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WMMA Extension for single precision matmul using Tensor Cores and error correction technique (TCEC)

Error correction technique

See our paper.


  • CUDA

    • CUDA >= 10.0 for HMMA-FP16
    • CUDA >= 11.1 for HMMA-TF32
  • C++ >= 14


  1. Clone wmma_extension
git clone /~

Sample code

// nvcc -I./path/to/wmma_extension/include/ -std=c++17 ...
#include <wmma_extension/tcec/tcec.hpp>

template <unsigned N>
__global__ void mma_kernel(float* const d_ptr, const float* const a_ptr, const float* const b_ptr, const float* const c_ptr) {
    __shared__ float smem[N * N];
    fill_zero(smem, N * N);

    mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_a, N, N, N, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_a;
    mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_b, N, N, N, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_b;
    mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::accumulator, N, N, N, half> frag_c, frag_d;

    // Load A
    // copy_matrix(smem, N, a_ptr, N, N, N);
    mtk::wmma::tcec::load_matrix_sync(frag_a, smem, N);

    // Load B
    // copy_matrix(smem, N, b_ptr, N, N, N);
    mtk::wmma::tcec::load_matrix_sync(frag_b, smem, N);

    // Load C
    // copy_matrix(smem, N, c_ptr, N, N, N);
    mtk::wmma::tcec::load_matrix_sync(frag_c, smem, N, nvcuda::wmma::mem_col_major);

    // Fill D
    mtk::wmma::tcec::fill_fragment(frag_d, 0.0f);

    // mma
    mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_sync(frag_d, frag_a, frag_b, frag_c);

    // Store D
    mtk::wmma::tcec::store_matrix_sync(smem, frag_d, N, nvcuda::wmma::mem_col_major);
    //copy_matrix(d_ptr, N, smem, N, N, N);


template <class Use, int m, int n, int k, class T, class Layout = void, Policy = typename mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<T>::type>
struct fragment;

Template arguments

mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment is a fragment for this computation. It contains arrays of nvcuda::wmma::fragment.

  • m, n and k have to be a multiple of Policy::m, Policy::n and Policy::k respectively. You can get a default policy using mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<T>::type.
  • k has to be a multiple of 16 when T is half and 8 when T is nvcuda::wmma::precision::tf32.
  • T is half or nvcuda::wmma::precision::tf32. Unlike nvcuda::wmma::fragment, even if Use is nvcuda::wmma::accumulator, the same is true.
  • Policy is a concept of mtk::wmma::tcec::Policy<Op, ErrorCorrection, fm, fn, fk>.
    • Op : mtk::wmma::tcec::op_mma / mtk::wmma::tcec::op_wmma
    • ErrorCorrection : mtk::wmma::tcec::with_ec / mtk::wmma::tcec::without_ec
    • fm, fn, fk is a size of internal fragments.


default_policy can make Policy easily.

using policy = mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<half, mtk::wmma::tcec::with_ec, mtk::wmma::tcec::op_mma>::type;

Supported fragment

fm fn fk LayoutA LayoutB Type Operation Supported arch
16 16 16 col/row col/row half Arch dependent sm_70 or later
16 16 16 col/row col/row tf32 wmma sm_80 or later
16 8 8 row col tf32 mma sm_80 or later
16 8 8 row col half mma sm_75 or later
16 8 16 row col half mma sm_80 or later


To get default policy for sm_75 and op_mma, specify the architecture as follows:

using policy = mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<half, mtk::wmma::tcec::with_ec, mtk::wmma::tcec::op_mma, mtk::wmma::tcec::sm_75>::type;

Member variables/functions

  • Member variable element_type is float
  • Member function x(index) and dx(index) return the reference of a elements.


  • mtk::wmma::tcec::fill_fragment

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::load_matrix_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::store_matrix_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_rz_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::load_vector

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::store_vector

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::fill_zero


While some fragment only supports either row or col, load_matrix_sync function can load both memory layout matrices using an additional template parameter.

// e.g.
using policy = mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<half, mtk::wmma::tcec::with_ec, mtk::wmma::tcec::op_mma>::type;
mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_a, 32, 32, 32, half, nvcuda::wmma::row_major, policy> frag_a;

mtk::wmma::tcec::load_matrix_sync<nvcuda::wmma::col_major>(frag_a, matrix_ptr, ldm);

Rounding mode

To specify the rounding mode in +C operation, use functions as follows.

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_rn_sync
  • mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_rz_sync

Default rounding mode

op rounding mode
with_ec RN
without_ec RZ

Read our paper for detail.

SIMT Core computation

This library provides fragments and functionf for mma operations using CUDA SIMT Core with the same API as WMMA API.

fm fn fk LayoutA LayoutB Type Operation Supported arch
16 16 16 col/row col/row float simt sm_70 or later


using simt_policy = typename mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<float, mtk::wmma::tcec::without_ec, mtk::wmma::tcec::op_simt>::type;

mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_a, N, N, N, float, nvcuda::wmma::col_major, simt_policy> frag_a;

Complex type

mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment_complex<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_a, N, N, N, float, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_a;
// or
using policy = typename mtk::wmma::tcec::default_policy<float, mtk::wmma::tcec::without_ec, mtk::wmma::tcec::op_simt>::type;
mtk::wmma::tcec::fragment_complex<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_a, N, N, N, float, nvcuda::wmma::col_major, policy> frag_a;

Supported functions

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::fill_fragment

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::load_matrix_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::store_matrix_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::mma_rz_sync

  • mtk::wmma::tcec::fill_zero

See test code for more detail.