n\ub9c8\uc6b0\uc2a4 \uc88c\ud074\ub9ad\uc740 \uc0ac\uaca9/ \uc6b0\ud074\ub9ad\uc740 \uc0c9 \uc804\ud658\uc774\uc8e0.\n\ucc38\uace0\ub85c, \uc54c\uc57d\uc758 3\uc885\ub958\ub294 \ub9de\ucd9c \uc218 \uc788\ub294 \uc54c\uc57d 2\uac1c\uc640 \ub9de\ucd94\uba74 \uc548\ub418\ub294 \uc54c\uc57d 1\uac1c\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\ud68c\uc0c9\uc758 \uc54c\uc57d\uc740 \ub9de\ucd94\uba74 \ud654\uba74\uc774 \uba48\uce6b\ud558\uba74\uc11c \ud328\ub110\ud2f0\ub97c \uc8fc\uc8e0.\n\n\ud3ed\ud0c4 \uc99d\uac00/ \uccb4\ub825 \uc99d\uac00/ \uc6b0\uc8fc\uc120 \ub4f1\uc758 \ub2e4\uc591\ud55c \ub2a5\ub825\uc744 \uad6c\ub9e4, \uac15\ud654, \uc7a5\ucc29\uc774 \uac00\ub2a5\ud558\uba70\n\uc6b0\ubc15, \ud3ed\ud0c4\ub9cc \ub4f1\uc7a5, \ub300\ub7c9 \ub4f1\uc7a5 \ub4f1\uc758 \ub2e4\uc591\ud55c \ubaa8\ub4dc\ub4e4\ub3c4 \uc874\uc7ac\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\n\uac1c\uc778\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0c1\ub2f9\ud788 \uc7ac\ubc0c\uac8c \uc990\uae34 \uac8c\uc784", "timestamp_created": 1470292986, "timestamp_updated": 1498709974, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24505780": {"recommendationid": "24505780", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068092414", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 5797, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509051988}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc74c\uc545\uc774\ub098 \uc778\ud130\ud398\uc774\uc2a4 \ub514\uc790\uc778\uc740 \uc81c \ucde8\ud5a5\uc774 \uc544\ub2c8\uc9c0\ub9cc..\n\ub118 \uc7ac\ubbf8\uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.. \uc5ec\ub7ec\uac00\uc9c0 \ud14c\ub9c8\uc640 \uc74c\uc545\uc744 \uc9c0\uc6d0\ud588\ub354\ub77c\uba74 \uc5b4\ub5a8\uae4c \uc2f6\ub124\uc694..", "timestamp_created": 1469390024, "timestamp_updated": 1469390024, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24420116": {"recommendationid": "24420116", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023167303", "num_games_owned": 843, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 601, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476466911}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Tremendo y adictivo arcade! Sabe como engancharte y motivarte durante la partida. Si te gustan los arcades simples, o buscas un juego para calentar el rat\u00f3n antes de ponerte serio, Intake es ideal.\n\n\"Side effects of Intake are coming, and include: Feeling awesome, getting a highscore... AND DROPPING THE BASS!\"\n\nFuck yeah! Uno de los puntazos del juego es la tremenda banda sonora Dubstep, super motivante. Efectos de sonido y estimulos de recompensa hechos aposta para que te vicies! Cosas a desbloquear, logros, desafios.... Me ha costado unas 9 horas de juego para llegar al nivel 100, y la curva de reflejos y concentraci\u00f3n es muy gratificante. \n\nAunque se hace todo m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil cuando desbloqueas ciertas mejoras, no me parece f\u00e1cil en general, sobre todo a partir del nivel 60, o los desafios. De todas formas, me veo incapaz en esta vida de sacarme todos los logros... es decir: 1000x combo? Completar los 100 niveles sin morir, sin upgrades y sin perder ning\u00fan combo? Are we crazy? Pero vamos, esto es bueno, entre los desafios y completar ciertos logros da para much\u00edsimas horas m\u00e1s. \n\nDe hecho lo veo un buen juego para calentar si vas a tener una partida seria luego a otro juego. Ocupa poco y las partidas no son largas, es un buen arcade para matar ratos cortos, o para tirarte con \u00e9l unas horas. Es un buen ejercicio de mano derecha, ya que se juega enteramente con el rat\u00f3n. Click Izquierdo para disparar, click derecho para cambiar de color. \n\nPara mi, vale los 10 euros que cuesta, en oferta no tienes excusa.\n\nNo drugs!", "timestamp_created": 1468993107, "timestamp_updated": 1468993107, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502262", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "24266509": {"recommendationid": "24266509", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974115860", "num_games_owned": 161, "num_reviews": 35, "playtime_forever": 178, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438760492}, "language": "english", "review": "A fast paced arcade shooter, fueled by dubstep. Fun with MDMA.\n[url=http://store.steampowered.com/curator/10260673/]Also recommended by Psychonautic Gaming Collective[/url]", "timestamp_created": 1468292832, "timestamp_updated": 1468292832, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.455397", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23797331": {"recommendationid": "23797331", "author": {"steamid": "76561198181312421", "num_games_owned": 417, "num_reviews": 113, "playtime_forever": 388, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467025456}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\u6709\u6bd2\u6839\u672c\u505c\u4e0d\u4e0b\u6765", "timestamp_created": 1466873347, "timestamp_updated": 1466873347, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23728934": {"recommendationid": "23728934", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042403075", "num_games_owned": 178, "num_reviews": 114, "playtime_forever": 47, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1461703599}, "language": "english", "review": "Don't do drugs, kids!\n\n10/10 would listen to the same 10 seconds of music on repeat again.", "timestamp_created": 1466696792, "timestamp_updated": 1466696792, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23606366": {"recommendationid": "23606366", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000057269", "num_games_owned": 1183, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 281, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456454024}, "language": "english", "review": "This game distills clicking on things quickly to a crystalline perfection.", "timestamp_created": 1466127115, "timestamp_updated": 1466127115, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23506279": {"recommendationid": "23506279", "author": {"steamid": "76561198060997780", "num_games_owned": 581, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 52, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466594995}, "language": "english", "review": "<3 <3 <3 The visuals!!! <3 <3 <3 \nDoes the BGM affects gameplay? Guess not, imma mute it! hahaha It is a good song, but it is dman repetitive. We can buy from the drugstore, but I'd rather play my own music...\n\nLove the drugs, the arts, the effects! \n\nIs this available on mobile? Coz I think it would be best played using touch. Time for me to buy a touch screen monitor! :D jk I bought this on sale. haha\n\n~~~Stay High~~~", "timestamp_created": 1465667630, "timestamp_updated": 1465667630, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23494829": {"recommendationid": "23494829", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967951581", "num_games_owned": 1448, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465678578}, "language": "english", "review": "I like to imagine this is the game you play when Dr. Mario goes off the deep end and tries to murder everyone. You are dubstep doctor who will stop at nothing to destroy all those pills and save lives!", "timestamp_created": 1465613788, "timestamp_updated": 1465613788, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "23363440": {"recommendationid": "23363440", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096030981", "num_games_owned": 5062, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 821, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489034012}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8fd9\u6e38\u620f\u6709\u70b9\u6bd2\u3002\u3002\u3002\u8981\u4e0d\u662f\u770b\u7740\u773c\u775b\u9178\u6211\u89c9\u5f97\u6211\u80fd\u8fde\u7eed\u70b9\u4e0a\u51e0\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\u3002\u3002\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1464970509, "timestamp_updated": 1464970509, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 10, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.669397", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22690039": {"recommendationid": "22690039", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062813911", "num_games_owned": 600, "num_reviews": 593, "playtime_forever": 246, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1461858862}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1] DISCLAIMER: This is a first impressions review, and NOT a full review, if you want a full review, then please read better reviews then mine [/h1]\n\n[b] WINNERS DON'T USE DRUGS! [/b]\n\nIntake is a game by Cipher Prime Studios, a very simplistic game where all you have to is shoot pills. The game is fun especially with the soundtrack and fantastic visuals although very challenging. Intake is a fun game however the game can get repetitive very quickly, but for a small price, you will enjoy a game about taking drugs and freaking out\n\nDon't do drugs kids!\n\n[h1] RECOMMENDED :) [/h1]", "timestamp_created": 1461859042, "timestamp_updated": 1461859042, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.456296", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22491904": {"recommendationid": "22491904", "author": {"steamid": "76561198110909592", "num_games_owned": 2024, "num_reviews": 57, "playtime_forever": 4990, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511677068}, "language": "english", "review": "They kept telling me to try drugs. Now I know why...", "timestamp_created": 1460949180, "timestamp_updated": 1464294024, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.534420", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22063039": {"recommendationid": "22063039", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970149845", "num_games_owned": 2436, "num_reviews": 268, "playtime_forever": 25, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458997806}, "language": "english", "review": "Very simple,\nwith repetitive music,\nbut great, vibrant visuals and flow/atmosphere.\n", "timestamp_created": 1458997914, "timestamp_updated": 1458997914, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "22017721": {"recommendationid": "22017721", "author": {"steamid": "76561198155286404", "num_games_owned": 215, "num_reviews": 67, "playtime_forever": 487, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1459097807}, "language": "english", "review": "Eleven it began to abuse, but stunning, reaction training device.\n[h1] So\t[/h1]\n[b] 6/10 [/b]", "timestamp_created": 1458800116, "timestamp_updated": 1458800116, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21963541": {"recommendationid": "21963541", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040892359", "num_games_owned": 1890, "num_reviews": 99, "playtime_forever": 563, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471222001}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun for about 10 mins. After that I got sick of wanting to, \"be aggressive, be, be aggressive\" and click falling pills. Pretty bad comparing this to Dr. Mario and Ikaruga (the first great, the other amazing), but ok. Would probably be better as a .99 game on a tablet. Maybe that's where it came from... but I don't play tablet/phone games, so I don't know. I got this in a bundle and still don't recommend it.\n\nThey got it right with the old 80s splash screen before the game even started, \"Winners don't use drugs.\" But I'd go a step further... \"Winners don't play Intake.\"", "timestamp_created": 1458566718, "timestamp_updated": 1458566718, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.478571", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21920013": {"recommendationid": "21920013", "author": {"steamid": "76561198288376007", "num_games_owned": 24, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 364, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477801973}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u975e\u5e38\u68d2\u7684\u4e00\u6b3e\u4f11\u95f2\u6e38\u620f \u8ba9\u6211\u60f3\u8d77\u4e86\u5f88\u591a\u73b0\u5728\u5f88\u5c11\u63a5\u89e6\u7684\u5c0f\u65f6\u5019\u73a9\u7684\u7535\u8111\u5c0f\u6e38\u620f\u5408\u96c6\u7684\u6e38\u620f\n\u97f3\u4e50\u753b\u9762\u6253\u51fb\u611f\u90fd\u5f88\u68d2 \u503c\u5f97\u5165\u624b \n\u53cd\u6b63\u6211\u662f\u6dd8\u5b9d\u4e00\u5143\u62bd\u7684_(:\u0437\u300d\u2220)_ \u68d2\u68d2\u7684\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1458381975, "timestamp_updated": 1458381975, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21854764": {"recommendationid": "21854764", "author": {"steamid": "76561198122306617", "num_games_owned": 492, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 239, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464427957}, "language": "schinese", "review": "Fps\u6e38\u620f\u7ec3\u4e60\u5668\uff1f", "timestamp_created": 1458059822, "timestamp_updated": 1458059822, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.554795", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21701146": {"recommendationid": "21701146", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076402313", "num_games_owned": 105, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 565, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486302044}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u7d76\u5bfe\u306b\u85ac\u306f\u3084\u3089\u306a\u3044\u3068\u3044\u3046\u5f37\u3044\u610f\u601d\u3001\u6570\u3005\u306e\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8\u30a2\u30a4\u30c6\u30e0\u306b\u3088\u308b\u5727\u5012\u7684\u652f\u914d\u611f\u3001\u305d\u308c\u3089\u306b\u5f71\u97ff\u3055\u308c\u8868\u60c5\u3092\u5909\u3048\u308bBGM\u3001\u8133\u3092\u523a\u3059\u30ef\u30d6\u30eb\u30d9\u30fc\u30b9\u3002\n\n2\u3064\u306e\u8272\u3092\u5207\u308a\u66ff\u3048\u306a\u304c\u3089\u30ab\u30d7\u30bb\u30eb\u3092\u7834\u58ca\u3059\u308b\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u3002\n\u4e00\u5b9a\u30ec\u30d9\u30eb\u6bce\u306b\u30c1\u30e3\u30ec\u30f3\u30b8\u30ec\u30d9\u30eb\u304c\u5165\u308a\u307e\u3059\u3002\n\u304a\u85ac\u3092\u58ca\u3057\u3066\u304a\u85ac\u3092\u96c6\u3081\u3066\u30a2\u30a4\u30c6\u30e0\u3092\u5f37\u5316(\u8aad\u307f:\u30c9\u30fc\u30d4\u30f3\u30b0)\u3057\u3088\u3046\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1457418990, "timestamp_updated": 1457418990, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502688", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21653964": {"recommendationid": "21653964", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995697230", "num_games_owned": 1577, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 206, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458440852}, "language": "english", "review": "Just one more round. That's Intake in a nutshell.. This game is addictive and feels rewarding each round through. I wish there was a bit more to the game beyond intial unlocks-- mostly because i'm awful at the game and could use the helping hand along the want. This game is quick to pick up, easy to play and like I already mentioned, super addictive and fun to play. I definitely recommend this one!", "timestamp_created": 1457223151, "timestamp_updated": 1457223151, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21629335": {"recommendationid": "21629335", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013410315", "num_games_owned": 1218, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 15, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457131858}, "language": "english", "review": "It's fast, it's cool, it's addictive.", "timestamp_created": 1457131923, "timestamp_updated": 1457131923, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.491509", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21618250": {"recommendationid": "21618250", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980737003", "num_games_owned": 322, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 436, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457562782}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u044d\u043a\u0448\u043d-\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443\u043b\u044f, \u043f\u043e\u043d\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0441\u044c \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430, \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u0435 \u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435.\n\u041d\u0435\u0434\u0443\u0440\u043d\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043a\u0446\u0438\u044e \u0438 \u043a\u0438\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0432 \u0446\u0435\u043b\u043e\u043c.\n\u0410 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u044d\u0442\u0438 \u0441\u0443\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0434\u0448\u0438\u0435 \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430 <3\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1457090442, "timestamp_updated": 1457090442, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507610", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21575323": {"recommendationid": "21575323", "author": {"steamid": "76561198113717294", "num_games_owned": 315, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 258, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 41, "last_played": 1515681792}, "language": "english", "review": "Its like osu but with drugs (\u00b4\u2022 \u035c\u0296 \u2022`)", "timestamp_created": 1456878468, "timestamp_updated": 1456878468, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506080", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21482314": {"recommendationid": "21482314", "author": {"steamid": "76561198160852986", "num_games_owned": 873, "num_reviews": 65, "playtime_forever": 261, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456517631}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u5341\u4e00\u5173\u5f00\u59cb\u7b80\u76f4\u8650\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\u8d85\u70ab\uff0c\u53cd\u5e94\u8bad\u7ec3\u5668", "timestamp_created": 1456517503, "timestamp_updated": 1456517533, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.508919", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21422000": {"recommendationid": "21422000", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013595850", "num_games_owned": 1545, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 49, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464623330}, "language": "koreana", "review": "test your clicking abilty", "timestamp_created": 1456309136, "timestamp_updated": 1456309136, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497738", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "21421142": {"recommendationid": "21421142", "author": {"steamid": "76561198256640106", "num_games_owned": 403, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 180, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456395487}, "language": "german", "review": "a really good and really addictive game\nand the reason for this are not the drugs\nit is because it simply makes huge fun no matter how long you play \nbecause you always want to achieve higher level and create ever better highscores\n(and even if it is not shown here, it also has cards)", "timestamp_created": 1456304404, "timestamp_updated": 1456304503, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.508698", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20890896": {"recommendationid": "20890896", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984721074", "num_games_owned": 312, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 313, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455616967}, "language": "finnish", "review": "Eliminatin' those motherfuckin' drugs. Ohh and if you dont have this. Stop saving ur useless money and buy this.", "timestamp_created": 1454323510, "timestamp_updated": 1454323510, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20819419": {"recommendationid": "20819419", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997633971", "num_games_owned": 256, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 377, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507932739}, "language": "italian", "review": "Un'esperienza davvero drogosa.\nSe come me andate matti per la dubstep e le atmosfere da fattoni, \u00e8 proprio il gioco giusto.\nNella sua semplicit\u00e0 \u00e8 molto valido tecnicamente e, per il gioco che \u00e8, ha una sezione sbloccabili piuttosto ricca. \u00c8 anche piuttosto difficile: a livelli pi\u00f9 alti vi metter\u00e0 a dura prova.\nNon ve ne pentirete assolutamente!\n\nRicordatevi di usare un paio di tasti sulla tastiera da alternare con indice e medio per sparare e lo spazio con il pollice per cambiare colore, in quanto facendo tutto con il mouse sarete notevolmente pi\u00f9 svantaggiati.", "timestamp_created": 1454042787, "timestamp_updated": 1454043178, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20790409": {"recommendationid": "20790409", "author": {"steamid": "76561198122859224", "num_games_owned": 7678, "num_reviews": 69, "playtime_forever": 266, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512140177}, "language": "schinese", "review": "For osu! player\n[spoiler]Mouse 1 : z\n Mouse 2 : x[/spoiler]", "timestamp_created": 1453919469, "timestamp_updated": 1453919488, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.509492", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "20621021": {"recommendationid": "20621021", "author": {"steamid": "76561197971613178", "num_games_owned": 376, "num_reviews": 42, "playtime_forever": 105, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513410741}, "language": "english", "review": "Excellent game. A simple concept with outstanding execution. A must for 144hz / gsync monitor owners. Hope you have a good mouse too. This game will take your twitch-shooting reflexes to the limit. Be aggressive!", "timestamp_created": 1453197772, "timestamp_updated": 1453197914, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493421", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19935939": {"recommendationid": "19935939", "author": {"steamid": "76561198162776880", "num_games_owned": 158, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 19, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451044437}, "language": "english", "review": "As glorious as three pingers injected into the eyeballs", "timestamp_created": 1451048362, "timestamp_updated": 1451048362, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19478288": {"recommendationid": "19478288", "author": {"steamid": "76561198190293006", "num_games_owned": 2001, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 27512, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468627207}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is extremely fun, challenging.", "timestamp_created": 1449240112, "timestamp_updated": 1463473325, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.444515", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19390495": {"recommendationid": "19390495", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042131011", "num_games_owned": 1085, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 664, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 24, "last_played": 1515368791}, "language": "english", "review": "[h1][i]\"Pills here!\"[/i][/h1] \u00a9 Louis [i](Left 4 Dead)[/i]\n\n[b]Intake[/b] is a real arcade video coin-op simulator.\nTo gain maximum points and combo you must destroy drugs in mid air.\nColor of pills should match the color of the background.\n[i](you can't control the first, but the second one can be changed)[/i]\nDon't let pills touch the bottom of the screen or you will die with overdose\n[i](but it's in the case, when you don't have time to change the color of background)[/i]\n\n[b]Story, atmosphere:[/b]\n\u1160+ You can immerse yourself in a real acid trip without taking drugs.\n\u1160+ Pure old school\n\n[b]Graphic:[/b]\n\u1160+ High detail\n\u1160+ Bright, stylish, amazing\n\u1160+ 3 quality modes [i](Rep Rally / Dance Party / Sparkle)[/i]\n\u1160+ Interactive background\n\n[b]Gameplay:[/b]\n\u1160+ Easy and genius [i](all intuitive)[/i]\n\u1160+ System of leveling [i](11 multi-stage unlockable improvements)[/i]\n\u1160+ Additional tests [i](5 modes of play)[/i]\n\u1160+ Colossal re-playability\n\u1160+ Excellent training to react, speed and accuracy\n\u1160+/- Hardcore\n\n[b]Settings:[/b]\n\u1160+ Scoreboard\n\u1160+ Personal stats page\n\u1160+ Steam Achievements [i](there are in-game progress bar, it's made very convenient and beautiful)[/i]\n\u1160+ Twitter support [i](you can share your achievements for others)[/i]\n\u1160+ 4 Colorblind Settings [i](for people with different types of color perception)[/i]\n\u1160+ Only 2 key binds [i](allows to many people with disabilities enjoy the game)[/i]\n\u1160- The eyes may get tired quickly [i](frequent and abrupt color changes)[/i]\n\u1160- It's unlikely, but some people can get epileptic fit [i](light flashes)[/i]\n\n[b]Sound:[/b]\n\u1160+ Cool musical design [i](different genres of songs treated in dubstep style)[/i]\n\u1160+ Interactivity [i](music responds to the actions of the user, changing the tempo and volume \n\u1160\u1160depending on the situation)[/i]\n\u1160- 5 track's only\n\n[b]Outcome:[/b]\nIntake - a game that is literally able to develop drug dependence [i](virtual, of course)[/i]\nIf you are fan of old school games, arcade video coin-op's, clickers - you just must to get acquainted with Intake.\n\n[h1]9,7 / 10[/h1]\n\n[spoiler][b]PS:[/b] After reaching level 40 in this game you will be godlike in FPS with reaction and accuracy.[/spoiler]", "timestamp_created": 1448897694, "timestamp_updated": 1480690749, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 18, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.683000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19359416": {"recommendationid": "19359416", "author": {"steamid": "76561198154809011", "num_games_owned": 837, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 237, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486874162}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u7b49\u6e38\u620f\u901a\u5173\u4e86\uff0c\u6211\u8981\u53bb\u8bd5\u8bd5\u7b77\u5b50\u5939\u82cd\u8747\u3002 \u7279\u522b\u597d\u73a9\u7684\u4e00\u4e2a\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u5f3a\u70c8\u63a8\u8350\uff01", "timestamp_created": 1448793495, "timestamp_updated": 1448793495, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.548872", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "19154726": {"recommendationid": "19154726", "author": {"steamid": "76561198082144862", "num_games_owned": 34, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 85, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1469214075}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0442\u0430\u0439\u043c\u043a\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0435\u0440!", "timestamp_created": 1447910127, "timestamp_updated": 1447910127, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496183", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18966720": {"recommendationid": "18966720", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997715950", "num_games_owned": 405, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 7, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447048790}, "language": "english", "review": "can be played with just a mouse. Small game I will keep installed", "timestamp_created": 1447049458, "timestamp_updated": 1447049458, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18951030": {"recommendationid": "18951030", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996760968", "num_games_owned": 1124, "num_reviews": 150, "playtime_forever": 75, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446988052}, "language": "english", "review": "So they made the simplest kind of game possible, and just added an extreme, rediculous amount of flair to make it look like a golden turd. You click on things, while making sure your cursor is one of two colors. I'm all for saturated, blinding VFX in the name of flavor and style, but... that's all the game has going for it. Might as well be a screensaver. In fact, is kind of is when the AI is playing in the menu screen. I can't believe I have to buy (with in-game currency) my way out of that ear-bleedingly awful song.\n\nThe only relation this has to Dr. Mario is the pill theme, which is literally just there for EXTREME EDGE. You could literally replace the pills with fruit and it would be no different except for the forced amounts of edge.\n\nAlso, why can't I just have my mouse use its normal Windows sensitivity? Why have a different in-game one?", "timestamp_created": 1446984353, "timestamp_updated": 1446984353, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.480021", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18917582": {"recommendationid": "18917582", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019300103", "num_games_owned": 71, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 169, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494168185}, "language": "english", "review": "I love this game ! so addicting. You will get much better if you played every day", "timestamp_created": 1446847566, "timestamp_updated": 1446847566, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18916853": {"recommendationid": "18916853", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103319868", "num_games_owned": 33, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 31, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466246707}, "language": "english", "review": "Personally I like. Especially for the little box \"Intake is now playing Intake\".", "timestamp_created": 1446844946, "timestamp_updated": 1446844946, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18349053": {"recommendationid": "18349053", "author": {"steamid": "76561198073291813", "num_games_owned": 318, "num_reviews": 29, "playtime_forever": 980, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502337039}, "language": "english", "review": "great addicting game, it's a game that you just don't delete..", "timestamp_created": 1444096562, "timestamp_updated": 1444096562, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18324025": {"recommendationid": "18324025", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997746595", "num_games_owned": 448, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 25, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500201182}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome game, its fun, and it gets addictive. \n\nEither you use keyboard or mouse: simple controls for quick, non-stop action. You gotta be quick to change the color to get combos. Graphics are sharp and bright colored and the interface. Sound effects are great and contribute to generate a really immersive experience. Loving the dub step\n\nI like tThe coin-up theme it's another plus, even more if you used to play arcade machines with the level of addictiveness and replayability that this game has. \n\nOnly flaw, you might have to get a new mouse after clicking so much lol!", "timestamp_created": 1443956258, "timestamp_updated": 1443956258, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18054572": {"recommendationid": "18054572", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000919706", "num_games_owned": 810, "num_reviews": 43, "playtime_forever": 504, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1503761648}, "language": "english", "review": "Ikaruga meets the fly-swatting game from Mario Paint. Simple, fast, intense, and a far better use of your mouse than any clicker game.\n\n10 wubs out of 10 for being the best use of dubstep since Saints Row 4.", "timestamp_created": 1442393829, "timestamp_updated": 1442393829, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "18015568": {"recommendationid": "18015568", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142180937", "num_games_owned": 140, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 87, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483835214}, "language": "japanese", "review": "Very good music. I want to buy the soundtrack.", "timestamp_created": 1442150997, "timestamp_updated": 1442150997, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17893566": {"recommendationid": "17893566", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984505368", "num_games_owned": 1327, "num_reviews": 177, "playtime_forever": 215, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1441511374}, "language": "english", "review": "Interesting shooter with potential for big high-scoring entertainment (it's Ikaruga with mouse-aiming, basically)\n\nLoses points because it makes the worst attempt to explain how it works I've ever seen - no tutorial at-all would be more helpful than the silly little 'explanations' it gives! It's not THAT complex - but not explaining it makes it just that!!