- Fix: lintFix: Check for custom parser in mergedConfig (#132)
- Code: Security updates from
npm audit fix
- Breaking change: Upgrade to ESLint 8
- Fix: Use throw instead of process.exit (#127) (Justin Poehnelt)
- Code: Update eslint-config-wikimedia to 0.21.0
- Fix: Filter out docgen:false tests before parsing (#120)
- Breaking change: Drop deprecated 'noDoc' option and '--doc' CLI flag (#115)
- New: build-docs-from-tests: add Vue syntax highlighting (#105) (DannyS712)
- New: Add TypeScript syntax highlighting
- New: Add HTML syntax highlighting
- New: Separate syntax highlighting support from showFilenames (#114)
- Fix: Don't put an empty line before the first multi-line examples in a set (#117)
- Code: Cleanup code for detecting highlight language (#113)
- Breaking change: Change the default icon for rules which are included in a preset (#109)
- Breaking change: Add generated-file-warning comment to the top of MD files (#107)
- Breaking change: Drop support for Node 10 (#110)
- New: Add configuration to show file names for test cases (#101) (DannyS712)
- New: Add per-rule config overrides (DannyS7123)
- Docs: Various README fixes
- Code: Update dependencies
- Code: Update dependencies
- Code: Ensure config.docPath exists before writing output path. (Raine Revere)
- Code: Calculate outputDir from outputPath
- Code: Fix reporting of writeFile error messages
- Code: Output formatted error when rule not found (#92)
- Docs: Fix config param heading level in README (#91)
- Code: Run one test 'it' per rule
- New: Introduce excludeExamplesByDefault config
- Code: Remove some whitespace in config-schema
- Code: Add a 'report' script
- Code: Update mocha to 8.0.1
- Code: Replace path with upath for windows compatibility (#83)
- Code: Use DOCGEN environment variable instead of --doc flag
- Code: Add an editorconfig to make the tabs a reasonable width on GitHub (Jed Fox)
- Code: Allow package.main to be empty
- Code: Support scoped plugin names
- Docs: Add more method documentation
- Docs: Fix external links to examples
- Docs: Add Migration section to README and move some pieces around
- Breaking change: New: Add fix message to introduction (#49)
- Breaking change: New: Format long lists correctly ("a, b, and c")
- Breaking change: New: Sort examples by options then valid/invalid (#48)
- New: Refactor rulesData to rulesWithConfig and expose (#16)
- New: Add ruleTemplatePath config (#14)
- New: Add showFixExamples config (#49)
- Code: Update eslint-config-wikimedia to 0.16.1 and use /mocha
- Code: Use pkg-dir
- Code: Create a JSON-schema to validate configs (#63)
- Code: Update various dependencies
- Tests: Separate config tests into get/validate
- Tests: Increase timeout
- Tests: Separate buildDocsFromTests cases
- Docs: Fix example docpath
- Fix: Use plugin's version of ESLint
- Breaking change: New: Support multi-line test cases (#34)
- New: Support multiple lines in formatter
- New: Add min/maxExamples to config (#29)
- New: Use chalk to do pretty output of warnings/errors (#38)
- Code: Bump node dependency to 10 (#44)
- Code: Use strict mode
- Code: Use eslint-plugin-node/recommended
- Code: Removed fixed length truncation from rules-data.js
- Tests: Add tests for most utils (#39)
- Tests: Increase code coverage to 100%
- Docs: Add "plugin" to description
- Breaking change: Refactor templates. Users with existing template overrides will need to rewrite them.
- Release: Update ejs to 3.1.3
- Initial release.