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Photon RPM OSTree: 9 Package oriented server operations

Danut Moraru edited this page Sep 3, 2015 · 10 revisions

Now that we have a Photon RPM-OSTree server up and running (if not, see how to install one), we will learn how to provide the desired set of packages as input and instruct rpm-ostree to compose a filetree, that will result in creation (or update) of an OSTree repo.
The simplest way to explain is to take a look at the files installed by the Photon RPM-OSTree server during setup.

root [ ~ ]# cd /srv/rpm-ostree/
root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7356 Aug 28 19:06 ostree-httpd.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1085 Aug 28 19:06 photon-base.json
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   28 Aug 28 19:06 photon-ostree.repo -> /etc/yum.repos.d/photon.repo
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Aug 20 22:27 repo

8.1 JSON configuration file

How can we tell rpm-ostree what packages we want to include, where to get them from and how to compose the filetree? There is JSON file for that. Let's take a look at photon-base.json used by the Photon OS team.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# cat photon-base.json 
    "comment": "Photon Minimal OSTree",

    "osname": "photon",

    "ref": "photon/tp2/x86_64/minimal",

    "automatic_version_prefix": "1.0_tp2_minimal",

    "repos": ["photon"],

    "selinux": false,

    "initramfs-args": ["--no-hostonly"],

    "bootstrap_packages": ["filesystem"],

    "packages": ["glibc", "zlib", "binutils", "gmp", "mpfr", "libgcc", "libstdc++","libgomp",
                "pkg-config", "ncurses", "bash", "bzip2", "cracklib", "cracklib-dicts", "shadow",
                "procps-ng", "iana-etc", "readline", "coreutils", "bc", "libtool", "inetutils",
                "findutils", "xz", "grub2", "iproute2", "util-linux", "linux",
                "attr", "libcap", "kmod", "expat", "dbus", "file",
                "sed", "grep", "cpio", "gzip",
                "openssl", "ca-certificates", "curl",
                "openssh", "iptables",
                "vim", "tdnf",
                "dracut", "dracut-tools", "rpm-ostree", "nss-altfiles", "which"]

There are some mandatory settings, some optional. I'm only going to explain the most important ones for our use case.
osname and ref should be familiar, they have been explained in previous sections OSname and Refspec. Basicaly, we are asking rpm-ostree to compose a tree for photon OS and photon/tp2/x86_64/minimal branch.

8.2 Package addition, removal, upgrade

packages is the list of packages that are to be included, in this case, in the Minimal installation profile. Let's add to the list three new packages: gawk, sudo and wget using vim photon-base.json

!!!Warning: do not remove any packages from the default list, even an "innocent" one, as it may bring the system to an unstable condition. During my testing, I've removed "which"; it turns out it was used to figure out the grub booting roots: on reboot, the system was left hanging at grub prompt.

8.3 RPMS repository

But where are these packages located? RPM-OStree uses the same standard RPMS repositories, that yum installs from.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
lightwave.repo  photon-iso.repo  photon-updates.repo  photon.repo

Going back to our JSON file, repos is a multi-value setting that tells RPM-OSTree in what RPMS repositories to look for packages. In this case, it looks in the current directory for a "photon" repo configuration file, that is a .repo file starting with a [photon] section. There is such a file: photon-ostree.repo, that is in fact a link to photon.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d directory.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/photon.repo 
name=VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)

In this case, rpm-ostree is instructed to download its packages in RPM format from the bintray URL, that is the location of an online RPMS repo maintained by the WMware Photon OS team. To make sure those packages are genuine, signed by VMware, the signature is checked against the official VMware public key.

So what's in an RPMS repository? If we point the browser to, we can see there are three top directories:

  • noarch - where all packages that don't depend on the architecture reside. Those may contain scripts, platform neutral source files, configuration.
  • x86_64 - platform dependent packages for Intel 32 and 64 bits CPUs.
  • repodata - internal repo management data, like a catalog of all packages, and for every package its name, id, version, architecture and full path file/directory list. There is also a compressed XML file containing the history of changelogs extracted from github, as packages in RPM format were built by Photon OS team members from sources.

Fortunately, in order to compose a tree, you don't need to download the packages from the online repository (which is time consuming - in the order of minutes), unless there are some new ones or updated versions of them, added by the Photon team after shipping Technology Preview 2. A copy of the starter RPMS repository (as of the TP2 shipping date) has been included on the CD-ROM and you can access it.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# mount /dev/cdrom
root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ls /mnt/cdrom/RPMS
noarch  repodata  x86_64

All you have to do now is to replace the "repos": ["photon"] entry by "repos": ["photon-iso"], which will point to the RPMS repo on CD-ROM, rather than the online repo. In fact, that's precisely what the server installer does, to save time, bandwith and reduce to zero the risk of failure because of a networking issue. (This comes at the expense of increased size for the ISO).