\n\nOnce you've figured it out (read the forums - explains it better than I can) it's fine - abeit frustrating-as-hell at times!!", "timestamp_created": 1441459952, "timestamp_updated": 1441459952, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.566386", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17891326": {"recommendationid": "17891326", "author": {"steamid": "76561198128029693", "num_games_owned": 137, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 218, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447537695}, "language": "english", "review": "9.5 out of 10 above average would do drugs again", "timestamp_created": 1441449463, "timestamp_updated": 1441449463, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17877079": {"recommendationid": "17877079", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031306027", "num_games_owned": 597, "num_reviews": 94, "playtime_forever": 314, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455337465}, "language": "schinese", "review": "CS:GO\u7ec3\u4e60\u5229\u5668\n\u53e6\u5916\u6211\u60f3\u6211\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u4fee\u6539\u5668\n[spoiler]\u53d8\u901f\u9f7f\u8f6e , \u6309\u952e\u7cbe\u7075[/spoiler]\u4ec0\u4e48\u7684", "timestamp_created": 1441375421, "timestamp_updated": 1441375465, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504756", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17860207": {"recommendationid": "17860207", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052239956", "num_games_owned": 174, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 1796, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1515178387}, "language": "english", "review": "If you improve your AIM and your reflex, this game is for you, there is a lot of funny levels and you can with a daily training become more faster in few weeks, really if you want become a monster in FPS, this is the first step to become a legend !!! This game is based on aimbooster(free internet flash game) but he is more funny to play and you can challenge your friends, BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT !!!", "timestamp_created": 1441277097, "timestamp_updated": 1441277097, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.479863", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17573214": {"recommendationid": "17573214", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996164767", "num_games_owned": 829, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 66, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447810563}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is so crazy and colourful. It makes me happy both looking at and playing it.\nWarning: Don't do drugs.", "timestamp_created": 1439758688, "timestamp_updated": 1439758688, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.459916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17275864": {"recommendationid": "17275864", "author": {"steamid": "76561198093801320", "num_games_owned": 452, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 186, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477348426}, "language": "english", "review": "My friend Vind3x has 13 fucking hours on the game. Must be good.", "timestamp_created": 1438138726, "timestamp_updated": 1438138726, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 9, "weighted_vote_score": "0.420420", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17263709": {"recommendationid": "17263709", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069080396", "num_games_owned": 347, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 314, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501796611}, "language": "french", "review": "Still wonder what lies within those pills...", "timestamp_created": 1438080776, "timestamp_updated": 1438080776, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17130510": {"recommendationid": "17130510", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061176934", "num_games_owned": 180, "num_reviews": 107, "playtime_forever": 269, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1441492794}, "language": "russian", "review": "\"Side effects of [b]Intake[/b] may include feeling awesome, getting a high score and dropping the bass\".\n\nBWAAAAAAH", "timestamp_created": 1437339203, "timestamp_updated": 1437339238, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "17074704": {"recommendationid": "17074704", "author": {"steamid": "76561198045456225", "num_games_owned": 259, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 14, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436532208}, "language": "english", "review": "GAMEPLAY = 2\nIntake has very little game play. All the player does is click on coloured pills to the beat of the background music.\n\nLENGTH / REPLAY VALUE = 5\nIndividual games are rather short but this game is addictive, like the pills.\n\nGRAPHICS = 7\nInteresting art style, although the game is letterboxed (with a background to fill the screen)\n\nFRAME RATE = 10 (60+ FPS)\nThe average gamer should have no frame rate issues. There is no frame-rate cap.\n\nCONTROLS = 10\nThe controls are simple but in faster moments, they can get confusing - Leading to hilarious moments where your sitting their slapping yourself for pressing space to switch colours 1 second too early.\n\nVALUE FOR MONEY = 3\nI think that US$10 is too much for what's basically a glorified mobile game.\n\nMUSIC = 5\nAre there any more songs other than that \"Be Aggressive\" song? Because that song gets annnoying quickly.\n\nDLC / FREEMIUM / PAY2WIN = N/A\nThere is no bullshit DLC or Microtransactions.\n\nASSET FLIPPING = N/A\nI couldn't see any uncredited, undisclosed misappropriated assets\n\nOVERALL = 6/10\nThis game is recommended if you can pick this up during a sale or in a Humble Bundle.", "timestamp_created": 1437046698, "timestamp_updated": 1437051790, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16747716": {"recommendationid": "16747716", "author": {"steamid": "76561198073702477", "num_games_owned": 1191, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 72, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1508884453}, "language": "english", "review": "I reviewed this when i first got, I think a little under a year ago. I wanted to see what kind of people wouldn't like this game. those 24 (at the tiem of this post) bad reviews were mostly \"too quick\", \"bad music\" and \"not worth $10\". It's been a while, but I dont think I payed $10 for thsi game, which would be fine if I did, i love it. But it is a great game; simple to learn but hard to master. I highly recommend it.", "timestamp_created": 1435438272, "timestamp_updated": 1437621832, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16671755": {"recommendationid": "16671755", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043573847", "num_games_owned": 156, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 1440, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471774690}, "language": "english", "review": "Oh wow, this game was a surprise, I actually had a lot of fun with it. The visuals are really pretty, the music is pretty good, and oh boy, the gameplay was ridiculously fun!\n\nPerfect game to play if you need a few minutes to waste on your day.\n\n8/10", "timestamp_created": 1435140879, "timestamp_updated": 1435140879, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16637604": {"recommendationid": "16637604", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035811848", "num_games_owned": 1024, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 20, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436989814}, "language": "english", "review": "waaaaaay better then it looks. Not something you would probably wanna play hours on end, but great for when you are looking to kill 15 mins to a half hour.", "timestamp_created": 1435031604, "timestamp_updated": 1435031604, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16362529": {"recommendationid": "16362529", "author": {"steamid": "76561198094917381", "num_games_owned": 273, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 937, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490614347}, "language": "english", "review": "Great fun and slowly addictive. Requires skill and is good for pracitcing your reaction speed. The music is good but not for everyone... luckily you can mute it and play your own which I do even though I like the music because it still gets repetitive after a while. \n\nConfusing graphics options in the launcher. I have no idea what is more or less graphically intensive. Unfortunatsely there's no option to have the game render in a more vertical-orientated resolution for those of us with vertical monitors in our setup or with our main monitor having a good enough stand to be turned vertically easily. Instead the window hogs up unessecary horizontal space that's just a blur of the game action. Reccomened you play windowed because of this.\n\n \u20ac9.99 is a little pricey given the amount of content.\n\nOverall just a good game to boot up anytime for simple but challenging action.\n\nWARNING: Use spacebar for changing colour. Right click will lead to horrible pain in your hand over time.", "timestamp_created": 1434215952, "timestamp_updated": 1434215952, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16359493": {"recommendationid": "16359493", "author": {"steamid": "76561198080045733", "num_games_owned": 664, "num_reviews": 121, "playtime_forever": 31, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434207306}, "language": "spanish", "review": "La tem\u00e1tica es simple.\nAdoleces de epilepsia y el m\u00e9dico de turno te receta supositorios.\nDe colores, que molan m\u00e1s.\nPero no te terminan de convencer. T\u00fa esperabas algo m\u00e1s \"franc\u00e9s\".\n\nSea como fuere... Empiezan a llover supositorios.\nY tu \u00fanica opci\u00f3n es fulminarlos con la mirada antes de que lleguen a la zona oscura.\n\n\u00a1Qu\u00e9 vienen los supositorios!. Gritan los ni\u00f1os.\nQue resumiendo quiere decir, este juego es demasiado fren\u00e9tico y me altera los chacras de mi paz interior.\nY la m\u00fasica es repetitiva. La que escuchas en el trailer entra en un bucle infinito a lo largo del juego.\n\n\nNo consumas drogas.", "timestamp_created": 1434208736, "timestamp_updated": 1434208736, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 4, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16160123": {"recommendationid": "16160123", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091442582", "num_games_owned": 170, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 75, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433354085}, "language": "english", "review": "Way to fast and hard. No ingame tutorials or anything telling you what to do. Makes no sense. Just ridiculous and stupid. Avoid it.", "timestamp_created": 1433351199, "timestamp_updated": 1433351199, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "16010194": {"recommendationid": "16010194", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033065307", "num_games_owned": 1220, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 122, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1432989280}, "language": "english", "review": "It's like the flash game Pop Up Clicker, but with music and better popups. (pills)\n\nAn upgrade tree to spend your hard earned mg (currency) on makes it sort of a roguelike. Definitely would recommend.", "timestamp_created": 1432641982, "timestamp_updated": 1432641982, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15945929": {"recommendationid": "15945929", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084674862", "num_games_owned": 753, "num_reviews": 132, "playtime_forever": 79, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1432326621}, "language": "polish", "review": "\u015awietna strzelanka o arcade'owym poziomie trudno\u015bci i feerii barw. Niestety mamy na pocz\u0105tku tylko jeden podk\u0142ad muzyczny i trzeba sporo si\u0119 nagra\u0107, \u017ceby dokupi\u0107 w aptece nowe kawa\u0142ki za ustrzelone tabletki. W dobie GTA i Hatred, Intake jest gr\u0105 nawo\u0142uj\u0105c\u0105 do moralno\u015bci. Atakuj\u0105 nas lec\u0105ce z g\u00f3ry r\u00f3\u017cnokolorowe tabletki, kt\u00f3rych ataki musimy odpiera\u0107, gdy\u017c je\u015bli dotr\u0105 do ko\u0144ca ekranu, bardzo szybko umieramy z przedawkowania. Mo\u017cna gra\u0107 na samej myszy, ale pro\u015bciej jest zmienia\u0107 kolor celownika spacj\u0105 - je\u017celi strzelamy do tabletek w z\u0142ym kolorze punkty nie naliczaj\u0105 si\u0119, a kombosy zostaj\u0105 przerwane.W aptece za zdobyte punkty kupujemy przydatne ulepszenia, kt\u00f3re pomagaj\u0105 nam przechodzi\u0107 coraz szybsze i g\u0119stsze plansze. Mamy tu b\u0142yskawic\u0119, zwolnienie czasu, grzybek powoduj\u0105cy powi\u0119kszenie tabletek i inne zabawne gad\u017cety. To urozmaica rozgrywk\u0119. Gdyby dla kogo\u015b zwyk\u0142a rozgrywka by\u0142a za prosta, s\u0105 tu tak\u017ce trudne plansze wyzwa\u0144, w kt\u00f3rych tempo ro\u015bnie do bia\u0142ej gor\u0105czki. Bardzo przyjemny przerywnik w pracy ;).", "timestamp_created": 1432328124, "timestamp_updated": 1432328124, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15910761": {"recommendationid": "15910761", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055358882", "num_games_owned": 96, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 1679, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439603265}, "language": "english", "review": "Aim quickly, shoot precisely.", "timestamp_created": 1432102866, "timestamp_updated": 1432103472, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15593217": {"recommendationid": "15593217", "author": {"steamid": "76561197978622114", "num_games_owned": 378, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 267, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1470125344}, "language": "english", "review": "Aggressive", "timestamp_created": 1430203173, "timestamp_updated": 1430203173, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 3, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503831", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15334745": {"recommendationid": "15334745", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004344388", "num_games_owned": 405, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 84, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440539620}, "language": "italian", "review": "8/10\n\nPRO\n> piuttosto impegnativo\n andare oltre ai primi 10 livelli sar\u00e0 abbastanza difficile\n> ottime musiche\n> power up e vari effetti\n\nCONTRO\n> il prezzo su steam \u00e8 assolutamente esagerato\n> bisogna giocare molto per sbloccare i power up\n per\u00f2 ogniuno di essi vi far\u00e0 avanzare non di poco.\n> non si possono inserire musiche personalizzate", "timestamp_created": 1428925441, "timestamp_updated": 1428925441, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15169454": {"recommendationid": "15169454", "author": {"steamid": "76561198115166346", "num_games_owned": 964, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 402, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474635540}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u3060\u3051\u306e\u3064\u3082\u308a\u3060\u3063\u305f\u3093\u3067\u3059\u3002\u3067\u3082\u3084\u3081\u3089\u308c\u306a\u304f\u306a\u3063\u3061\u3083\u3093\u305f\u3093\u3067\u3059\u3002\n\u30a4\u30ab\u3057\u305f\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u306b\u30d3\u30ab\u30d3\u30ab\u30a8\u30d5\u30a7\u30af\u30c8\uff01\u98db\u3073\u6563\u308b\u30bf\u30d6\u30ec\u30c3\u30c8\u306b\u6c17\u5206\u306f\u30a4\u30b1\u30a4\u30b1\uff01\n\u30eb\u30fc\u30eb\u3082\u7c21\u5358\uff01\u843d\u3061\u3066\u304f\u308b\uff12\u8272\u306e\u304a\u30af\u30b9\u30ea\u3092\u8272\u3092\u5408\u308f\u305b\u3066\u7815\u304d\u7d9a\u3051\u3001\u96c6\u3081\u305f\u30bf\u30d6\u30ec\u30c3\u30c8\u3092\u30c9\u30e9\u30c3\u30b0\u30b7\u30e7\u30c3\u30d7(\u76f4\u7403)\u306b\u6301\u3061\u8fbc\u3093\u3067\u30d1\u30ef\u30fc\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u3060\uff01\n\n\u95a2\u4fc2\u306a\u3044\u3051\u3069\u30c8\u30ec\u30ab\u306eBE AGGRESSIVE\u3061\u3083\u3093\u304c\u5999\u306b\u304b\u308f\u3044\u304f\u3066\u300c\u3053\u3093\u306a\u5b50\u306b\u5fdc\u63f4\u3055\u308c\u306a\u304c\u3089\u30af\u30b9\u30ea\u3092\u7815\u3044\u3066\u3044\u308b\u306e\u304b\u300d\u3068\u304b\u8003\u3048\u3066\u305f\u3089\u5909\u306b\u30c8\u30ea\u30c3\u30d7\u3057\u305d\u3046\u306b\u306a\u3063\u305f\u3088\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1427983145, "timestamp_updated": 1427983145, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 8, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519064", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15136813": {"recommendationid": "15136813", "author": {"steamid": "76561198128171205", "num_games_owned": 680, "num_reviews": 137, "playtime_forever": 52, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427739719}, "language": "turkish", "review": "FPS oynayanlar i\u00e7in aim geli\u015ftirme olarak kullan\u0131labilir bi oyun ger\u00e7ekten yarat\u0131c\u0131 bir fikre sahip .", "timestamp_created": 1427786605, "timestamp_updated": 1427786605, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.512386", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "15024392": {"recommendationid": "15024392", "author": {"steamid": "76561197978762561", "num_games_owned": 706, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 687, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 5, "last_played": 1515378687}, "language": "english", "review": "Great time waster, test your reflexes, feel like a badass, etc etc.\n\nIf the song in the gameplay trailer doesn't thrill you, there are others you unlock through the course of the game. There is a progression of upgrades, so you aren't dropped right in the from the start. You choose which you want to unlock first and when to upgrade them. As you get better at the game and more powerful upgrades you will go further and earn even more. You can drop in from a later checkpoint if you're looking for a shorter hop in/out kind of play, or start from the beginning every time and try to build a massive combo for big points. \n\nTL;DR - Drugs are bad, game is good", "timestamp_created": 1427140076, "timestamp_updated": 1427140076, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502841", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14997469": {"recommendationid": "14997469", "author": {"steamid": "76561197968765479", "num_games_owned": 716, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 72, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426988718}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a fun, waste-a-handful-of-minutes kind of game.\n\nPros:\n- Beautiful graphics -- easily one of the best-looking games in the arcade genre\n- Addictive gameplay\n- Satisfying visual feedback (pill explosions everywhereeee)\n\nCons\n- Weird difficulty ramp - Most levels are fairly easy, but then every 10 levels you get a really difficult level.\n- Music gets repetitive. There are options to unlock new music, but you have to spend your precious currency which is better used on boosts and upgrades for the actual gameplay\n\nAll in all, I'm really happy that I got this as a part of a Humble Bundle, otherwise I never would have known about it.", "timestamp_created": 1426986745, "timestamp_updated": 1426986745, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14730572": {"recommendationid": "14730572", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028575366", "num_games_owned": 368, "num_reviews": 60, "playtime_forever": 92, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424715219}, "language": "english", "review": "\"Like in real life, too many pills means game over.\" 8/10\n\nWhat a great little mouse based reflex game that takes us back to the earlier days of browser based gaming with mechanics reminiscent of gems such as 'Curve Ball', 'Helicopter', and 'Snowball Fight'. 'Intake' is a fast paced, highly addictive, musically-driven score attack that tests your reflexes as you struggle to save a body from certain death as pills fall from the throat of it's seemingly unhappy owner. I'm not really sure why this person is trying to end their life, perhaps they recently lost their job, or maybe they're going through a nasty divorce, or maybe'Starbucks' was just out of their favorite blend of coffee; nevertheless, it's up to us to save them.\n\nThe gameplay is extremely simple, which goes for most great games of this genre. Snap your mouse back and forth and destroy the falling pills with the coordinating colors before enough fall past you, and you die. The more pills you destroy in a row, the bigger the bonus, and the more rounds you get through, the more intense the gameplay becomes as the game throws combinations of \"attacks\" at you. 'Intake' takes the things that made 'Tetris' memorable and builds upon them, so you know it's good. And combining these characteristics along with the fast-paced soundtrack and upgrade system makes this game well worth the price.", "timestamp_created": 1425336901, "timestamp_updated": 1425336901, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.997779", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14682760": {"recommendationid": "14682760", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023073181", "num_games_owned": 266, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 77, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456791217}, "language": "english", "review": "In case your dealer is busy, this game should take your mind off drugs until he calls back.", "timestamp_created": 1425079737, "timestamp_updated": 1425079737, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 6, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502267", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14656591": {"recommendationid": "14656591", "author": {"steamid": "76561198075862102", "num_games_owned": 90, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 1545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513045068}, "language": "english", "review": "Madness.\n\nInsane, fun madness.", "timestamp_created": 1424921420, "timestamp_updated": 1424921420, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501912", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14652279": {"recommendationid": "14652279", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984225782", "num_games_owned": 942, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 62, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424896488}, "language": "english", "review": "DRUGS THE VIDEO GAME!", "timestamp_created": 1424896528, "timestamp_updated": 1424896528, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.997224", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14571738": {"recommendationid": "14571738", "author": {"steamid": "76561198166946331", "num_games_owned": 229, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 544, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431503464}, "language": "english", "review": "NEON\nPILLS\nMUSIC THAT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE A HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADER ON ADDERALL\u2014\nNO LONGER MUST YOU GO TO A HORRIBLE RAVE FOR THESE THINGS.\n\nIntake is an arcade game you'd find in The Sprawl, played by razorgirls and sweet cyperspace cowboys.\n\n8/10, would overdose again.", "timestamp_created": 1424502364, "timestamp_updated": 1424502364, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 13, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526326", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14475756": {"recommendationid": "14475756", "author": {"steamid": "76561198070110022", "num_games_owned": 224, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 172, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510791926}, "language": "english", "review": "Very fun and 'addicting' game. To be honest, I don't understand why I don't see more people playing it. Great soundtrack, visuals, and gameplay.", "timestamp_created": 1423975186, "timestamp_updated": 1423975186, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.564285", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14289106": {"recommendationid": "14289106", "author": {"steamid": "76561198109333284", "num_games_owned": 3897, "num_reviews": 76, "playtime_forever": 135, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1420947279}, "language": "english", "review": "Eat as much candy as you can without getting a tummy-ache.", "timestamp_created": 1422835383, "timestamp_updated": 1422835383, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495759", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14256540": {"recommendationid": "14256540", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995491919", "num_games_owned": 447, "num_reviews": 47, "playtime_forever": 33, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423696395}, "language": "english", "review": "this should be on kongregate for free, basically", "timestamp_created": 1422699486, "timestamp_updated": 1422699486, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.459108", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14222094": {"recommendationid": "14222094", "author": {"steamid": "76561198078096771", "num_games_owned": 201, "num_reviews": 14, "playtime_forever": 784, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481293424}, "language": "english", "review": "Probably one of the best little score attack games out there. Easy to pick up on, extremely hard to master.\nThe whole point of the game is to shoot colored pills and get as much score as possible, comes with unlockable power ups.\nGame is really visually pleasing, vivid colors and a great (but sadly, short) soundtrack.\nDefinetely worth picking up.", "timestamp_created": 1422525074, "timestamp_updated": 1422525074, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507843", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14206639": {"recommendationid": "14206639", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000858468", "num_games_owned": 943, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 167, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423169052}, "language": "russian", "review": "Very Goood :D", "timestamp_created": 1422443846, "timestamp_updated": 1422443846, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.460211", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14184147": {"recommendationid": "14184147", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996888000", "num_games_owned": 1639, "num_reviews": 41, "playtime_forever": 80, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481913363}, "language": "english", "review": "It's quite simple: you have two colours of pills falling down the screen, and you must click them before they hit the bottom. The twist is that you must flip your gun between the two colours, to match whatever it is you're shooting.\n\nSuper easy to learn, and it starts out fairly easy, but then the intensity ramps up and it's quite a workout. Playing well rewards you with \"mg\" which is the in-game currency, to unlock power-ups, more lives, different themes and music. It's an exceptionally well polished game that lasts between 2 and 5 minutes per round, and if you like fast-paced arcade games, you're probably going to love Intake!", "timestamp_created": 1422312477, "timestamp_updated": 1422312477, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.546314", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14137133": {"recommendationid": "14137133", "author": {"steamid": "76561198102385608", "num_games_owned": 2501, "num_reviews": 44, "playtime_forever": 180, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423749715}, "language": "russian", "review": "Intake - \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043e\u043a\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0448\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440. \n\u0421\u0443\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0438\u0442 \u0432 \u0442\u043e\u043c, \u0447\u0442\u043e\u0431\u044b \u0443\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0442\u043e\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043a\u0430\u043f\u0441\u0443\u043b\u044b \u0441\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043b\u0430 \u0432 \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0446\u0435\u043b\u0430 (\u043d\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0434\u044f \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0446\u0435\u043b \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0438\u0445), \u043b\u0438\u0431\u043e \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0432 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0435\u043c \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0431\u043b\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043b\u044f\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u0441\u043c\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u043a\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043b\u044c, \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0432 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u043e\u0446\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0435.\n\u041f\u043b\u044e\u0441\u044b:\n+ \u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430. \u041a \u0441\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e, \u043c\u0430\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0442\u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e 5.\n+ \u0412 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435 6 \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0432 : \u043a\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u043d\u0430 100 \u0443\u0440, \u0438 5 \u0438\u0441\u043f\u044b\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u043f\u043e 25 \u0443\u0440\n+ \u041f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u043c\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043d \u0430\u043f\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0439\u0434\u043e\u0432, \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0432\u044b \u043c\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0443\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0438\u0442\u044c \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 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"playtime_forever": 165, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421583444}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is really good but... really really hard.(I'm stuck on level 10 :c)\nBtw worth 10euros as my opinion. Fun, good soundtrack\n10/10 Would bang", "timestamp_created": 1421526271, "timestamp_updated": 1421526271, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "14001040": {"recommendationid": "14001040", "author": {"steamid": "76561197987600149", "num_games_owned": 1804, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 100, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423812035}, "language": "english", "review": "Warning: Dosage may be Lethal\n\nIntake is a fun game. Click one mouse button to change color, click the other button to 'shoot'. Shatter glowing colored tablets to get points, and don't let any hit the bottom of the screen. At the end of each level, any pills still on screen turn into tiny bonus tabs you can shoot for more points. Your points at the end of the game are recycled into points that let you buy things like weird powerups, more music, more colors, and other modes.\n\nIt's trippy, it's fast paced, and requires twitchy clicking. It'll probably give me carpal tunnel by the end of the week.If you like pounding, dirty bass lines and bright neon-colored explosions with frantic shmup-like gameplay, this is a game for you. \n\nReally the only downside is the default price(9.99 as of this writing). Worth considering waiting off for a sale but definitely worth playing and buying anyway. It's well-made, and plays well.", "timestamp_created": 1421361983, "timestamp_updated": 1421361983, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13988209": {"recommendationid": "13988209", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022986893", "num_games_owned": 332, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 655, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450965454}, "language": "english", "review": "Do you have high blood pressure - dont play, You Dont have high blood pressure? - you will! This game makes you stress and sweat every single time you play it.