Make sure you have created a place to put all of the code from Github:
$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/MyProjects/
Install and configure git on your local machine.
Create a fork of wevote/WebApp.git. You can do this from /~ with the "Fork" button
(upper right of screen) -
Change into the
/Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/MyProjects/
folder and clone your fork:
git clone /~<YOUR USERNAME HERE>/WebApp.git
Change into your local WebApp repository folder, and set up a remote for upstream:
$ git remote add upstream
Create SSH keys
You can also refer to these instructions for Windows):
1. Create ssh keys: `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""`
1. `ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa` OR `ssh-add ~/.ssh/github_rsa`
1. `pbcopy < ~/.ssh/` OR `pbcopy < ~/.ssh/`
1. The command "pbcopy" copies the contents of the "~/.ssh/" key file so you can paste it.
- Go to your "Settings" page in Github. In the left navigation, choose "SSH and GPG keys".
Click the "New SSH key" button to the right of "SSH keys".
Paste the contents of the "~/.ssh/" key file into the "Key" text area, and give it any Title you would like.