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/photon-iso.repo 
name=VMWare Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)

Let's either copy or create a symbolic link so it's found in the directory we'll launch the tree compose command from.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ln -s /etc/yum.repos.d/photon-iso.repo photon-iso-ostree.repo
root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7356 Aug 28 19:06 ostree-httpd.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1085 Aug 28 19:06 photon-base.json
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   28 Sep  1 00:01 photon-iso-ostree.repo -> /etc/yum.repos.d/photon.repo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   28 Aug 28 19:06 photon-ostree.repo -> /etc/yum.repos.d/photon.repo
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Aug 20 22:27 repo

8.4 Composing a tree

After so much preparation, it's time to execute a tree compose. We've only added 3 new packages and changed the RPMS repo source. Assuming you've already edited the JSON file, let's do it.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=repo photon-base.json
Previous commit: 2940e10c4d90ce6da572cbaeeff7b511cab4a64c280bd5969333dd2fca57cfa8

Downloading metadata [=========================================================================] 100%

Transaction: 117 packages
Installing packages [==========================================================================] 100%
Writing '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp/usr/share/rpm-ostree/treefile.json'
Preparing kernel
Creating empty machine-id
Executing: /usr/bin/dracut -v --tmpdir=/tmp -f /var/tmp/initramfs.img 4.0.9 --no-hostonly
*** Including module: bash ***
*** Including module: kernel-modules ***
*** Including module: resume ***
*** Including module: rootfs-block ***
*** Including module: terminfo ***
*** Including module: udev-rules ***
Skipping udev rule: 91-permissions.rules
Skipping udev rule: 80-drivers-modprobe.rules
*** Including module: ostree ***
*** Including module: systemd ***
*** Including module: usrmount ***
*** Including module: base ***
/etc/os-release: line 1: Photon: command not found
*** Including module: fs-lib ***
*** Including module: shutdown ***
*** Including modules done ***
*** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware ***
*** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware done ***
*** Resolving executable dependencies ***
*** Resolving executable dependencies done***
*** Stripping files ***
*** Stripping files done ***
*** Store current command line parameters ***
*** Creating image file ***
*** Creating image file done ***
Image: /var/tmp/initramfs.img: 11M
Version: dracut-041-1.ph1tp2

Arguments: -v --tmpdir '/tmp' -f --no-hostonly

dracut modules:
drwxr-xr-x  12 root     root            0 Sep  1 00:52 .
crw-r--r--   1 root     root       5,   1 Sep  1 00:52 dev/console
crw-r--r--   1 root     root       1,  11 Sep  1 00:52 dev/kmsg
...   (long list of files removed)
Initializing rootfs
Migrating /etc/passwd to /usr/lib/
Migrating /etc/group to /usr/lib/
Moving /usr to target
Linking /usr/local -> ../var/usrlocal
Moving /etc to /usr/etc
Placing RPM db in /usr/share/rpm
Ignoring non-directory/non-symlink '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp/var/lib/nss_db/Makefile'
Ignoring non-directory/non-symlink '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp/var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache'
Ignoring non-directory/non-symlink '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp/var/log/btmp'
Ignoring non-directory/non-symlink '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp/var/log/lastlog'
Ignoring non-directory/non-symlink '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp/var/log/wtmp'
Moving /boot
Using boot location: both
Copying toplevel compat symlinks
Adding tmpfiles-ostree-integration.conf
Committing '/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp' ...
photon/tp2/x86_64/minimal => c505f4bddb4381e8b5213682465f1e5bb150a18228aa207d763cea45c6a81bbe

I've cut a big part of logging, but as you can see, the new filetree adds to the top of the previous (initial) commit 2940e10c4d and produces a new commit c505f4bddb. Our packages gawk-4.1.0-2.ph1tp2.x86_64, sudo-1.8.11p1-4.ph1tp2.x86_64 and wget-1.15-1.ph1tp2.x86_64 have been added.

During compose, rpm-ostree checks out the file tree into its uncompressed form, applies the package changes, places the updated RPM repo into /usr/share/rpm and calls ostree to commit its changes back into the OSTree repo. If we were to look at the temp directory during this time:

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ls /var/tmp/rpm-ostree.TVO089/rootfs.tmp
bin   dev   lib    media  opt     proc  run   srv  sysroot  usr
boot  home  lib64  mnt    ostree  root  sbin  sys  tmp      var

If we repeat the command, and there is no change in the JSON file settings and no change in metadata, rpm-ostree will figure out that nothing has changed and stop. You can force however to redo the whole composition.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=repo photon-base.json
Previous commit: c505f4bddb4381e8b5213682465f1e5bb150a18228aa207d763cea45c6a81bbe

Downloading metadata [=========================================================================] 100%

No apparent changes since previous commit; use --force-nocache to override

8.5 Automatic version prefix

If you recall the filetree version explained earlier, this is where it comes into play. When a tree is composed from scratch, the first version (0) associated to the initial commit is going to get that human readable value. Any subsequent compose operation will auto-increment to .1, .2, .3 and so on.
It's a good idea to start a versionning scheme of your own, so that your customized Photon builds that may get different packages of your choice don't get the same version numbers as the official Photon team builds, coming from VMware's bintray OSTree repository. There is no conflict, it's just confusing to have same name for different commits coming from different repos!
So if you work for a company named Big Data Inc., you may want to switch to a new versionning scheme "automatic_version_prefix": "1.0_tp2_bigdata".

8.6 Starting a fresh repo

If you make a package change and re-compose the tree, the new commit will add on top of the existing tree, in other words it's going to inherit from the official TP2 release. There's nothing wrong with that.
But it you want to start fresh with your own branch and/or versionning scheme, you can delete the OSTree repo created during the server install and re-create it empty.

root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# rm -rf repo
root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ostree --repo=repo init --mode=archive-z2
root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# ls repo                                  
config  objects  refs  state  tmp  uncompressed-objects-cache
root [ /srv/rpm-ostree ]# cat repo/config

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