\n\nBasically your popping chains of pills, sounds pretty easy and boring. Being reasonable at twitch games and tetris etc i thought this would be a walk in the park, I am now looking at some of the achievements wondering if its possible. you simply mouse over the pill to pop it however the pills at first come in 2 colours ( which as you progress you get the choice of different colours and music ) so you pop say a green pill with left mouse and then click right to change colour and pop a red pill doesnt sound to taxing until there are 20 of them dropping quickly towards the bottom of the screen, a few hit home and its game over. There are also pills which you must completerly ignore or they accelerate all other pills to the bottom of the screen.\n\nDuring the main game you get the chance to collect little white pills which are redeemable in the store for perks ( slow down, electric shots etc ) these do help but in now way make you feel powerful you also get a small drop of these pills which you have to shoot to collect at the end of your game via a bonus round. The further you get in the main game the more the pills in your bonus game will be worth - so basically you will have more cash to spend on perks.\n\nHard to describe how totally addictive this game is, when i first played it my coordination was all over the place which made it a stressful ( not in a fun way ) game. Once you start getting into the gameplay its compelling to see which level you can get to. So there is obviously a lot of replay value.\n\nPros + Really responsive \n great replayability\n lots of achievements to unlock\n makes you want to play again and again\n\nCons ( not really anything wrong but just additions i would like to see )\n Not enough music tracks -introducing a way to use your own music to play to would be great.\n Nowhere near enough info on how to actually play the game properly which could put some people off.\n\nAll in all i give this a solid 9/10 with addition of more music i would definitely give it a 10/10.", "timestamp_created": 1421275500, "timestamp_updated": 1421304015, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495328", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13968024": {"recommendationid": "13968024", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044793003", "num_games_owned": 26, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 492, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467487411}, "language": "english", "review": "Trippy as hell. Best game concept ever thought of. Get this game NOW, you will get addicted in no-time.", "timestamp_created": 1421145790, "timestamp_updated": 1421145790, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13962747": {"recommendationid": "13962747", "author": {"steamid": "76561198033958745", "num_games_owned": 318, "num_reviews": 27, "playtime_forever": 155, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1467121058}, "language": "english", "review": "Small bug, sometimes when you start up, the black/grey panel doesn't scroll down, so you need to keep opening and closing the game until it starts.\n\nNow on to the content! Intake has everything you'd need from a clicky shooty game, it eases you in, while still being a challenge at all stages of the game. UPGRADES! MUSIC! FLASHY STUFF! PILLS! FBI WARNING! PILLS! YAY DRUGS!\n\nThis game is particularly amazing when under influence of said drugs. Did I mention that drugs are actually, technically drugs too?\n11/10 would drugs again", "timestamp_created": 1421101613, "timestamp_updated": 1421101613, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13952770": {"recommendationid": "13952770", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018450459", "num_games_owned": 1516, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 360, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435167409}, "language": "english", "review": "Exit button is not obvious. Nothing but Alt-F4 works. Every game should have some obvious method of leaving the game other than invoking keyboard shortcuts in the operating system.", "timestamp_created": 1421036310, "timestamp_updated": 1421036310, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.483384", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13898734": {"recommendationid": "13898734", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997584767", "num_games_owned": 556, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 226, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1497717626}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty colors, hyperactive dubstep, brutal difficulty. Recommended when in sale.", "timestamp_created": 1420747614, "timestamp_updated": 1420747614, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13897262": {"recommendationid": "13897262", "author": {"steamid": "76561198130872726", "num_games_owned": 978, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421659516}, "language": "english", "review": "Played it for 30 minutes and now I`m trippin balls.", "timestamp_created": 1420741098, "timestamp_updated": 1420741098, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.348433", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13896474": {"recommendationid": "13896474", "author": {"steamid": "76561198108748792", "num_games_owned": 155, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 42, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1420737371}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u53ef\u4ee5\u7ec3\u624b\u901f\u548c\u53cd\u5e94\u80fd\u529b\uff0c\u6e38\u620f\u74f6\u9888\u671f\u7684\u5fc5\u5907\u826f\u836f", "timestamp_created": 1420737449, "timestamp_updated": 1420737449, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13891571": {"recommendationid": "13891571", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049552516", "num_games_owned": 381, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 189, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500490999}, "language": "english", "review": "I really enjoyed this game.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SyMFboCF2E (Gameplay of Intake)", "timestamp_created": 1420710060, "timestamp_updated": 1420710060, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.495050", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13853521": {"recommendationid": "13853521", "author": {"steamid": "76561198100879143", "num_games_owned": 60, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 449, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479242443}, "language": "swedish", "review": "delicious\n\n11/10", "timestamp_created": 1420489465, "timestamp_updated": 1420489465, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13824703": {"recommendationid": "13824703", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103090723", "num_games_owned": 2168, "num_reviews": 340, "playtime_forever": 73, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1420292831}, "language": "english", "review": "Are you currently on acid, magic mushrooms or bath salts?\nDo you think dubstep is actual music and not a cry for help?\nAre you ok with both your eyes and ears bleeding while trying to play a game?\nDo you like to pay for a app store game on the pc?\nIs your current steam game count 0?\n\nIf all of the above is true then rush out and get this game.\n\nBesides all my vitrol I do have some issues:\n1) difficulty doesn't scale it jumps all over the place\n2) If you have good taste in music you need to turn off the sound\n3) After a few minutes you realize there will be zero replay fun\n4) you need the reflexes of a teenager at times ... so rules us old farts out\n5) $10 ... are you kidding me? This is a 99 cent game at the best of times.\n\nIf you get it in a bundle, try it. \nBut don't pay full price ... 90% off minimum!", "timestamp_created": 1420358478, "timestamp_updated": 1420358528, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.468011", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13798268": {"recommendationid": "13798268", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969307618", "num_games_owned": 2315, "num_reviews": 677, "playtime_forever": 174, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430943822}, "language": "english", "review": "Extremely addicting and enjoyable reaction and hand eye coordination dependent game. Some music tracks are too dubstep but graphics and soundtrack work extremely well together!\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yILGFLaPl1M", "timestamp_created": 1420248529, "timestamp_updated": 1420248529, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.474639", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13798131": {"recommendationid": "13798131", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989651867", "num_games_owned": 825, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439410684}, "language": "english", "review": "It's addicting. \n\nJust like drugs,\n\nbut then better.\n\nBuy it.", "timestamp_created": 1420247984, "timestamp_updated": 1420247984, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13679814": {"recommendationid": "13679814", "author": {"steamid": "76561198072721679", "num_games_owned": 262, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 85, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1420218675}, "language": "english", "review": "I got this game in a givaway and seriously, wasn't expecting it to be so good!\nThe music is awesome, and I think its perfect if you want to practice youraim for FPS in a quick, easy, & fun way.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1419822276, "timestamp_updated": 1419822276, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13679159": {"recommendationid": "13679159", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039525777", "num_games_owned": 834, "num_reviews": 99, "playtime_forever": 369, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1420895365}, "language": "thai", "review": "\u0e40\u0e01\u0e21\u0e06\u0e48\u0e32\u0e40\u0e27\u0e25\u0e32\u0e40\u0e25\u0e48\u0e19\u0e07\u0e48\u0e32\u0e22\u0e46 \u0e41\u0e04\u0e48\u0e22\u0e34\u0e07\u0e40\u0e21\u0e47\u0e14\u0e22\u0e32\u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e15\u0e01\u0e25\u0e07\u0e21\u0e32\u0e43\u0e2b\u0e49\u0e17\u0e31\u0e19\u0e01\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e21\u0e31\u0e19\u0e15\u0e01\u0e25\u0e07\u0e44\u0e1b\u0e02\u0e49\u0e32\u0e07\u0e25\u0e48\u0e32\u0e07\n\n\u0e41\u0e15\u0e48\u0e40\u0e25\u0e48\u0e19\u0e41\u0e25\u0e49\u0e27\u0e15\u0e34\u0e14\u0e21\u0e32\u0e01\u0e15\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e40\u0e25\u0e48\u0e19\u0e15\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e44\u0e1b\u0e40\u0e23\u0e37\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e22\u0e46 \u0e14\u0e19\u0e15\u0e23\u0e35\u0e21\u0e31\u0e19\u0e2a\u0e4c\n\n\u0e21\u0e37\u0e2d\u0e44\u0e21\u0e48\u0e44\u0e27\u0e08\u0e23\u0e34\u0e07 \u0e2d\u0e22\u0e48\u0e32\u0e40\u0e25\u0e48\u0e19!", "timestamp_created": 1419818970, "timestamp_updated": 1419818970, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502075", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13642735": {"recommendationid": "13642735", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034144098", "num_games_owned": 396, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 11, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418204794}, "language": "english", "review": "Clearly built for iPad first. Get it for iOS instead.", "timestamp_created": 1419704082, "timestamp_updated": 1419704082, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.453548", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13596837": {"recommendationid": "13596837", "author": {"steamid": "76561198120535678", "num_games_owned": 356, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 804, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1438752042}, "language": "english", "review": "My favorite game so far", "timestamp_created": 1419541330, "timestamp_updated": 1419541330, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13571282": {"recommendationid": "13571282", "author": {"steamid": "76561197991010756", "num_games_owned": 457, "num_reviews": 360, "playtime_forever": 118, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1429534684}, "language": "french", "review": "R\u00e9p\u00e9titif, pas fun, frustrant.", "timestamp_created": 1419439601, "timestamp_updated": 1419439601, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13561339": {"recommendationid": "13561339", "author": {"steamid": "76561198071749609", "num_games_owned": 1070, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 113, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1439895541}, "language": "english", "review": "If I'm taking price into account, this game is a definite no. If it's insanely cheap, yes. It's worth playing.\n\nI really like the first song. I've now unlocked all but one other songs and I like none of them. That's definitely a dealbreaker.\n\nThe main issue, though, is the mouse acceleration. You can adjust it, but I cannot for the life of me get it right, and there seems to be no way to actually turn it off. But perhaps you can edit an .ini file or something. Do you really want to though?\n\nIt's basically a game where you click falling pills that are one of two colors, interspersed with \"challenge\" levels of varying impossibility. Seriously, I have no idea how you're supposed to click pills falling at 100 kph.\n\nIt's fun for a while. The basic gameplay is good - fairly enjoyable and addictive. But when you lose because a challenge level is just impossible or poorly-explained, or, far more frustrating, because the mouse does not do what you tell it, the charm wears off, bit by mouse-accelerating bit.\n\nI couldn't find this on Google Play, so I'm confused by this game, because it feels like it's made for mobile. But then where would the challenge even be?\n\nIt's a weird one. If it had a soundtrack, I'd buy it. The game itself... eeeeehhh.", "timestamp_created": 1419396252, "timestamp_updated": 1419396252, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503398", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13518867": {"recommendationid": "13518867", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042585884", "num_games_owned": 139, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 460, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1474814558}, "language": "english", "review": "This is like one of those ridiculously addictive flash games from back in the day, but with enough work and skill in it that its worth paying actual money for.", "timestamp_created": 1419241840, "timestamp_updated": 1419241840, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.560043", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13506965": {"recommendationid": "13506965", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005689294", "num_games_owned": 259, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 126, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418674286}, "language": "polish", "review": "Nudne", "timestamp_created": 1419193784, "timestamp_updated": 1419193784, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.458764", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13499570": {"recommendationid": "13499570", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035345900", "num_games_owned": 290, "num_reviews": 126, "playtime_forever": 47, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416961023}, "language": "english", "review": "its ok", "timestamp_created": 1419174074, "timestamp_updated": 1419174074, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.528492", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13495948": {"recommendationid": "13495948", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007709498", "num_games_owned": 385, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 147, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419025330}, "language": "english", "review": "Though the soundtrack is fun, the visuals are disorienting and gameplay is too fast for my tastes.", "timestamp_created": 1419162881, "timestamp_updated": 1419162881, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13458106": {"recommendationid": "13458106", "author": {"steamid": "76561198013745218", "num_games_owned": 1811, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 138, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424647463}, "language": "english", "review": "Holy sh/t that's fast.", "timestamp_created": 1419024759, "timestamp_updated": 1419024759, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13371351": {"recommendationid": "13371351", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030179694", "num_games_owned": 1775, "num_reviews": 94, "playtime_forever": 210, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427913037}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is rather addicting as you will be challengened more and more the further you progress. It is a simple game which is easy to learn and fun to play.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1418602012, "timestamp_updated": 1418602012, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13365732": {"recommendationid": "13365732", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967421035", "num_games_owned": 1221, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 259, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425455801}, "language": "english", "review": "Fast paced pill... clicker?\n\nPumping soundtrack keeps you going as you rapidly switch colors to pop all of the pills in a furious manner. A great game for when you just want a quick rush. Very beautiful in it's simplicity.", "timestamp_created": 1418576832, "timestamp_updated": 1418576832, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13361129": {"recommendationid": "13361129", "author": {"steamid": "76561198073175147", "num_games_owned": 217, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 354, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480525258}, "language": "schinese", "review": "COOL!", "timestamp_created": 1418556745, "timestamp_updated": 1418556745, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13351969": {"recommendationid": "13351969", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970964442", "num_games_owned": 1665, "num_reviews": 24, "playtime_forever": 82, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418510980}, "language": "english", "review": "Awsome Game!!!\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1418506482, "timestamp_updated": 1418506482, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.368304", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13340627": {"recommendationid": "13340627", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993400405", "num_games_owned": 1832, "num_reviews": 87, "playtime_forever": 98, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419936032}, "language": "english", "review": "Not exactly a shmup. Swap the color of your pointer to shoot pills of the same color. You're immune to capsules of your current color, but if one of the wrong color passes the bottom of the screen, you lose. It's a pretty amusing gimmick, but it's nothing you haven't seen before. Difficulty balance probably could have been handled better, but honestly it might have been hard to stay interested otherwise.\n\nAt first Intake seems addictive, but it's really just a placebo. I wrote the whole review so that I could say that.", "timestamp_created": 1418458010, "timestamp_updated": 1418458010, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.491422", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13335114": {"recommendationid": "13335114", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008478205", "num_games_owned": 832, "num_reviews": 76, "playtime_forever": 428, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418940592}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is pretty awesome in a way! Cipher Prime Studiod is good in using up old ideas, and mixing them up with new ones! 5/5 easily!!!", "timestamp_created": 1418422196, "timestamp_updated": 1418422196, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.461783", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13330184": {"recommendationid": "13330184", "author": {"steamid": "76561198015507927", "num_games_owned": 1560, "num_reviews": 191, "playtime_forever": 77, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1418400123}, "language": "italian", "review": "Non c'\u00e8 molto da dire su sto gioco.\nIl gioco consiste di cliccare delle pillole di 2 colori diversi.\nCol tasto destro cambi colore, e col sinistro li clicchi, una volta fatto la velocit\u00e0 aumenta e cos\u00ec via.\nIl gioco non \u00e8 fatto male , ma ti annoi molto velocemente e sinceramente giochi cos\u00ec li puoi tranquillamente trovare su internet (giochi flash)\nQuindi il gioco in se non \u00e8 male, solo che non vale la pena di spenderci dei soldi. \n\nPro\n-Musiche\n\nContro\n-Ripetitivo\n-Noioso\n-Pochissimi contenuti\n-Giochi cos\u00ec ne trovi su internet gratis", "timestamp_created": 1418397058, "timestamp_updated": 1418397058, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.684493", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13300611": {"recommendationid": "13300611", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990343510", "num_games_owned": 887, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 104, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502144295}, "language": "english", "review": "If you are looking for a simple but frantic and surprisingly enjoyable arcade like game, you should take a look at Intake. Originally played to idle cards, but expect now to have it join Droplitz and CSD in my list of enjoyable time killers.", "timestamp_created": 1418176593, "timestamp_updated": 1418176593, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13299415": {"recommendationid": "13299415", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997497018", "num_games_owned": 489, "num_reviews": 30, "playtime_forever": 106, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417308023}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake is a simple game that trains your mouse precision skills. My main issue with it is that it doesn't explain the basics of the game at all. I got stuck on the 10th level for hours and you need to beat this level to earn points and unlock things. There's no way to turn down the game difficulty, either.", "timestamp_created": 1418165795, "timestamp_updated": 1420332753, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.490786", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13288870": {"recommendationid": "13288870", "author": {"steamid": "76561198095049861", "num_games_owned": 78, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 357, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477253474}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Muy buen juego, recomendado. Un juego sin duda que promete varias horas de juego y si sos de esos que te gustan los desafios y queres probar tu velocidad y reflejos, Intake es lo m\u00e1s accesible. Su m\u00fasica tambien es muy buena, con un estilo dubstep y el efecto de luces del juego causan algo exquisitamente adictivo. Sin pasar por alto los retos que este grandioso juego trae, haciendonos pasar un buen rato sentados viciandolo hasta que nuestros ojos se queden rojos (Es solo una expresion, no literal jaja).\nSin duda es un juego que vale la pena pagar.\n\nPuntuaci\u00f3n 9/10\n", "timestamp_created": 1418086966, "timestamp_updated": 1418086966, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.975155", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13215412": {"recommendationid": "13215412", "author": {"steamid": "76561198008366876", "num_games_owned": 39, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 123, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1423067566}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is HARDCORE, well it gets hardcore the more you play it, needs good eyes and a quick hand, probably got that by mas******** heh, but seriously doe, DONT do drugs!", "timestamp_created": 1417629051, "timestamp_updated": 1417629051, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.529412", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13202973": {"recommendationid": "13202973", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038604011", "num_games_owned": 729, "num_reviews": 226, "playtime_forever": 89, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444254933}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake is bananas. I\u2019m not even sure what genre to clump it into. I think the best way to understand what the game is would be to just watch the video on the steam store page. Gameplay wise, this is one of those titles you leave installed forever but only play in short bursts for 15 minutes here and there. I absolutely love it and I love the music and chaos, but if you\u2019re not into what you see in the video, then don\u2019t bother trying out the full game. What you see is all you get.", "timestamp_created": 1417552899, "timestamp_updated": 1417552899, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.528210", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13179110": {"recommendationid": "13179110", "author": {"steamid": "76561197987033946", "num_games_owned": 485, "num_reviews": 56, "playtime_forever": 86, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1431119980}, "language": "spanish", "review": "no se que estaban fumando cuando dise\u00f1aron en juego pero que me den, inovador y todo pero al fin se vuelve muy aburriedo y repetivo le doy un 3/10", "timestamp_created": 1417433368, "timestamp_updated": 1417433368, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13156161": {"recommendationid": "13156161", "author": {"steamid": "76561198061863902", "num_games_owned": 692, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 181, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471511796}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a fun way to kill some time its a intence game were u click falling pills before thay can hit the botem of the screen wile lissening to fast pace dubstep type music as u progress in the levels thay get harder and faster wile u play u colect tablets of Mg to spend on upgrades and unlockables its fun but dont overdose on it or ur mouse/hand may feel ill after words lol", "timestamp_created": 1417325710, "timestamp_updated": 1417325710, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13140845": {"recommendationid": "13140845", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960308158", "num_games_owned": 244, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 47, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451164041}, "language": "german", "review": "Macht einfach richtig Spa\u00df...Zock es immer vorm ballern ^^", "timestamp_created": 1417266159, "timestamp_updated": 1417266159, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13125887": {"recommendationid": "13125887", "author": {"steamid": "76561198047672933", "num_games_owned": 175, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 42, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483213231}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake is definitely a rarity in todays market. It's a game entirely centered around reflex tests, and full of fun. The \"plot\" seems to be that you are taking several drugs, and must execute the correct sequence as to not overdose. But who cares, story is irrelevant. Instead, Intake shines in its gameplay. It's super enjoyable to blast pills, moving as fast as you can from one to the other. The soundtrack is also pretty good, it loops really well. However, there will be a large portion of you who don't like the game, so let me make a disclaimer. If you don't like dubstep, the reference to drugs, arcade style games, fast moving games, reflex tests, color/light shows, and an upgrade system that takes a hwile to unlock things, DON'T get this game. If you are neutral, or like some of the things listed above, get this game when its on sale. It's fun, but not $10 of fun. 6/10.", "timestamp_created": 1417199214, "timestamp_updated": 1417199214, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13112148": {"recommendationid": "13112148", "author": {"steamid": "76561197989800185", "num_games_owned": 380, "num_reviews": 51, "playtime_forever": 149, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488114296}, "language": "english", "review": "\"BE AGRESSIVE, B-E-AGRESSIVE!\" This game gets my adrenaline kicking - love the simplicity and bright neon colours! Great time killer!", "timestamp_created": 1417124116, "timestamp_updated": 1417963954, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13110700": {"recommendationid": "13110700", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049119250", "num_games_owned": 364, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 79, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417156603}, "language": "english", "review": "Be aggressive\n be be agressive\n b-e a-gg-r-e-ss-i-v-e", "timestamp_created": 1417118198, "timestamp_updated": 1417118198, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526627", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13110065": {"recommendationid": "13110065", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003105777", "num_games_owned": 202, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 1534, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1432847414}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0437\u043e\u0448\u043b\u0430 \u043c\u043e\u0438 \u043e\u0436\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f. \u041f\u043e \u0442\u0440\u0435\u0439\u043b\u0435\u0440\u0443 \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0441\u043a\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0448\u044c, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0434\u0440\u0430\u0439\u0432. \u041a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0435 \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430, \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430 \u0434\u0430 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043c\u0443-\u0442\u043e \u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043d\u043e \u0432 \u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c. \u041e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u043e \u0442\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043a\u0446\u0438\u044f. \u041a\u043e\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u044f \u0442\u0443\u0434\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u0448\u0435\u043b, \u043d\u0430\u0431\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043c\u0430\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043c\u0443\u043c 200-300\u043a \u043e\u0447\u043a\u043e\u0432, \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441 \u0436\u0435 3-4\u043a\u043a, \u0432\u043e\u0437\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u044d\u0442\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043b\u043e, \u043d\u043e \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043a\u0443\u0434\u0430 \u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441 \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u043e\u0449\u0443\u0449\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f. \u0413\u043b\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0438 \u043a\u0430\u043a. \u0418\u0433\u0440\u0443 \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0443\u044e.", "timestamp_created": 1417115989, "timestamp_updated": 1417115989, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.500000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13100410": {"recommendationid": "13100410", "author": {"steamid": "76561198102784274", "num_games_owned": 133, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 721, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500128789}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake is a fast arcade-style shoot 'em up.\n\nIt's easy to get into and becomes difficult quickly as you progress. It sports hype-inducing visual and sound effects to keep you interested, but gameplay itself becomes repetitive after many levels.\n\nI recommend Intake as a quick way to test your dexterity, or to train mouse control.