Today, I encountered a situation where I had a Grid list of 2 columns with pagination. Now, I wanted to add an extra item at the end of the list where pagination stopped. I did it through the usage of ConcatAdapter
First, I have two RecyclerView.Adapter
classes. One of the items of the Grid and other for the Footer. I had to create a single item (getItemCount() = 0
) Adapter class to add this through ConcatAdapter
. If I put these directly inside NestedScrollView
along with the RecyclerView
, this will create lagging scrolling experience and also will create issues for Pagination.
And then in the Fragment
class, I had something like this:
class MyFragment: Fragment() {
// .... Other methods
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
val itemsAdapter = MyItemsAdapter(itemsList)
val footerAdapter = MyFooterAdapter()
// I can pass as many Adapters in ConcatAdapter class. But I am passing only itemsAdpater
// because footerAdapter will be reached when the list reaches last page.
val concatAdapter = ConcatAdapter(itemsAdapter)
binding.recyclerView.adapter = concatAdapter
// Add OnScrollListener for Pagination or Paging 3 API or whatever
Now, once we reach to the last page and there's no more pagination, then we can call this method to add Footer in the list.
fun showHideFooter(showFooter: Boolean) {
if (showFooter) {
// Add Footer in the list
lastPageReached = true
// Add only if there's no instance already added in the list
if (!concatAdapter.adapters.contains(footerAdapter)) {
else {
// Remove Footer from the list
lastPageReached = false
Now this plays really nicely when there's simple LinearLayoutManager
. But, if I have a GridLayoutManager
with spanSize
of 2, then this shows 2 Items in a single row. So, if the list have any odd number of items like 13, then the footerAdapter
will be added in the 14th item and thus its size will be half in width. So, I wanted to show the Footer with full width size, so I used the SpanSizeLookup
like this:
* Returns an instance of the [GridLayoutManager] with the
* Span Size calculations to allow the Footer
* to allocate full width of the screen utilizing 2 Grid Cells.
fun getFooterAdjustedGridLayoutManager(context: Context): GridLayoutManager {
val layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context, 2)
layoutManager.orientation = LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL
layoutManager.spanSizeLookup = object : GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup() {
override fun getSpanSize(position: Int): Int {
return when(concatAdapter.getItemViewType(position)) {
// Show 2 Columns when items are normal products
// 1 Means that it will take only cell for each item
// Now, our GridLayoutManager is of 2 cells, so each row
// will show 2 cells.
// Show Full Width single item when its footer
// 2 means it will take 2 cells to create one full width cell.
else -> 1
return layoutManager
Note that ProductsAdapter.TYPE_NORMAL_PRODUCT_ITEM
. These are simple constant values to let ConcatAdapter
know that which item currenly being shown. You can have sections, headers, etc. But since I have two adapters, so I defined TYPE_NORMAL_PRODUCT_ITEM
for my normal items for the Grid, and TYPE_FOOTER_ITEM
for the Footer. I have to override getItemViewType()
method for both Adapter classes and return this type like this:
// ProductsAdapter class
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
// FooterAdapter class
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
Then I attached the customized GridLayoutManager
to my RecyclerView
like this:
val layoutManager = getFooterAdjustedGridLayoutManager(requireContext())
binding.recyclerView.layoutManager = layoutManager
Remember that if I don't add extra item in the grid to make total items count an even number, then the app crashes.
- A talk about Mastering RecyclerViews
- A very good generic OnScrollListener for RecyclerViews