If you are running XWeek workshop behind a firewall and need to configure the proxy setting, there are several updates to be made. First, if you use the provided VirtualBox image you need to configure the guest OS network’s proxy settings, next you need to ensure that Eclipse’s proxy is set, then finally, you need to update the maven proxy settings.
Please keep in mind while you work with VM using VPN it is not recommended to change network on the host. Every time you do so you need to restart the VM or it's network layer.
Click the Network icon on the toolbar available at top right. Select the PCI Ethernet -> Wired Settings menu item.
Select Network proxy and set the following values:
- Method: Manual
- HTTP Proxy: www-proxy.us.oracle.com 80
- HTTPS Proxy: www-proxy.us.oracle.com 80
Finally close the Network configuration window.
This configuration enables guest OS's browser to connect to cloud.oracle.com.
To set configure Eclipse’s proxy, open Eclipse and navigate to the Network Properties menu. This drop down is found from the Window -> Preferences.
From the preferences panel, enter proxy into the search window, and click on Network Connections. Select Manual for the Active Provider. Edit HTTP and HTTPS schema by selecting the entry and click Edit to configure. Both schema will have the same configuration:
- Host: www-proxy.us.oracle.com
- Port: 80
- Requires Authentication: No
Confirm changes for HTTP and HTTPS schema details.
Finally click Apply + OK on Network Connection properties.
From the Window -> Preferences panel, enter Maven into the search box. Click on the Maven User Settings. Make note of the directory where the settings.xml file is to be located. In the example below, the Maven User Settings are to be located in the /home/oracle/.m2 directory.
Close Eclipse.
If the directory does not exist where the settings.xml file is to be located, create the directory. In this example, we will create the .m2 directory. Also, create the *settings.xml * file, if it does not exist. Open a terminal:
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$ mkdir ~/.m2
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$ vi ~/.m2/settings.xml
Type "i" to change edit mode. Add the following to the settings.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.1.0.xsd">
Hit Esc button and type "wq!" to save changes.
Reload Eclipse to use the new maven settings.