\n\n6.5 / 10 SIMPLICITY.", "timestamp_created": 1417065974, "timestamp_updated": 1500815049, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13098479": {"recommendationid": "13098479", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062114930", "num_games_owned": 325, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 424, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1471381795}, "language": "english", "review": "A small, yet addictive game. Fun, but probably not worth the $10 price tag.\n\nAs far as the gameplay is concerned, it is deceptively fun, although the game only gives the barest of explanations and won't explain bomb or flashes unless you hit them (and by explain I mean you get to see the effects for yourself).\n\nThe music is enjoyable (the beginning track \"Be Aggressive\" being my favorite).\n\nPower ups are practically required to survive past level 10 (and you will die on level 10, a lot), usually extra lives specifically, due to \"challenge levels\" (which there is no way of removing)\n\nOverall this a game I would recommend if it on sale (like it currently is on the humble (weekly) bundle).", "timestamp_created": 1417054179, "timestamp_updated": 1417054433, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13085457": {"recommendationid": "13085457", "author": {"steamid": "76561198038104335", "num_games_owned": 427, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 152, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436925216}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u975e\u5e38\u523a\u6fc0\u548c\u534e\u4e3d\u7684\u53cd\u5e94\u70b9\u51fb\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u4e0d\u4f46\u975e\u5e38\u4ee4\u4eba\u4e0a\u763e\uff0c\u6e38\u620f\u5185\u5404\u5f0f\u5404\u6837\u7684\u89e3\u9501\u4e5f\u8ba9\u4eba\u4e0d\u89c9\u5f97\u7279\u522b\u4e4f\u5473\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1416973952, "timestamp_updated": 1416973952, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13082609": {"recommendationid": "13082609", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977016427", "num_games_owned": 250, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 17, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1419269617}, "language": "english", "review": "so good", "timestamp_created": 1416951225, "timestamp_updated": 1416951225, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13081651": {"recommendationid": "13081651", "author": {"steamid": "76561198134733290", "num_games_owned": 215, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447822673}, "language": "english", "review": "\"BE AGRESSIVE, B-E-AGRESSIVE!\" Honestly, it wouldn't be the 1st time a woman shouted that at me while swallowing a bunch of pills...GG.", "timestamp_created": 1416945771, "timestamp_updated": 1416945771, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.955446", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13079005": {"recommendationid": "13079005", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117670774", "num_games_owned": 633, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 657, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416924042}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u6b3e\u8003\u9a8c\u4f60\u53cd\u5e94\u529b\u7684\u5c0f\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u64cd\u4f5c\u7b80\u5355\uff0c\u6613\u4e0a\u624b\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u65e0\u804a\u7684\u65f6\u5019\u6253\u53d1\u65f6\u95f4\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1416930605, "timestamp_updated": 1416930605, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13078643": {"recommendationid": "13078643", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982463906", "num_games_owned": 243, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 398, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509598165}, "language": "english", "review": "Definitely not a game you can spend days and days playing, but if you just want to play and have fun for 20 minutes, then this is one of the best games to open. Outrageous visuals, mesmerising gameplay, challenging enough to give you satisfaction but not too hard and frustrating - definitely worth the price. I bought it from Humble Bundle Weekly, but if I knew how good it was I'd be glad to pay the 9.99 EUR for it.\nRecommended!", "timestamp_created": 1416928251, "timestamp_updated": 1416928251, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13078628": {"recommendationid": "13078628", "author": {"steamid": "76561197997172478", "num_games_owned": 2247, "num_reviews": 469, "playtime_forever": 87, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492431129}, "language": "polish", "review": "[h1]Intake to jest swego rodzaju osu! [/h1]\n \nNaszym zadaniem jest jak najszybsze zestrzelenie spadaj\u0105cych pigu\u0142ek, co pozwala potrenowa\u0107 aima przed partyjk\u0105 CS'a \nStawiam j\u0105 w top5 gier muzyczno/zr\u0119czno\u015bciowych na steamie. \n[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2605[\u2606]", "timestamp_created": 1416928188, "timestamp_updated": 1424200103, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.525975", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13078486": {"recommendationid": "13078486", "author": {"steamid": "76561198142264001", "num_games_owned": 245, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 649, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1466078782}, "language": "english", "review": "[i]\"If shit's trippy, shit's good.\"[/i]\n \u2014\u2014LSD, 2014\n\nJokes aside, if shit is trippy, shit is good.\nThis game's got action, color, dubstep,[b][i]AGRESSIVENESS.[/i][/b]\nWhat else would you possibly ask for?", "timestamp_created": 1416927095, "timestamp_updated": 1416927347, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13074595": {"recommendationid": "13074595", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007859958", "num_games_owned": 1473, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 651, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457135473}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake takes a lot of arcade-style gameplay and everything you've loved about Cipher Prime and puts it into a blender. Which is then dispensed into tablets and pills and shoved at you with a really catchy beat.\nSeriously fun gameplay, worth a shot!", "timestamp_created": 1416887281, "timestamp_updated": 1416887281, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13069970": {"recommendationid": "13069970", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983033453", "num_games_owned": 233, "num_reviews": 59, "playtime_forever": 434, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422116608}, "language": "english", "review": "Absolutely insane dexterity game. Hair splittingly difficult. It's good.", "timestamp_created": 1416854020, "timestamp_updated": 1416854020, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.524581", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13068847": {"recommendationid": "13068847", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084026474", "num_games_owned": 296, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 130, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446377429}, "language": "english", "review": "yes, but lack of music, badly", "timestamp_created": 1416847859, "timestamp_updated": 1416847859, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13064770": {"recommendationid": "13064770", "author": {"steamid": "76561198035907527", "num_games_owned": 463, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 516, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445283821}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake: Extreme Happiness.\nThe \"Side Effects\" of Intake are common and include: Feeling awesome, getting a high-score, and dropping the bass.\nWhile using Intake beware of floods, minefields, reactions, and accelerations.\nFor enlarged capsules lasting longer than 7 seconds call your doctor.\nAsk your doctor if intake is right for you.\nAnd remember: Be agressive!", "timestamp_created": 1416812159, "timestamp_updated": 1416812159, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13059324": {"recommendationid": "13059324", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039498181", "num_games_owned": 441, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 632, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425391164}, "language": "english", "review": "As addictive and overpriced as real drugs.", "timestamp_created": 1416771890, "timestamp_updated": 1416771890, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13056357": {"recommendationid": "13056357", "author": {"steamid": "76561198121678187", "num_games_owned": 284, "num_reviews": 45, "playtime_forever": 88, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1459002695}, "language": "english", "review": "What happens when you add Dubstep to an arcade shooter about drugs?\n\nYOU GET ADDICTED.", "timestamp_created": 1416757946, "timestamp_updated": 1416757946, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13053465": {"recommendationid": "13053465", "author": {"steamid": "76561198083100143", "num_games_owned": 1595, "num_reviews": 233, "playtime_forever": 117, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1429230564}, "language": "italian", "review": "Non ho ancora capito bene che genere sia ma \u00e8 BELLISSIMO.\n420/100", "timestamp_created": 1416743252, "timestamp_updated": 1416743252, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13051758": {"recommendationid": "13051758", "author": {"steamid": "76561198130308348", "num_games_owned": 832, "num_reviews": 212, "playtime_forever": 215, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1453809637}, "language": "japanese", "review": 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"timestamp_created": 1416732742, "timestamp_updated": 1416732742, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.496901", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13048310": {"recommendationid": "13048310", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055327151", "num_games_owned": 1131, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 128, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1446865922}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Joguin foda, \u00e9 muita lombra.", "timestamp_created": 1416705360, "timestamp_updated": 1416705360, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.588760", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13045124": {"recommendationid": "13045124", "author": {"steamid": "76561197987168548", "num_games_owned": 655, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 70, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416687862}, "language": "english", "review": "Too repetitive. Too fast. Some might like it. I got bored pretty quick. Might be worth $5.", "timestamp_created": 1416688031, "timestamp_updated": 1416688031, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493388", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13043448": {"recommendationid": "13043448", "author": {"steamid": "76561198053796603", "num_games_owned": 193, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 64, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417571803}, "language": "english", "review": "Arcadey gameplay with great graphics makes for a decent game with 4 unlockable tracks that run on a fifty second or less loop. Almost addicting but the music is underwhelming if you are a fan of any edm. Feels like a ten dollar app.", "timestamp_created": 1416680130, "timestamp_updated": 1416680130, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.468598", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13042749": {"recommendationid": "13042749", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974299682", "num_games_owned": 600, "num_reviews": 71, "playtime_forever": 211, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417214901}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Muy buen juego de reflejos, con una excelente banda de sonido. R\u00e1pido y adictivo para pasar un rato.", "timestamp_created": 1416676961, "timestamp_updated": 1416676961, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13038072": {"recommendationid": "13038072", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018575456", "num_games_owned": 258, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 231, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506177020}, "language": "english", "review": "Epic colors, sweet music (I want more in game!) and again... that colors.\n\n10/10\nPlay on headphones :)", "timestamp_created": 1416651331, "timestamp_updated": 1416651331, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13037550": {"recommendationid": "13037550", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019712086", "num_games_owned": 2055, "num_reviews": 109, "playtime_forever": 129, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417190777}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u6709\u70b9\u4e0a\u763e\u3002\u3002\u3002\u7b80\u5355\u7c97\u66b4\u7684\u6e38\u620f\uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u57281\u5200HB\u5305\u91cc\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u4e70\u4e2a\u6765\u73a9\u73a9\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1416647612, "timestamp_updated": 1416647612, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13036458": {"recommendationid": "13036458", "author": {"steamid": "76561198069936218", "num_games_owned": 846, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 686, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491926067}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u8d85\u30af\u30fc\u30eb\u306a\u66f2\u3092\u30d0\u30c3\u30b0\u306b\u964d\u3063\u3066\u304f\u308b\u30ab\u30e9\u30d5\u30eb\u306a\u304a\u85ac\u3092\u6483\u3061\u307e\u304f\u308b\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\n\u85ac\u306f2\u8272\u3001\u85ac\u3092\u6483\u3064\u30ab\u30fc\u30bd\u30eb\u30822\u8272\u3001\u85ac\u306b\u3042\u3063\u305f\u8272\u3067\u6483\u3063\u3066\u30b3\u30f3\u30dc\u3092\u7d9a\u3051\u3066\u30a2\u30a4\u30c6\u30e0\u3067\u4e00\u6383\uff01\n\n\u53cd\u5c04\u795e\u7d4c\u3068\u982d\u3092\u3064\u304b\u3046\u30d1\u30ba\u30eb\u8981\u7d20\u306e\u878d\u5408\n\u3068\u306b\u304b\u304f\u6c17\u6301\u3061\u304c\u3044\u3044\uff08\u307e\u3055\u306b\u96fb\u5b50\u30c9\u25cb\u30c3\u30b0\uff09\n\u6700\u521d\u306f\u96e3\u3057\u3044\u3051\u308c\u3069\u6163\u308c\u3066\u304f\u308b\u3068\u3060\u3044\u3076\u6c17\u6301\u3061\u3088\u304f\u30d7\u30ec\u30a4\u3067\u304d\u308b\u3088\u3046\u306b\u306a\u308b\n\u30ea\u30d7\u30ec\u30a4\u6027\u3082\u3042\u308a\u3001\u4f55\u5ea6\u3082\u8074\u304f\u66f2\u3082\u4e0d\u601d\u8b70\u3068\u98fd\u304d\u306a\u3044\n\n\u4e0d\u6e80\u70b9\u7121\u3057\u3067\u3059\uff01\nipad\u7248\u3082\u51fa\u3066\u3044\u3066\u3001\u305d\u3063\u3061\u306e\u307b\u3046\u304c\u5b89\u3044\u306e\u3067\u305d\u3063\u3061\u3092\u5148\u306b\u8cb7\u3046\u306e\u3082\u3042\u308a\u304b\u3082\n\u3068\u306b\u304b\u304f\u8cb7\u3063\u3066\u640d\u306f\u306a\u3044\uff01\n\u3067\u3082\u30af\u30b9\u30ea\u3000\u30c0\u30e1\u7d76\u5bfe", "timestamp_created": 1416639143, "timestamp_updated": 1416639143, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.512302", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13035055": {"recommendationid": "13035055", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995211570", "num_games_owned": 158, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 880, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491969838}, "language": "english", "review": "I hate everything this game represents like dub, bright colors, drugs....yet I have 14 hours playtime. WTF.", "timestamp_created": 1416627281, "timestamp_updated": 1416627281, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 14, "weighted_vote_score": "0.444590", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13034414": {"recommendationid": "13034414", "author": {"steamid": "76561198081606958", "num_games_owned": 597, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 67, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434069808}, "language": "english", "review": "Rave Simulator 2014\n\ni r8 88/88 m8 \n\nActually kind of fun. Definently takes a bit of skill. \n\n", "timestamp_created": 1416622360, "timestamp_updated": 1416622360, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.461538", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13033636": {"recommendationid": "13033636", "author": {"steamid": "76561198116658929", "num_games_owned": 744, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507311917}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043f\u0440\u043e \u044d\u0442\u0443 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443?\n\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043d\u043e \u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 (\u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e 2 \u043a\u043d\u043e\u043f\u043a\u0438)\n\u041d\u0430\u043f\u043e\u043c\u043d\u0438\u043b\u043e \u0447\u0435\u043c-\u0442\u043e OSU! (\u0442\u043e\u0436\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0434\u043e \u0434\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043c\u044b\u0448\u044c \u043f\u043e \u044d\u043a\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0443)\n\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \n\u0412\u0441\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0435 \u0432 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043c.\n\u041e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0447\u043d\u043e 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1416616543, "timestamp_updated": 1416616543, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13030737": {"recommendationid": "13030737", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052197691", "num_games_owned": 648, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 175, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514740450}, "language": "english", "review": "I don't know what to say, save that this game is INSANELY AWESOMELY FUN, not to mention addicting. Sure, it could get quite repetitive after a while, but it can provide huge amounts of fun for short periods of time. Just don't play till you're burnt out, and you should be fine.\nGet it for $1 @ www.humblebundle.com/weekly , til 11/27.", "timestamp_created": 1416599070, "timestamp_updated": 1416599444, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505888", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13029306": {"recommendationid": "13029306", "author": {"steamid": "76561198096632451", "num_games_owned": 8182, "num_reviews": 156, "playtime_forever": 145, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422971171}, "language": "schinese", "review": "\u52a8\u6001\u89c6\u89c9 + \u53cd\u5e94\u901f\u5ea6\u57f9\u517b\u5229\u5668", "timestamp_created": 1416591343, "timestamp_updated": 1416591343, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.510769", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13029073": {"recommendationid": "13029073", "author": {"steamid": "76561198154876257", "num_games_owned": 29, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 112, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475522627}, "language": "english", "review": "Awesome game! Good graphics and music", "timestamp_created": 1416590071, "timestamp_updated": 1416590071, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.503106", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13028865": {"recommendationid": "13028865", "author": {"steamid": "76561198005737344", "num_games_owned": 625, "num_reviews": 94, "playtime_forever": 82, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416595203}, "language": "english", "review": "I saw the \"winners don't do drugs\" banner at the start and thought it was funny ( i had no idea what the game was about) I started playing and couldnt help but laugh.\nAnyways the game is solid for what they are going for not really my style of game but style for the kinda game it is, it's a solid game", "timestamp_created": 1416588761, "timestamp_updated": 1416588761, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.461649", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13028729": {"recommendationid": "13028729", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999051177", "num_games_owned": 488, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 767, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1489658146}, "language": "english", "review": "[b]\u00dcber dose[/b] of extasy and other fun, funny, .. bann bunny,...\nI MEAN [b][u]CANDY![/u][/b] AWESOME CANDY!\n\n10/10\n... damn that crap is fast", "timestamp_created": 1416587934, "timestamp_updated": 1448617937, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467033", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13028511": {"recommendationid": "13028511", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981643351", "num_games_owned": 1290, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 171, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456028301}, "language": "english", "review": "Game is brilliant! I were looking for fast paced, reflex game, and i get exactly what ive expected! Game is really challenging!\n\n10 out of 10!", "timestamp_created": 1416586550, "timestamp_updated": 1435174552, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.507369", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13028210": {"recommendationid": "13028210", "author": {"steamid": "76561198111932813", "num_games_owned": 1315, "num_reviews": 81, "playtime_forever": 142, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416832707}, "language": "french", "review": "Y a des fois, je me demande pourquoi on se fait chier \u00e0 faire des cin\u00e9matiques, des sc\u00e9narios et des r\u00e8gles ultra compliqu\u00e9s dans les jeux vid\u00e9os...\n\nVous prenez des pillules \u00e0 faire exploser, un syst\u00e8me de dualit\u00e9 type ikaruga, plein de trucs \u00e0 d\u00e9bloquer, des colors bien arcade bien flashy et vous rajoutez du dubstep... et c'est bon!\n\nLes plaisirs simples sont souvent les meilleurs^^", "timestamp_created": 1416584645, "timestamp_updated": 1416584645, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.930524", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13023967": {"recommendationid": "13023967", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004731473", "num_games_owned": 1089, "num_reviews": 105, "playtime_forever": 98, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1437887228}, "language": "english", "review": "What a trip.", "timestamp_created": 1416546898, "timestamp_updated": 1416546898, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.509744", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13021880": {"recommendationid": "13021880", "author": {"steamid": "76561198019078835", "num_games_owned": 6450, "num_reviews": 36, "playtime_forever": 61, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416534842}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "Cara, este jogo \u00e9 viciante!\nMuitas cores, efeitos, boa m\u00fasica e drogas! hahaha\n\u00c9 muito desafiador tamb\u00e9m, mas voc\u00ea n\u00e3o consegue parar de jogar!\nTem horas que tem tanta coisa na tela que n\u00e3o d\u00e1 pra entender porque o jogo ainda n\u00e3o acabou.... LOL\nE olha que eu s\u00f3 joguei por uma hora at\u00e9 agora....\nJogue sem medo!\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nENGLISH VERSION (Sorry about my bad English):\n\nMan, this game is addictive!\nMany colors, effects, good music and drugs! hahaha\nIt is also very challenging, but you can't stop playing!\nSometimes there's so much on the screen that you can't understand why the game is not over yet .... LOL\nAnd I just played for an hour until now ....\nPlay without fear!", "timestamp_created": 1416528036, "timestamp_updated": 1485277956, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.557895", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13021507": {"recommendationid": "13021507", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051511771", "num_games_owned": 946, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 140, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1493586143}, "language": "english", "review": "This and One Finger Death Punch satisfy my need for frantic and addictive gameplay. Unlocks adds longevity, but even so, the gameplay doesn't get old.", "timestamp_created": 1416525501, "timestamp_updated": 1416525501, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.597729", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "13020244": {"recommendationid": "13020244", "author": {"steamid": "76561197964135174", "num_games_owned": 1630, "num_reviews": 34, "playtime_forever": 72, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416520293}, "language": "czech", "review": "[9/10] Better clickfest than Diablo!", "timestamp_created": 1416517226, "timestamp_updated": 1416517226, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.482213", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12943675": {"recommendationid": "12943675", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044171612", "num_games_owned": 230, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 118, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502621270}, "language": "english", "review": "Better than drugs", "timestamp_created": 1416010414, "timestamp_updated": 1416010414, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.470024", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12868916": {"recommendationid": "12868916", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076653609", "num_games_owned": 653, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 329, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1415576458}, "language": "english", "review": "Neon colors. Dubstep. Pills. Flashes. Bangs. Booms. Coin-up look and feel. Excellent game.\n\n\nIntake it's a rare gem, every single part of it in harmony with the rest, making this game an instant thumbs up. Gameplay is excellent, either you use keyboard or mouse: simple controls for quick, non-stop action. Graphics are sharp and bright colored and the interface is, for a lack of a better word in my limited vocabulary, classy. Sound effects are great and contribute to generate a really immersive experience.\n\nAnd the game's soundtrack it's glorious, making the game unique and memorable. The coin-up theme it's another plus, even more if you used to play arcade machines with the level of addictiveness and replayability that this game has. Let me tell it on more concrete terms: this game it's a good purchase for ten bucks (even if you can get it for one). \n\nThat's high praise coming from me. Well done Cipher Prime, I hope you keep making awesome games in the future.", "timestamp_created": 1415575925, "timestamp_updated": 1415576270, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 20, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.662472", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12785280": {"recommendationid": "12785280", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998135725", "num_games_owned": 238, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 839, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1487699202}, "language": "german", "review": "im grunde genommen ein lustiges kleines spiel f\u00fcr zwischendurch.\n\ncool ....\nsounds\n\nnachteil ....\nzu wenig verschiedene minigames\nund nur bis 100 lvl\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1415101394, "timestamp_updated": 1415101394, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.955446", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12530732": {"recommendationid": "12530732", "author": {"steamid": "76561198102525127", "num_games_owned": 581, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 48, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1413579843}, "language": "english", "review": "It is a entertaining casual game. Well, it was. With the changes they made, to make it harder, it is good only for hardcore gamers, now. Too bothersome to just enjoy a few minutes of distraction.", "timestamp_created": 1413580290, "timestamp_updated": 1413580290, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.383649", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12396086": {"recommendationid": "12396086", "author": {"steamid": "76561198102526116", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 97, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1412680273}, "language": "russian", "review": "Awesome game!", "timestamp_created": 1412655878, "timestamp_updated": 1412655878, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12360971": {"recommendationid": "12360971", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993495600", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 201, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492508116}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0425\u043e\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0430 \u0441 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043f\u0430\u0434\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438?\n\u0425\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u0435 \u0437\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435?\n\u0414\u0443\u043c\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0435, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0443\u0441\u043f\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u043e \u0432\u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c?\n\u041d\u0430\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c - INTAKE!\n\n\nBest game for party, maybe.\nWinners dont use drugs", "timestamp_created": 1412428731, "timestamp_updated": 1485080570, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12328639": {"recommendationid": "12328639", "author": {"steamid": "76561198085574496", "num_games_owned": 294, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 537, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1455393534}, "language": "english", "review": "Fast, responsive, challenging. The unlockable music is pretty decent, even if a bit repetitive if you play for 30 minutes straight. Gave it a try when the price was -85% but you won't feel ripped if you pay full price for this one.", "timestamp_created": 1412273857, "timestamp_updated": 1412274148, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12189065": {"recommendationid": "12189065", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044701029", "num_games_owned": 618, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 539, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1499909894}, "language": "english", "review": "Fun and wacky game you will spend hours playing for the intense amount of challenge!", "timestamp_created": 1411411466, "timestamp_updated": 1411411466, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12039324": {"recommendationid": "12039324", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992274175", "num_games_owned": 1269, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 31, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1410311604}, "language": "english", "review": "I did not find this game enjoyable. I have no desire to get better at it, and I am never going to play it again.", "timestamp_created": 1410311669, "timestamp_updated": 1410311669, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.349000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "12039031": {"recommendationid": "12039031", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009955942", "num_games_owned": 523, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 99, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477339680}, "language": "english", "review": "A really good game. It has the feel of a old arcade game, but plays and looks like a pc game using the mouse and other buttons. It's high paced and has high speed music to accomodate it, and as things speed up it gets more hectic. it's a very rewarding game with a nicely balanced out difficulty but an easy learning curve. It comes relatively cheap, so i would definatly say its definitely a good addition to your steam library.", "timestamp_created": 1410308561, "timestamp_updated": 1410308561, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502819", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11985209": {"recommendationid": "11985209", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041285347", "num_games_owned": 445, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 652, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500020795}, "language": "english", "review": "Intake: Extreme Happieness.\n\nSide effects of Intake are common and include;\n\nFeeling awsome\nGetting a hightscore\nAnd dropping the bass\n\nAsk your Doctor if Intake is right for you.", "timestamp_created": 1409905303, "timestamp_updated": 1409905303, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499733", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11932029": {"recommendationid": "11932029", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024726047", "num_games_owned": 195, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 238, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451816487}, "language": "polish", "review": "Great, minimalistic game!", "timestamp_created": 1409474596, "timestamp_updated": 1409474596, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11790878": {"recommendationid": "11790878", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067810377", "num_games_owned": 102, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 150, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505590820}, "language": "english", "review": "Trippy as fock... I LOVE IT", "timestamp_created": 1408522680, "timestamp_updated": 1408522680, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11618141": {"recommendationid": "11618141", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999254689", "num_games_owned": 152, "num_reviews": 39, "playtime_forever": 51, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434231602}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0420\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0440\u043e\u043a \u0438 \u043b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0439 \u0444\u0430\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0438. \u0410 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0436\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0434\u0430\u0431\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043f\u0447\u0438\u043a \u0437\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442 \u0432\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043c\u043d\u0438\u0442\u044c 2011-\u044b\u0439.", "timestamp_created": 1407608881, "timestamp_updated": 1407608881, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11583135": {"recommendationid": "11583135", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051575686", "num_games_owned": 345, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 4249, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481090395}, "language": "english", "review": "Do you like to click? Do you like to smash that click button till your finger bleeds? This is the game for you! PS... You might want to smash the keyboard to!", "timestamp_created": 1407382010, "timestamp_updated": 1407382010, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.526627", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11548882": {"recommendationid": "11548882", "author": {"steamid": "76561197992993252", "num_games_owned": 227, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 367, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1424287018}, "language": "english", "review": "It starts like a simple normal game until you die once and then.... ALL bloody HELL is falling... the mouse is stupid, the chair si broken, everything is moving .... omg!!!! So much fun! ^_^ Love it!", "timestamp_created": 1407167156, "timestamp_updated": 1407167156, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.562056", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11521471": {"recommendationid": "11521471", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985986438", "num_games_owned": 2669, "num_reviews": 32, "playtime_forever": 322, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1408141532}, "language": "russian", "review": "[i]\"Intake destroying happines\"\nDain Saint \u2014 Side Effects [/i]\n\n\u0412\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u044f \u0442\u0430\u043a \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0438\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0435 \u0441\u0432\u044f\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0430 \u0441 \u043d\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0438\u0437 \u0442\u0435\u0445, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u044f \u043f\u043e\u043c\u043d\u044e (\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u044f - Rush Bros \u0441 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0438\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043d\u044b\u043c\u0438 \u0444\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0438 \u0441\u0430\u0443\u043d\u0434\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c \u043e\u0442 Infected Mushroom). \u0427\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0438\u043b Intake \u0437\u0430 \u0442\u043e, \u0447\u0442\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043b Kickstarter \u043a\u0430\u043c\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044e Auditorium 2 \u0437\u0430\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0434\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0430\u0440.\n\u0422\u0443\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u043c \u043d\u0430\u0434\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0434\u0430\u0431\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043f (\u043a \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443 \u043d\u0435\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0439). \u0418 \u0432\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435 \u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u044f \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0437\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0432\u043d\u043e. \u041d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0432 \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0437\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044c. \"\u041d\u0443 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u043e\u0434\u0438\u043d \u0430\u043f\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0439\u0434. \u041d\u0443 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u043e\u0434\u043d\u0443 \u043f\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044e \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0431\u043b\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\". \u0414\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043d \u0443\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u043d\u0430\u0437\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \"Drugstore\". \u041f\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043d \u043a \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e 4 \u0438\u043b\u0438 5, \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0445\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0445\u043e\u0442\u044f \u0431\u044b \u0441\u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u0436\u0435, \u043d\u043e \u0432\u0440\u044f\u0434 \u043b\u0438 \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u044e\u0442, \u0445\u043e\u0442\u044f \u0430\u043f\u0434\u0435\u0439\u0442\u044b \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0432\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u044f\u0442 \u0438 \u043d\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c. \u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0432\u0438\u0437\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c - \u043d\u0435\u043e\u043d \u0438 \u044f\u0440\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u043f\u044b\u0448\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0445\u043e\u0434\u044f\u0442. \u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0451\u043c \u0432\u0441\u043f\u044b\u0448\u043a\u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u044f\u0440\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0432 Beat Hazard \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0430\u044e\u0442.\n\u0415\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u044f \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043d\u044f\u043b, \u043f\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043c\u0443 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0441\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0439. \u0422\u0443\u0442 \u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043e \u043d\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0443 (\u0430 \u043c\u043e\u0433\u043b\u043e \u0431\u044b).\n\u042f \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u044e \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0434\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044c. \u0420\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e.", "timestamp_created": 1406991187, "timestamp_updated": 1406992231, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.532951", "comment_count": "8", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11432712": {"recommendationid": "11432712", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031122224", "num_games_owned": 2536, "num_reviews": 377, "playtime_forever": 79, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1406366144}, "language": "hungarian", "review": "j\u00f3 j\u00e1t\u00e9k, de egyben el\u00e9g neh\u00e9z is.\nTetszett, 7/10.", "timestamp_created": 1406461061, "timestamp_updated": 1406461061, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497314", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11396360": {"recommendationid": "11396360", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980799910", "num_games_owned": 565, "num_reviews": 68, "playtime_forever": 1793, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1478624292}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0413\u041e\u0421\u041f\u0410\u0414\u0418 \u042d\u0422\u041e \u0411\u041e\u0416\u0415\u0421\u0422\u0412\u0415\u041d\u041d\u041e! \u042f \u0425\u041e\u0427\u0423 \u0421\u042b\u0413\u0420\u0410\u0422\u042c \u0412 \u042d\u0422\u041e \u0427\u0415\u0420\u0415\u0417 OCCULUS RIFT! \u0418 \u0443\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0442 \u044d\u043f\u0438\u043b\u0435\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0438 =D", "timestamp_created": 1406242656, "timestamp_updated": 1406242656, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 9, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.575971", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11327057": {"recommendationid": "11327057", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003021403", "num_games_owned": 155, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 418, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450710959}, "language": "french", "review": "a ne pas mettre entre les mains d'un daltonien ni entre celle d'un \u00e9pileptique, si vous \u00e8te daltonien et \u00e9pileptique chose tr\u00e8s rare je pr\u00e9sume ba c'est cho.", "timestamp_created": 1405825537, "timestamp_updated": 1405825537, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497314", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11294762": {"recommendationid": "11294762", "author": {"steamid": "76561197979186288", "num_games_owned": 71, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 456, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1406599685}, "language": "english", "review": "I am officially addicted to pills.\n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1405634678, "timestamp_updated": 1405634678, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497658", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11280867": {"recommendationid": "11280867", "author": {"steamid": "76561198098931523", "num_games_owned": 23, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 359, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1408675239}, "language": "english", "review": "People say taking drugs is bad\nPeople say\nThat drugs are for losers\nThat winners don't do it\n\nBut\n\nI say to them\n\nFuck you. They obviously haven't played this game.\n\nThis game is the most amazing game ever.\nDrugs. Dubstep, Flashing colors. You can't go wrong with this....\n\n...\n\nAll it lacks is boobs.\n\n99999.9/10 - \"Needs working on it\" -IGN", "timestamp_created": 1405558428, "timestamp_updated": 1405558428, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497658", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11275731": {"recommendationid": "11275731", "author": {"steamid": "76561198089395353", "num_games_owned": 218, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 331, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488891918}, "language": "english", "review": "I'm afraid of buying mini-games. Most of them are already boring after an hour. But Intake was definitely money well-spent. Even though the concept and gameplay are pretty simple, the visuals and audio are on very high level. After over 2,5 hours of playing I'm sure that I won't stop so quickly. If you like simple aim-and-shoot games you will love Intake. And if you don't Intake may change your mind.", "timestamp_created": 1405533888, "timestamp_updated": 1405533888, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11249526": {"recommendationid": "11249526", "author": {"steamid": "76561198141460873", "num_games_owned": 79, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 81, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472249210}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is AWSOME !!! \n\n10/10", "timestamp_created": 1405445264, "timestamp_updated": 1405445264, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.426612", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11248861": {"recommendationid": "11248861", "author": {"steamid": "76561198076368082", "num_games_owned": 451, "num_reviews": 49, "playtime_forever": 1205, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1433457005}, "language": "english", "review": "Pro - Shoot up a bunch of pills without overdosing while listening to dubstep, excellent premise\nCon - If I'm popping all these pills, I'm going to need more than five tracks to listen to", "timestamp_created": 1405442721, "timestamp_updated": 1405442721, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.518898", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11244729": {"recommendationid": "11244729", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983047307", "num_games_owned": 596, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 258, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434723718}, "language": "german", "review": "Easy to learn and hard to master!\n\nKurzweiliger Shooter der durch sein Combo- und Upgradesystem schon fast s\u00fcchtig macht. \n\nKaufempfehlung!!", "timestamp_created": 1405419700, "timestamp_updated": 1405419700, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11244296": {"recommendationid": "11244296", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000933805", "num_games_owned": 280, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1412668986}, "language": "english", "review": "Amazing game! Beautifully visualized, addictive and \"challengeing\". At first it was difficult to figure out how the game and controls work, even though the controls are [u]very[/u] easy, but after another play, the controls were getting familiarized. The only downside is that you [u]can[/u] change the binding key for the shooting, but not for the alternate color. Would like it easy-er to have the main and second color binded to two seperate keys to press and shoot.\n\nFor the price, it's totally worth it!\nGraphics, Particles, Achievements, Badges, Cards and MOAR!", "timestamp_created": 1405417182, "timestamp_updated": 1407325495, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "11115850": {"recommendationid": "11115850", "author": {"steamid": "76561198095321392", "num_games_owned": 115, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 1016, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451752676}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0418\u0433\u0440\u0443 \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0434\u043d\u0438\u043c \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043c - \u0441\u043e\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c. \u042f\u0440\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430, \u0432\u0437\u0440\u044b\u0432\u044b, \u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0438 \u043a\u0430\u0447\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430. \u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0443\u0431\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438 (\u0438 \u043c\u044b\u0448\u0435\u043a :D)", "timestamp_created": 1404731888, "timestamp_updated": 1404731888, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10943520": {"recommendationid": "10943520", "author": {"steamid": "76561198050750789", "num_games_owned": 320, "num_reviews": 63, "playtime_forever": 1257, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1440881395}, "language": "english", "review": "do you like challenge game ?\ndo you like smash game ?\ndo you like aim game ?\n \nwell , this is you will see in this game\nthere are 4 challenges mod aren't unlock untill you play more in normal mod\n\nif you play in normal mod challenges mod will come at lvl( 10 , 15 , 20, 25, 30) seems like this\nand you have to practice at challenge mod once u unlock them , also you can start from lvl ( 25 , 50 , 75)\n\nand try to beat your score and buy everything in the drugstore to let game be easy !! :)\nPeace!", "timestamp_created": 1404055836, "timestamp_updated": 1405115551, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 17, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.596875", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10941245": {"recommendationid": "10941245", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042352504", "num_games_owned": 1125, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 384, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1444437589}, "language": "english", "review": "Warning - this game may cause epileptic fits. Intake is a fast-pace shooter esque game in which you click pills before they reach the bottom. Sounds simple, but when they're flashing everywhere and shooting down to the bottom, Intake's gameplay becomes intense and highly rewarding when you complete a set of levels. The soundtrack, while limited to only 5 songs, is interchangable and add to the fast-paced, heartrate increasing gameplay.\n\nIntake is certainly worth the miniscule price for hours of intense gameplay. It gets an 8/10.", "timestamp_created": 1404050569, "timestamp_updated": 1404050569, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.552194", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10864152": {"recommendationid": "10864152", "author": {"steamid": "76561198093708963", "num_games_owned": 112, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 265, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1398204420}, "language": "english", "review": "You wouldn't think clicking a bunch of colorful pills could be so addictive, but it's probably one of the most engaging games I've played in years. The music, the design, the increasing challenge, the unlockables, the EVERYTHING. Intake is one of those arcade-shooting experiences you can use to pass the time or, if you're brave, attempt to nab a spot on the leaderboard. It's worth every penny.", "timestamp_created": 1403860895, "timestamp_updated": 1403860895, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10746078": {"recommendationid": "10746078", "author": {"steamid": "76561198029078706", "num_games_owned": 295, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 211, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498886375}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is challenging and fun to pick up for a couple hours once in a while.", "timestamp_created": 1403599596, "timestamp_updated": 1501237916, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10733903": {"recommendationid": "10733903", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999113707", "num_games_owned": 166, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 427, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1492350243}, "language": "french", "review": "Le jeu le plus fr\u00e9n\u00e9tique auquel j'ai jou\u00e9, de la tension \u00e0 l'\u00e9tat pur, parfait pour ressentir la fr\u00e9n\u00e9sie de l'arcade, ce jeu met en trance avec sa bande son magistrale et son univers graphique fantaisiste", "timestamp_created": 1403569222, "timestamp_updated": 1403569222, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10695355": {"recommendationid": "10695355", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007379768", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 82, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504749689}, "language": "english", "review": "definite an awesome arcade style shooter. I wish they made a mobile version for iphone and android! I play this on my down time if not playing hearthstone.", "timestamp_created": 1403496832, "timestamp_updated": 1403496832, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10665579": {"recommendationid": "10665579", "author": {"steamid": "76561198082957063", "num_games_owned": 127, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 288, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509467236}, "language": "french", "review": "awesome simple the best", "timestamp_created": 1403446212, "timestamp_updated": 1403446212, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.568376", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10662359": {"recommendationid": "10662359", "author": {"steamid": "76561198062034305", "num_games_owned": 76, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 105, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1404500798}, "language": "english", "review": "This turned out to be a really awesome game. Great music, great graphics, and gameplay so fun, you just might OD.", "timestamp_created": 1403440585, "timestamp_updated": 1403440585, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10516386": {"recommendationid": "10516386", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051061978", "num_games_owned": 700, "num_reviews": 116, "playtime_forever": 419, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477403764}, "language": "english", "review": "Does anyone miss Dr. Mario besides me? Well look no further, Intake is here for your gamer pill fix. Capsules rain down from the top of the screen; don\u2019t let them touch the bottom, or it\u2019ll be game over. It\u2019ll only take you a few minutes to learn the concept of this game, but don\u2019t allow that to fool you; your reflexes will be put to the test!\n\nIntake was developed by Cipher Prime Studios. They are a small indie developer out of Philadelphia, PA. I only recently heard of this studio and was not familiar with any of their titles until I started playing this one. Now I own their entire catalog.\n\n\n30 Second Review\n\n+ Is habit forming\n\n+ Helps improve hand eye coordination\n\n+ Original twist on an older concept\n\n- Death comes swiftly\n\n- Enough MG\u2019s (Milligrams) to induce a coma\n\nClick the link below to read the full review!\nhttp://everydaygamers.com/2014/06/18/review-intake/#more-29631", "timestamp_created": 1403111830, "timestamp_updated": 1403111830, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505067", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10495328": {"recommendationid": "10495328", "author": {"steamid": "76561198083881431", "num_games_owned": 243, "num_reviews": 23, "playtime_forever": 274, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1447150330}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0425\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0430\u044f \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043a\u0446\u0438\u044f ? \u0414\u0430? \u0417\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0438\u0442 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044f.", "timestamp_created": 1402941575, "timestamp_updated": 1402941575, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.497288", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10399280": {"recommendationid": "10399280", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990381411", "num_games_owned": 1728, "num_reviews": 141, "playtime_forever": 104, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1402262134}, "language": "english", "review": "I got this off the Humble Bundle. At the price point I paid for the bundle of games ($5), this game is well worth it.\n\nI want to point out that this game is exactly like the description - a mix between Dr. Mario and Ikagura. It's quick, colorful, and extremely arcade-like. You're gathering points here, not trying to save the world. Intake embraces the dubstep/club plus drug culture. Maybe it doesn't, since you're 'shooting' the drugs. \n\nEither way, it's a nice little puzzle game. \n\n", "timestamp_created": 1402261328, "timestamp_updated": 1402261328, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10380639": {"recommendationid": "10380639", "author": {"steamid": "76561198117955999", "num_games_owned": 151, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 93, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1405422755}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0414\u043b\u044f \u043b\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0447\u0443\u0432\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432.", "timestamp_created": 1402145908, "timestamp_updated": 1402145908, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10334676": {"recommendationid": "10334676", "author": {"steamid": "76561198012306547", "num_games_owned": 661, "num_reviews": 38, "playtime_forever": 5228, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1491417183}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u3010\u30b9\u30c8\u30a2\u30da\u30fc\u30b8\u306b\u8868\u8a18\u304c\u3042\u308a\u307e\u305b\u3093\u304c\u30c8\u30ec\u30ab\u5bfe\u5fdc\u3057\u3066\u307e\u3059\u3011\n*Although there is no description on the store page,\n This game has released the trading card.*\n\n\u4e0a\u304b\u3089\u843d\u3061\u3066\u304f\u308b2\u8272\u306e\u8272\u9bae\u3084\u304b\u306a\u30d4\u30eb\u3092\u3072\u305f\u3059\u3089\u6483\u3061\u843d\u3068\u3059\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\nSTG\u306e\u6591\u9ce9\u304b\u3089\u5f71\u97ff\u3092\u53d7\u3051\u3066\u304a\u308a\u3001\u7167\u6e96\u306e\u8272\u3092\u5207\u308a\u66ff\u3048\u308b\u30b7\u30b9\u30c6\u30e0\u304c\u3042\u308b\n\n\u826f\u3044\u70b9\n\u30fb\u5fd9\u3057\u304f\u306a\u3063\u3066\u304f\u308b\u3068\u8272\u306e\u9055\u3044\u3001\u843d\u4e0b\u901f\u5ea6\u306e\u9055\u3044\u306e\u3042\u308b\u30d4\u30eb\u3092\n\u3000\u3069\u306e\u9806\u5e8f\u3067\u6f70\u3057\u3066\u3044\u304f\u304b\u3092\u77ac\u6642\u306b\u5224\u65ad\u3059\u308b\u5fc5\u8981\u304c\u3042\u308a\n\u3000\u30a2\u30af\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30d1\u30ba\u30eb\u306b\u8fd1\u3044\uff08\u30d1\u30ba\u30eb\u305d\u306e\u3082\u306e\u3067\u306f\u306a\u3044\uff09\u6027\u8cea\u3092\u6301\u3063\u3066\u3044\u3066\u697d\u3057\u3044\n\u30fb\u30ec\u30d9\u30eb\u5236\u3067\u5230\u9054\u5ea6\u304c\u5206\u304b\u308a\u3084\u3059\u304f\u3001\u6311\u6226\u5f8c\u306b\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3082\u6b8b\u308b\u306e\u3067\u4e0a\u9054\u304c\u5b9f\u611f\u3067\u304d\u308b\n\u30fb\u96e3\u3057\u3044\u5c40\u9762\uff08\u9ad8\u30ec\u30d9\u30ebAccelaration\u306a\u3069\uff09\u3092\u4e57\u308a\u5207\u3063\u305f\u6642\u306b\u723d\u5feb\u611f\u304c\u3042\u308a\u4e2d\u6bd2\u6027\u304c\u3042\u308b\n\u30fb\u30dd\u30a4\u30f3\u30c8\u3092\u8caf\u3081\u3066\u30c9\u30e9\u30c3\u30b0\u30b9\u30c8\u30a2\u3067\u30d1\u30ef\u30fc\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30a2\u30a4\u30c6\u30e0\u3092\u8cfc\u5165\u3001\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30b0\u30ec\u30fc\u30c9\u3059\u308b\u697d\u3057\u307f\u304c\u3042\u308b\n\u30fb\u697d\u3057\u304f\u3084\u308a\u304c\u3044\u306e\u3042\u308b\u5b9f\u7e3e\n\u30fb\u30c1\u30a7\u30c3\u30af\u30dd\u30a4\u30f3\u30c8\u3001\u30d1\u30ef\u30fc\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30a2\u30a4\u30c6\u30e0\u3001\u30c1\u30e3\u30ec\u30f3\u30b8\u30e2\u30fc\u30c9\u3001\u5b9f\u7e3e\u306e\u304a\u304b\u3052\u3067\u3053\u306e\u624b\u306e\u30b2\u30fc\u30e0\u304c\u4e0b\u624b\u306a\u4eba\u3082\u4e0a\u624b\u3044\u4eba\u3082\u697d\u3057\u3081\u308b\u5e45\u5e83\u3044\u96e3\u6613\u5ea6\n\n\u60aa\u3044\u70b9\n\u30fb\u97f3\u697d\u304c\u30ea\u30d4\u30fc\u30c8\u3059\u308b\u6642\u306b\u30ab\u30af\u3064\u304f(\u30b9\u30da\u30c3\u30af\u306b\u3088\u308b\u304b\u3082)\n\u30fb\u30aa\u30d7\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u3067\u97f3\u91cf\u8abf\u6574\u3057\u3066\u3082\u6700\u5927\u97f3\u91cf\u306e\u6240\u304c\u3042\u308b\n\u30fb\u4ed6\u306b\u3082\u7d30\u304b\u3044\u30d0\u30b0\u304c\u4f55\u500b\u3082\u3042\u308b\uff08\u81f4\u547d\u7684\u306a\u3082\u306e\u306f\u4f53\u9a13\u3057\u3066\u3044\u306a\u3044\uff09\n\u30fbsteam trading card\u306b\u5bfe\u5fdc\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308b\u306e\u306b\u30b9\u30c8\u30a2\u30da\u30fc\u30b8\u306b\u306f\u8868\u8a18\u304c\u306a\u3044\n\n\u5143\u3005\u901a\u5e38\u4fa1\u683c10\u30c9\u30eb\u3060\u3063\u305f\u306e\u304c\u5024\u6bb5\u304c\u4e0b\u304c\u3063\u30665\u30c9\u30eb\u306b\u3002\u30bb\u30fc\u30eb\u3084\u30d0\u30f3\u30c9\u30eb\u6765\u306a\u304f\u3066\u3082\u5b89\u304f\u3066\u304a\u3059\u3059\u3081\n\nGood game to improve reflexes and kinetic vision.\nSystem to switch the color is inspired by Ikaruga.", "timestamp_created": 1401807799, "timestamp_updated": 1404650766, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506610", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10318031": {"recommendationid": "10318031", "author": {"steamid": "76561198066669262", "num_games_owned": 262, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 292, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1514431192}, "language": "english", "review": "You'd think this game was not made for the colorblind, but there actually is a setting just for that.\nIt's one of those games that's all about your driving your physical and mental reflexes to their limits. Like an old-school arcade game, you play with simple game mechanics and for the sole reason of how far can you get and how many points you can score. Shoot the right colored pills, keep the combos running to boost your score, and most of all, avoid losing the few lives granted. You can also purchase more music, more powerups, more lives, more colors, and so much more with your... um... \"drug money?\". These will help you accomplish so much more in the game, but they can also be turned off if you don't like the option, or if you really wanted to test yourself. Great game for picking up, playing a few times, and then getting off. Just remember that with the exception of THIS game, \"Winners don't use drugs\".", "timestamp_created": 1401664740, "timestamp_updated": 1401664740, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10270335": {"recommendationid": "10270335", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036279582", "num_games_owned": 1415, "num_reviews": 105, "playtime_forever": 183, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1464041582}, "language": "english", "review": "I love Intake. I grabbed it awhile back before it was on Steam and loved it - how excited was I when a few months later I noticed I could activate it in my library!\n\nIt's a sleeper hit, unknown gem, whatever adjective pair you want to use to describe it is applicable. It's well polished, addictive, and fast paced - like the best Shmups (might be why I'm so drawn to it).\n\nThe premise is simple: click on pills to make them explode. Two colors come down at once, right click to swap between colors, build combos, and set high scores. \n\nIn execution, it gets tricky: the music is blaring, your palms are sweating, and the pills keep coming. You click and click and click but the waves keep coming down.\n\nIt's intensely fun with superb sound design. Speaking of which, make sure you have some solid headphones. You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you had little cheapo earbuds in while you played this. The best experience is engrossed with your nose an inch from the monitor and the EDM soundtrack and high-quality sound effects bursting your eardrums.\n\nThe visuals are really nice too. Nothing too complex, a few particle effects and some color shadings but the game pulls it together into a great, color popping aesthetic. \n\nAs for settings options, for an indie game this guy is packed full of them. Full featured color-blind modes, \"gartnervision\", which gives background to the landscape mode the game is set in, a full suite of upgrades to unlock and turn on and master, even different game modes and challenges including a \"No Nonsense\" mode which cuts out bonus levels and keeps you in the heat of things longer and at a faster pace. You can really tell with the available settings, options, and unlocks that the developers really cared about this game and took the time to polish all the edges - even the flavor text for your power ups has funny little quips that fit the theme of the game.\n\nDon't miss this one. I'd recommend it for just about any gamer with a love for pulse-pounding action, especially if you want something to pick up for short period of time play...if you can put it down.\n\n-Be Aggressive.\n\nP.S. - the quality of the soundtracks in the game is very high - the review video on Steam doesn't do it justice. You'll see what I mean the first time you load it up or you can compare it to the HQ video on their webiste: http://playintake.com/\n\nYou can also check out the soundtrack at their store page: http://music.cipherprime.com/album/intake-ost \n(Hint: if you like the music, you'll love the game - the songs are even better with explosions)", "timestamp_created": 1401326787, "timestamp_updated": 1401330969, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10242919": {"recommendationid": "10242919", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000646505", "num_games_owned": 712, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 2085, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 16, "last_played": 1515366250}, "language": "english", "review": "Stylish arcade shooter, simple but addictive and a real challenge.\nHone your aim and reflexs with the insane acceleration mode and challenge friends on the score boards\n8/10", "timestamp_created": 1401125279, "timestamp_updated": 1511381144, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.374367", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10162653": {"recommendationid": "10162653", "author": {"steamid": "76561198118272468", "num_games_owned": 40, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 262, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1400697913}, "language": "english", "review": "Very interesting game. One of a kind.", "timestamp_created": 1400439230, "timestamp_updated": 1400439230, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10104946": {"recommendationid": "10104946", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990667177", "num_games_owned": 800, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 150, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1404928162}, "language": "english", "review": "Pretty dope game, no pun intended. Addictive music and skill-based game. What else do you want?", "timestamp_created": 1400019078, "timestamp_updated": 1400019078, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10080890": {"recommendationid": "10080890", "author": {"steamid": "76561197994397124", "num_games_owned": 1377, "num_reviews": 22, "playtime_forever": 1515, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436561558}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is an underknown little gem of minimalist gameplay.\n\nIt asks you to click some falling pills to explode them before they hit the lower part of the screen. There is a color switch system.\n- Pills come in two colors, shoot the pills of the same color or switch colors anytime)\n- Black flashbang pills to avoid\nThe gameplay has a few more subtle points: explosions push away nearby pills, pills can collide together, etc.\nAfter every short level, you get rewarded with a circle of bonus coins you have to hit quickly. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK !\n\nTo break the monotony every once in a while,, you get a special level with one difficulty setting pushed much higher, like much more pills onscreen (\"flood\" levels), or less pills onscreen with a much faster falling speed.\nThis is 100% skill based and feels like a nice mouse aiming / reaction time skill test.\nI think the game is entirely procedural/randomized. It just gets harder until you eventually lose.\n\nThere are some bonuses here and them (items, unlockable) which you should have all unlocked in a few hours hours. Hopefully they do not distract too much from the gameplay (just like the special levels, they help break the monotony).\n\nAbout the graphics: they do their job. Pretty but the readibility is good, which is absolutely necessary for a fast-paced game like this. There are some nice hommages to arcade some will catch :) With some tweaks to difficulty and items, this would sure make an excellent arcade game. If arcades still existed. Whatever.\n\nLast but not least, the game comes with a huge amount of achievements and ... leaderboards =)\n\nHighly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1399798459, "timestamp_updated": 1399811163, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.506141", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "10011131": {"recommendationid": "10011131", "author": {"steamid": "76561198020495456", "num_games_owned": 1930, "num_reviews": 279, "playtime_forever": 301, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465639365}, "language": "polish", "review": "Polecam serdecznie.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pIxHjvEqsE", "timestamp_created": 1399155601, "timestamp_updated": 1399155601, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.493816", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9992646": {"recommendationid": "9992646", "author": {"steamid": "76561198077992227", "num_games_owned": 157, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 18, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479371630}, "language": "english", "review": "Please add support for drawing tablets.. Good game! Needs more music tho.", "timestamp_created": 1398979487, "timestamp_updated": 1398979487, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9824666": {"recommendationid": "9824666", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058802166", "num_games_owned": 355, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 450, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1434182886}, "language": "english", "review": "SPARKLE SPARKLE WOOT WOOT, BAM BOOM SEIZURE!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1397572051, "timestamp_updated": 1397572051, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9796508": {"recommendationid": "9796508", "author": {"steamid": "76561198034774329", "num_games_owned": 648, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 81, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1402306932}, "language": "english", "review": "pew pew drugs get points \nnice to train reactions and shit", "timestamp_created": 1397311287, "timestamp_updated": 1397311287, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9700220": {"recommendationid": "9700220", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004356403", "num_games_owned": 313, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 51, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1396045237}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a really fun EDM arcade game. A great game to play when you just need a break for a minute.", "timestamp_created": 1396398681, "timestamp_updated": 1396398681, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9699130": {"recommendationid": "9699130", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977724919", "num_games_owned": 119, "num_reviews": 31, "playtime_forever": 1947, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511817288}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is awesome. You will love it, but expect some small bugs in the game play, and some achievements are either extremely hard or impossible to get, either due to the design of the game0, or due to a bug.\n\n\n\nUpdate: The Cutting it Close achievement cannot be obtained.", "timestamp_created": 1396389866, "timestamp_updated": 1509512481, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.960396", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9583835": {"recommendationid": "9583835", "author": {"steamid": "76561198091782696", "num_games_owned": 224, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 196, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1476478082}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0441 \u0430\u0444\u0438\u0433\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u043c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u043e\u0439", "timestamp_created": 1395416880, "timestamp_updated": 1395416880, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501754", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9559771": {"recommendationid": "9559771", "author": {"steamid": "76561198113381141", "num_games_owned": 202, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 211, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1495716374}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0412\u0441\u0435\u043c \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442) \u0427\u0442\u043e \u043c\u043e\u0433\u0443 \u0441\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0431 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0435, \u0442\u0430\u043a \u044d\u0442\u043e \u0442\u043e, \u0447\u0442\u043e, \u043e\u043d\u0430 \u0436\u0443\u0442\u043a\u043e \u0437\u0430\u0442\u044f\u0433\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f! \u041c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0442 20-30 \u043f\u043e\u0437\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043f\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e, \u043f\u043b\u044e\u0441 \u0434\u0430\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u043e\u0447\u0438\u0432\u044b, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0445 \u0443 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u043e\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043b-\u0432\u043e. \u0422\u0430\u043a \u0447\u0442\u043e, \u043d\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044f\u0435\u043c\u0441\u044f, \u043f\u043e\u043a\u0443\u043f\u0430\u0435\u043c, \u0431\u0435\u0441\u0438\u043c\u0441\u044f =^_^=", "timestamp_created": 1395235687, "timestamp_updated": 1395235687, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505257", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9435714": {"recommendationid": "9435714", "author": {"steamid": "76561197975346768", "num_games_owned": 305, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 125, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1416976087}, "language": "english", "review": "Holy crap, this game is wayy too much fun. It just gets harder and harder and harder. Music is pretty wild, upgrades are pretty awesome, just jump in and play and have a blast (and realize how slow your reaction time is). Lots of Achievements to be unlocked too. \n\nThis is also quite the challenging game once you hit lvl 25. It just gets nuts with how fast you need to react. Pick your upgrades wisely and watch out for those freakin flash bangs D:", "timestamp_created": 1394599504, "timestamp_updated": 1394599504, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9407859": {"recommendationid": "9407859", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056953147", "num_games_owned": 418, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 336, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1427191827}, "language": "english", "review": "Drug Simulator that is helpful to teaching you how to aim better and not suck at FPS games.", "timestamp_created": 1394439453, "timestamp_updated": 1394439453, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.459402", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9336824": {"recommendationid": "9336824", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084871349", "num_games_owned": 68, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 372, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 5, "last_played": 1515816697}, "language": "english", "review": "Excellent and colorful fast paced bullet hell. Can be a great stress relief. Music is very fitting and gameplay is very customizable. Worth your time and money", "timestamp_created": 1393897671, "timestamp_updated": 1490673407, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.498715", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9325858": {"recommendationid": "9325858", "author": {"steamid": "76561198119523670", "num_games_owned": 37, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 333, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435982861}, "language": "english", "review": "Warning: This game may include but is not limited to cause, Loss of time, sore fingers, sense of accomplishment, and brain trauma from sick dubtep drops. You have been warned. Enjoy>", "timestamp_created": 1393812854, "timestamp_updated": 1393812854, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9253083": {"recommendationid": "9253083", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024552586", "num_games_owned": 468, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 440, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1457665982}, "language": "english", "review": "Ok. Lets get something straight. Arcade Awsome here. The feeling of this is like no other. The cheering, the music, the hadling. It all comes together to create something so simple and so well done, its receives a perfect 10 in my book.", "timestamp_created": 1393293465, "timestamp_updated": 1393293465, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9244797": {"recommendationid": "9244797", "author": {"steamid": "76561198058487134", "num_games_owned": 426, "num_reviews": 18, "playtime_forever": 177, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456986381}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is quite entertaining but really difficult if you are not as good in the reactions department I know that for a fact because it can truely test your reaction time the controls are rather simple aim at pills a shoot using left mouse button and space and/or right click to chance the color of your \"laser\" that you use to shoot down pills other than that the game is a good 5 dollar game that is deffinetely worth buying I promise that it isn't a waste of money but before you go shooting this down do take into account that if you do not like DUBSTEP then this game isn't for you because this game is all based around dubstep and I know that there are people who don't exactly like dubstep to begin with and if your a parent who has a young child whom you are a little over sensitive about what your children play then this isn't for you beings that there are in fact drug references laced into the game that are only technically noticed at the end of the game I'm sure people who own this game know what I mean by that statement but I mean who really care at this point at this rate the game is totally worth it and for those who feel like they're up to a bit of a challange then buy this game it's inexpensive and worth more time than what you would expect out of the retail value given for this game I would rate this game at least and 8.5/10 I like the game there are some flaws that I can't simply point out due to the complexity of the flaws and plus it's massively opinionated", "timestamp_created": 1393238864, "timestamp_updated": 1393238864, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9210072": {"recommendationid": "9210072", "author": {"steamid": "76561198007717396", "num_games_owned": 279, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 116, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1417012397}, "language": "english", "review": "This is an intense and fun with awesome game with superb music and colors!", "timestamp_created": 1393021203, "timestamp_updated": 1393021203, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9179593": {"recommendationid": "9179593", "author": {"steamid": "76561197983801261", "num_games_owned": 261, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 174, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465412403}, "language": "english", "review": "Jeu \u00e9pique! Tr\u00e8s prenant, bien fait, un max de plaisir dans un petit budget. Le genre d'achat que l'on ne regrette pas.", "timestamp_created": 1392814946, "timestamp_updated": 1392814946, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9175469": {"recommendationid": "9175469", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051490695", "num_games_owned": 308, "num_reviews": 33, "playtime_forever": 806, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1506399761}, "language": "english", "review": "addictive game with a crazy gameplay.\n\nhighly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1392779698, "timestamp_updated": 1392779698, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.476190", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9172170": {"recommendationid": "9172170", "author": {"steamid": "76561198052645975", "num_games_owned": 36, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 562, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1406405168}, "language": "english", "review": "Super fun game play. No boring story. Just pure bass dropping, pill popping, wub wub wubbing good time.", "timestamp_created": 1392757856, "timestamp_updated": 1392757856, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9172115": {"recommendationid": "9172115", "author": {"steamid": "76561198051748817", "num_games_owned": 124, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 12470, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425801170}, "language": "english", "review": "Excellent for Counter-Strike warmups.", "timestamp_created": 1392757523, "timestamp_updated": 1392757523, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.541850", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9168937": {"recommendationid": "9168937", "author": {"steamid": "76561198048954538", "num_games_owned": 1864, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 87, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1414338561}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\ub9c8\uc6b0\uc2a4\ub85c\ub9cc \ud558\ub294 \uac83\ubcf4\ub2e4 \ud0a4\ubcf4\ub4dc+\ub9c8\uc6b0\uc2a4\uac00 \ucf58\ud2b8\ub864\uc774 \ud3b8\ud558\ub124\uc694.\n\uac8c\uc784\uc774 \ub2e8\uc21c\ud558\uace0 \uc911\ub3c5\uc131\ub3c4 \uc788\uc5b4\uc11c \ubcc4 \uc0dd\uac01 \uc5c6\uc774 \ud558\uae30 \uc88b\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.\n\uc660\uc9c0 FPS \uc88b\uc544\ud558\uc2dc\ub294 \ubd84\ub4e4\ub3c4 \ub9cc\uc871\ud558\uc2e4 \uac83 \uac19\ub124\uc694.", "timestamp_created": 1392742050, "timestamp_updated": 1392742050, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.505970", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9135692": {"recommendationid": "9135692", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995411770", "num_games_owned": 418, "num_reviews": 28, "playtime_forever": 149, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460237984}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041a\u0420\u041e\u0428\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418\u0418 \u041f\u0418\u041b\u0417\u042b\u042b\u042b\u042b\u042b\u042b\u042b\u042b\u042b", "timestamp_created": 1392541723, "timestamp_updated": 1392541723, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502262", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9091709": {"recommendationid": "9091709", "author": {"steamid": "76561198016142325", "num_games_owned": 411, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 284, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1436408737}, "language": "english", "review": "It keeps freezing after losing a life or completing a level, really annoying. Other than that, really fun game!", "timestamp_created": 1392328412, "timestamp_updated": 1392328412, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9075881": {"recommendationid": "9075881", "author": {"steamid": "76561198001333957", "num_games_owned": 218, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 151, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1454879409}, "language": "english", "review": "It's a game that's hard to explain. It's like Ikaruga, Doctor Mario, and any on-rails shooter ever had a threesome and this amazing thing was borne from the womb of whomever was in the middle. Wholly reccomended.", "timestamp_created": 1392264813, "timestamp_updated": 1392264813, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9059060": {"recommendationid": "9059060", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024480829", "num_games_owned": 792, "num_reviews": 25, "playtime_forever": 3026, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1465178060}, "language": "english", "review": "\"if your looking for a game about popping pills, then you probably might need help, but this game is really fun arcade score attack and I'd advise considering this game.\"\n\nThis game is intense, no doubt about it. Its a simple mechanic, of two coloured pills each level. You can switch colours between the two and match to maximise score. Although im not a big fan of dubstep, the music is still impressive and well done, I do like the way the colours compliment eachother and the way the levels ramp up makes the game really hard. The powerups are fun and interesting and overall the game is impressive.\n\nA game is nothing without its faults, It has a very strange screen resoulution, screaming that this is a phone game aswell, and personally i think the powerups came in rediculously frequently. I also think the bright colours may or may not hurt peoples eyes.\n\nIn conclusion, if your looking for a game about popping pills, then you probably might need help, but this game is really fun arcade score attack and I'd advise considering this game.\n\n7/10", "timestamp_created": 1392163607, "timestamp_updated": 1406887727, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "9056287": {"recommendationid": "9056287", "author": {"steamid": "76561197963115458", "num_games_owned": 961, "num_reviews": 66, "playtime_forever": 52, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1398193646}, "language": "german", "review": "http://youtu.be/c1E6fVeax0I", "timestamp_created": 1392143897, "timestamp_updated": 1392143897, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 6, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.513811", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8934769": {"recommendationid": "8934769", "author": {"steamid": "76561198079232557", "num_games_owned": 51, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 78, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1394116640}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 timekiller. \u0417\u0430 \u043d\u0435\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0438\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c\u0433\u0438.", "timestamp_created": 1391263798, "timestamp_updated": 1391263798, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8912909": {"recommendationid": "8912909", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043883206", "num_games_owned": 332, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 584, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1507757811}, "language": "czech", "review": "Very good game !", "timestamp_created": 1391108212, "timestamp_updated": 1391108212, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8900464": {"recommendationid": "8900464", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972319241", "num_games_owned": 948, "num_reviews": 13, "playtime_forever": 123, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1397225759}, "language": "english", "review": "I wasn't sure about this game, but now I'm absolutely in love. It's almost pure gameplay, and at that the game excels. It's a lot of fun and has surprising variety thanks to a system of unlocks. It's also just challenging enough, which gives it nigh-infinite replayability. Definitely one of the hidden gems.", "timestamp_created": 1391008970, "timestamp_updated": 1391009621, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.609771", "comment_count": "3", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8861975": {"recommendationid": "8861975", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970820187", "num_games_owned": 737, "num_reviews": 11, "playtime_forever": 279, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496311740}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043d\u0430 Unity \u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0448\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u0435 \u043a\u0430\u0437\u0443\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440 \u043d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043b\u0430 \u043d\u0443\u043b\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0433\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0432, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0442\u0435\u043c\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432, \u043e\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043b\u0441\u044f \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u0442\u044f\u0433\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0435\u0439 \u0438 \u0434\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0434\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0432\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439. \u0421\u0443\u0442\u044c \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430: \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u0443 \u044d\u043a\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0430\u0434\u0430\u044e\u0442 \u043f\u0438\u043b\u044e\u043b\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043e\u0432, \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u044f \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u043a\u0443\u0440\u0441\u043e\u0440\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0439 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\u041d\u0435\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0440\u044b\u0432\u043d\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0432 \u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0442 30-40 \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0432\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435 \u043e\u0441\u043e\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0442\u0430\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u043c\u044b\u0441\u043b \u0443\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0437\u0430 99 \u0440\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0439. \u0420\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e.", "timestamp_created": 1390774684, "timestamp_updated": 1390774684, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.548872", "comment_count": "4", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8860379": {"recommendationid": "8860379", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067363308", "num_games_owned": 203, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 726, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1504384622}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is addicting and countless hours of fun. Good to pass the time when my computer is doing stuff in the background.", "timestamp_created": 1390766178, "timestamp_updated": 1390766178, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8844995": {"recommendationid": "8844995", "author": {"steamid": "76561197977778650", "num_games_owned": 2929, "num_reviews": 153, "playtime_forever": 188, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1445203774}, "language": "english", "review": "This is a great time waster. It's a blast.\nIt's a basic twitch acrade shooter with the fun twist of \"popping pills\"\n\nThe goal is to remove all the pills as they fall from the top of the screen. They drop is two different colors and you have to switch your crosshairs to match the color of the pill before the reach the bottom. If the crosshair color is different from the pill color when it reaches the base, you lose a life\n\nYou compete to unlock special abilities, music, color schemes, and lives.\nI am actually surprised how quickly I got hooked on this game since it's not my usual genre, but it's a blast.\n\nThere are bombs to clear out areas, lightning attacks that bounce between pills, slow mo, enlarge (makes the pills huge) and color shift (where all the pills become the same color).\n\nAlso, the game will throw \"special waves\" at you where you will be faced with a wave of TONS of pills, a few pills in a mine field of flash grenade pills, super fast pills where they drop very quickly, and a few others.\n\nA+, well worth the $5", "timestamp_created": 1390673586, "timestamp_updated": 1390673586, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8822411": {"recommendationid": "8822411", "author": {"steamid": "76561197970787379", "num_games_owned": 712, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 953, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1480878224}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Gran juego arcade, con unas mec\u00e1nicas adictivas y f\u00e1ciles de aprender, cuenta, adem\u00e1s, con un sistema de mejoras que nos permitir\u00e1n alcanzar m\u00e1s niveles y mejores puntuaciones con mayor facilidad, pero incluso as\u00ed, el juego acabar\u00e1 contigo si no tienes pr\u00e1ctica y reflejos en los niveles m\u00e1s altos. Una partida media puede durar entre 10-20 minutos (hasta el nivel 50 de los 100 que tiene, aproximadamente), y tardar\u00e1s de 20 a 30 segundos de media en superar cada uno de ellos. Obviamente tardar\u00e1s m\u00e1s cuanto m\u00e1s progreses.\n\nEl control responde bien, ya que solamente necesitar\u00e1s el rat\u00f3n para disparar a las p\u00edldoras que caen y el bot\u00f3n secundario o la barra espaciadora para cambiar el color actual que quieras destruir.\n\nLos graf\u00edcos son minimalists y muy limpios, haciendo mucho uso de efectos de part\u00edculas y de luz, a\u00fan as\u00ed, el juego no necesita m\u00e1s y no echar\u00e1s de menos unos gr\u00e1ficos m\u00e1s complejos. En este aspecto el juego es realmente redondo.\n\nSolo tengo alguna queja de la m\u00fasica, no es mala (la m\u00fasica de los juegos de Cipher Prime suele ser muy buena), pero las canciones son muy cortas y se hacen repetitivas, adem\u00e1s solo hay una selecci\u00f3n de 5. Si no te gusta el techno o el dubstep recomiendo bajar el volumen de la m\u00fasica.\n\nEn cuanto a la curva de aprendizaje, es muy f\u00e1cil, solamente tenemos un par de pantallas explicando las mec\u00e1nicas al principio, pero en ning\u00fan sitio dicen c\u00f3mo funciona el escudo inferior de la pantalla, as\u00ed que tendr\u00e1s que darte cuenta de c\u00f3mo funciona por ti mismo, pero si quieres saberlo ya, s\u00f3lo decirte [spoiler]que el escudo es invulnerable a las p\u00edldoras del color que tengas seleccioando actualmente.[/spoiler]\n\nJuego totalmente recomendado si quieres una experiencia arcade, echar una p\u00e1rtida r\u00e1pida o poner a prueba tus reflejos.", "timestamp_created": 1390509176, "timestamp_updated": 1390509259, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8738425": {"recommendationid": "8738425", "author": {"steamid": "76561198031209774", "num_games_owned": 267, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 531, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456864301}, "language": "english", "review": "One of the best Highscore chasing games that exist!\n\n- Awesome Music\n- Juicy Visuals\n- Tight Controls\n- Addictive Gameplay\n- DRUGS\n\nThis game is a little shiny Pill in my Steam Library.. and you should get it too!", "timestamp_created": 1389954625, "timestamp_updated": 1389954625, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8726885": {"recommendationid": "8726885", "author": {"steamid": "76561198103039819", "num_games_owned": 406, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 99, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389799164}, "language": "english", "review": "Fantastic game !", "timestamp_created": 1389872866, "timestamp_updated": 1389872866, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.514251", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8710178": {"recommendationid": "8710178", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981910810", "num_games_owned": 167, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 687, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1389906154}, "language": "english", "review": "Pure addiction!\nOnce started, you won't stop again.\nTrain your fingers to click like crazy.\nBasic graphics with a limited dubstep musicframe.", "timestamp_created": 1389741958, "timestamp_updated": 1389741958, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8700821": {"recommendationid": "8700821", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993692909", "num_games_owned": 1108, "num_reviews": 80, "playtime_forever": 243, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425068961}, "language": "swedish", "review": "Det h\u00e4r \u00e4r definitivt ett av de b\u00e4ttre hyperaktiva spelen jag har k\u00f6rt. Det \u00e4r v\u00e4ldigt v\u00e4lgjort p\u00e5 m\u00e5nga s\u00e4tt. Jag tycker om det mesta med det h\u00e4r spelet; \u00e4ven hur l\u00e4tt det \u00e4r att f\u00f6rlora. Spelet passar bra f\u00f6r dig som tycker om arkadspel och att f\u00e5 kramp i pekfingret. Spela Beat Hazard efter\u00e5t f\u00f6r extra valuta.", "timestamp_created": 1389673680, "timestamp_updated": 1392600760, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8695517": {"recommendationid": "8695517", "author": {"steamid": "76561198068699855", "num_games_owned": 566, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 158, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481378157}, "language": "portuguese", "review": "Totalmente excelente!\nAgrega mais valor do que a bebida que pisca.", "timestamp_created": 1389638891, "timestamp_updated": 1389638891, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8687848": {"recommendationid": "8687848", "author": {"steamid": "76561197962114486", "num_games_owned": 537, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 984, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1468545732}, "language": "english", "review": "Well worth the $1 I paid for it on the Humble Bundle. The parallel between the game content and how you feel after playing t for an hour is amazing. you prtty much feel stoned or catatonic one.......\n\nThe tunes are cool and so is the remixing when you do something mid game. \n\nBe ready to click like crazy though! May cost $1 for the game but $50 for a new mouse afterwards!", "timestamp_created": 1389579518, "timestamp_updated": 1389579518, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.527585", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8677565": {"recommendationid": "8677565", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030648411", "num_games_owned": 384, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 141, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1498063972}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041c\u0443\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430 \u043d\u043e\u0440\u043c", "timestamp_created": 1389528153, "timestamp_updated": 1389528153, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502556", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8655564": {"recommendationid": "8655564", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049018115", "num_games_owned": 818, "num_reviews": 139, "playtime_forever": 100, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1456157704}, "language": "english", "review": "\"Ask your doctor if Intake is right for you.\" \n\n\"Intake extreme happiness\" \n\n\"Side effects of Intake are common and include: feeling awesome, getting the high score, and dropping the bass.\"\n\n~~~ Song: Side Effects, Intake OST\n\nI have never done any drugs in my life. However, I have shot a bunch of them thanks to Intake.", "timestamp_created": 1389407182, "timestamp_updated": 1389553461, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.465180", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8639355": {"recommendationid": "8639355", "author": {"steamid": "76561198056106212", "num_games_owned": 73, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 304, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430590666}, "language": "english", "review": "This is by far the best 5$ I have ever spent on a game. I already got two friends who wishlisted it and will buy it soon. This game is just endless fun, and the more friends who have this game the more challenging it'll be, as far as trying to one up each in the scoreboards. The music, the upgrades, the fast-paced gameplay all just purely beautiful awesomeness. This game is soo awesome, and it's definitely a good interative foundation for people trying to get into electronic music. If I could, I would give the creater a firm hand shake, scratch that, a straight up bear hug for this beautiful game. Wonder if there would be a sequel to such a masterpiece.", "timestamp_created": 1389311906, "timestamp_updated": 1389311906, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8624203": {"recommendationid": "8624203", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996597984", "num_games_owned": 1159, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 203, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1397935966}, "language": "english", "review": "had played it for 15 minutes and i don't remember when last time i moved the mouse so much fast to aim while click to shoot .. awsome game :).", "timestamp_created": 1389216141, "timestamp_updated": 1389216141, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8619053": {"recommendationid": "8619053", "author": {"steamid": "76561198049159007", "num_games_owned": 280, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 127, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388713443}, "language": "english", "review": "sparkling arcade fun", "timestamp_created": 1389189100, "timestamp_updated": 1389189100, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8603417": {"recommendationid": "8603417", "author": {"steamid": "76561198104763677", "num_games_owned": 784, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 87, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403015433}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\u304d\u308c\u3044\u306a\u304a\u304f\u3059\u308a\u304c\u3069\u3093\u3069\u3093\u3067\u3066\u304f\u308b", "timestamp_created": 1389088760, "timestamp_updated": 1389088760, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502503", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8585916": {"recommendationid": "8585916", "author": {"steamid": "76561197995586418", "num_games_owned": 323, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 138, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452474124}, "language": "english", "review": "SWEET JESUS.", "timestamp_created": 1388982268, "timestamp_updated": 1388982268, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.519852", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8574602": {"recommendationid": "8574602", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040176828", "num_games_owned": 53, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 170, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1435046865}, "language": "english", "review": "Drugs are bad, Intake is good.\nThey should make this for arcades.\nSpaghetti.", "timestamp_created": 1388935802, "timestamp_updated": 1388935802, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.543568", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8553379": {"recommendationid": "8553379", "author": {"steamid": "76561197969158018", "num_games_owned": 9414, "num_reviews": 156, "playtime_forever": 129, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1443722710}, "language": "english", "review": "ONE WORD:\n\nADDICTIVE\n\nGet it.\n\n", "timestamp_created": 1388842924, "timestamp_updated": 1388842924, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 2, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8551231": {"recommendationid": "8551231", "author": {"steamid": "76561197985787240", "num_games_owned": 260, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 159, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1395310036}, "language": "french", "review": "Haaaa Intake, le petit dernier des mecs de Cipher Prime. (Mais si: Auditorium, c'\u00e9tait eux !)\n\nSi vous aimez vous piquer avec du brostep bien crade de temps \u00e0 autre et faire des overdoses sur les bornes d'arcade, rendez-vous service et achetez-le. Vous me remercierez plus tard. Apr\u00e8s votre troisi\u00e8me crise d'\u00e9pilepsie.", "timestamp_created": 1388834587, "timestamp_updated": 1388834587, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502274", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8545555": {"recommendationid": "8545555", "author": {"steamid": "76561198084393630", "num_games_owned": 240, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 531, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451636071}, "language": "english", "review": "I want more every time I stop playing.", "timestamp_created": 1388806974, "timestamp_updated": 1388806974, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.459770", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8538550": {"recommendationid": "8538550", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023679931", "num_games_owned": 694, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 268, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1505238181}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u041f\u043e\u0442\u0440\u044f\u0441\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0448\u0442\u0443\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0438\u043d\u0430! \u0421\u0430\u0443\u043d\u0434\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043a \u0448\u0438\u043a\u0430\u0440\u043d\u044b\u0439. \u041d\u0435\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u043d\u043e!", "timestamp_created": 1388779292, "timestamp_updated": 1388779413, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8483814": {"recommendationid": "8483814", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988238886", "num_games_owned": 518, "num_reviews": 20, "playtime_forever": 324, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1513614381}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0417\u0430\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0441 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0443\u043d\u0434 \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u043e\u0442\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043f\u043e\u043a\u0430 \u043d\u0435 \u0432\u044b\u0436\u043c\u0435\u0442 \u0438\u0437 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044f \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u043a\u0438. \u041e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e, \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0438\u0447\u043d\u043e, \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043a\u0440\u0443\u0442\u043e.\n\nHighly recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1388594251, "timestamp_updated": 1388594251, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 8, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.595862", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8456593": {"recommendationid": "8456593", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996851126", "num_games_owned": 243, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 338, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1460135042}, "language": "english", "review": "Played Intake, Had seziure, Woke up as a curtain pole. 10/10", "timestamp_created": 1388498315, "timestamp_updated": 1388498315, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.520295", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8455990": {"recommendationid": "8455990", "author": {"steamid": "76561197980164174", "num_games_owned": 1196, "num_reviews": 67, "playtime_forever": 626, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1484970491}, "language": "russian", "review": "\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u0430\u0434\u0434\u0438\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f \u0448\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0430.\n\u041a\u043e\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u044f \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u0440\u0430\u0437 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b Intake, \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u044f \u043c\u044b\u0441\u043b\u044c \u0431\u044b\u043b\u0430 \u00ab\u043a\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u043d\u0430\u0444\u0438\u0433 \u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0448\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440?! \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0437\u0430 \u0444\u0438\u0433\u043d\u044e \u0438\u0437\u0433\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0438\u043b\u0438 Cipher Prime, \u0430\u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b \u043d\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043e\u044f\u0442\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043c\u043e\u043a?!\u00bb \u0420\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043d\u0443\u043b \u043f\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0438 \u043e\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c \u0447\u0442\u043e \u0441\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043e\u0448\u0438\u0431\u0441\u044f \u2014 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u043d\u043e \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0438 \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0443\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430, \u043d\u043e \u043d\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u0442 \u0440\u0430\u0437 \u0432 \u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0430\u043d\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0442\u0435\u043c\u043f\u0435.\n\n\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0449\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043e \u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044c Intake \u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e \u0442\u0430\u043a, \u043a\u0430\u043a \u044d\u0442\u043e \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043b\u0438 \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b: retro-futuristic drugstep arcade shooter. \u0412\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0438 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0430\u0442\u043e\u043c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0430\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0448\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440, \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f \u0433\u0430\u043c\u043c\u0430 \u00ab\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442 90\u0435\u00bb \u0441 \u0434\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435\u043c LSD \u0438 \u0441\u043f\u0438\u0434\u043e\u0432, \u0434\u0430\u0431\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043f \u0438 \u043d\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0442\u0430. \u041f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435 \u0447\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u0444\u0435 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b \u0442\u044b \u0432\u044b\u0434\u044b\u0445\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044c\u0441\u044f, \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0432\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0437 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044b (\u0445\u043e\u0442\u044f \u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0445\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0432\u0435\u0440\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043d\u043e!)... \u0438 \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0432\u043e\u043a\u0440\u0443\u0433 \u043a\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0438\u043c \u043c\u0435\u0435\u0435\u0435\u0435\u0434\u043b\u0435\u0435\u0435\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043d\u044b\u044b\u044b\u044b\u044b\u044b\u044b\u043c\u043c\u043c...\n\n\u0412 \u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0437\u0438\u043c\u043d\u0435\u0439 \u0440\u0430\u0441\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0430\u0436\u0438 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0432\u043d\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043f\u043d\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0448\u0435\u0432\u0435\u043b\u0430 \u0441 249\u0440 \u0434\u043e 99\u0440 \u0438 \u043d\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u0431\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c 10% \u0441\u043a\u0438\u0434\u043a\u0443. \u0417\u0430 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c\u0433\u0438 \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0441\u043c\u0435\u043b\u043e \u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0438 \u0443\u043f\u0430\u0440\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f.\n\nP.S. \u041d\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u0431\u0443\u0434\u044c\u0442\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0441\u044c \u043c\u044b\u0448\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u0441 \u043d\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u043c\u0438 \u043b\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0439 \u0438 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0448\u0430\u043c\u0438.", "timestamp_created": 1388496653, "timestamp_updated": 1388543632, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 22, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.721860", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8432896": {"recommendationid": "8432896", "author": {"steamid": "76561198043201677", "num_games_owned": 122, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 161, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479596341}, "language": "german", "review": "Best Reactiongame Ever! :D\nThe Colors and the Music is bright and the gaming concept is just Awesome!", "timestamp_created": 1388425758, "timestamp_updated": 1388425758, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8412811": {"recommendationid": "8412811", "author": {"steamid": "76561198032006216", "num_games_owned": 725, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 59, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1391360527}, "language": "french", "review": "So addictive !", "timestamp_created": 1388362798, "timestamp_updated": 1388362798, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "4.960396", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8394199": {"recommendationid": "8394199", "author": {"steamid": "76561198030389576", "num_games_owned": 1299, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 832, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1502895909}, "language": "english", "review": "THE COLORS DUKE, THE COLORS!", "timestamp_created": 1388317670, "timestamp_updated": 1388317670, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8373080": {"recommendationid": "8373080", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009585682", "num_games_owned": 65, "num_reviews": 86, "playtime_forever": 83, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388254935}, "language": "french", "review": "Si le syndrome du tunnel carpien vous pr\u00e9occupe, \u00e9vitez Intake! Ce jeu d'arcade vous demandera de r\u00e9aliser des prouesses avec votre souris, puisque vous devrez \u00e9liminer des vagues de pilules tombant du ciel. Ces derni\u00e8res \u00e9tant de deux couleurs diff\u00e9rentes, vous devrez alterner votre mire afin de r\u00e9aliser des combos plus efficaces, afin de passer au niveau suivant. Tout au long du jeu, vous pourrez r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer des vitamines et les d\u00e9penser pour obtenir de pr\u00e9cieux upgrades et power-ups. H\u00e9las, les co\u00fbts \u00e9tant \u00e9lev\u00e9s, vous devrez jouer plusieurs heures avant de d\u00e9bloquer des bonus aussi significatifs que des vies suppl\u00e9mentaires. En effet, par d\u00e9faut, d\u00e8s qu'une pilule tombe au bas de l'\u00e9cran, votre partie est termin\u00e9e! Le jeu est brutal et s'apparente \u00e0 des classiques tels que Missile Command ou Asteroids, \u00e0 la sauce Ikaruga. C'est \u00e0 se demander pourquoi il n'est pas disponible sur iPad.\n\n\nPoints positifs\n\n+ M\u00e9canique de jeu simple mais addictive\n+ Plus de 75 succ\u00e8s \u00e0 d\u00e9bloquer\n\nPoints n\u00e9gatifs\n\n- Rythme de jeu extr\u00eamement rapide\n- Co\u00fbt \u00e9lev\u00e9 des achats de la boutique\n- Certains obstacles sont tr\u00e8s frustrants", "timestamp_created": 1388255897, "timestamp_updated": 1388255897, "voted_up": false, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8352811": {"recommendationid": "8352811", "author": {"steamid": "76561198025889911", "num_games_owned": 5817, "num_reviews": 89, "playtime_forever": 2278, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1509799840}, "language": "tchinese", "review": "\u8a13\u7df4\u773c\u529b\u548c\u53cd\u61c9\u529b\u7684\u597d\u904a\u6232\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u767e\u73a9\u4e0d\u81a9\u3002", "timestamp_created": 1388196934, "timestamp_updated": 1484052880, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 14, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.602865", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8322289": {"recommendationid": "8322289", "author": {"steamid": "76561197961659603", "num_games_owned": 215, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 3545, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1501534436}, "language": "english", "review": "I may be biased, but this is definitely the best game of 2013.", "timestamp_created": 1388114811, "timestamp_updated": 1388114811, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8316061": {"recommendationid": "8316061", "author": {"steamid": "76561198086884505", "num_games_owned": 173, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 441, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422141455}, "language": "spanish", "review": "Muy buen juego, tipo arcade", "timestamp_created": 1388097395, "timestamp_updated": 1388097395, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.467033", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8279945": {"recommendationid": "8279945", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067873865", "num_games_owned": 258, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 56, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451763788}, "language": "english", "review": "This game great in it's simplicity. Addciting with great graphics and music. Oh and it's pretty darm cheap!", "timestamp_created": 1387996644, "timestamp_updated": 1387996644, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8278047": {"recommendationid": "8278047", "author": {"steamid": "76561198042259317", "num_games_owned": 2411, "num_reviews": 225, "playtime_forever": 132, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1483672553}, "language": "english", "review": "Buy? Likely.\n\nTo be honest, you should get what this game is about just from the video and screenshots. Perhaps, exactly what's going on make sort of confuse you, so I'll elaborate. Intake is an drug/rave/club referencing arcade action title requiring the player to \"stay alive\" by destroying pills that are floating down the screen. At any given time, the pills will be of one or two colors in which will add to your combo if the game screen is in the right color. The default controls are as simple as can be: Mouse to aim, left click to shoot, right click to swap color (besides mouse aim, you can rebind the keys in the launcher, which may actually improve performance for you for keyboard keys). If you click a pill in the wrong color, it will be destroyed, but any combo you had will be lost. You want to destroy pills before they hit the bottom of the screen. If they reach the bottom and your screen is the wrong color, you will lose a life. The mechanic is reminescent of Ikaruga and eXceed 2nd: Vampire Rex.\n\nWhat makes the game interesting enough to bother playing with, besides it's simple, yet addicting (no pun intended) mechanics is it's art direction. From it's sharp, modern rave club color pallete and interface to its dubstep music and clean, non-intrusive sound profile, Intake leaves you immersed in a exciting experiene.\n\nAs you clear pills, you will meet the goal of completing the level, which turns all pills on the screen into colorless tablets which can be gathered for extra Mg (Milligrams, points basically) as well as enabling an arc of tablets which can be collected for points. After earning enough Mg, next time you loose, you can buy upgrades including more music, more color pallets, invicibility bigger pills and extra lives, which will probably be the most important upgrade. Higher levels get harder as pills fall down faster, more pills spawn and black pills called Flashbangs that will stun you and temporarily blind you to pills. Eventually events occur such as a massive flood of pills or a small comet-like attack of extremely fast moving pills. \n\nIntake is extremely fun and addicting. Unfortunately, the game gets a little too hard for my skill level around the high 20's/early thirties, which is a shame because I really enjoy the game. I can see myself maybe improving a bit, but I'm not quite sure I can reach the skill level needed to go much beyond game leve 31 or so. That said, beyond the fact that I only had one track when I played (I unlocked another, but for some reason I still had the same song) I can recommend this game to basically anybody that is into arcade style games and isn't epileptic. The drug and party theme will put off the conservative and parental types, but it doesn't necessarily romanticise the use of drugs and instead is more of a theme for gameplay, much like Dr. Mario.", "timestamp_created": 1387990692, "timestamp_updated": 1387990692, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8272199": {"recommendationid": "8272199", "author": {"steamid": "76561198044743269", "num_games_owned": 342, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 132, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1425214557}, "language": "koreana", "review": "\uc804\ud615\uc801\uc778 Easy to Get, Hard to Master.\n\ud558\ub2e4 \ubcf4\uba74 \uc0c9\uc0c1\uacfc \uc774\ud399\ud2b8\uc5d0 \ucde8\ud558\ub2e4 \ubabb\ud574 \ubaa8\ub2c8\ud130\ub85c \uc57d\uc744 \ube60\ub294\ub4ef\ud55c \ub290\ub08c\uc744 \ub290\ub084 \uc218 \uc788\ub2e4.", "timestamp_created": 1387971024, "timestamp_updated": 1387971024, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.508398", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8267451": {"recommendationid": "8267451", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996677565", "num_games_owned": 598, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 24, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1469510112}, "language": "english", "review": "\ubcf8\uaca9 \uc57d\ube60.. \uc57d \uae68\ubd80\uc218\ub294 \uac8c\uc784", "timestamp_created": 1387948479, "timestamp_updated": 1387948479, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8255166": {"recommendationid": "8255166", "author": {"steamid": "76561198023973147", "num_games_owned": 259, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 47, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388113753}, "language": "english", "review": "I don't know why this is fun. \nDoesn't stop me from playing it. A lot.", "timestamp_created": 1387905413, "timestamp_updated": 1387905413, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8245113": {"recommendationid": "8245113", "author": {"steamid": "76561197961328662", "num_games_owned": 216, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 102, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1510539793}, "language": "english", "review": "this is ikaruga if it were a point and click game. it rules. it's cheap. buy it.", "timestamp_created": 1387870405, "timestamp_updated": 1387870405, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8186051": {"recommendationid": "8186051", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976981599", "num_games_owned": 192, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 220, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1388043402}, "language": "english", "review": "Deceptively simple. Stimulating. Addictive. Euphoric.", "timestamp_created": 1387683364, "timestamp_updated": 1387683364, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8173706": {"recommendationid": "8173706", "author": {"steamid": "76561198059770555", "num_games_owned": 139, "num_reviews": 53, "playtime_forever": 321, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1422695701}, "language": "english", "review": "Addictive as hell.\nCatchy music.\nGreat gameplay.\nBeatiful graphics.\n100% Recommended.", "timestamp_created": 1387649232, "timestamp_updated": 1387649232, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8161793": {"recommendationid": "8161793", "author": {"steamid": "76561198004481881", "num_games_owned": 2440, "num_reviews": 76, "playtime_forever": 186, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1458205069}, "language": "french", "review": "Jeu arcade par excellence, Intake vous propose un bon vieux shooter des familles.\n\n\u00c9liminez des g\u00e9lules pour doper votre score et utilisez les atouts d\u00e9bloqu\u00e9s au pr\u00e9alable pour enlarge your penis. \nEuh... Atta, non, c'est de score dont il s'agit...\n\nDynamique (Tant visuellement qu'au niveau du gameplay) et doucement addictif, Intake a tout du petit jeu sur lequel on revient volontiers, de ceux qui ne quittent jamais vraiment notre disque dur.\n\nOn sent bien que le soft est d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par Cipher Prime, dont l'identit\u00e9 graphique rappellera \u00e0 certains leurs pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes productions (Fractal, Splice, Auditorium...).\n\n\u00c0 mon go\u00fbt, le seul l\u00e9ger b\u00e9mol r\u00e9side en sa musique, qui ne contient finalement que peu de pistes, qu'il faudra d\u00e9bloquer au fil de la progression.\n\nEn r\u00e9sum\u00e9, un excellent jeu d'arcade dans le style nerveux le plus pur, \u00e0 jouer en transe, mais sans les 'shrooms!\n\nNote: Le Humble Store vous permet d'obtenir la cl\u00e9 Steam et la version DRM-free (T\u00e9l\u00e9chargeable et utilisable en-dehors de Steam).\n\u25ba [u]https://www.humblebundle.com/store/intake[/u]\n\n[code]\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Vous avez aim\u00e9 cette \u00e9valuation? \n\u00a0\u00a0Retrouvez-en d'autres en rejoignant notre groupe de r\u00e9daction: [url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/onlespreferefroids#curation][u]On les pr\u00e9f\u00e8re froids[/u][/url].\n\u00a0\u00a0Vous pouvez \u00e9galement consulter ce groupe pour savoir quoi ne [u]pas[/u] acheter: [url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/la_purge#curation][u]La Purge[/u][/url].\n\u00a0\u00a0Enfin, vous pouvez retrouver l'int\u00e9gralit\u00e9 de mes recommandations ici: [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=887851693][u]Enata's works[/u][/url].[/code]", "timestamp_created": 1387614408, "timestamp_updated": 1495694310, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8132076": {"recommendationid": "8132076", "author": {"steamid": "76561198039997448", "num_games_owned": 176, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 344, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1403577897}, "language": "spanish", "review": "EXCELENT!!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1387512692, "timestamp_updated": 1387512692, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8127563": {"recommendationid": "8127563", "author": {"steamid": "76561197976565465", "num_games_owned": 458, "num_reviews": 19, "playtime_forever": 162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450322680}, "language": "english", "review": "WOW What a rush, just awesome and addicting", "timestamp_created": 1387497258, "timestamp_updated": 1387497258, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.458136", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8126496": {"recommendationid": "8126496", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996699025", "num_games_owned": 389, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 698, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1426021314}, "language": "english", "review": "Simple yet Hard. Addictive.", "timestamp_created": 1387493976, "timestamp_updated": 1387493976, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8111525": {"recommendationid": "8111525", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984611465", "num_games_owned": 386, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 45, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1479737758}, "language": "english", "review": "I started playing intake just casually. You know, socially? I didnt know how addictive it was. Soon I was uping my \"Intake\" from 5 minutes, to an hour. Ive lost days, I dont know what the date is anymore. I sold my baby to microsoft just so I could play this game more on my computer. I lost on level 3 once, then I punched my dad. I soon remembered my dad lives in florida. WHO THE HELL DID I HIT. whatever you do, dont buy this game, it will ruin your life.", "timestamp_created": 1387420983, "timestamp_updated": 1387420983, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8109216": {"recommendationid": "8109216", "author": {"steamid": "76561198088677366", "num_games_owned": 150, "num_reviews": 15, "playtime_forever": 1233, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1496529740}, "language": "english", "review": "THIS MAKES YOU FEEL SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "timestamp_created": 1387405741, "timestamp_updated": 1387405741, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8074185": {"recommendationid": "8074185", "author": {"steamid": "76561197974621442", "num_games_owned": 1274, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 143, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1392609851}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is AMAZING. The colors. The music. Everything abou tit ROCKS!!!! GET IT!!!", "timestamp_created": 1387246173, "timestamp_updated": 1387246173, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 3, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.525547", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8068456": {"recommendationid": "8068456", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993477927", "num_games_owned": 732, "num_reviews": 16, "playtime_forever": 532, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1486236150}, "language": "english", "review": "Two words: sensory overload\n\nSeriously. The game is designed to push you into a zen mode where the response to changing pill colours and powerup types is instantenous and reflexive, almost purely involuntary. The blasting electronica / dubstep, the colour variations, the gameplay premise and the \"challenge levels\" are a testament to that. It's like Tetris' younger brother - only instead of having you think up a solution to how to fit in the next piece as fast as possible, it requires you to make the split-second decision of whether to change your colour beam and in what order to destroy the incoming pills.\n\nTotally worth it. Unless you're prone to epilepsy, in which case, tough luck.", "timestamp_created": 1387214222, "timestamp_updated": 1387214222, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8062147": {"recommendationid": "8062147", "author": {"steamid": "76561197967424242", "num_games_owned": 502, "num_reviews": 46, "playtime_forever": 491, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511034593}, "language": "english", "review": "A frenetic romp that will scarcely let you breathe.", "timestamp_created": 1387157559, "timestamp_updated": 1387157559, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.489645", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "8005272": {"recommendationid": "8005272", "author": {"steamid": "76561197966527290", "num_games_owned": 2725, "num_reviews": 388, "playtime_forever": 118, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1387302992}, "language": "french", "review": "\"Intake est tr\u00e8s r\u00e9ussi artistiquement, pour peu qu\u2019on aime la musique \u00e9lectronique. Visuellement int\u00e9ressant, loin d\u2019\u00eatre ennuyeux, le jeu de Cypher Prime est toutefois assez r\u00e9p\u00e9titif et souffre d\u2019une difficult\u00e9 un peu trop changeante d\u2019un niveau \u00e0 l\u2019autre.\" GameSideStory.com - http://www.gamesidestory.com/2013/12/11/gametest-intake-pc/", "timestamp_created": 1386778366, "timestamp_updated": 1386778366, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "4.980100", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7953829": {"recommendationid": "7953829", "author": {"steamid": "76561198037032492", "num_games_owned": 808, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 898, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1511569902}, "language": "brazilian", "review": "::: Viciante... Overdose de cores, e efeitos.... N\u00e3o necessita de receita m\u00e9dica, compre na drogaria mais pr\u00f3xima... :: Jogo simples e divertido... empresa genial... Obrigado ! Intake com caf\u00e9 j\u00e1... :::", "timestamp_created": 1386427545, "timestamp_updated": 1511559908, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7940977": {"recommendationid": "7940977", "author": {"steamid": "76561198011169244", "num_games_owned": 379, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 8234, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1477516718}, "language": "english", "review": "I LOVE THIS GAME! Pewpewpew!", "timestamp_created": 1386350895, "timestamp_updated": 1386350895, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.523810", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7914172": {"recommendationid": "7914172", "author": {"steamid": "76561197972241035", "num_games_owned": 300, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 585, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1488379748}, "language": "english", "review": "d(-_-)b", "timestamp_created": 1386182745, "timestamp_updated": 1386182745, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7905041": {"recommendationid": "7905041", "author": {"steamid": "76561198003666512", "num_games_owned": 394, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 179, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1386142599}, "language": "english", "review": "Stupidly addictive game. If you have no fear of burning your eyes out with hypnotic colours or experiencing the thrill of carpel tunnel, this game is for you.\n\nI'm having a lot of fun with it. And it's probably improving my reaction times, so that's a bonus.", "timestamp_created": 1386126043, "timestamp_updated": 1386126043, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7897912": {"recommendationid": "7897912", "author": {"steamid": "76561197965585457", "num_games_owned": 644, "num_reviews": 55, "playtime_forever": 5, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1385341730}, "language": "english", "review": "Similar Games:\n\nDr. Mario, Missile Command, Kaboom for the Atari 2600.\n\nThe Good:\n\nThe music. Cipher Prime has always had great music in all their other games (Auditorium, Pulse, and Splice come to mind) but this is, to my knowledge, the first dubstep-centric game which they have done, and the tracks are fantastic. Plus, everyone knows that dubstep is the sound Transformers make when they are making little Transformers.\nSound effects are likewise well done and fit well with the music, so much so that listening to the soundtrack alone feels like something is missing.\nThe gameplay is simplistic and easy to comprehend, yet rewarding. You use your mouse to shoot pills, which fall from the ceiling in two colors. Your spacebar (or second mouse button) switches the color of your laser, and the game records your ongoing combo. \nThere are plenty of unlocks (new tracks and pill color combinations) and powerups to keep the game fresh through multiple playthroughs. \nIncludes both local and global scoreboards, as well as Achievements. One of those achievements is called \u201cDouble Rainbow.\u201d Don\u2019t throw your money at the screen so hard, you might break it. \nHas the classic \u201cWinners Don\u2019t Do Drugs\u201d splash screen which took me back to my days in the arcade playing Street Fighter II.\n\nThe Bad:\n\nIf you\u2019re not a fan of dubstep/techno, you will probably not enjoy this game.\nBeing a throwback to the days of arcade games where the only objective was a higher score, there is little replay value for those who prefer storylines or need some sort of ending. \nThe game can be a little unforgiving at first, with only two or three mistakes resulting in a Game Over.\nCan you play it while the children are awake?:\n\nSure, though it won\u2019t make any sense to them. No real violence to speak of. You may \nwant to keep your child away if they are epileptic, though the game has no specific \nwarning about this.\n\nWhile I\u2019m picking nits\u2026\n\nMake sure you have a good headset or earbuds to play this game with. I found it\nenjoyable both on my Turtle Beach headset and my Beats earbuds. Also, I personally\nthink Cipher Prime is an underrated studio which deserves support so they can continue\nmaking games. They just successfully kickstarted Auditorium Duet, so I am not the only\none who feels this way. Cipher Prime makes fantastic casual indie games and amazing\nmusic. Their games are money well spent no matter which one you buy.\n\nDid I make time to complete it?:\n\nI\u2019m not sure there is any \u201ccompleting it.\u201d Remember, arcade style. I have put a couple\nof hours into it and certainly came away satisfied. Also, the soundtrack made it to my\niPod for working out.\n\nRecommended Purchase Price:\n\n$8.99 (which is the current sale price on Steam through Nov 12,). If you miss the sale,\nanother dollar to enjoy this game isn\u2019t going to kill you.\n\nor\n\n90% of current retail value of $9.99\n\nReviewer:\n\nRod Kimble\n\nhttp://www.gamersglance.com", "timestamp_created": 1386090160, "timestamp_updated": 1386090160, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 12, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.582920", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7850049": {"recommendationid": "7850049", "author": {"steamid": "76561198000989256", "num_games_owned": 388, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 113, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1387976114}, "language": "german", "review": "genau das richtige zum entspannen f\u00fcr einen fps junkie wie mich!!!\nEs lebe die auge maus koordination ! wohl nichts f\u00fcr touchpad- oder gamepad-nutzer", "timestamp_created": 1385841295, "timestamp_updated": 1385841295, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7834510": {"recommendationid": "7834510", "author": {"steamid": "76561198067159126", "num_games_owned": 309, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 235, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1397163033}, "language": "english", "review": "This game is really fun and extremely addictive, not to mention the music and upgrade systems are stellar. 8.5/10", "timestamp_created": 1385772667, "timestamp_updated": 1385772667, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7820744": {"recommendationid": "7820744", "author": {"steamid": "76561197984082091", "num_games_owned": 238, "num_reviews": 10, "playtime_forever": 546, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1437696823}, "language": "english", "review": "Simple, yet addictive.", "timestamp_created": 1385715690, "timestamp_updated": 1385715690, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 5, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.516364", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7817135": {"recommendationid": "7817135", "author": {"steamid": "76561197960467687", "num_games_owned": 1091, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 432, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1490751277}, "language": "english", "review": "Amazing twitch game!", "timestamp_created": 1385692533, "timestamp_updated": 1385692533, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7812793": {"recommendationid": "7812793", "author": {"steamid": "76561197999892157", "num_games_owned": 1012, "num_reviews": 85, "playtime_forever": 448, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494971091}, "language": "english", "review": "A few things bothered me about this game but overall it's a wonderful game.\n\nWhat I like:\n\nArtstyle is very well done, feels great for what the game is all about.\nGameplay is very smooth and addictive. A perfect highscore hunter game\nPerk system gives great replayability\n\nWhat I don't like:\n\nFor a self proclaimed \"drug-step\" game a total of 3 annoying loops of bad dubstep games is very annoying, turn off the music.\n\nResolution is pointless, it's in portrait. Would have been alot more channelging and intense with realistic PC resolutions\n\nDrug glamorization I could personally do without.\n\n\n\nOverall I think for who this game is marketed to it's a great little indie.\n\nHere is my spotlight of the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJF-UQ_vzrk&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLEngsjAeWQXgUdr1YrZ9AXzQdG_sRj1QO", "timestamp_created": 1385671476, "timestamp_updated": 1385671476, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7806879": {"recommendationid": "7806879", "author": {"steamid": "76561198009307076", "num_games_owned": 251, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 521, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1385150488}, "language": "italian", "review": "Intake \u00e8 ci\u00f2 che succede al vostro intestino quando entrate nel tunnel degli ansiolitici. \u00c8 la lotta di classe che i batteri della vostra mucosa gastrica intraprendono contro i principi attivi di Tavor, Xanax e Diazepam nell\u2019ambito della continua battaglia capitalista che la vostra armata rossa rettale deve combattere contro il rischio di farvi rimanere secchi e stesi per terra per un\u2019overdose di Lorazepam.\n\nLeggi la recensione completa: http://theshelternetwork.com/intake/", "timestamp_created": 1385652555, "timestamp_updated": 1385652555, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 7, "votes_funny": 1, "weighted_vote_score": "0.515112", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7801540": {"recommendationid": "7801540", "author": {"steamid": "76561198040840273", "num_games_owned": 1229, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 470, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1494465386}, "language": "english", "review": "Absolutely insane! This arcade game takes 20 seconds to learn, but will keep you hooked for hours. The only thing I didn't understand at first was how the shield at the bottom worked, and I managed to figure that out after like 40 minutes.", "timestamp_created": 1385624021, "timestamp_updated": 1385624021, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 11, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.577655", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7800189": {"recommendationid": "7800189", "author": {"steamid": "76561198022147342", "num_games_owned": 573, "num_reviews": 5, "playtime_forever": 374, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1450494279}, "language": "english", "review": "A very ironically addicting casual game!", "timestamp_created": 1385616019, "timestamp_updated": 1385616019, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7795055": {"recommendationid": "7795055", "author": {"steamid": "76561197988650949", "num_games_owned": 231, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 172, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1396562852}, "language": "english", "review": "this is a fun game, I was skeptical at first when I was watching gameplay videos that the game looks stupid and boring you just click things but it is not! This game is addicting and so fast paced. There is a joy from swapping color to color at a high fast pace and the music though repetative keeps you jamming (only 3 music tracks). There are nice checkpoints in the game 0-25-50-100 where once you reach them in the settings you can start off at any checkpoint. Theres power ups to unlock which will help you in the later waves and 4 challenge levels involving a ton of pills falling at once to pills falling at lightining speed. The game could be a bit cheaper maybe at $5 but it is worth it to kill 15-30 min.", "timestamp_created": 1385593981, "timestamp_updated": 1385593981, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7727363": {"recommendationid": "7727363", "author": {"steamid": "76561198055361505", "num_games_owned": 348, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 266, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1472058173}, "language": "english", "review": "Super Hexagon meets drugs meets 80s!", "timestamp_created": 1385245869, "timestamp_updated": 1385245869, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.454545", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7697202": {"recommendationid": "7697202", "author": {"steamid": "76561197996132132", "num_games_owned": 297, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 724, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512400501}, "language": "japanese", "review": "\uff8c\uff9e\uff98\uff8c\uff9e\uff98\u306e\u30c0\u30d6\u30b9\u30c6\u805e\u304d\u306a\u304c\u3089\u304a\u304f\u3057\u3085\u308a\u3092\u30d7\u30c1\u30d7\u30c1\u6f70\u3059\u65b0\u611f\u899a\u30c9\u30af\u30bf\u30fc\u30de\u306a\u3093\u3068\u304b\n\u8272\u306e\u5207\u308a\u66ff\u3048\u304c\u96e3\u3057\u304f\u3066\u4ee5\u5916\u306b\u982d\u4f7f\u3046\n\uff73\uff9e\uff6a\uff9d\uff73\uff9e\uff6a\uff9d\uff73\uff9e\uff6a\uff9d\uff73\uff9e\uff6a\uff9dL('\u03c9')\u2518\u4e09\u2514('\u03c9')\u300d", "timestamp_created": 1384876758, "timestamp_updated": 1384876758, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.502488", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7677454": {"recommendationid": "7677454", "author": {"steamid": "76561198018049691", "num_games_owned": 97, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 16, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1385207073}, "language": "english", "review": "LSD ECSTASY asdkfjlasdjk", "timestamp_created": 1384661479, "timestamp_updated": 1384661479, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": "1", "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7668619": {"recommendationid": "7668619", "author": {"steamid": "76561198036106441", "num_games_owned": 68, "num_reviews": 6, "playtime_forever": 88, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1451274583}, "language": "english", "review": "Easy concept, not so easy to beat. The bass drops are sick and in sync with what's happening in gameplay, the colors and graphics are fantastic, and the in-game \"Drug Store\" makes upgrades and personalized experiences worth it!\n\n\"Addicting\" in every way possible!", "timestamp_created": 1384581366, "timestamp_updated": 1384581366, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7656299": {"recommendationid": "7656299", "author": {"steamid": "76561197993586090", "num_games_owned": 1477, "num_reviews": 12, "playtime_forever": 950, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1452026167}, "language": "english", "review": "This game rocks! I love the Ikaruga feel to it.", "timestamp_created": 1384454389, "timestamp_updated": 1384454389, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7655470": {"recommendationid": "7655470", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010159475", "num_games_owned": 241, "num_reviews": 17, "playtime_forever": 345, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1391033879}, "language": "english", "review": "Addictive! Stylish! Aggressive!", "timestamp_created": 1384447883, "timestamp_updated": 1384447883, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7634130": {"recommendationid": "7634130", "author": {"steamid": "76561198006116899", "num_games_owned": 391, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 191, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1392685869}, "language": "english", "review": "PILLS HERE. Also, I want to play this with a light gun.", "timestamp_created": 1384204341, "timestamp_updated": 1384204341, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7620513": {"recommendationid": "7620513", "author": {"steamid": "76561197998494501", "num_games_owned": 1522, "num_reviews": 62, "playtime_forever": 1872, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1500975416}, "language": "english", "review": "Before you start play this game,ask your doctor first.\n\nSide effect here:\n\nYou can't stop yourself keep play again and again\n\n\nAwesome,Addiction,Refreshing !!", "timestamp_created": 1384086191, "timestamp_updated": 1384086191, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.504775", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7619904": {"recommendationid": "7619904", "author": {"steamid": "76561198028441712", "num_games_owned": 947, "num_reviews": 97, "playtime_forever": 460, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1398989562}, "language": "english", "review": "As the saying goes [i]'Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.'[/i] This is personified in Intake with its super simple yet challenging, pill popping gameplay. Intake takes some practice to master; it's a true test of your reflexes & mouse control skills. Music (although limited) keeps the adrenaline pumping & the graphics look great! \n\nHard not to become hooked as you hunt for your perfect run to Level 100. Very addictive :)\nhttp://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=193390647 { No Commentary - Straight Gameplay! }\n\n[i]Here is some gameplay footage without any hype so you can make up your own mind if its something you might like. More fun in playing than spectating though :)[/i]\n\nBe sure to adjust your mouse cursor speed to get the maximum control and highest scores! If your cursor is too fast (or slow) by default the game becomes crazy hard and is not enjoyable.\n\n\n[url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TrueBlueReviews#curation]If you enjoyed reading this review, please follow [u]True Blue Reviews[/u] for more recommendations![/url]", "timestamp_created": 1384081416, "timestamp_updated": 1453688770, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 34, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.785242", "comment_count": "2", "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7619506": {"recommendationid": "7619506", "author": {"steamid": "76561197982942764", "num_games_owned": 1418, "num_reviews": 116, "playtime_forever": 385, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1475790666}, "language": "english", "review": "Addicted to drugs or classic dubstep?\nwant a hyped out game that pushes the boundaries of your mouse?\nThen this game is what you seek, its one of those games were you would sit down for 10 minutes and then leave it again. But those 10 minutes are going to bring you far! One thing i recommend is taking breaks often as its fast phased, intense, and requires a steady yet fast hand aswell as eyes.\n\nIts challenging and its a lovely feature to add milestones on the waves such as 0-25-50-100 which means if you ever should get past level 25 you woulndt have to work all the way back up, you can go to the settings and make it start at level 25 :)\n\nThe lack of music tracks is what brings it a little down in grade as you only got 1 song and 2 unlockable songs, which are about 30 secs long and then repeated :/ I find my self just slapping one of my own songs on in a browser or media player and play the game W/o music ^^\n\nThe tricky parts comes in evading flashbangs (placebo) and changing colors so your crosshair's color matches the pill you want to bring to an end, as if a yellow pill falls you want to right click or press spacebar to change to the yellow color. There is 2 colors changing each round, and you can unlock a harder difficulty by unlocking 3 colors or more.\n\nThe game is enjoyable, playable and most of all replayable :)! but as i said, the major thing that drags it down is the lack of music :(\n\n8/10!", "timestamp_created": 1384078426, "timestamp_updated": 1385407262, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 4, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.499682", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7614180": {"recommendationid": "7614180", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024999020", "num_games_owned": 175, "num_reviews": 7, "playtime_forever": 659, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1512202251}, "language": "english", "review": "For those of you who don't think a time-waster game could possibly take over your life, I dare you to buy Intake. A combination of fast-paced gameplay and challenging achievements and levels will keep you playing for a long time after you've popped the first pill (in the game...the game is all about shooting falling pills of different colors). The graphics are pretty awesome for a game of its size, and the constant dubstep in the background will keep you alive. I highly recommend this game. WARNING: side effects may include taking over your life.", "timestamp_created": 1384029299, "timestamp_updated": 1386574610, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7612173": {"recommendationid": "7612173", "author": {"steamid": "76561198029284433", "num_games_owned": 230, "num_reviews": 3, "playtime_forever": 713, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1462684486}, "language": "english", "review": "JUST AWESOME", "timestamp_created": 1384016666, "timestamp_updated": 1392897689, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 1, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7611459": {"recommendationid": "7611459", "author": {"steamid": "76561197990697029", "num_games_owned": 881, "num_reviews": 4, "playtime_forever": 95, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1397672357}, "language": "english", "review": "This game... is just want all over it. For those who like D'n'B, Dubstep, etc.., you have more than enough reasons to buy this. It's basically fast reaction shooter, like the old arcade game where you had a pistol, where you have to shoot down some pills but be sure to shoot them in the right color or else you'll lose your combo and before they hit the ground because if you miss one it might be GAME OVER for you, you also get money at the end of each round and you can buy all sort of upgrades, more colors, slow motion, destroy all pills of one color, more songs, etc...\nThis is one of those stupid fun games that gets you addict for some time, careful not to play too much because this game is a color trip.", "timestamp_created": 1384011875, "timestamp_updated": 1384011875, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.501916", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7598047": {"recommendationid": "7598047", "author": {"steamid": "76561198027840033", "num_games_owned": 356, "num_reviews": 8, "playtime_forever": 317, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1399491885}, "language": "english", "review": "Its on Geometry Wars level!! Like seriously, yes it came from a mobile platform..but it is decent. In fact, more than decent. Deserves a playthrough. Very addicting I must say. If the colors don't entice you, the dubstep will. Yes, this game has Dubstep. This is probably the best arcade game I've played. It beats Geometry Wars with its neat musical score, awesome colors and graphics, and powerups which make for replayability. Steam Achievements and Leaderboards means challenging yourself as well as your friends is worth it. Get this game and support these devs. They make some pretty great games.", "timestamp_created": 1383885264, "timestamp_updated": 1383885264, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7593214": {"recommendationid": "7593214", "author": {"steamid": "76561198021295641", "num_games_owned": 261, "num_reviews": 2, "playtime_forever": 449, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1430582174}, "language": "english", "review": "Still a better shooter than CoD", "timestamp_created": 1383841749, "timestamp_updated": 1383841749, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.433640", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": true, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7593044": {"recommendationid": "7593044", "author": {"steamid": "76561198024348412", "num_games_owned": 656, "num_reviews": 21, "playtime_forever": 163, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1481707803}, "language": "english", "review": "Solid Game from the folks at Cipher Prime. It's really nice to see them step out of the laid back music/puzzle genre and put them shiny sparkles into somethign more twitchy and visceral. Overall a great game that keeps ya coming back for more. Addicting, some might say.", "timestamp_created": 1383840401, "timestamp_updated": 1383840401, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7591238": {"recommendationid": "7591238", "author": {"steamid": "76561197981515325", "num_games_owned": 1173, "num_reviews": 26, "playtime_forever": 268, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1399224081}, "language": "english", "review": "Cipher Prime's titles are great experiences.", "timestamp_created": 1383822056, "timestamp_updated": 1383822056, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "7590777": {"recommendationid": "7590777", "author": {"steamid": "76561198017703237", "num_games_owned": 186, "num_reviews": 9, "playtime_forever": 162, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1421487889}, "language": "english", "review": "Such quick\nMuch gameplay\nwow\nSo drugstep\nVery music\nwow", "timestamp_created": 1383815715, "timestamp_updated": 1383815715, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 2, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.481187", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "39519436": {"recommendationid": "39519436", "author": {"steamid": "76561198010836146", "num_games_owned": 9, "num_reviews": 1, "playtime_forever": 50, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 0, "last_played": 1384979472}, "language": "english", "review": "Fast action. Great music. Particles exploding everywhere.", "timestamp_created": 1516564294, "timestamp_updated": 1516564294, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": false, "written_during_early_access": false}, "40866502": {"recommendationid": "40866502", "author": {"steamid": "76561198041457591", "num_games_owned": 946, "num_reviews": 130, "playtime_forever": 60, "playtime_last_two_weeks": 60, "last_played": 1521403404}, "language": "english", "review": "A fun game, but I'm not sure about the price tag.\n\nLet's get one thing straight: this is the sort of game that sets out to do one thing, and it does it very well. You get a whole bunch of falling pills in two colors; left click to shoot, right click to change the color of your shot. You shouldn't get the pills get to the bottom of the screen. That's it.\n\nAs said: it does that well. Good music, clear controls, a very arcade-like setup (it even has an actual arcade intro!). With a little practice, you'll be in \"the zone\" in no time. At the end of each level (after each ten pills) you've got a small bonus game.\n\nThe disadvantage is really that this is all that you get. You not only use your score to unlock power-ups, but also things like extra music tracks and even extra lives. That can make things pretty grindy. Granted: the game is fun enough in itself to consider these bonusses. But there's one thing that bears mentioning: the tenth level has a way too abrupt spike in difficulty. Instead of having to blast ten, you have to do 35, they drop at a much faster rate and there are bombs among them that hide the screen for a couple seconds. Being cynical, I've got to mention that this too is very arcade-ish, but because you always start from the beginning you can't even properly practice that part.\n\nBut really: that isn't really a complaint. I may have played but an hour, I had fun in that hour (spread over 4 or 5 sessions). This is a filler game. Or like another reviewer put it: an ideal way to warm up to an actual shooter game. It's good like that (heh...it'd be awesome if other games used this sort of thing as minigames during loading screens, but that's just me daydreaming :P ). I wouldn't like it if I had payed full price for it, but as I've got this for free, it's a completely different story. And with a small sale, it's an easy recommendation. :-)", "timestamp_created": 1521272743, "timestamp_updated": 1521272743, "voted_up": true, "votes_up": 0, "votes_funny": 0, "weighted_vote_score": "0.000000", "comment_count": 0, "steam_purchase": false, "received_for_free": true, "written_during_early_access": false}}, "query_summary": {"num_reviews": 20, "review_score": 8, "review_score_desc": "Very Positive", "total_positive": 345, "total_negative": 26, "total_reviews": 371}}